Chapter One


6am. Haseul wakes up early planning to have breakfast at her hotel, the Satellite. Her family has been managing hotels for at least three generations. This building was the newest one, but also the most important, too much was being invested on it. They were building more rooms, a huge water park with thermal waters, more employees would be needed… For Haseul this could be translated to one word: headache.

But she didn't like to leave all the work for the others, the several managers from different functions who work at the hotel already had a lot to do. She decided to do some interviews herself. “It’s not like I have anything better to do, who knows what kind of people I will meet today huh.”

Her driver usually arrives at 7am, so she sent a message dismissing him for that day. She took a quick shower, dressed herself in a light blue shirt, black trousers and high heels, also getting a blazer from her wardrobe in case it got colder later.


“Good morning Ms. Jo”, said a lively voice. It was from Jiwoo, the reception manager. Even though managers are supposed to be kind of important in a business, she was one of the few managers that Haseul really knew the name.

“Good morning Jiwoo, I came to interview the job candidates, didn't want to leave this job to the others y'know?”, answered Haseul, in a more informal tone.

Haseul met Jiwoo in the piano classes she had taken in the past, just for fun. Sometimes during the classes she would hear Jiwoo playing non-stop some really hard arrangements. So she knew the girl was hardworking, and when she got informed that the red-headed girl was asking for a job at her place, she instantly hired her without even interviewing Jiwoo. She proved herself right about Jiwoo being a good worker and ended up promoting her to reception manager in less than a year.

Since then they have a relationship that goes a bit further than just boss and employee, being Jiwoo one of the closest friends of Haseul. In the past, they even went on some dates together, but nothing never really happened between them.

“Oh I see, I hope we get some nice new employees! But changing the topic, I was thinking about going out tonight, drink a little and stuff, do you wanna come?”

Haseul would definitely want to go out and relax after that day, that hadn't even begun but she knew would be tiresome. “Sure, same place as always?”

“Yes ma'am! See you there then at 10pm!”

“See ya.”

Haseul spent two long hours having breakfast at the hotel's restaurant, observing the guests. There were a lot of rich families, which somehow kind of annoyed her. She felt a bit uncomfortable about those heteroual couples kissing and hugging and taking care of their kids. Those rich people pretending to be happy always looked stupid to her, but it was a part of her job having to stand them. Besides, it was amusing to observe some of them, the frustration hidden in the eyes of tired mothers and kids yearning for some real love from their parents.


Nothing really interesting happened in the first four hours of interviews. Until a cute blonde arrived.

Haseul opened her room’s door and called the next name to be interviewed (she had also dismissed her secretary that day). “Miss Jung Jinsoul?” Nothing but silence. Then she heard some running steps, fastly approaching.

“WAIT I'M ARRIVING I'M JUNG JINSOUL”, screamed the person running.

Haseul got back to her desk and started to laugh waiting for the one called Jung Jinsoul. Instead of getting mad as any other professional should get in that situation, she found pretty amusing that the girl would scream like that while rushing up the stairs late to a job interview.

Jinsoul entered the room carrying a huge backpack and dressed in casual clothes, a hoodie and jeans. “I am truly sorry miss, sorry from the bottom of my heart. I know you must not be interested about what happened but I just had a test at college and got late to catch the bus.”

Jinsoul looked really attractive to Haseul, way more than a job candidate should look for her. But she was annoyed by those people who would pretend they didn't have a real life and the only purpose of their existence was getting the job at Satellite, and decided to play a little.

“No, no, I am actually pretty interested about what happened.” She smirked. “What was the subject of your test, miss Jung Jinsoul?”

Jinsoul is oblivious to Haseul’s darker tone in her voice, so she just answers the question nonchalantly. “It was a biotechnology test, I am studying food engineering. It’s my second semester and I want to have my own money so that I don’t depend on my parents anymore.”

“Are you a good cooker?”

Jinsoul giggles, “We don’t actually really cook in our classes, everything is more related to the chemistry part.”

