II: The Harder You Try, the More You Fail




II. The Harder You Try, the More You Fail 


Dowon was waiting for him when Miran escorted him to the front doors.


By then, Baekhyun had collected himself enough to hold up another shallow conversation with Miran. He could barely hear himself speak, but if she found anything was wrong, she didn’t comment on it, just continued chattering on happily about what he thought was food. Or the weather. Baekhyun wasn’t sure if he were grateful for her chipper attitude or if he downright hated it. Or if he couldn’t bring himself to care anyway, because the only thing passing through his head was the conversation with his father—or, really, the man that was supposed to be his father but seemed nothing more than a stranger—and his words, repeating over and over in his head until he couldn’t make sense of them anymore.


The higher you climb, the harder you fall.


But why? What had he even meant? What had he done wrong, or what had he not done? By the time Miran bid her goodbye—a little too cheerfully, and Baekhyun wasn’t so out of it that he didn’t see the scowl Dowon sent her way—he had come up with more questions than he dared think he’d ever find answers to.


Dowon didn’t speak to him for the first couple of minutes, and Baekhyun trailed silently after his tutor. Finally, Dowon turned back to him, falling in step with his pace, and asked, “How was it?”


Baekhyun tried to think of an answer, but the only thing he could reach down into was the feeling of empty nothingness. In the middle of it, disappointment and pain and disbelief protested, but it was barred away from his grasp by the chasm. “It was good,” he said, then added, “sir.”


Dowon made a disgusted noise. “Good,” he echoed. “One would think you learned to talk a bit more after hearing Miran jabber on for so long.”


Miran. A little while ago, Baekhyun had been curious as to what had happened between Dowon and Miran. Now, the thought felt fleeting—he didn’t want it to be, but it was, and he couldn’t do anything about it.


“Have you met him before?” Baekhyun ended up asking.


A stupid question, one in which he was almost certain Dowon would tell him off about. He wasn’t sure what sort of answer he was hoping for; that he was a kind man? That it was only Baekhyun that he had treated in such a manner? Or that he was cold to everyone, that those words—the higher you climb, the harder you fall—hadn’t been some sort of warning but just the sort of thing he said? Baekhyun really hadn’t been waiting to meet a benevolent, loving father. He had known that much, at least. But part of him wished that while it was selfish, his father would’ve favoured him because he was the one who had surpassed all his siblings, he was the one they called prodigy, and because out of the rest of his children, he should’ve been the best. It didn’t matter if his father didn’t care about the rest, but Baekhyun had hoped that he would’ve at least cared about him.


“I’ve met him,” Dowon was saying. “Although it’s not often he calls for an audience with many of us. You should be honoured.”


Honoured, Baekhyun echoed. The word crumbled into meaningless syllables along with the rest of them.


The path dipped, slanting towards the residential areas. Baekhyun could see his home from where they were, half a minute away. Lapsing back into silence, both of them walked quietly towards it.


Dowon stopped when they got to the gate at the front yard. “Get changed,” he said. “I’ll wait for you. You have more training scheduled for the afternoon.”


Training, again—it was as if nothing changed.


Baekhyun nodded. 




Changing into his training clothing didn’t take much time, but for a while, Baekhyun stood in front of the mirror and surveyed the face staring back at him. He hadn’t really had much time to process; not completely, at least, and he wasn’t certain he had processed anything, but amidst the yawning hole of nothingness he felt had arisen a new sort of feeling; a determination, albeit a frustrated, desperate one. If he wasn’t good enough, then he’d be better.


The higher you climb, the harder you fall.


But he wouldn’t fall. 




Dowon was the one training him that evening, and his tutor, despite his thinner frame, was vicious when it came to fighting.


Baekhyun wondered absentmindedly whether or not it had to do with Miran, or if his mind were playing tricks on him. He blocked a blow with his shortsword, although Dowon fought with two jagged blades, and the other one cut towards him without mercy. He ducked, rolled, only for his foot to catch him on the side. The force of the kick sent Baekhyun into the dust of the arena, landing on his chin.


His tutor stalked over as Baekhyun, grabbed a fistful of the fabric on his shoulder, and yanked him to his feet. Baekhyun spat out a mouthful of gravel and dust, coughing uncontrollably.


“Hyunjoong was right,” he snapped. “Sloppy work.”


Something like a snarl rose up, and Baekhyun pushed himself to his feet again, trembling. He raised his blade in a defensive position. “I can still fight.”


Dowon raised an eyebrow. “Clean up, Baekhyun. You’re in no shape. Sleep it off and we’ll continue tomorrow.”


Baekhyun wasn’t too sure just what was going through his head when he lunged at Dowon, half-determined to finish the fight and another part of him near-panicking over the comment. He didn’t feel tired, and her certainly wasn’t in no shape. He could continue. He was fine.


He didn’t make it far. Dowon didn’t look like he was anticipating the blow, but before Baekhyun reached him, he had lashed out at his shortsword with his own weapon, knocking it out of his hands before sweeping his leg under him. Baekhyun tripped forward and nearly face-planted into the dirt, except someone snatched his collar before he could hit the ground. He was hauled roughly to his feet until he was standing face to face with Dowon.


