Renewed Hope

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Hitomi snuggled into Chaewon’s embrace. There was less than an hour left to 2020. Just like everyone in the world, they are glad to leave 2020 behind and enter a new year with renewed hope. This year was not the year they could have imagined. It was difficult to escape the 5-letter word followed by two numbers, COVID-19.

Chaewon wrapped her arms around Hitomi and held her tight. They sat on the couch with the lights dimmed, the room lit by the glows of the TV only. The volume was set low as their daughters slept on the other sofa. They wanted to stay up and count down to the new year but it was way passed their sleep time and weren’t able to defeat their sleepiness. Chaewon and Hitomi would not normally have let them stay up this late, but this year, they can make an exception.


The TV flashed with a succession of fireworks.

Chaewon turned to Hitomi and gave her soft kiss on her lips. “Happy New Year Tomi, we made it past 2020, you did well.”

Hitomi looked directly at Chaewon, she smiled and gave Chaewon a longer kiss. “Because of you, because you were there, you made getting through last year possible. Thank you.”

She lunged forward again and hugged Chaewon tightly. It was the toughest year Hitomi has ever experienced in her life. She felt blessed to have Chaewon and her daughters by her side. Through all the highs and lows, there were still positive moments to look back on.




By February, the new virus was spreading around the country. The Government started to implement restrictions and closed various establishments. They had to reduce the number of tables at their café but overall, it did not hurt the café business too much as their walk-in clientele was steady.

With Nako’s weak immune system, they decided it was best for her to stay home and attend class remotely. Yuri would not leave Nako behind so she too stayed home. Since Hitomi was working at the café most of the day, it was left to Chaewon to stay home and watch the twins. Luckily, Eunbi and the firm were quite understanding of the situation and they worked out a schedule which enabled Chaewon to work from home.

It was not easy working at home in their tiny apartment with the twins. How to tell two 5-year olds that she is actually working, not on holiday and can’t entertain them all the time. It was an impossible task. Luckily, it seemed like everyone had gotten used to seeing people’s pets or family members during online meetings.  It was still embarrassing for Chaewon when Nako and Yuri appear.

“Omma, I want sippy.” Yuri demanded.

“Give me a few minutes, ok sweetie?” Chaewon looked at Yuri but she can already see the sad pout. Chaewon sighed.

“Why don’t you go get her a drink Chae, it’s ok.”


Chaewon looked at Yuri, “do you want to say hi to Auntie Eun?”

Yuri was curious as she can see Eunbi on the screen. She nodded cautiously. Chaewon lifted her up onto the chair.

Eunbi smiled, “hi Yuri.”

“I’ll be right back.” Chaewon patted Yuri on the head.

Yuri looked at the monitor and waved.

“Auntie Eun! Auntie Eun!” Yuri giggled.

Eunbi kept Yuri entertained while Chaewon was away.

Chaewon came back and could see Yuri enjoying the time with Eunbi. She’s thankful as always.

“Alright, here you go sweetie.” Chaewon handed Yuri her sippy cup.

“Nako is colouring right now, do you want to join her?”

“Ya.” Yuri walked away and Chaewon continued her meeting with Eunbi.




By May, the situation had improved and Chaewon and Hitomi decided they would let Nako and Yuri attend kindergarten in person again.

Hitomi was still very worried about Nako but with the number of new cases so low, they didn’t want to keep Nako at home. Both Chaewon and Hitomi knew how much Nako and Yuri miss going to school. Remote learning at home just wasn’t the same experience and at their age, interaction with others was very important.

Hitomi was getting the twins ready for their first day back at school.

“Yuri sweetie, remember what I told you?”

“Wash hands. Nak no sick.”

Hitomi laughed. At least Yuri got the important points.

“Don’t worry mama, I’ll wear my mask and wash my hands lots!” Nako gave Hitomi a hug.

“There are extra masks in your backpack, ok?”

Nako nodded.

Hitomi wished Nako didn’t have to go through so much at such a young age, this pandemic just added to the long list of things that she’s had to manage.

“Well, let’s go.” Hitomi took their hands and walked them out to wait for the school van.

Typically, during the afternoon nap time, the teacher will provide short updates on each student. They are usually one or two sentences like Yuri learned two new colours or Nako had fun singing songs.

