French Press & Cinnamon Dolce

Coffee & Kisses
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- "... Maintaining a good conversation... Number three... Ask  questions that build up mood and momentum... "


I muttered outloud reading the second chapter of the book I'm holding, while I sat on my reclining chair. 


"That sounds tricky..."   Sighing, I mumbled to myself once more.


Flipping to the next page,  - "Number four... Test the waters with nicknames..."  My eyebrows furrowed after. Then I thought, we already address each other as bunny and bear. And that's a nickname, right? 


Getting lost with my thoughts, I didn't notice that somebody already entered my office.


"What in the world are you reading, unnie??" 


The voice startled me, but it was too late to hid my book 'cause the trespasser already snatched it from me. 

"Sooyoung, give it back---"


"Dating 101: Secrets to Keeping your Woman Interested..."  She read the book cover outloud. 

"--- now."  I helplessly demanded. I tried. 


Her wide eyes almost pop out of its sockets.  "Seriously? The is this? Dating for Dummies??"


I sighed, leaning back to my chair as my sister remained standing with her demanding posture. Her questioning stare never left me.


"What's wrong with reading? I find the book interesting and I'm curious."  I weakly reasoned out. 


"Are you damn serious? You're researching about 'dating' like it's a thesis ?"   The look she's giving me is like she's trying to convince herself that I'm kidding. 


I sighed.   "Look, seeking for some advice won't hurt before tonight's---" 

I was rudely cut off again. 


"Like studying before exams."  The deadpanned tone made me roll my eyes.   "I'm calling Chef Wan so your nerd won't be miserable like this."

With her phone now pressed at her ear and her announcement followed by the shutting of the door, I was left with mouth agape totally surprised about the turn of events.

And there goes my book in the arms of my evil sister.




"Boss, Wan-unnie is here and your sister."   My assistant called my attention from the door.

I simply nodded, expecting this. Closing my laptop and removing my eyeglasses, I was met by a sour-faced Sooyoung and a smiling Seungwan.

"Pleasure seeing you two. It's been a while, isn't it?"   I started, which only earned a scoff from my wonderful sister. 

"Drop the business tone, unnie. It's cringey."


I can only sigh and hold back a sneer.  "Can I get you two anything to drink first before you diss me?"

I stood up and initially plan on getting something hard for myself but I dismissed the idea knowing that I have a date later. A real dinner date with Bae Joohyun. 


"Just sparkling water for me please."  Wendy was the first to speak.

"Make that two." 


I nodded and head straight to the side table on the right corner of my office. Checking the mini fridge, I grabbed two bottles and made a mental note to thank my assistant for replenishing the drinks in the fridge. I took a can of root beer for myself too, and went back to my chair, before throwing their drinks on their way. 



Sooyoung catches it easily, but I'm not saying the same for Wendy. 


"Jesus, Kang! Give the woman some heads up at least! I'm not Sooyoung!" 


I sheepishly smiled and send a peace sign.   "Sorry." 


I was silent after. The two ladies in front of me looks very different from one another. One holding a scowl and the other looking like a sweetheart like always. Anyone doesn't have to guess much which is which. The ball of sunshine speaks first. 


"So... I've heard from a little bird that you have a date later and it's totally happening. First of, I'm so excited for you!"  Wendy beamed brightly making me chuckle. 

"Thank you. I'm a lot nervous though."


"Oh that's totally given. But you'll do just fine. Where do you plan on bringing her, by the way?"  She asked. 


"I'm keeping it a secret for now, but it's a private place."  I safely answered. Wendy, as always, respects my decision, while my annoying sister is rolling her eyes. 

Truth to be told, its a private restaurant that Byul has told me. She mentioned bringing her wife, Yong-sun, there when they crave for some authentic Asian food. 

I was reluctant at first, but Byul reassured me that the place is cozy despite its exterior, which is very simple looking restaurant in first glance as per her opinion. Nevertheless, the food is fantastic and worldclass, she said. She told me she knows the owner too and could give me special reservations only given to the VIPs. I trust Byul's taste when it comes to this, hence I agreed wholeheartedly. 