His tutor’s expression was livid. “Your order,” he snapped, “was to go back right this instant.”


Realization flooded through him, and then horror. Even if it were training, he had technically just attacked Dowon, a much higher ranking official than him, and if Dowon chose to report it, he—


“Baekhyun,” Dowon repeated. “Go home. I don’t want to deal with you right now.”


“Sir, I’m sorry—”


“Go back,” the man snarled. “That’s a command. You shouldn’t need me to remind you what happens if you disobey an order from a superior.”


Breathing hard, Baekhyun managed to nod. The scrape on his chin, the cuts all over him—all of them felt like absolutely nothing.


He wasn’t sure what he felt about that. 




Baekhyun couldn’t sleep.


He was exhausted, physically and mentally. He had shoved all the rest of the thoughts of his father into the back of his mind, refusing to acknowledge them anymore. If he hadn’t been good enough, then he would be better. It was simple. It was nothing. Until he was good enough to impress his father.


He didn’t let himself think of any other option, even though there were many. 




“I sent you home early to rest,” Dowon said brusquely the next day. “You don’t look like you slept at all.”


He was more or less right even though it wasn’t as if Baekhyun had any control over whether or not he slept or not—or willingly chose not to. Still, Baekhyun winced and bowed his head. He had seen how terrible he looked in the morning when he had woken up, the healer’s charm having already faded and his own features pale and cut and bruised. “Sorry, sir.”


“You’ll stay awake through all of your lessons,” Dowon snapped. “I expect you to make up for the training you missed yesterday, and we will be—”


Before he could finish, a knock sounded on the door.


For a moment, teacher and student both stood still in shock. No one came by at such a time, and Baekhyun had barely heard anyone ever knock on his door. Knocking meant that they weren’t allowed, or weren’t high ranked enough to simply come inside like all of his trainers and Dowon did.


The man had collected himself, motioning at Baekhyun to follow. The knocks sounded again, and Baekhyun trailed after him, just the smallest spark of curiosity lighting up amidst the exhaustion and numbness.


Dowon got to the door by the time the third set of knocks started to sound. “What is it—” he started.


Baekhyun’s first thought was that she was no longer wearing read, but a more modest gown of midnight blue with high collars and frilly sleeves and billowed behind her each step like it was made of wind itself. Her hair was piled on top of her head in a neat bun, and her eyes sparkled when she met his gaze. Blood red lips pulled into a grin, showing perfect white teeth.


“Dowon,” Miran cooed, “so glad I found you already! I was afraid it would take much longer."


The hand gripping the knob of the door clenched until his knuckles were white. Somehow, Dowon managed enough to keep his voice calm, a layer of careful indifference as he addressed the woman. “Why are you here?”


She pouted at him. “That’s not the way to treat a lady,” she complained.


“You’re not a lady,” Dowon replied darkly. “Cut to the chase, Miran. I don’t have time for your antics.”


She peered back to look at Baekhyun. “So cold, this one,” she tsked, shaking her head in mock disappointment. “I like you much better, Baekhyun. Very polite.”


Dowon seemed to have lost his temper again. Baekhyun marvelled at just how little it took from Miran to throw his tutor off.  “Why are you here?” he gritted out harshly. “Shouldn’t you be occupied right now?”


“Nope,” Miran sung back. “I’ve been sent to fetch you. The family leader wants to see you in, oh, twenty minutes? Better get ready! I’m sure you don’t want to go over dressed in that.”


Now Dowon looked downright offended. He glanced down at his clothing, a grey shirt tucked into black pants, his cloak at the back of the chair, and frowned. “There is nothing wrong with this,” he snapped, but for a moment, Baekhyun thought that he looked slightly flustered. Still, he supposed all of their clothing looked drab compared to Miran, with her midnight blue dress and every part of her screaming elegance.


“Whether or not there is something wrong with your outfit, Dowon, your father is expecting you,” she said. “So I suggest you start making your way there right now.”


He sneered at her. “Why did he send you? I’m sure he keeps you busy with other things.”


Miran’s eyes flashed, but it was the only visible sign that Dowon’s words have truly affected her. She lifted her chin. “I’m here because he wants to speak to you,” she repeated calmly, “and because I didn’t finish my chat with Byun Baekhyun yet. Are you going to leave now?”


Dowon, who had just retreated slightly to pick up his cloak, whirled on her. “You are not talking to Baekhyun,” he snarled.


Miran raised an eyebrow, somehow managing to look graceful when doing it. “You don’t have the authority to stop me.”


“As his teacher—”


“As a member of the Byun family, you have been summoned by your superior. Your father hasn’t forbidden me from leaving, as you might know, and I’m free to do what I want. And that includes talking to Baekhyun. It doesn’t matter if he’s your pupil right now, Dowon—” his name was spat out, this time with true venom, and Baekhyun was almost taken aback, “—because you’re needed elsewhere.”


Dowon opened his mouth to protest, eyes livid and burning. Before he could exchange more pleasantries with Miran, he stepped in front of his tutor. “I’ll be okay,” he interjected before Dowon spoke. “I’ll go through the lesson today and we can continue when you’re back.”


