Eleven: Almost Perfect Day

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Hyewon yawns as she stretches her arms, checking the time today, she quickly dials Eunbi's numbers after she saw it is almost noontime. 


She smiled after hearing Eunbi's voice. 

"Eun, I don't think I can eat lunch there today. I still need to finish these piles of papers." Hyewon said softly, rubbing her eyes as she listens to Eunbi's voice from the other line. 

"Oh, it's okay. You should finish that first." She smiled, just by hearing the older's voice is enough to lessen the stress she is feeling right now. 

"Thank you. I'll take you to a movie date later with Wonyoung, will that be fine?" She asked while closing her eyes as she leans her back on her swivel chair. 

"It's good. I don't have a schedule for tonight, so yeah." Eunbi chuckles from the other line, just soft music that Hyewon wants to hear every day. 

"Great! I'll see you later. I'll hang up now, I can see Minjoo walking her way here, she might nag at me again, bye Eun!~" Hyewon stated that made Eunbi 

"Eun, wait!" Hyewon said before Eunbi ends the call.


"I love you, honey!~" Hyewon giggles and ends the call before Eunbi even bids her goodbye. She is being bolder and braver now, well, she's been like that before to Eunbi so, there's nothing wrong to be like that again. 

She's always been in love with her. 

Hyewon cleared before she pretends to continue working again, not wanting to get a nag from her friend. 

"Hye...I have something to say..." 

Hyewon raised her head from the piles of paperwork placed on her table and looked at her secretary. She creased her forehead while looking curiously at her bothered friend. 

"What is it, Minjoo?" She asked, the tiredness is evident in her voice, Minjoo feels pity for her friend because she's been too busy fixing things and problems inside the company and the stress that her friend is getting right now might get doubled after hearing her words. 

"Your father called." She said then Hyewon frowns her forehead after hearing the news. 

"Oh? He did? What did he say?" Hyewon asked, not aware of how Minjoo glances at her?

"He's here just an hour ago. He came back from Japan." Minjoo announced. 

"Ohhh..." The words that escape Hyewon's mouth.

"He wants to see you, in his office," Minjoo said and Hyewon nodded her head before removing her specs.

"Say that I'll be there in five minutes," Hyewon answered but she looked back at Minjoo when the girl didn't move after her words. 

"Is there something wrong?" She asked and Minjoo sighed before saying what she wanted to say, Hyewon then felt her breathing stopped. 


 "He's with the Shiroma's." 


The smile and bright aura that she has earlier, faded off after she heard that. Hyewon clenched her jaw as she stormed out of her office to go to his father's office, leaving Minjoo looking at her worriedly. 

"Is there a problem? Why is she mad?" 

Minjoo glance at Yujin before talking, "You don't need to know. Continue your work, kid." and walks to her working space.

Yujin rolled her eyes to her supervisor, "I am just asking, she doesn't need to be that grumpy to me." she snorted while looking at Minjoo. 

"Why are you glaring at Ms. Kim?" The newly arrived Yuri asked, she then quickly looked away after being caught.

"I am not....or maybe I am." Yujin scoffed, she looks back at Minjoo and her eyes rolls again after seeing the older girl smiling widely while talking with someone on her phone.

"She knows how to smile, look! But why is she always so grumpy with me?!" She whines quietly.

"I bet she is speaking with her special someone, that's why she has that kind of smile." Yuri chuckles. 

"Oh...that's why..." Yujin muttered, she squinted her eyes when she felt a sting inside her chest while staring at her smiling supervisor. 

"She looks pretty while smiling, but why do I feel an unknown thing here in my chest...." She whispered while walking away from the scene. 




Hyewon greeted after she stepped inside his father's office, her father nodded his head at her before gesturing her to sit down beside her. 

She looked at the familiar girl with her fist balling, before she takes the seat with her father. 

"Why did you call me?" Hyewon asked her father, not bothering to spare some glance to the old man and his daughter across her dad. 

"You haven't forgotten, didn't you?" Her father asked, gesturing to the guest across him. 

"Dad...about that...." Hyewon started, she looked at the black-haired girl who is raising her brow towards her. 

Hyewon sighed deeply before looking directly at the girl and his father.


"I'm sorry for wasting your time, but they talk about this proposal of me marrying your youngest daughter will not ever happen."


Hyewon then looked at her father who is dumbfounded on her words. 

"I thought we talked about this, Hyewon?" Her father asked, glaring at her. 

"Dad, I told you I can handle the company but I won't marry her," Hyewon said, not afraid of how her father's aura changes from bright and now dark because of her. 

"Sir, your daughter talked to me the day after Christmas. She turned it down that day, that's why we're here now, you might change her decision." Miru smirked while staring at Hyewon with those playful eyes that she hated so much. 

"Is that true, Hyewon?" Her father asked firmly. 