The report Hitomi received that day from the teacher made her laugh out loud.

Yuri would not let anyone get close to Nako and she made sure everyone washed their hands. 😊

Hitomi forwarded the report to Chaewon. Yuri may be the youngest, but she is definitely Nako’s number one protector.




As things settled back into their normal routine with the Twins back at school, Chaewon and Hitomi resumed their search for a bigger apartment in June. They had hoped to move before the Summer, but the pandemic made them delay their plans. Minju was getting older and it would be nice for her to have her own room. And Chaewon definitely wanted her and Hitomi to have a proper bedroom, and not a utility closet room. The room was just big enough to fit a double-sized bed and not much more. When they first moved into this apartment, money was very tight. Even though the place only had 1 bedroom, the kitchen and living area were quite spacious so they decided they would make it work. The main bedroom was given to the kids and they turned the utility room into their own bedroom. It was really just a space for them to sleep as their clothes were stored in the hallway closet. It bothered Chaewon a lot because Hitomi deserves a proper bedroom where she can relax after a long day at the café.

The delay actually helped them as the real estate prices were lower due to the slow market and they were able to get a place in the same area within their price range. The new apartment also checked off their wish list, a place with 3 bedrooms and a nice big kitchen and living room. It normally would have been very difficult to find given her budget, but they lucked out. The only downside was that they would have to wait till September to move in.

Once the deal was finalized, they took the kids to visit their new apartment.

Yuri and Nako were very excited. Minju was a bit timid.

Chaewon and Hitomi showed them the common areas and then guided them to the hallway with the bedrooms. They opened the door to the first room.

“And this will be your bedroom, Minju.”

“I get my own room?”

“Yes, your very own bedroom.”

Minju smiled brightly and went to hug Hitomi and Chaewon. “Thanks Mama! Thanks Omma!”

The twins were then shown their own bedroom.

“I want orange!”

“No, blue. Blue blue blue!”

Yuri and Nako were already arguing about their room colour. Chaewon and Hitomi smiled. They can’t wait to create new memories in the new apartment.




The situation worsen by August and things were not looking good. Chaewon and Hitomi had to make some tough decisions again. They were already so busy as they prep for the move to the new apartment, but they didn’t have a choice and had to keep the twins at home again.

The school rules were also quite strict, if any student showed any symptoms, they were not allowed to attend school. Minju ended up with the sniffles so she too had to stay home which was silly as kids get sniffles all the time. Chaewon didn’t realized how hard it would be looking after 3 kids at home while trying to work, especially with half the stuff packed in boxes.

In the middle of the night, Yuri had climbed to the upper bunk to wake Minju up.

“Minmin! Minmin!” Yuri kept shaking Minju.

Minju sheepishly woke up, “Yul?”

Her eyes opened wider and saw Yul pouting.


Minju climbed down the ladder quickly to check on Nako. She can feel that Nako was sweating quite a bit and went to touch her forehead. It was hot.

Minju ran out of the room to wake up Chaewon a

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Chapter 17: This would be my fave chapter 🥺 Thanks for this ✨
Chapter 17: A beautiful chapter as always.. Thanks author-nim
And happy new year to everyone 😊🎉🎉
Chapter 17: Thanks for this chapter uwu ! ✨
The pandemic situation was related to everyone ( ・ั﹏・ั)

And happy new year! ✨( ꈍᴗꈍ)
1761 streak #4
Chapter 17: i love this!!!!!!
Chapter 17: waking up to find a blessing [wipes tears] it's such a rollercoaster reading the family's struggle. Heart wrenching when it comes to the struggle, heart warming when it comes to how they overcame all of it. Beautifully written.

thank you for the update! Have a great day and new year ahead daddie uwu
taesecretfan #6
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update! Yuri was so protective of Nako and that's so sweet ♡♡♡

It's hard reading about their struggles. I feel like a lot of us can relate to it.
And that Kang Honda moment was so cute as well~
Chapter 16: Cuteness overload 💙💙
Chapter 16: Owmygosh ahshshsv this fam is way too cute and fluffy for my heart 🥺
Chapter 16: Ahhhhh i miss your update!! Thank you so much for this uwuu content. Thank you once again. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year authornim
Chapter 16: Awwww this uwu chapter. And thanks for updating (•ө•)♡
Finally (~ ̄³ ̄)~