The man looked like he wanted to say more, and Baekhyun was almost anticipating another earful before his tutor gave a stiff nod. He sent one more disgusted look at Miran. “So he gave you permission to leave,” he scoffed, lip curling. “Didn’t think you would actually do it. Isn’t it shameful to walk through the family when everyone knows you’re a commoner and his ?”


Before Miran could say anything else, Dowon had disappeared out of the door. It slammed angrily behind him, and Baekhyun winced at the noise.


Miran stared at the wooden frame even after Dowon had left, as if she could see through it. After a couple of agonizingly long couple of seconds, she turned back to look at Baekhyun, and gave him a small smile. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” she apologized. Her face was completely empty of any emotion. “I know I’m already inside, but may I come in?”


Baekhyun didn’t suppose no was even an answer anymore, so he nodded at Miran. He wasn’t sure who could say no to her (apart from Dowon, maybe). She had some sort of charm when she talked, an aura of ease than she exuded that made everything she said and did feel smooth.


“I can make you some tea,” Baekhyun offered. “If you’d like. And the servants can make something to eat. And—”


Miran laughed. Her laugh sounded like bells, and for the first time since the last night, a bit of ease mitigated the strange numbness that seemed to have been rapidly spreading. She was just so… pretty.


“Thank you, Baekhyun,” she said. “But just tea is fine, if that’s convenient for you.”


That was how Miran ended up sitting at his table, tapping her nails over the polished top as Baekhyun waited for the water in the kettle to boil. She was quieter now, and Baekhyun desperately wanted to ask her about Dowon. And his father. But he kept his mouth shut, waiting for the water to boil. He couldn’t ask too many questions. She was close to his father after all, and—


“Baekhyun,” Miran said. “How was the meeting with your father yesterday? I realized that I never really asked you.”


The question made him falter, and just at the moment, the kettle began to whistle. Baekhyun picked up a cup to pour the water for her.


“It was good,” he said carefully.


“Just good?” Miran asked.


“We didn’t… talk much.”


She watched him with her raised eyebrows as Baekhyun set down the teacup in front of her. She picked up the handle, gave it a delicate whiff, before letting out a content hum. “Any sugar?” she asked.


Baekhyun brought out the sugar. Miran scooped three large spoonfuls—it was enough to horrify him, but he kept his mouth shut—before lifting the teacup to her lips and taking a small sip. She frowned, added another spoonful of sugar, and stirred it before drinking again. She met Baekhyun’s gaze with a smile. “This is lovely tea,” she said.


Baekhyun didn’t know what to say because it seemed more sugar than tea, so he poured himself a glass of water and sat down in front of Miran. “Is there… a reason you’re here?” he asked carefully.


She raised an eyebrow at him over her teacup. Baekhyun couldn’t understand how Dowon wasn’t intimidated by her. It wasn’t as if she were scary, per say, but every part of her seemed so perfect and elegant and something about her disapproval (or even just the questioning look in her eyes) made him fidget.


“I don’t mean you can’t be here,” he amended. “It’s just that I didn’t expect you. And I haven’t really seen you around until yesterday, so I didn’t…” 


Miran waved it off. “It’s fine,” she replied. “It makes sense that you’re curious. Although I did want to see you again. I found you nice company yesterday. Everyone around me is so boring.”


“Even my father?”


Miran set her teacup down. She was perched at the edge of the chair, back straight, as she gave him a sharp smile. “Not your father, of course.”


Baekhyun pressed his lips together. It had been at least ten minutes since Dowon left, and probably a bit longer—if not much longer—before his tutor got back. And while he knew he shouldn’t have been more curious, he blurted the question out to Miran before he could think to stop himself. “What is he like?”


She had finished her cup of tea (and the four spoonfuls of sugar to go with it). “Your father?” Miran asked. “Why?”


Taken aback, Baekhyun could only stare. She leaned forward. “Do you want to know him better?”


He opened his mouth, shut it, and then struggled to find an answer. For some reason, the yes he wanted to say refused to come out, stuck at the back of his throat, and all Baekhyun could do was nod.


She seemed to scrutinizing him for a couple more long seconds, letting the silence fill the gap, and Baekhyun waited nervously for some sort of verdict. Finally, Miran raised a shoulder and let it fall. “I don’t know what you think he’s like,” she replied. “But I’m afraid that your impression is most likely wrong.”


Baekhyun blinked. “Wrong?” he echoed. “What do you mean?”


“I think that’s for you to find out.”


“But my father is—”


She stood up abruptly, and rested a hand on his shoulder. Baekhyun nearly flinched at the sudden contact. “I’m afraid I have overstayed my welcome,” she said quietly. “I don’t mean to offend you, Baekhyun. I simply don’t want to see you get hurt.”




“I have some duties I must attend to before leaving,” she told him, then offered a small smile as she headed towards the door. “I’ll see you around?”


Baekhyun didn’t have time to say anything else before she had moved away from the kitchen and headed towards the door. It was only when she was slipping on her shoes that he gathered himself enough to run after her, if only to at least her out of his house. She was stepping outside when he got there.