“I know it, I’m asking because I want to know about yourself. I am interviewing you after all, am I not?”

“Aw sure! I am not really sure if I am a good cooker in general but I can bake nice cakes and I love making pasta.” Jinsoul stays quiet for a second, then continue, “But I don’t want to work in the kitchen here in your hotel.” She rests her hands on the arms of the chair she was sitting on, feeling more comfortable after the adrenaline of running stairs evaded.

Haseul grabs Jinsoul’s curriculum and takes a look, “I can see here that you want to work as a receptionist, right?”, then glares the girl intensly.

“Yes. But I am willing to work as a children recreator too in case I can’t work as a receptionist.”

“You sure match this function”, Haseul reaches Jinsoul’s hand over the desk, holding it softly. That was when the blonde noticed something was actually wrong about that interview. “But I think you are appropriate to work as a receptionist. You are nice and talkative, and that’s what I need in a receptionist.” Haseul’s tone wasn’t really professional at all, her voice sounding deep and the words being pronounced slowly.

The younger girl was getting nervous, but was still being more professional than the other, afraid of messing up the interview. She blushes, “Heh thanks… Is there anything else you need to know about me?”

“¿Hablas español?”

“Si yo hablo.” Jinsoul answers with a perfect pronunciation, as if there was nothing wrong at all the older woman suddenly changing the language.

“Perfect. I am gonna take another look at your curriculum, but please leave me your phone so I can call you when you’re hired.” Haseul handles a paper to Jinsoul where the blonde can write her number. “Unfortunately our time is over and I need to take care of another bunch of boring people praying to get a job here.” She speaks in an informal and cheered up tone, as if she hadn’t been trying to create a tone to all their conversation one minute ago, “It was nice getting to know you! In case you don’t know my name, I am Jo Haseul.” She stands up and walk in the direction of the room’s door.

“I am pleased to meet you too, miss Haseul. I will wait anxiously to your call.” She gets her backpack and opens the door, walking outside, but hears Haseul saying “I’m gonna call faster than you expect.”

Jinsoul leaves the building wondering what the was that. She didn’t even had time to change to her formal clothes and she was sure that an interview wasn’t supposed to be that informal and full of like how it had been. She found Haseul really attractive, being herself weak to women with short hair wearing pants and shirts. But Haseul said when you’re hired, so it seems like Jinsoul had guaranteed herself the job, and that’s what matter.


Later that day, Haseul went to the place she was supposed to go with Jiwoo, a famous nightclub in their city. She was wearing more casual clothes this time, a loose plaid shirt and jeans. She entered the place and headed herself right to the bar.

“Haseul! Here!”, screamed Jiwoo when she spotted her boss. Haseul could notice she had already had some drinks. Right next to her was the owner of the nightclub, which was called Heat (what a suggestive name), Sooyoung. Haseul and Sooyoung had been friends for a long time, so “Soo” would always let “Seulie” and her friends get free drinks, and that was probably the reason why Jiwoo was already tipsy.

“Hey ladies.” Haseul sat next to Sooyoung, who was dressing something that looked like a white robe and white high heels.

“What the do you mean by ‘hey ladies’ it’s been forever since you last came here!”, grumbled Sooyoung.

“As if you missed me.”

Sooyoung starts to get a little touchy with Haseul. “I actually did you nasty .”

Jiwoo stands up and announce, “I am going to dance as it seems like you both have a lot to talk about haha!”

“Was it you who asked her to invite me to come here?”, asked Haseul before calling a waiter to ask for a drink.

“It was, I do miss you”, answered Sooyoung bluntly. “I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed but I really enjoy talking to you.” She sounds kind of sad.

“Can we go to your private room?”


They walk through a poorly lit corridor and enter a small room composed by only a round leather couch and a table. Each of them sit on the opposite borders of the couch. They spend solid five minutes without saying anything, only staring at each other and taking sips of their drinks. The air between them was comfortable, as if it was the most common thing to them to only drink together silently. Haseul is the one who breaks the silence.

“Any news?”