"Yes, dad," Hyewon answered at her father before giving a glare to the girl. 

"I'm sorry about that, Mr. Shiroma. I will make my daughter's decision change, the marriage will happen. So, don't worry about it." Her father said that made Hyewon's blood boil, she can't let this happen, she can't risk Wonyoung and Eunbi getting out of her life again just because of his father's decision for herself.  

"No, dad," Hyewon said firmly, she looked directly at his father's eyes. 

"Kang Hyewon, that's final." Mr. Kang said with his authoritative voice that everyone fears. But she does not belong to those people, not her. 

"No. I won't marry Miru. No, Kang-Shiroma marriage will happen! Never. And that's final!" Hyewon said firmly while sending those determined glares to her father who is slightly taken aback from her behavior. 

Hyewon then looked at Miru who is smirking at her because she is aware of what will happen when Hyewon rejects them. 

Hyewon stormed out from the room and walks towards her office, not caring about how the employees are looking at her after she slammed the door.  

Minjoo even called her but she didn't bother to reply, as the boiling of her blood is getting faster especially when she heard Miru's footsteps inside her office.    

"You are aware that your company will fall down the moment you reject my father," Miru said and slowly grinning at Hyewon.

Hyewon clenched her jaw, she just wants to rub off that annoying expression. 

"I won't let that happen," Hyewon answered back.

"I know, and your father also won't let that." Miru smirked before walking closely to Hyewon, "He will make sure it will happen for the sake of his beloved company." she added while touching Hyewon's face with her annoying smirk.

"I won't let that happen also." Hyewon gritted her teeth before swatting Miru's hand harshly. 

"Hmmm..." Miru smirked, clicking her tongue, she pulled Hyewon closer to her before leaning her lips to Hyewon's ear, "will your father let that happen? I doubt he will." Miru grinned before pecking Hyewon's cheeks while slowly backing away from Hyewon who pushed her quickly. 

"Chill, why are you so uptight? You're so quick on pushing me, why? Afraid that someone will see us?" Miru grinned before walking closely again to Hyewon but the girl pushed her away. 

"Get out!" Hyewon glared at her with her clenched jaw, wiping the lip mark on her cheeks harshly until it was gone.

"I see, so that was it. I will soon know who is it. You know what will happen, so, don't let me caught you, darling." Miru winks at her before walking away from the office.

Hyewon just balled her fist while still glaring at the disappearing figure of Miru. 




"I see you are smiling again while staring at your phone, that might be Hyewon." 

Eunbi looked and saw Yena who came from the lounge just to take a rest. Yena then halted, the moment Eunbi gifted her a soft smile and just continue on what she is doing again. 

She squinted her eyes while looking at her boss, this seems new to her. Eunbi didn't even bother to throw something at her, not tried to say something opposite. And the fact that she didn't even try to deny it, Yena just looks in awe. 

"I know I shouldn't find it weird, but it feels surreal. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it." She said after finally getting near Eunbi. 

"Yeah, you are the one who is weird." Eunbi chuckles, "You are well aware that I and Hyewon are in good terms. You even see her in the café always, with Wonyoung." Eunbi followed. 

Yena then nodded her head but shrugged, "I know, since Christmas you two were really getting back to the way you were before but still, I won't be surprised with it but the difference is, you two were divorced." she added which earn a simple nod from Eunbi. 

"Kinda aware of that. She is trying and you know, I won't hesitate to get back together with her, if she asks me." Eunbi smiled at her. 

"Getting married to her again?"

"Yes, I don't mind getting married to her again." Eunbi spilled and Yena feels like the happiest after hearing it, she waited to hear those words from Eunbi. Now that she did, Yena is so much happy for her friend. 

"Great! I'm so happy for you two, so why are you smiling huh?" Yena asked, teasing as she tried to be nosy.

"Nothing, just happy because Hyewon promised to take us to a movie date. She will get Wonyoung at the school later before they got here." Eunbi said softly that made Yena smile from hearing the news. She's really glad her friend is trying to win her family back. And the fact that Eunbi is really letting Hyewon to finally enter their life again. 

Both of them whipped their head after hearing the familiar chiming of the bells at the door, Yena lifted her brow when she saw the familiar tall girl scowling hard while walking towards them. 

"Yujin? What brings you here?" Yena asked, shocked seeing the taller girl. 

Don't get her wrong, she asked that question because she is surprised to see Yujin here, and if you will ask, the kid gets closer to Yena and Eunbi after they meet her. It isn't hard to befriend her, especially she has this approachable aura. 

"Hyewon-unnie decided to let us go home early after she leaves the office. I don't know, she's been annoyed since the afternoon. Did you have a fight with her, unnie?" Yujin asked while looking at the confused Eunbi. 