“Thank you for the tea,” she said. “Good luck with your lessons.”


Miran was off before Baekhyun could say another word. 




It was hours before Dowon returned. Baekhyun had gone through the lesson by himself, but none of it seemed to sink in when he worked, and by the time he was being questioned on the material, he could barely recall anything except Miran’s dreaded words. They made no sense, Baekhyun told himself; she made no sense. But still they lingered.


He got an earful from Dowon, who was already in a bad mood, before the man stormed off to his other duties. Baekhyun was assigned to his usual trainer, who gave him more scratches and bruises than usual. Then he was sent to work on his power, except water and wind raged more angrily than usual, and Baekhyun could barely get the spark to become a flame. Earth refused to obey his commands. The trainer, a woman of around forty, sent him home with a couple of straps to his hands.


The servants had left a meal, still steaming hot, on the table when he got back. Baekhyun barely touched it before heading off to bed. He couldn’t bring himself to feel the guilt that he’d simply left everything they’d done untouched. He couldn’t bring himself to feel much.


The higher you climb, the harder you fall.


I’m afraid that your impression is most likely wrong.


Maybe he didn’t feel nothing. Maybe it was a different feeling, one Baekhyun couldn’t pinpoint, and it was worse than nothing. 




Baekhyun didn’t sleep any better the next night. Dowon demanded him to go to the healer so that she could make a contraption that would help him sleep. He had to force himself to concentrate on all of his lessons, and it was so hard to even think, but Baekhyun managed to get through without arousing any more suspicion. 




The potion worked. For the first time in three days, Baekhyun woke up with the dark bags under his eyes lighter than before, feeling a lot less tired.


His concentration, however, didn’t improve much. Dowon scolded him. His trainers did as well. 




On the sixth day, the potion seemed to have worn off sooner, because Baekhyun woke up in the middle of the night. Judging from the position of the moon, it wasn’t anywhere near morning, so he settled back into his bed and tried to fall asleep again. Sleep didn’t come, and it was a little too obvious when he headed down for his lessons.


On the eighth day, the potion stopped working. Baekhyun managed an hour or two of restless sleep before he was up again. Dowon looked like he wanted to pull his hair out when he saw him. Baekhyun didn’t feel any better. 




On the eleventh night after Baekhyun had met his father, sleep became impossible.


It wasn’t that he was thinking about too much. For long periods of time, he lay in his bed, thinking of absolutely nothing, but sleep simply wouldn’t come. His mind refused to fall asleep. The first couple of days, his thoughts were filled with how he’d manage to impress his father, how to get his attention again, how to get more than those dreaded words of the higher you climb, the harder you fall. Now, though, for some reason, the thoughts felt further and further away.


It wasn’t as if he were truly falling behind in his lessons. By around the fifth day, Dowon seemed to think that his performance was more or less back to normal, and it was—Baekhyun finished his lessons, his trainers stopped complaining about how sloppy his movements had become, and everything, apart from his thoughts and his sleeping schedule, had returned to normal.


But things felt different, even if they weren’t different. It wasn’t as if Baekhyun had particularly enjoyed his lessons before, but there felt like there was a reason behind them. He was working towards something. Now, every lesson felt useless. He wasn’t sure what the point was, even if he told himself over and over that it was to impress his father.


Maybe it was Miran’s words. He hadn’t seen the woman since the second day, but she haunted his thoughts almost as frequently as his father did. Baekhyun didn’t know what to make of either of them. He wanted to hate Miran for what she said, but that would mean he would have to hate his father as well, and he didn’t think he could. Or didn’t want to.


The distinction was so vague now.


Another ten minutes of lying in silence, and Baekhyun couldn’t stand it anymore. He got up, opened the window, and lay back down.


Vasileian springs were still chilly, and despite the fact that the snow was on its way to melting, it took at least a full month before it was fully gone. The wind that wafted inside was much colder than he expected, and it didn’t take long before Baekhyun was wide awake.


Cursing himself, he got up, shivering in the now-chilly room. After a couple of moments of contemplation, he pulled on a cloak and headed downstairs to pour himself a glass of water.


The house was painfully empty when he headed down the stairs, each step sending an ominous creak that ate greedily at the silence. Baekhyun managed to strike a lamp to step into the kitchen, but before he made it, the sound of wind whistled through the house. He froze.


The draft blew down the hallway, and Baekhyun peered over. The door was slightly ajar, too heavy to be pushed open fully by the wind, but enough for him to feel the breeze. The floor was cool against his bare feet, and Baekhyun padded over silently.


Someone must’ve forgotten to close it, Baekhyun realized. Perhaps Dowon. He had seemed a bit distracted, if not preoccupied, even if Baekhyun hadn’t dared to bring it up. He had a feeling that it had to do with Miran, but it would be an even worse idea to bring that up, so he kept his mouth shut.


He stopped in front of the door. Outside, the inner city of Vasileia was surprisingly peaceful. Baekhyun could see the walls in the distance, then on the other side, the central buildings that surrounded the garden in the heart of the inner city. The cold was strangely refreshing, and he stood peering out from the crack at the door, and all of a sudden, Baekhyun wanted to leave.