“Not really, life for me is the same as always. You?”

“Same here.” More silent seconds. “Oh yeah, something fun happened today. As you know, the hotel is going to need more employees because of the new building, so I was interviewing some candidates. It was being really boring, all the candidates were obnoxious. Until I called a girl called Jung Jinsoul and she wasn’t in the waiting room yet, but she was climbing the stairs and started to scream ‘wait please I’m arriving’.”

Sooyoung raises her brow, “Oof shouldn’t you get mad in a situation like this?”

“Definitely. But she was cute, blonde and young y'know.” Haseul told the other about the odd interview and how she was trying to convey a flirty air to the girl that seemed oblivious. “I decided to hire her just because she is cute but I think she will fulfill her function nicely. I got her number though and told her I’d call her earlier than she thought.”

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, “How professional”.

“As if you’re one to tell me what is professionalism.”

Sooyoung wakes up and sits next to Haseul. She puts her fingers under Haseul’s chin and forces the other woman to look at her. “I can teach was is unprofessional, and then you know what you shouldn’t do.” Haseul laughs and pushes Sooyoung’s hands softly.

“Hah, I think I already know what you unprofessionalism looks like. You can’t today I’m on my period.”

“Your loss.”

Haseul rests one on her hands on Sooyoung’s thighs and starts to rub her thumb on it. “Unless you’re willing to switch positions today.”

She blushes and looks away, “Ew! No, thanks.”

“Your loss.”

“Talking about real bottoms this time how is Jungeun?”

Haseul flinches and start to talk in an insecure way. “We’re not talking to each other yet, things between us are still the same... But I don’t have the guts to call her myself.”

“Oh Seulie, I’m sorry to hear it. But I think you should try to talk to her, shouldn’t you?” Sooyoung holds both of Haseul's hands affectionately.

“Yeah but what should I say to her? I… I still need some more time I think.”

“You kind of already had a lot of time to think about it, didn't you?”

Silence again, but not the great one. “I should get going, I have some things to solve tomorrow.”

“Sorry for asking you about Jungeun. You shouldn’t go if you’re just sad about it.”

Haseul answers in a rushed tone, “No you are right! I really should talk to her it’s just that I am still confused y’know.” Sooyoung thinks Haseul is being too vague about it, but don’t say anything. “Besides I woke up really early today, I really am tired.”

“Okay then.” Sooyoung gets flirty again, kissing Haseul’s cheek. “Rest well miss Jo Haseul.”

Haseul nods. “You too miss Ha Sooyoung.”

Haseul arrived home and took a fast shower, going right to bed after it. But she couldn’t fall asleep, thinking of Jungeun. Going to her kitchen, she decided to get drunk until she could sleep (or send some drunk message to Jungeun).


Haseul met Jungeun at the university. Both of them were majoring in sociology, even though by the time she was in university Haseul already had to manage her family’s hotel, she loved to study, so she decided to take a university course as a kind of hobby. She and Jungeun had similar opinions related to the subjects and became friends easily. Jungeun got at university two years earlier than average people, but she was really mature, which kind of called Haseul’s attention. They would always hang out together and with Sooyoung, who was majoring in dance by that time. She even dated Jungeun for a while but after some time they decided it would be better if they broke up and continued friends.

The fact is that Jungeun always had a crush on Haseul, who knew it but decided to act as if she was oblivious.

During their graduation, Jungeun got really drunk and ended up having at Haseul’s penthouse. Haseul was just a little tipsy that night, but when Jungeun asked her to “ing destroy my with these amazing y fingers of you and do anything else you want to me”, she ended up taking the girl to her house and doing what she had been asked. It’s not like that never happened before, since they were friends with benefits. But that night, after all the making out, Jungeun confessed to Haseul.

Jungeun sat on the bed and started talking. “Seulie.”

“Yes Lippie?”, that was the nickname the girl got from her friends after being hit by a man in a party that couldn’t stop talking about her lips.

