Chapter 5

Emergency love
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Baekhyun pov 

Slowly waking up to the sun shining through the window, I gently rub my eyes before stretching my body from my head to my toes. I drag myself out of the bed and check the time. Seeing that it's 7 o'clock in the morning I grab my towel and head for a shower to get myself ready as they are waking Kai up at 9. 

Turning on the shower and stepping in letting the hot warm cascade down my body relaxing me. I should still be asleep in bed resting on my days off but I just can't rest, I need to be there for him when they wake him. Sehun and Minseok always give out to me because I get too attached to my patients but there is something about this one that I can't seem to shift. I finish washing up and getting dressed as I head out to my car grabbing my keys and wallet along the way. 

I stop by the local store and pick up a jar of coffee minseok asked me to pick up and it might also soften the blow when he finds out I'm in work on my day off. 



Arriving at the hospital I head into our cafeteria to see minseok fighting with the old coffee machine that just gives out slop as an excuse for coffee. I have to admit though when your working crazy hours on hardly any sleep you don't care about the slop the machine gives you once it keeps you awake that's all that matters. 

"Hey mins, fighting with the machine again I see" I place the glass jar of coffee on the table as he turns around in shock. "What are you doing here on your day of baek?" he looks me up and down then smiles when he spots the coffee on the table. 

"I wanted to be here when the patient I helped save, woke up". I hand him the coffee as he just smiles "You need to get a life out of this place baek, get out into the world and meet new people, new healthy people" he gives me that disappointed look as he pours himself a proper cup of coffee. 

"For your information I met someone yesterday actually in the store" he nearly gets whiplash spinning on his heals to face me again. "Did I hear you right or am I just really tired" he looks at me with his mouth open in shock

"You heard me right, and I went and had a coffee with him too" I begin to make myself a cup of tea as I feel his eyes burn into my soul. "You, the Byun Baekhyun, who hates to be social and hides away went out for a coffee". He falls onto the chair all dramatically making me laugh. "Yes I did" I take a seat across the table from him as he begins to wiggle his eyebrows "So spill the tea, not literally" he points at my cup of tea "how did it go?" 

"It was ok, he is a nice guy, his name was Yixing and he is a English/ Chinese teacher and has the most beautiful dimples I have ever seen". I sip my tea as I look up at him still looking at me in shock. 

"Are you going to see him again?" he leans further over the table excited. "I'm not sure". I look down at my cup wiping the drip thats running down the side with my thumb. 

"Baek so help me god if you don't meet up with him again I will kick your so hard you won't be able to walk for a week" he glares at me making me laugh. "I'll see" 

"Doctor Kim, Kim Jongin's next of kin has arrived" a nurse says from the door as we both get up from the table. "Baek it's your day off remember, I've got this" he grabs my arm back stopping me from following him as I pull my arm free. "I'm coming with you, so don't try stop me" I walk out the door ahead of him as we make our way to the room Kai is at. 


Opening the door I follow Minseok inside  seeing a guy standing beside Kai's bed turning towards us. "Hi you must be Kim Jondae" Minseok reaches out his hand "Yeah just call me Chen, they told me on the phone his heart stopped" he looks worried trying to hold back some tears. 

"He collapsed in the cafeteria at his work and went into cardiac arrest" I tell him as he looks puzzled at me. "Sorry and you are?" he frowns looking at me. 

"I'm sorry I'm Doctor Byun Baekhyun, excuse my clothes but I work here and I was at the scene when it happend so I was quick enough to get his heart started" I hold out my hand as he shakes it. "Thank you so so much, but what happens now?" he wipes a stray tear from his cheek as he turns to look at his friend in the bed. 

"We are going to wake him up and have a chat with him about his health and maybe some triggers that could have caused this to happen" Minseok tell him as he just nods. 

"I told him something like this would happen if he didn't take care of himself, he has been getting stressed out all the time, not having breaks from work" he begins to cry into his hand making me and Minseok look at eachother. 

"Do you want to go for a cuppa?, they are not gonna wake him just yet and you may want to get over the shock of seeing him like this" He looks up at me then back at Kai laying in the bed. "I don't want to leave him" he touches Kai's hand giving it a rub with his thumb. 

"Mr Kim it's ok nothing will happen to him here, go grab a cuppa with baek and you can pop back up nearer the time" Minseok guides him out the door as I follow behind taking one more look at him in the bed. 

"Baek you have a half hour" minseok says making me turn towards them. "Sure this way" I begin to walk beside Chen as he looks a bit pale and sad about his friend. 


We reach the small coffee place and order our drinks before sitting down at a table at the back of the room. 

"So you where there when this all happened?"  he wipes his eyes with a napkin looking all so sad. "My friend works for your partner, and I was meeting him for lunch when he passed out, I started CPR right away and got his heart to start again". I watch intently as he tries so hard to not cry again. 

"I have been telling him since we were kids that he needs to slow down and enjoy life, and he isn't my partner just a best friend" he smiles while wiping his tears. 

"He is a CEO, he must be pretty stressed out with work" I hand him another tissue as he blows his nose. "I'm sorry" he wipes his nose. "It's ok, don't worry about it, I'm kinda use to this sort of thing" 

"Oh ye

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Chapter 25: Oh finally everything is fine... but it's true that Baekhyun was about to go with the guy, before realizing that he had drugged him... I understand that Jongin has it a little across the throat.
Baekhyun will have to do his best to make him forget that, it's sad, but if it strengthens their relationship, that's good, because there's still a baby on the horizon and he deserves his dads be in love and happy.
Chapter 25: This is all that I ,needed!!!THANK U!!!! I hope they will make things work together!
Chapter 24: OMG! I was so excited to read this chapter! I'm sooo glad Kai knows! U just made my day! Thank u! I'm so excited for what comes next!
Chapter 24: Baekhyun finally is giving himself a chance to open up to others. I hope he really make use of this second chance. And kai is such a sweetheart
Chapter 23: Wait. Were pregnant? Like he lost the baby? Please no because that's just sad. But Baek didn't know so that's why he drank, right?
970 streak #6
Chapter 23: So much for alone time!
It's just good that he was able to throw up and get to the hospital.
If he was still knocked out, then something really bad could have happened to him.
I just hope the baby isn't harmed.
Thank you so much for the update.
Chapter 23: Oh my god ! Realy ?? OMG OMG OMG !!
NICE NEWS BUT for him.... perhaps not a good news 🤔
Chapter 23: WHAT?! MY LITTLE BAEK IS PREGGY?! This is such a nice surprise! I love it! And it's super interesting! I love Mpreg! I just love u !!!!!!! For makong my ty day much better!
Chapter 22: Oh no! Dont tell me Baek is not really into Kai!!! He doesnt deserve this :(
970 streak #10
Chapter 22: What's gotten into Baek?
Is he just using Jongin?