Chapter 11

Hate you, Not
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"What? Quit staring at me like that." We're eating our lunch and suhyun just kept staring at me

"I'm just worried." She mumbled and I rolled my eyes

"It's already been a week. I told you I'm over it." I sighed and put my spoon down

"If you want, I can even take photos for you." She groaned

"You don't need to push yourself that far." She cringed.

"You're overreacting. It's not like we're together and broke up." I picked up my spoon and continued eating.

"I'm not overreacting. You have not fangirled at all lately!" My spoon paused midway and I put it down again

"I'm just so busy with school work. We're graduating afterall." I shrugged.

" we both know school is a hell hole, going to see our precious idols are our only salvation!" She dramatically slammed her hands on the table, spilling some of my soup, making me glare at her. She said sorry to everyone who turned their heads

"Now tell me you're ok." I stood up and carried my food tray

"Where are you going?" she called out

"Somewhere I can eat!" I answered back.

"You can't just ignore me like that." She panted, catching up to me

"I'm not ignoring you." I can feel my patience start to crumble

"Why can't you just tell me?" She's also getting frustrated.

"I just told you didn't I?!" I slammed my tray to the cleaning pile

"Is it my fault my answer doesn't satisfy you? Ok, here's what you want to hear. I'm not ok, I've fallen madly deeply inlove with just one kiss that I can't accept the fact that it meant nothing to him!" I faked a sob.


"You didn't have to be an actual ." She stormed off, walking past me.

"Urrrghhhh!" Why does girls have to be so damn complicated.

"What do you want from me?! I just told how I really felt but won't accept it! So I told tou what you wanna hear and you still ing!" I yelled, following her.

"Stop lying to yourself!" She yelled back, stopping on her tracks to face me. Students are giving us glances but we don't care.

"Ok fine! I was hurt but just a bit. It's just like an ant bite!" She scoffed

"That wasn't so hard now, wasn't it?!" She glared

"Oh look, the weirdos are fighting." We just continued to glare at each other.

"I wonder what they're fighting about? Who's uglier?" Her goons laughed

"Shut up if you don't wanna be

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I'm sorry if I can't update right now. Specially Hate You, Not. I've never felt so broken since 2ne1's disbandment. Help me cope this heartache. Huhuhuhu


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Chapter 30: Omg idk if ur still a fan, but if u are, would u ever consider a bihi ff based on daydream or savior?
AniraKae #2
Chapter 30: I’m crying, I need Hanbin back with iKON. and during Hayi’s promotion, I honestly feel like Hanbin was happy, most of us know how he was depressed (lets be honest, most of the idols are) , and being in a duo with Hayi probably made him genuinely happy, but it ended too soon.

I love how you throw shade at other people who judge though, thank you for that. nd thnks for this story. I love it
Chapter 30: im very happy with the endingg ????
tyamutz23 #4
Chapter 30: This is so good. Thank you ms author ❤️❤️❤️ BiHi forever
189 streak #5
Chapter 6: Knew would love this after reading the prologue. Just finished chapter 4 with a huge smile.
Missshiny #6
Chapter 30: Thumbs up for youuu... thank you for creating such a good bihi ff :)
Chapter 27: im head over heels for bihi
aradia10 #8
Chapter 27: Oh genial y triste a la vez.
Nose porque siento que Hanbin se irá:(
NLFuerte17 #9
Chapter 24: Love it! It really is a good au. Love sassy Hayi and how she gets all flustered when Hanbin gets close. HiSuhyun are great!
Chapter 23: IKON WILL ALWAYS BE 7 !! *internationals hugs* waiting for you update :)