The words were being spoken in a rushed way, as if Jungeun spent one more second in silence, she would never be able to speak out again. “I… I really love you. Not just as a friend but I really want to spend my time with you and you know I don’t want to be with you just because of some ing hotel that you never wanted to have.”


“I know your problems and I am willing to stay by your side no matter what happens and-”

“No Jungeun, please stop.” Haseul woke up and went to her wardrobe. Tears started to appear on Jungeun’s eyes. “Please don’t cry…” She started to get dressed.

“I know you have always known I like you. I have already told everybody else about it so why wouldn’t you know?” Jungeun clenches her fists in the sheets.

“Yes, I always knew.”

“Then why do you keep sleeping with me if you prefer to pretend you don’t know it! Can’t you at least try to date me for a while? I don't want to be just another girl you eventually.” She starts to cry and Haseul sits next to her, wiping the tears with her thumb.

“Look... I need some time to think. I will call you when I feel ready to talk to you.” Getting out of the bedroom, she talks again, “I am really sorry for hurting you, but you know I’m not good with this stuff”, and smiles sadly. “I will be back tomorrow night, you can leave whenever you want and leave the door unlocked. Bye Jungeun”.


It has been two months since then and Haseul haven't called Jungeun. She knew because of Sooyoung that she was working as a teacher in a local university, and even though there were interested people, neither Haseul nor Jungeun went on a date with nobody during that period of time. Jungeun was a weekly customer in Sooyoung's nightclub, who also told Haseul that the woman would always ask about how she was doing, and the reason why Haseul had been avoiding the place, trying not to cross ways with Jungeun. When asked, Sooyoung would always answer Haseul was fine, but she knew that wasn't really true.

Drinking half a bottle of whisky Haseul got really plastered and decided to call Sooyoung to vent about stuff she really wanted to talk but felt unable to when sober. However, she ends up mistaking Soo's number and calls Jungeun instead. What a convenient mistake. The phone rang one time. Two times. Three times, then Jungeun answered, speaking with a sleepy voice. “Hello?”

Haseul giggles dumbly, “Heyyyyyyyy Soo! You ain't sleeping right?” Jungeun could notice Haseul was drunk by the way the other was pronouncing the words. She tried to tell Haseul that she wasn't the one called Soo but it didn't work.

“Ahm Haseul I am not-”

“Remember the girl I interviewed today? The blonde one? Called Jinsoul?” Blonde girl called Jinsoul? Isn't this one of my students?, Jungeun thought. “Well I am thinking about asking her out like she looked really nice and maybe I need something like this.” Ouch.

At first Jungeun was really surprised about getting a call from Haseul. The first month after confessing to Haseul she was always with her phone on hand waiting for a message or a call, being completely obsessed and afraid that if she didn't answered a call from Haseul right after she called, Haseul wouldn't talk to her again. She was starting to move on, until then, when she got the so expected call. What she didn't expect was that answering the phone during dawn instead of calling back the next morning would mean hearing Haseul talking about other women. And about a woman Jungeun knows, what was even worse.

Jungeun kept in silence, so Haseul continued to talk. “But you know…”, Haseul sniffed, like she was trying not to cry, “maybe I just liked her because she is blonde like Lippie was. I really really miss Jungeun I was trying to deny it but then you asked me about her today and… I don't know what to tell her, I want to try being with her but I don't think I am worth it and we all know my family won't like to know I am dating another woman and will make her life look like hell.”

Jungeun was really aware of the fact that she wasn't supposed to be the one talking to Haseul right now, so she didn't want to take advantage of drunk Haseul. She tried to answer what she believed Sooyoung would answer. “I think you could hit on this Jinsoul girl. She looks nice and I am sure you will have some great time with her.”

“...And Jungeun?”

“For now, don't do anything. Just go to sleep and be prepared for a ing hangover tomorrow.” She laughed. “I'll talk to you later, bye.” She turned off the call. Later in the morning, when she woke up to work, she sent a message to Haseul.


The first thing Haseul did when she woke up was checking her phone, just to come across with a message from Jungeun.

