Coffee Date for Cheering Up


Main Vocal way to cheer up the group's Visual



It’s true being an Idol has its perks. You’ll have a VIP treatment wherever you go. You’ll have a lot of people follow you around (I think it’s also a downside of being Idol too). And not to forget, you have lots of fans from all around the world. When there’s a perk there will be a downside too.

It’s true fame is a default for being an Idol. But fame comes with consequences. You lose your rest time. You have less time with your family and friends. And sometimes the lack of rest will result in health decline. But that’s life as an Idol for you. Everyone who lives as an Idol get through it like almost everyday.

Something that also comes at being an Idol is you will have your activities scrutinized. You should be on your guard, not to cause any scandal to breakout and risks all of your hard works to go down the drain. Sometimes the news that comes out is blowing out of proportions, and somehow that happen to some of the members. Kangin is being accused assaulting his girlfriend, Sungmin is getting married, which is a very good news, but some people take it like it’s the end of the world. And now, this.

Yesung sighs heavily as he remembers the thing that makes his mood down. Poor Siwonnie, Yesung mumbles silently. The remaining members are going into promotion of their newest album. They film SJ Returns, with the latest episode where they have lunch together to celebrate Kyuhyun’s enlistment. Yesung sighs again. I miss that brat, Yesung rolls around on his bed.

They filmed the MVs with no glitch, but then they heard the news. It’s hard to pinpoint whose fault is this, but sometimes public opinion wins. And of course, haters are following behind, with their harsh accusation. And for that, Siwon needs to stay back during their promotion (Correct the author if there’s something’s not accurate). Even after the situation cools down, there are some harsh comments on the internet that keeps on targeting their hates towards the group. There’s nothing new about haters for them anyway. He sighs again. Tomorrow they will go to Mexico for Telehit, just 5 of them, since D&E have their tour.

“Hyung, you’ll go by the earliest flight tomorrow,” Jongjin reminds him,” Seriously! Go to sleep!” Yesung just pouts but obey nonetheless. Tomorrow’s going to be a long flight, and he will need a plan to cheer Siwon up during their stay in Mexico.


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401 streak #1
Chapter 3: Rereading 🤭 missing yewon so much 😭
Chapter 1: Keep writing . I love your story >..<
cloudykuro #3
Chapter 3: I'm waiting for the evil scenario to come up! Lol bratty kyu is always hilarious
Chapter 3: Eating yeye is the most satisfying things ever lol
Chapter 3: AHAHAHAHAHA... Forced lunch date... Yesung is so clueless here...

And unreliable AB line.. He thought his Heebongie will on his side.. but good job space big star..

And baby Kyu at the end.. Poor Siwon, please be aware on evil maknae revenge.. XD
Hey, Avi.. Whats day today ?? i thought you will update it on friday.. ^^ but thanks for the cuteness and fluffiness.. *3*
401 streak #6
Chapter 2: don't go to the dark side XDDDD oh gosh, this chapter!!! so so so funny! couldn't help laughing bwahahaha~

good job author-nim~ Will wait another chapter <333
401 streak #7
Chapter 1: this is so cuteeeeeee~ I thought it's just about friendship, but the ending made me aaaaawwww... so is it gonna be yewon or kyusung or just gonna be really just friendship. Okeh, I'll read chapter 2 right away~

But yes.. Hyungline kills them all~
Chapter 2: XD the dark side hahahaha
The prettiest hyungline~~~~
Chapter 2: Kekekeke.. arguing bout the hashtag..

And ended Yesung dragged on the hyung 'dark' line (cough) side.. cute chaos XD