If he stayed, it would just be another sleepless night. And no one had ever said that he technically wasn’t allowed to leave the house—really, it was just assumed by everyone that it was forbidden, but Baekhyun didn’t recall actually hearing anyone tell him the rule. Perhaps, he reasoned, fresh air would do him good. All he had to do was avoid the guards that were stationed outside, which wasn’t hard, because from Dowon’s complaining, Vasileia’s security had loosened much after the city being peaceful for so long. Just a walk. Some fresh air.


Slipping on boots and pulling his hood over his head, Baekhyun slipped out the door and shut it carefully behind him. The path was empty, so, quietly, he headed down towards the wall.


There was a small path that s around the inner’s city’s walls—along the path, someone had grown an assortment of flowers. He had found it two years ago, and every spring, the flowers there were the first ones to bud. Now, as Baekhyun snuck through empty streets to arrive at the path, many of the shoots had crawled out from under the snow and started to grow.


The path was dark, only the light of the moon illuminating it, but at least it meant there were no guards. Baekhyun knelt down in front of the larger shoots, the green having turned a dark grey in the night. He wasn’t sure which flower it would be when summer—the few short weeks they could call summer—started.


Another chilly breeze sent the plants quivering. Baekhyun shivered as well, pulling his cloak tighter, and continued his walk down the path.


Part of him knew that even if he had reasoned that no one had explicitly stated he couldn’t leave his house at such a late hour, if he were found out, there would be consequences. Still, there were no guards as Baekhyun walked, and the fresh air made him feel just a bit better. The small but sure signs of life made him feel… something.


Not much, but it was a relief against the relentless empty chasm. Or perhaps it wasn’t empty. Baekhyun was too scared to find out what lay at the bottom of it, and it was especially during sleepless nights that it demanded his attention.


This was a distraction. This felt better. He could breathe better now, he could force his thoughts away from the direction he dreaded it going to.


Baekhyun headed further down the path.


He wasn’t sure how long it was when the thought hit him that he should return home and attempt to sleep. The clouds had moved so they were covering the moon, and Baekhyun could feel the rain gathering overtop, the water whispering to his power. It was better to return home before he got drenched, better to get rest so that he could focus on his next lesson, better to—


Baekhyun paused. On his left, something peeked out from one of the bushes. A jagged edge of black, not the same color as the rest of the rock. Not significant enough to catch much attention, especially when not many people took the path, but he found himself wandering closer. His books squeaked in the wet snow, which was mostly on the verge of melting. Dead grass scrunched underneath his feet, and he edged around the sharp bristles of the bush to peer at it a bit better.


It was well concealed, but Baekhyun didn’t have to look twice to realize that it wasn’t a piece of stone that was darker; it was a hole in the wall. He pushed the branches aside to look at it better.


It wasn’t large—if he tried, it would’ve been a tight squeeze through, although it was possible. He couldn’t see what was on the other side, but it was just as dark. Baekhyun stood in front of it on the wet snow, knowing very well that if he wasn’t breaking the rules by wandering around at night, going through (or even checking out) the hole in the wall was a sure violation.


He peered at it. Maybe if he found out what was on the other side—or even just simply reported it—he would be rewarded. Maybe his father would hear about it. Maybe—


Baekhyun had the chattering voices before he saw the lantern lights around the corner. He nearly cursed aloud, all plans about reporting the hole going down the drain. After a moment of panic, he shoved past the bristles of the bush and tucked himself into the hole in the wall.


The branches covered him well enough, and the wall was so thick that he could crouch in the hole. The guards drew closer, and he realized that he had left two pairs of footsteps leading up to the bush.


Panicking even more, Baekhyun flicked his wrist at the snow. A whole section melted immediately into a puddle.


It was even more suspicious than the footprints. By then, the light of the lantern the guards were carrying was a bright, warning circle in his peripheral, and Baekhyun squeezed his hand shut as he tried to turn the water back into snow. Slowly—a little too slowly—it began to frost over. The four guards on duty talked loudly, as if oblivious to how fragile the prior silence was, as Baekhyun tried to turn the water into snow. Much of it was ice, he knew, but if he could make a snow covering…


It was delicate work. By the time he had made the area look like it had been untouched, the guards were nearly passing the spot. Baekhyun held his breath as their conversations drifted to him.


“…many people saw her,” one of them was saying. “So I guess there’s a first time for everything.”


His companion gave a low whistle. “She is pretty, though. For a commoner, at least.”


Her. Commoner. Miran. He listened attentively, now slightly more interested. The third man slapped the last speaker. “She’s way out of your league,” he sneered. “Besides, she only—”


Baekhyun opened his palm again. The slight bits of water on the path froze over, and with a shout of alarm, the one who had been speaking slid down.


There was a thump as he landed inelegantly on the ice. Adrenaline coursing through him, Baekhyun had to bite down the laughter that surfaced. This felt good. Wrong, but good.


The other three guards burst out laughing. One of them hauled their fallen friend from the ground, slapping him on the back. “She wouldn’t even look your way,” he teased, “so don’t even think…”


Their voices faded. Baekhyun let go of the long breath he had been holding.