Jungeun: check your phone call history

She opened the calling app and there it was! A call from her to Jungeun’s number at 3am when she was in the apex of being drunk. She immediately sent a message to Sooyoung.




Haseul: thanks for the support.

the problem isn't me calling her at all, but i may have talked about asking jinsoul out

i could ing swear to god i was talking to you damn HOW DID IT HAPPEN

Sooyoung: oof it do be like that sometimes

ask both of them out

it's about time for you to solve your issue with jungeun

and going on a date with jinsoul doesn't mean starting a relationship u can just get some coochie

Haseul: i hate the fact that you're always right but you're right.

Haseul followed Sooyoung's advice and sent a message to Jungeun:

Haseul: i am so sorry for calling you that late, that wasn't my intention. are you free tonight? i need to talk to you in person.

She also messaged Jinsoul:

Haseul: Good Morning, miss Jinsoul. It’s Jo Haseul.

Congratulations on being hired to work at the Satellite, you can come to my office next monday so we can define your work shifts.

Moreover, a friend of mine just opened a new coffee shop. What do you think of getting a drink with me to celebrate your new job? Please let me know when you are free.

Not that long after, both of them answered:

Jungeun: meet me in that italian restaurant near my house at 7.

Jinsoul: Good morning miss Haseul! I am very happy to know I got the employment.

I am not a big fan of coffee itself but I love cappuccino, is it okay for you if we meet next sunday? I am going to be free the whole day.


Jinsoul was at the room she was currently living at the university by the time she received Haseul's message. She was with her friend Heejin, who shared the room with her. Jinsoul had told Heejin all the interview story, about she getting late and being flirted by the woman called Haseul. Heejin only laughed about the story and told Jinsoul that she should take that as an opportunity to get a sugar mommy, which Jinsoul found a little offensive but didn't disagree with her friend.

She stares at her phone blinking in disbelief. “Guess who just sent me a message.”

“How could I know.”

“ing Haseul! She called me to go to a coffee shop.”

Heejin answers in an uninterested tone, but in her mind she found that pretty amusing. “And? Don't you hate coffee?”

“I do but it doesn't matter now! I am scared of her intentions at the same time I think maybe she is just being polite. She said she wants to celebrate that I got the job.” To be honest, Jinsoul was just trying to trick her own mind. She knew that any boss would ever call a new employee for a private meeting to celebrate this. But for what other reason would a pretty rich lesbian ceo ask out an average college girl like her?

Heejin stops to work in her homework and flips her chair to look directly at her friend, using a serious yet playful tone. “Look Jinsoul, I don't know if you ever noticed this but you are attractive. How many guys and girls have already hit on you? Just because this woman is y and powerful it doesn't make her less human than us. And humans feel attracted by what? Other humans. …Except for some crazy furries but this isn't the case I believe.”

“Am I living with a furry? Gross!”

“Hell no! So, what are you gonna answer Haseul?”

She thinks to herself for a moment. “I am going out with her. I must not throw away the chance life have me to get a hot sugar mommy!”

“Yeah, that’s the spirit! Keep me informed about the news”, Heejin changes her tone from an excited to a bored one,  “Now I am going back to my very important and interesting homework.”

Right after that she sent the message to Haseul. She wonders if she should try to begin a conversation to force the correct grammar to go away. She agreed with Heejin about Haseul being “just a person”, but was Jinsoul's beauty and personality the only reason Haseul invited her out? She was a little insecure about going out with someone who lived a reality completely different from hers. Still, she was sure Haseul wasn't just like other rich people that had important jobs. The woman clearly didn't give a about Jinsoul being in casual clothes during the interview. Sure that wasn't some regular interview, but Haseul could have scolded Jinsoul before deciding to flirt with her.

Stressing herself with this topic before meeting Haseul wouldn't bring any good to Jinsoul, so she decides to just wait patiently for next summer and see how their “date” (could she say it was a date?) would end up being like.


