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Matthew came back home from their Busan trip. Is he mad? Of course, he is. Afterall, Yujin is his sister. He don't know what is the reason why his mom would do such thing. He wants to confront his mom for this, but he know that it will not be the best idea. He just want to help his sister to remember what really happened. As he entered their house, he overheard the conversation between Yujin and his mom.


"Just a question, how do you know our teacher? Kim Minjoo?" Yujin asked.


Matthew was confused why would Yujin ask that thing to her mom. Can he blame her? Of course, not. Yujin was clueless with the issue.


"Her parents are a good friend of mine. You used to be playmates, you know?" his mom answered.


"So they really knew each other." Matthew thought.


"What? Really?" Yujin asked.


"So you really don't remember. You see, your friendship ended badly. This forced us to move abroad."


"Is she going to tell the truth to Yujin?" Matthew thought.


"What happened, Mom?" his sister asked.


"Minjoo was an unpredictable kid. She was a bad influence to you. I know how you treasure her as your friend so I did not meddle in your friendship. One day, I saw you on the ground with blood on your head. I saw Minjoo crying. We don't know what happened, but I knew she pushed you so hard that you fell on the ground. She... made you lose your memories, Yujin-ah."


"What?!" Matthew thought. He can't believe that his mom is twisting the story. He saw how confused Yujin was. He knew that Yujin might know something. He texted Hitomi to meet him as soon as possible because he knew that his mom was working her way on Yujin's brain.


"Seeing her today as a teacher, I can say that she's a changed girl, but I still don't want you to go near her. I think she still have anger management issues." his mom continue said.


"She seemed to be a nice girl to me, Eomma. I don't know why she don't remember me as her childhood friend?"


"Yujin know something." Matthew thought. He knew his sister so much. Yujin is not the type of person who would ask a lot of question if she don't know anything about it. She would instantly believe everything. Especially if it's from their mom.


"I think it's because of some therapy she's been through. You don't need to know those. Atleast you already knew the truth. Please stay away from her, Yujin-ah."


"Okay, Mom."

After hearing their conversation, Matthew quickly went out to go to Hitomi's household.


He saw Hitomi waiting for him outside. He went there and planted a kiss on the girl's forehead.


"What is it that you need to talk about?" Hitomi asked.


Matthew told Hitomi about how his mother is brainwashing Yujin at the moment.


"That's crazy. It's her own daughter!" Hitomi angrily reacted.


She quickly dialed someone on her phone and started talking.


"Are you going home tonight? If not, we can meet you there. I'll meet you in the café. 7 pm."


Hitomi ended the call and saw Matthew looking at her with his face full of confusion.


"We're meeting my mom, tonight."




It was quiet as Mrs. Honda sat on the chair in front of the couple.


"What is it all about, Hitomi? And why is Mrs. Ahn's son here?"


"Eomma, we--- we are dating. I'm sorry I only told you right now, but this is not the thing we should be talking about."


"What?! Why are you dating her son?"


"He's a nice guy, Mom. Trust me."


"No! This can't be. After what she had done to me and my career!" Matthew saw how angry Hitomi's mom is, so he quickly hold her hand to calm her down.


"I would like to apologize to the things she had done to you. I sincerely do. If I could just ask her to talk to you, then I'll do it. However, I don't think she's the mom that I used to know." Matthew sincerely said.


"What do you mean by that?" Mrs. Honda asked.


Matthew and Hitomi told everything to Mrs. Honda. Afterall, she's the third closest person to that experiment, next to Mr. Miyawaki and Mrs. Ahn. The couple saw how disappointed and mad the lady was, but they knew that she's not surprised with what she is hearing.


"You know, I knew that this day will come. She raised two smart kids and I doubt that she's not expecting this to happen too." Mrs. Honda said.


"That is why we are here today, Eomma. We want to save those victims again."


"Alright, alright. But this does not mean that I want you for Hitomi, understood?" she glared her eyes to Matthew.


"Understood, Mrs. Honda."


"I'll tell you the whole story. This is nothing but the truth. Make sure that Hitomi would not be hurt with this investigation."


"Yes, Mrs. I'll take care of her with all my power." Matthew answered.


"Okay. It started when we were newly hired in KAIST. We were bestfriends and the smartest girls in Korea. After doing some researches, we were offered to do a drug by the Miyawaki Gaming Corporation for his daughter, Sakura."


"So, it's true that Sakura was involved with this." Matthew replied.


"To be honest, we still don't know the complete details, until we met him."




"I heard you guys are the brightest researchers in Korea. After discovering cures for some uncurable diseases, I know your tandem can help me with my daughter's problem."


"What was it, Mr. Miyawaki?" Mrs. Ahn asked.


"She likes girls. I don't want that, you know. It can affect my company if she'll start dating girls." Mr. Miyawaki answered while showing how disguisted he is.


"But, it is not something that you can control, Sir." Mrs. Honda replied.


"I don't care. Just do the cure for this disease and I'll reward you. I can give you opportunities that can make you the best scientists in the world." Mr. Miyawaki replied.


"We will do it." Mrs. Ahn answered.


"But.." Mrs. Honda tried to rebutt but she was too late.


"That's good to hear, Mrs. Ahn. Update me with the results." Mr. Miyawaki smilingly said.


**End of flashback


"What?" Matthew reacted.


"This drug XXX was made to "cure" homouality." Mrs. Honda answered.


"But.. Sakura is still in love with Minjoo. AND Mr. Miyawaki is asking her to make Minjoo as her fiancée." Hitomi confusingly replied.


"Oh. So I think he is already accepting the fact that Sakura will find her way back to being a gay." Mrs. Honda answered.


"Did the drug worked on Sakura?" Matthew asked.


"Yep, it did. She forgot being in love with girls. She forgot to love her first love. But before it worked, it was tested to other people too. I only knew Yujin as the victim but never knew that Minjoo is involved as well." Mrs. Honda answered.


"But why?" Hitomi asked. She don't get the logic why would you test the drug to your kid.


"That's a funny story." Mrs. Honda replied.




Mrs. Honda was reading the progress report of the drug XXX. It's been 2 years since they started with this and they think it's doing great. She saw Mrs. Ahn quickly entered the room, with a face that is full of panic and fear.


"Is there any problem?" Mrs. Honda asked.


"Is the drug ready for human consumption?" Mrs. Ahn asked.


At first, Mrs. Honda was surprised with her partner's q

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Chapter 38: ….hi 🥹
I'm still waiting for this to update ಥ‿ಥ
Chapter 38: Authornim comeback plz (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
Chapter 38: I miss reading this huhu. Please update author nim :((((
Hmm authornim.... where are you :(
Chapter 38: I’m so excited for the next update !!!!
Chapter 38: Yeahhhh!! It's time to make Mrs Ahn and Mr Miyawaki life turn upside down! Let them get the punishment!!
Lets fight!!

I'm soooooooo nervous for Ryujin!! Thank god she's fine and can still remember everything.
1753 streak #8
Chapter 38: omg! a rollercoaster ride this chapter was!
Chapter 38: Okay.. Those revelations are so shocking and I didn't even see that coming. I agree to Chaeyeon's deduction. What if it's really a trap for Sakura? And thank you for sailing Wonyoung and Ryujin in this update! Thank you for the update author nim! Glad I waited for this :)) Always fighting!


I still hate Mrs. Ahn HAHAHAHAHA
MaxTheCatnip #10
Chapter 38: i wish for successful payback