"Huh? No, we are in good terms. She even called me earlier and her voice is playful." Eunbi stated after Yena looked at her way, Yujin then nodded her head as she takes the stool at the counter. 

"And why do you have that face?" Yena asked, Yujin then glared at her question. 

"Ya! Are you saying that something is wrong with my face?!" Yujin blurted out, scowling hard at her unnie.

"No! I don't mean it like that!  I mean, why are you looking so annoyed?" Yena asked, she then creased her forehead at Yujin, "and why the heck are you shouting at me?!" she added. 

Eunbi just watched the two bickered with a poker face. 

"You are the one who is shouting!" Yujin hissed as she glares to Yena. 


"Aish! Shut up the two of you! You two are shouting and it's hurting my eardrums!" Eunbi shouted as she can't take it anymore. 

The two stopped and looked at her, before glaring at each other again. 

"So, what brings you here with that face?" Eunbi asked. 

Yujin then sighed again, "It's because of Minjoo sunbae."

Yena and Eunbi looked at each other with those suspicious eyes before looking at Yujin, who just sighed at her seat. 

"What about her?" Yena asked. 

"I'm kinda annoyed at her," Yujin answered.

"Why?" Eunbi asked.

"Because, why can't she smile at me for once? She can smile with other people but when it comes to me, she is so grumpy!" Yujin scoffed as she looked at the two unnies, who are smirking at her after she finished her words. 

"What?" She asked, "why are you looking at me like that?" She asked when the two didn't answer but just continue with their smirk.

"I can sense an unusual behavior from you, kid." Yena grinned and wiggles her brow while looking at Eunbi. Before Yujin can answer, Eunbi quickly gets the served coffee inside the refrigerator and gave it to Yujin before gesturing her to speak again. 

"Yeah, is that jealousy?" Eunbi teased, wiggling her brow to Yena.

"Woah, wait! I am not jealous! I don't get attracted to girls!" Yujin quickly stated and she sighed when Eunbi and Yena only smirked at her. 

"Fine! It's just a crush." Yujin sighed, as the two unnies high five each other. 

"See, you are jealous. You obviously like her, duh. Don't worry, it's not doubtful since you two are working together for how many months, I guess." Yena grinned. 

"Whatever. It's just a crush." Yujin defended, sipping the cold coffee, the bitter taste is running in just like the words came out from .  

"Sure, tell me that someday, I might believe that but not today." Yena grinned. 

"I.....tsk, whatever." Yujin rolled her eyes after she can't even form a defense to Yena because inside her she knows she is just convincing herself about it. 

"It's fine having a crush on Minjoo, we understand. That kid is more than a visual, she has a kind heart and a good kid." Eunbi stated while watching Yujin sipping her coffee silently. 

"Yes, I totally agree with that. But, don't let your heart fall. I'm not saying it's a bad thing falling in love for Minjoo." Yena followed, getting Yujin's attention that made the younger looked at her, "why?" yujin asked. 

"Minjoo already has somebody, I mean she has someone to give her heart and affection," Yena answered and Yujin nodded her head as she noted it inside her mind. 

"So, she already has a boyfriend?" Yujin asked. 

"No." Yena quickly replied, "Not a girlfriend either, maybe soon to be?" she answered in a hesitating tone.

Making Yujin confused at her words. 

"They are still not together but they already have the understanding that they have feelings for each other and taking their time slowly but surely," Eunbi remarked, observing Yujin's reaction but the latter only nodded her head as if it's not a big deal. Coming to Eunbi that Yujin's little infatuation to Minjoo isn't that still deep. 

"That's good for her." Yujin smiled before sipping her iced coffee again. 

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mycoral #1
Still here waiting~
for another updates >.<
ddheppi #2
Chapter 11: Can't wait for another updates (✷‿✷)
Chapter 11: Rereading this again coz d r a m a
Sokheangbb #4
Chapter 11: Next part please
Unknown__1 #5
Chapter 11: Excited for the next update!
Chapter 11: hyewon should tell eunbi about this tho... so she can help her.. or maybe, eunbi's family and her friends will help it >\\\< dont make same mistake again, hye...

and btw... why wonyoung call chaewon with eonni tho? why not "imo"? hehehehe
Chapter 11: This is bad, I really want them to be reunited as family. Hey, maybe Hyewon can open up to Eunbi? It's better to share her concerns, maybe together, they can find some solution. Gosh, this is nerve-wracking~
1753 streak #8
Chapter 11: Almost perfect it was before this chick shows up!!!
lilykizaki #9
Chapter 11: boom
Miru fighting ????
was just joking
I love my Kangbi
Hyewon fight for your family
Eunbi ready to accept your rival :)
Maatt_booii #10
Chapter 11: Oohh..
Finally an update.
Hope hyewon will fight back on that shiroma, and to her father..