Later that day Jungeun was the first to arrive at the restaurant she was supposed to meet Haseul. She was afraid that if she arrived after the other woman, she would end up running away. She didn't know why she felt like this though, since she wasn't the one who had something to say. But the fact is that she felt kind of guilty about the confession. Everything was fine between her and Haseul, they were best friends along with Sooyoung.

She had almost everything she could wish from Haseul. They would always rely on each other for everything, and Haseul would never fail on her when talking about giving physical pleasure. Sooyoung being friends with benefits of Haseul too didn't even bother Jungeun, she understood that Haseul was a switch and she as a bottom wouldn't always be able to fulfill completely her wishes, and she knew by her own experience that Sooyoung was amazing on bed. But anyways their ual life isn't what matters right now.

What Jungeun really wanted was to be recognized as “something more” to Haseul. She wanted to be officially Haseul's lover, and to be sure they were zero barriers between them. She wanted to say “I love you” to Haseul whenever she felt like, with no fears.

Then Haseul arrived, pulling Jungeun out of her thoughts.

“Hey”, she gave Jungeun a small smile, “did I left you waiting for too long?”

It took some seconds for Jungeun to notice that someone was talking to her, “Ah, er, no! It was me who arrived early.”

“How are you? I heard you are a teacher now, is that right?”

Jungeun couldn't read the intentions behind Haseul's tone, which was the same she always used with Jungeun, but at the same time there was something else implicit there. It was as if Haseul was afraid to get right to the point of their meeting? “Yeah, I am teaching sociology at college. I have students from lots of different courses since it's a subject that every class has to take. It’s being great even though I have a lot of tests to correct and stuff.”

“I am sure you are a great teacher.” She was being sincere, if there was someone great at teaching it was Jungeun, Haseul had always admired it on her friend.

A waiter went to their table to get their orders, interrupting the casual conversation. When he left, Jungeun decided to take that as the opportunity to talk about serious stuff.

“Listen Haseul, I am sorry for forcing my feelings on you that last time we saw each other. I could blame it on how drunk I was but I would be lying, I was desperate for having something else with you, and I understand that you weren't ready for that and I was wrong for being harsh on you that night.”

Haseul stared her in awe, surprised by what she heard. In fact, she definitely wasn't expecting Jungeun to say anything for her, much less apologizing for what she did.

“No, you have no reason to apologise. Actually I agree with what you said to me that nice, I should have been more considerate of your feelings.” She takes a sip of water and before Jungeun could say something, she starts talking again, “Also, I am sorry for avoiding you, Sooyoung must have told you I haven't been going to Heat as frequently as I used to.”

Jungeun tries to answer, “I am-”

“I wouldn't mind trying to date you if you still want tho!” Haseul blushes and looks away. Jungeun gets paralyzed, and glares at Haseul. She puts her hand above Haseul's hand that was on the desk.

“I do want to date you, but I don't want to do it just because I want, don't feel pressured. We can be only friends if you prefer. In fact, I missed you.”

Haseul smiles. “I did too. But don't worry, I really want to try something with you. I think we should go slowly this time, like… y'know what I mean right?”

“You mean that we shouldn't go to your house right now and , yeah, definitely.” Jungeun smirks.


The waiter gets back with their plates which they eat calmly and talking about how was life being. Haseul told Jungeun about the hotel and the enlargement that was being built. Being too happy at the moment, Jungeun didn't even remember about the call she had with Haseul thinking she was Sooyoung, when she told her about an specific interview that happened because of this enlargement.

After dinner, Haseul drove Jungeun home. She got out of the car and opened the door for Jungeun.

“Such a gentlewoman as always.”

“Just for you. I'll text you 'kay?”

“Sure.” They stare at each other for a moment.

“Can I hug you…?”

“Y-yes.” Haseul embraces Jungeun awkwardly in her arms, then Jungeun holds her more tightly. Neither of them want to break that moment, but they knew they had to. At the same time, they step away one from the other.

“Good night Jungeun. Sleep well.”

“You too, good night Haseul.”