It was wrong. So, so wrong. Hiding from his family, breaking rules, sending one of his superiors slipping on the ice—if anyone found out, the punishment would probably be unimaginable. But for some reason, the feeling when he had hid—strange as it was, there was something about it that eased the ugly feelings inside, and the relief was enough for Baekhyun to contemplate what previously would’ve been unimaginable. Even then, part of himself screamed—the logical part—that this was unacceptable.


He turned around from the half-sitting half-squatting position to see the other side of the hole. It was also black, but when he reached out to touch, the thing—whatever it was—rippled. Baekhyun drew his hand back in surprise before he realized that it was cloth.


He remained still for a couple of seconds, listening for any sounds on the other side. The guards had gotten far enough that their voices were swallowed up by the night, and the other side didn’t seem to have anyone.


Baekhyun knew that it was a terrible idea. The moment he stepped foot outside the inner city—the moment he left, he was on dangerous ground. If he got caught, then it would be over.


It wasn’t anything he should’ve even been contemplating. Four more years of learning under Dowon, and he would take the test and become an official member of the family, and he would have more freedom. Four more years. If he stepped outside now, there was a chance that he would ruin everything he had worked for. They could kill him. After all, the Byun family had executed for smaller offences.


Baekhyun stared at the black cloth obscuring the outside. What would the outer city be like? What would it be like, away from the confines of the inner city? What were the people like? The thought felt—or maybe was—forbidden. He shouldn’t have been wondering such things. He was supposed to spend his time on training, learning, improving. Not going against everything he had been taught.


For a little while, the guilt was enough to keep him stationary. Then it was swallowed up by the awful pit of nothingness, stowed with the other raging emotions, and Baekhyun didn’t allow himself to think about it more.


The consequences could happen. It didn’t matter anyway.


Taking one more glance behind him, Baekhyun pushed away the cloth obscuring the exit and stepped out to the other side of the wall.





Baekhyun is literally a small bean here, and it's so weird comparing him to Cutlass Baekhyun :')


Again, comments are very much appreciated! Guess who we'll be meeting next chapter :D  

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Chapter 8: ok so i avoided reading this for the longest time bc I wanted to wait for it to finish first but ive been thinking about cutlass these days so i thought, screw it ill read it even though its not done 🥲 and i havent read cutlass in a while so ive forgotten the details of the events of his past that might have been mentioned, so its like reading a whole new different story which im really liking the feeling of bc its all this new information that i didnt know before but in a familiar au with familiar characters and its just fun!
i cant stress how much i enjoy your writing and especially in the Cutlass universe, its just so nice and pulls me right in. Like im inside the characters mind but also outside watching them? i love it and i love how excellent the world building is in the whole series bc having read the other stories before this one makes me so much more able to imagine the world that young baek is living through and makes me appreciate his character development all the more later on.
its so good how you map out the conflicting feelings hes having and the thoughts he has about everything. I like how the little details of his personality are still present even when hes older like his good memory and how he remembers the routes that he walks around in so that he can know which way to take back :’) im looking forward to where the split will come when he ends up leaving and just generally how he becomes who he is later on and how his perception of his life changes. and im wanting to know more about miran and her history and why shes so close to his father, and why shes fond of him!? and why was dowoon suspiciously calmer after his trip… im just so 👀 about everyone bc it feels like everyone is baeks enemy at this point and that he might be being watched omg.
i cant wait for him to see the ocean up close, and i love how he feels like its home for him bc of his power.
the world needs you emily 🥲 pls return and restore peace
2492 streak #2
Chapter 8: Yesss, Heejin is very unique and I love Breadboy's internal monologues about her, hehe. x] They're incredibly profound yet so simple at the same time in the best way possible and I feel like I learn so much about Heejin during these moments. ^^ And I'm ded at how easy it is to get Breadboy to do something once he's riled up, HAHA. XD No matter what, he's still filled with pride, even if it's masked by his anxiety at times, and I love how it's even easier to goad him when Heejin is involved, LOOOOOOL. :P And ooh, I've also never really thought about how his powers actually work either. :O Or elemental powers in general, hehe. I know I never really thought deeply about it when I watched Avatar, so it was really interesting to see how Baekhyun articulated his powers. x]

BUT WAIT, BREADBOY HAS NEVER SEEN THE OCEAN BEFORE?????? OMG, MY CHILD, I'M SHOOK. HOW AND WHY DID HIS FAMILY KEEP HIM AWAY?!?!?!? But oh my gosh, when he got to see the ocean for the very first time, that was such a beautiful moment. ㅠㅠ And I think it'll be even more wondrous once he properly sees the ocean in the daytime and see the waves rolling up to the beach, the tide going in and out, the foam curling up with the sunlight glinting off the water. :') It also reminds me of a similar scene in Attack on Titan (i won't specify too much in case it's spoilers, but yeah) and seeing how the characters reacted after a lifetime of only hearing about the ocean, not knowing if it was actually real or just a made-up place. And now that I think about it, it's no wonder he ended up sailing across the ocean later on. After being apart from the sea for most of his life, he must've wanted to always be surrounded by water to make up for all of the lost time. :') And ahhhhh, I also wonder when he'll reveal his real name to Heejin. >o< I hope she won't feel betrayed or blindsided, but I guess it'll depend on the circumstances under which he reveals his real name to her, since I think that'll definitely affect how she takes it. >___< But awwww, that's so sweet of her to offer to take him to the sea. T^T I love their growing friendship so much and I'm crying inside at Baekhyun slowly falling for her. (mostly bc i know it's not meant to be RIP :') LOOOOL)