"Alright, everything seems planned already except your own self then."   Sooyoung's remark piqued Wendy's interest. 

"Why? Don't you have an outfit to wear? It seems unlikely since your wardrobe is packed."  Wendy was facing me with eyes looking like a worried mom.  "How 'bout you go for something comfortable but still classy? Or the trousers and long sleeves shirt you always go for?" 

"Trousers.."  My sister scoffed, picking on the Canadian's choice of words. 

"I'll probably wear the usual. I told her to go smart casual so I don't want to overdress."  I sighed, toying with the now empty can of soda in my hand.   "But I can't help but be nervous. Felt like my first date all over again." 


"Aww... That's adorable, unnie. Is it why you're consulting a book about dating for dummies?"  Joy decided to grill me again. I can only hide my face in embarrassment. 

"Hey, Soo, leave your sister alone. What she needs now is our support and guidance."  The scolding motherly tone is enough to shut my sister up. I'm internally laughing but I'm not showing any signs of it, while Wendy continues to be a mom.   "Now, I know you enough, Seul. You're a casanova who likes to pamper her dates so, I'm telling you as early as now not to bring boxes of roses. Three long stems, half a dozen, or just a single dozen would be enough. I've read from a site that pink roses means sincere admiration and falling in love. Not too strong like red roses, and not too pale like white. Might as well go with that."

"Are you seriously taking down notes??"  I heard my annoying sister exclaimed, but I shrugged it off and continued writing down on my notebook.

"So, a dozen of pink roses. Give me a minute, I'll just ask Yerim to order it for me now."   I called my assistant through the intercom. Not more than 10 seconds, she appears holding her usual clipboard. 

"Yes, boss?"  The blonde's eyes never left mine, though I'm pretty sure she's fully aware of the intense gaze coming from a certain someone. 


"Are you busy? I have something to ask you."

"I'm just working on the report you needed. But other than that, I'm good. What is it?" 

"Could you order a bouquet for me? A dozen of pink roses---" 

"Light pink."   Wendy in, which I instantly agreed with. 

"--- Make it light pink, yes. She likes the color purple, so make the ribbon and the card purple, please."   After my instruction, Yeri lifted her gaze up from her notebook.

"Everything noted. Where will this be delivered?"  She asked. 


"Here, please. I'll be bringing that myself."


She nodded and was about to leave, but stopped at the doorway when she heard me calling her name.   "Yes?" 


"You can leave an hour early today. I'll be leaving early anyway."  I said smilingly. 

The younger looked confused.  "But-- I'm not even half way through the report. I'm still encoding the data before I---" 


I cut her off gently.  "I insist. You can send it to me tomorrow. Besides, it's payday, and you deserve to rest early and maybe go out too. Have some little fun, Yerimie." 


The blonde looked hesitant, then Wendy intervened.  "Oh, you should come with us! Joy and I are going to Heechul's club tonight. He's celebrating his 33rd birthday today, but don't tell him I told you his age."   The Canadian laughed, though I cannot say the same thing with my sister's expression. 

Yeri's small smile faded as her eyes drifted to the tall brunette beside the young chef.  "Uhm, that's an enticing invitation but, I'll pa---" 

"Ah, no no no. You're not gonna say no to free drinks. Plus, I'm bring friends from my work too. The more the merrier, right? Please say yes, Yerimie."  Wendy's pout surprised the youngest. I can't help but chuckle at the sight in front of me. 

But what we didn't expect was when my sister spoke and announced her presence. This time, acknowledging the fact that Yeri will be with them.

"I'll pick you up at 7. Just say yes, so Wendy-unnie can remove the opossum look on her face."  The playfulness from her tone, and the shy gaze she gave the blonde is something I cannot unsee. 

Sooyoung clearly likes her. 


"Oh, okay. Alright, I'll go with you guys."  Yeri's tough façade is crumbling, and I can't help but shake my head seeing how they feel awkward and weak around each other.