Haseul: i just had dinner with jungeun

we’re kind of dating now and we agreed of going slowly

Sooyoung: congratulations you too! can you now frequent my nightclub as frequently as you used to?

Haseul: is this what you are worried about lmao

Sooyoung: what else would it be

talking about worries haven't you settle a date with that jinsoul girl?


but i am going anyway whatever

i may sound mean rn but i don't even know if things are going to work with lip so I'm gonna take this opportunity too.

Sooyoung laughs alone at her bedroom, being layed on her bed, “Oh my goodness Haseul you shouldn't listen to everything I tell you to do!”, she speaks to herself.

Sooyoung: idk either but whatever

just keep me informed about everything i like some lesbian drama

Haseul: or what?

will you punish me if i don't?

“ing brat.”

Sooyoung: maybe.

perhaps i should pay you in advance, so i'll be sure you won't be mean to me

Haseul: are you free now? i can go to your house

Sooyoung: i'm always free for you. the door is unlocked


It's sunday! Jinsoul woke up late as she always did on weekends. The first type of contact with other humans she had that day was a message from her future boss.

Haseul: Good morning sweetie. I hope you haven't forgotten about our meeting today. I am going to be waiting you on the following address at 5pm. If anything happens, please call me

[location attached]

Jinsoul did forget about the date, being too distracted with tests and homework. She had three hours until 5pm. She calls Heejin looking for help.


“Heejin what are you doing I need your help come back to our room as soon as you can please.” Jinsoul sounds more desperate than she actually was.

“What the happened did you set the room on fire? I told you to be careful when smoking weed alone!”

“Damn I wasn't smoking I just woke up! I want you to help me getting dressed and to give me a ride to the coffee shop I'm gonna meet Haseul.”

“Are you kidding me you interrupted me playing basketball to ask for help to get dressed? How old are you?”

Jinsoul whines, “Stop being mean to me!”. Heejin can imagine her friend pouting now. “Can you at least give me a ride?”

“Only if you but some donuts for me before coming back from the date. I'll go get you as soon as the game ends.”

As soon as Heejin ends the call, Jinsoul runs to their bathroom to take a shower, she dries her hair and do her makeup opting for something not too heavy. She dresses high waisted black shorts, a white stamped t-shirt and an ed white shirt above it, and black all-stars. When she's putting earrings on, Heejin arrives.

“See, you didn't need my help! You look nice.”

“Thanks. Can I use your perfume?”


She sprays a sweet yet refreshing perfume on her neck. She wasn't really sure about what it smelled like but it was really nice. “Now c'mon or I'll get late!”

The college students arrive the coffee shop right when Haseul gets out of her car. Jinsoul spots the woman and points to her. “There she is!”

Haseul was dressed with simple clothes, wearing black jeans, a light green cotton blouse and high heels, carrying a small leather purse.

“Wow, she really is pretty. But what are you doing losing your time on my car get out!” Heejin pushes Jinsoul playfully, who gets out of the car. “Call me if she makes you cry, bye~”

Jinsoul gets inside the coffee shop, being hit by a nice smell of pastries and coffee. She spots Haseul talking to the cashier, probably the owner of the place, who points to her discreetly doing Haseul turn around and walk to her direction.

“Hello Jinsoul.” The older woman is just a bit taller than her at the moment because of the high heels, but even if she weren't wearing those shoes she would still be as intimidating as she was now.

“Good afternoon miss Haseul.” Jesus I hope I don't sound as nervous as I am, thinks Jinsoul.

“Please, you can call me just Haseul.” She grabs Jinsoul's hand and conducts the girl for a table next to a window, pulling a chair for Jinsoul to sit on and pulling a chair for herself across the girl. Before sitting, she lowers her head to smell Jinsoul's neck. “You're smelling good, nice perfume.”

Jinsoul blushes, “Thanks.”

A waiter arrives with two cups, one has black coffee inside, and the other, cappuccino. The waiter also brought two pieces of a pretty chocolate cake.