But omg, when Dowon popped back in, I was just as surprised ats Breadboy because I totally forgot his absence was only temporary too, HAHA. ^^; But ahhh, there's still so much mystery surrounding Miran. >___< I feel like there're even more questions about her than there were before and I'm SO curious to find out what these answers are, since I feel like they'll play an important part later on. At the very least, the beef between Dowon and Miran definitely came in clutch for Breadboy, because that would've been BIG OOFS for him if Dowon didn't have someone else to redirect his frustrations to, LOOOOL. :') And again, the fighting scenes are SO GOOD and I love soaking in every detail so I can imagine every movement properly in my head, hehe. ^^ But oh my gosh, when Baekhyun let himself get distracted by the dilemma of actually slitting someone's throat, I felt my heart drop, especially when he ended up getting injured right after. Q___Q I feel like the consequences for getting distracted will get progressively worse in the future, since he managed to go unscathed the first time and now this is a relatively minor injury. But hopefully he doesn't actually suffer any big injuries in the future, because my heart is going to BREAK for poor Breadboy because his family and his mentors are most likely going to blame him for being incompetent WHEN HE'S NOT. T^T

And tsundere Breadboy returns!! x] Not gonna lie, I wish I also had some magic salve, LOOOOOL. :') And AHHH, THEY'RE GOING TO SEE THE OCEAN SO SOON!! HOW EXCITING!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR BREADBOY!! AND I'M SQUEALING AND DYING AT HIM FALLING FOR HEEJIN MORE AND MORE. Just gonna cherish these sweet moments while they last and continue deluding myself into pretending that everything will be okay when I know it won't, LOOOOOL. :')
2492 streak #3
Chapter 7: Ever since Heejin pointed out how formally Breadboy speaks, I'm so much more aware of it and it's lowkey HILARIOUS to see how stiff he is here compared to how carefree he is in other installments, HAHA. :') And it's also SO funny to kinda see the dynamic flipped on him with Heejin being the jokester and Breadboy being the strait-laced one, since he's usually the jester (AMOGUS) out of the duo when it's him and Cinnaroll Hei, LOOOOL. XD Oh, how the tables have turned. :') Also, I am DYING every time even the slightest bit of his budding attraction towards Heejin jumps out, because he's such an awkward lil bread slice and I love him for it, HAHAHA.

i too would say the same if i were her
bc this man is a LIAR and i will never get over his monster strip solo
even tho it's been YEARS and this is prequel!breadboy so obvs not the same person
but i will never let go of this since i'm v cringe LOLOLOLOL :')

ANYWAY, I digress. But OOH, a trap door!! How mysteriously exciting!! Definitely very curious to see where the passages lead, how extensive the network is, and what Heejin is involved in, hehe. And even if Baekhyun thinks she's foolish for doing so, I really love this theme of trust and faith that Heejin has in Baekhyun, even though she's only known him for a few days. It reminds me of how trust was such a huge part of the movie, Raya and the Last Dragon, which I watched recently with my sister during our Disney film binge-watch, hehe. ^^ And ahhhh, the way Baekhyun fixated on "next time" was so sweet yet so sad at the same time, with the connotation of how his evaluation went literally hours before. Q___Q But his tsundere moments literally make me laugh SO much and I love this lil Breadboy with my entire soul, HAHAHA.

But gah, Miran is SUCH a mystery and I have no idea whether or not to trust her. OTL She's been so nice to Breadboy, especially as of late, but I definitely wasn't expecting her to give him a gift, much less a bag of cookies and multiple times at that. :O Since she's involved with Moldy Bread, I don't wanna let down my guard in case she's secretly trying to manipulate Breadboy and eventually betray him for the "greater good of the family" or something like that. It would be similar to how "you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" if she's intentionally buttering him up. >___< But if she ends up being a good person, then I'll feel sooo bad that I questioned her so much. The complete opposite of placing trust in someone, especially when you're vulnerable, which was prevalent in the prior scene. OTL

But awww, poor Breadboy spiraling into overthinking is very reminiscent of the many nights my friends and I have stayed up doing the same. OTL And he truly is a tsundere here, in every sense of the word, LOOOOL. :') But oof, Heejin's injury sounds even worse now. x___x It's not going to heal anytime soon if she keeps using it like she is, so hopefully the slow recovery doesn't affect her later on, especially if she needs a quick getaway. >___> But AHHHH, I knew the moment he brought the cookies with him that he'd give them to Heejin, BUT IT STILL MADE ME SQUEAL WHEN HE DID IT, HEHEHE. x]

also, now i wanna eat a cookie :')
can't remember when the last time i ate a cookie was LOOOL ^^;