Young love. 


"Alright!!! Tonight's gonna be so fun! Now, since that's settled, let's go back to Seul's dilemma..."  Wendy's bright smile reappears.   "Okay let's talk about this woman of yours..." 


Oh, this is a long discussion.



"That's your third cup of cinnamon Dolce, boss. Are you sure you're okay?"   Yeri asked, eyeing me with worry. 

It's still early, 3:32pm. I still have hours to spare, but I'm already sweating profusely. 

"I'm okay."  I said, nursing my empty cup.   "Do you mind making me another cup?"  I asked. 

"Uh, how about no more coffee for you? I bet you my pay cheque, you're just staring at your laptop and not doing any work right now."  She sighed while I was unresponsive.   "I'll get you a water, instead." 


"No need, thank you. I have a bottle here."  I closed my laptop leaned my back, trying my best to relax.

My eyes were close but my mind is going haywire. I might seem collected but I'm a wreck. I'm overthinking again. I hate this but I can't help it.


"If it helps, as far as everything we've known from this mysterious date of yours, she definitely likes you. You just have to be you, unnie. Then everything will fall into place. The thing is, you're just playing tug of war most of the time. You'll push, then pull, and the progress goes off the table. Same goes with her."  


I turned to the blonde who's still holding her own sparkling water. I asked Yeri to accompany me during break and give me some pep talk too. Wendy and Sooyoung already left an hour ago after we all grab some lunch. Wendy still needs to run some errands while my sister has to go back to her apartment to look for something to wear for tonight. It didn't left unnoticed when her eyes lingered on my assistant longer than it should be as they bid their farewell. Yeri tried to look unbothered, but her reddening cheeks told me otherwise. 

"I just don't like feeling hopeful. I'm not that blind, though you guys always tell me I'm clueless when it comes to these things, but I can feel that she somehow likes me. I'm just scared that I'll do something wrong and I'll completely lose her. I just... "  A sigh escape my lips and my tone becomes vulnerable than expected.  "I just really, really, like her."


The smile on Yeri's lips has a hint of mischief and amusement. Her eyebrows were raised as if she's surprised to hear the words that came from me. 

"Oh my god, you really are hopeless."  She cackled, teasingly.   "I thought they were joking when they say you're being disgustingly cheesy now. I'm literally curious now about this mysterious model you're seeing. She must have been so special to make you feel this way this early."


I didn't bother denying it, since the I cannot wipe off the smile painted on ny lips. 

"She is very special. Beautiful inside and out. She's wonderful. Intelligent and insightful. Independent and caring. She can make me feel warm even through just a text message. Hell, I felt my toes curl whenever she becomes playful and just whenever. My cheeks hurt too!"  I whined weakly like a love sick puppy. Good gracious, I clearly lost it.

"Oh my god, unnie! You're a mess!"  Y

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Thank you!
By your warm appreciation and constant support with this story, I decided to make this a full story (a short one tho). Just a few more chapters. Also, I'd try to write longer chapters for the next ones as I stir the plot. I hope this update makes you stay with the story.
~ H. S.


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morphine007 #1
i 🤍 coffee
Elatedbliss #2
Chapter 8: Hello Author! I hope you are doing well. I just started reading this and I love it so much. I hope you’ll find time to get back on this story and continue it. Take care.
Jensoo4everlove #3
Chapter 8: Loved it , still waiting for the next chapters ❤
Chapter 8: One of the sweetest stories read in recent days 😍
Dreizhn #5
Super late, but-- congratulations!
Chapter 6: Didn't Irene send flowers to Seulgi's office when she returned from Japan? Why in this chapter she ask for Seulgi's office address?
ereni_r #7
Chapter 7: This is so well-written. Slow burns are always beautiful and I love how you made the relationships in this fic. Everyone is connected in some way. ❤️ thank you for this!
2078 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
Grats on the feature
Jamess #10
congrats on the features 👍👍