“You told me you don't like black coffee but you like cappuccino, so I ordered a cup for you, is it okay? Or do you want to order something else?”

“No, this is perfect!”

“So, about your job, you can go to the hotel tomorrow as soon as your classes finishes and you get free.” This time Haseul was sounding as a real businesswoman, using a straightforward and clear tone. “When you arrive, ask for the reception manager, Jiwoo. She is going to show you where you are going to work and teach you what you must know to work with us. Don't feel shy to ask her any questions.” Jinsoul nods. “You are going to need a uniform. Jiwoo will get your measures and get one for you on thursday, so tomorrow you can dress on casual clothes, as you won't properly work, is it okay for you?”

“Yeah I'll be there tomorrow. I just have a question.”

“Hm?” Haseul hums with full of cake.

“Don’t I need to dye my hair back to black?”

Haseul answers while getting another piece of cake, staring at it. “No, it’s okay if you keep this color, this looks pretty on you. If someone complains just tell them to fight me.” When she's getting the fork in , Jinsoul notices a tattoo on Haseul's wrist. She grabs the woman wrist and lift up a little the sleeve of the shirt.

It was a discreet tattoo, a small drawing of a starry sky and a moon. Jinsoul looks at Haseul with questioning eyes.

“Oh. This. I got this tattoo when my parents told me I was going to become the manager of the hotel. I was finishing high school, and I got it as a rebellious act y’know. Now I think it’s ironic how I got a satellite tattooed, a moon, and the hotel is called Satellite.”

“I think it’s beautiful, your tattoo. I also like the hotel’s name.”

“Thanks. I don't really like to think of tattoos as something you get because it’s meaningful so I got another one on my back.” They both giggles.

“Don't you think this other tattoo ended up being something meaningful too as you did it with the intention of not having any meaning?”

“Yes! This is ironic too. Now I decided I just won't get any more tattoos.”

The rest of their date goes by smoothly. Haseul paid for their coffees and Jinsoul told her about Heejin's request, so she also bought donuts for them and for the unknown girl. She drove Jinsoul back to her dormitory. When the blonde was getting out of the car she interrupted her.

“Wait.” She got outside the car and opened the passenger's door (she did it with every women even Sooyoung).

When getting out of the car, Jinsoul misstepped. Haseul holds her so she wouldn't fall. Jinsoul stared at the woman who had the hands embracing her waist, and guided by the heat of the moment, she guides one of her hands to the back of Haseul's head, interlacing her fingers with hair, and kisses Haseul.

Jinsoul moves away fast, ready to excuse herself about doing that. “I'm so-”, but Haseul interrupts her getting their mouths together again, and this time using her tongue too, dominating the kiss. The kiss is calm and slow, but ends up too soon for Jinsoul's liking.

This time, Haseul is the one to excuse herself. “Sorry, this definitely wasn't professional at all”, she says while looking away, distracted. She grabs a bag inside of the car and handles it to Jinsoul. “Here, don't forget your friend’s donuts”. But the girl is too shocked about what just happened to properly do something, so Haseul just puts the bag on Jinsoul's hand and locks her fingers.

“I must get going now. Please take care of yourself.”

“Ah- yes, uhm, you too.”

Haseul gets in the car and look at Jinsoul through the window. “Bye Jinsoul~”, and turns on the vehicle driving away from where she left the other.

“Bye Haseul…”, she answered, a bit too late.

Yeehaw stupid romance cliches!


Before going to sleep, Haseul checks her phone a last time. She's got a lot of messages, most of them being related to work. But that weren't the messages that worried Haseul.

Jungeun: hi seulie how was your day? sorry for not talking to you earlier i was busy :(

Sooyoung: can i go to your house tomorrow? i bought an amazing wine and i want to drink with you

Jinsoul: heejin thanked you for the donuts. i want to thank you too, it was really great going out with you, will i see you tomorrow?

“Oh my goodness what did I got myself into.”

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Chapter 2: this is such a mess ma but I LOVE IT
soowon_lover #2
It's so good to see a fic where haseul gets all the women haha