But oof, yeah, even if Baekhyun's life seems lavish from the outside, he definitely doesn't get to enjoy it the way everyone probably assumes these poor kids do. :'( The trade-off here definitely isn't worth it. Working yourself to death isn't the answer (says me trying to juggle 4-5 part-time jobs OTL) and considering Baekhyun is just a kid right now, it's even worse that he's going through such severe and unnecessary hardships. All to please a slice of stinky, moldy bread. x___x And even if he doesn't consciously realize it yet, deep down, Baekhyun knows that this shouldn't be his end goal. That pleasing his father won't bring him the happiness that he seeks. BUT AHHHHHH, IT LOOKS LIKE WE'RE FINALLY GOING TO SEE THE PASSAGES!!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!
2492 streak #4
Chapter 6: again im the worst
over 2 yrs since my last comment i hate myself

But omg, literally, the beginning of this chapter is hitting HARD with the angst and I just wanna give Breadboy the biggest hug, because this poor kid needs it and my heart hurts every time he falls into a hole of despair. ㅠㅠ At the very least, I'm glad that Miran is being so chill about him accidentally sleeping in, because waking up early is overrated and Breadboy deserves the rest, hehe. :') But OOF, I totally relate to Baekhyun feeling a massive wave of anxiety just before an evaluation. OTL And the constant repetition of "I won't fall" as a coping mechanism absolutely broke my heart. You can absolutely hear the desperation in his internal monologue and it's actually hurting me so much to see him in such a state. ;~; Especially since I can see myself in him and I know just how much he's suffering right now. :'(

And it's terrifying to know that Baekhyun would've looked down on that poor girl in the past, because of how the family members are brought up. How they're taught that emotion and empathy are weaknesses, and how they're made to shame others and shame themselves for not reaching stupidly astronomical standards. "Not good enough" is such a terrifying thought and again, my heart hurts SO much for Baekhyun, knowing that he's unnecessarily beating himself up because of the incredibly toxic environment he's grown up in. :'( At the very least, I do take a bit of solace knowing that he's slowing but surely growing out of the arrogant mentality that his upbringing forced upon him. >___< But I'm just as nervous as he is about the evaluation and I hope he manages to get through it without too much trouble. ;~;

I LOVE how vivid and descriptive the fight scene is, and it was so much fun imaging the choreography in my head, even though I was also gripping the edge of my table since I was so worried about Breadboy. :') But GAH, when Sanghoon whipped out the blades, my anxiety SPIKED like crazy alongside Breadboy and I was SCREAMING inside when the shield broke. Q____Q Not only because THAT WAS A CLOSE CALL, but just feeling all of Baekhyun's panic bubble up with each movement made everything so much more intense and I need this poor kid to ESCAPE THIS PLACE NOW. OTL Thank the wheat gods that his excuse managed to work, because I don't wanna imagine what would've happened if the evaluators had managed to figure out what's actually been going on. >___< Baekhyun's mental state is so fragile right now; it feels like he might break at any moment. ;~;

Being outside really is so much better for him. You can see just how much his spirits are lifted, how his shoulders immediately feel lighter, and how much freer he feels, even if he doesn't quite realize the extent himself. >___< And I'm just very proud of Baekhyun for following his instincts, because they won't lead him astray. He knows what's best for him, even if he doesn't realize it. :') BUT AHHH, HE BUMPED INTO HEEJIN AGAIN!! But OOF, getting her leg trapped under a heavy crate sounds SO painful. x___x Also, I'm dying at Breadboy being fixated on how much Heejin cusses, since he's just such an awkward lil grain and clearly completely out of his element right now, HAHA. :') But ooh, a network of secret tunnels?? I'm SO intrigued by Heejin's plans and if she's part of a secret group?? (my brain is mush so apologies if i forgot details that've already been explained OTL) But YESSSS, CALL HIM OUT, HEEJIN. BREADBOY REALLY DOES HAVE AN OLD MAN'S SOUL IN A YOUNG KID'S BODY, HAHAHAHAHA.

Chapter 8: I really like Baekhyun and Heejin's friendship.
It is cute that Baekhyun gave Heejin the tiny jar.

Take care!
minminsy #6
Chapter 8: Been waiting for your update. Thank you!! ;)
Chapter 8: I love that prequel story to cutlass so much omg thanks for update!! the story has this unique stressful but relaxed / inner city/ outer city duality feeling...very intriguing!
Chapter 8: Baekhyun is such a teenage boy around heejin, it's great! This feels very much like those dystopian novels that we had to read in school with a deep meaning. Except I'm enjoying this. Why couldn't we read this in school?!
AiiSoo #9
Chapter 8: Baekhyun and Heejin were warming up to each other. More from Baekhyun’s side I think. Hehehe. They were so cute. I guess this was the start of Baekhyun’s likeness towards the sea? Well, water is his main power but he had never encounter sea before, so he must be thrilled with the idea of going near it. And with Heejin too. Dowon was being surprisingly kinder? to Baekhyun. He must’ve some kind of history with Miran before.
Thank you for this update..!
minminsy #10
Chapter 6: So good! Thank you for updating! These two so adorable.