Of Railways and Tailor-Made Suits


Kyungsoo meets a stranger on the train, simple as that.


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746 streak #1
Chapter 2: "I want him--"

That cracked me up and it's definitely my favorite part!

Nice, nice! ;) Good job! :D
746 streak #2
Chapter 1: From strangers to cuddle buddies ;) What can I say, I am impressed.

As I read I was able to imagine the situation in the train, imagine the tattoos and the atmosphere itself.
AND I LOVED how Kyungsoo read him like an open book. :D
As for Beak being a model I kind of figured that would happen. ;)

Can't wait to read the extra. :D
746 streak #3
Simple hmm? 😉 We'll see how simple 😉👍
Chapter 2: Omg I am such a er for tattoo-au and there are not nearly enough stories like this. I tend to check out the tag from time to time and i am so happy i found this.
Honestly my abolute favourite moment in the story was when soo lit hyun's cigarette at the trainstation. That was really hot.
Anyways your characters are built very beautifully and i can't help but be inspired by thw whole "meeting someone on the train ~ thing"
Also your writing is very nice to read and it didnt vet boring at all.
I was surprised to see Kyungsoo with tattoos too but it was amazeballs ~ i love big tree tattoos and actually used a similar visual on my Taemin-character!! Its just so pretty in my mind and it is nice to see someone likeminded!

Anyways i hope you have a great day and I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this greatly!

Chapter 1: oh my lord this fic is everything!! i'm crying bc of the intensity there. srsly you'd written a wonderful story and this fic though, save my life. aweeeee #baeksooforlife
Chapter 2: So happy that I came across this fic!!!!
Thanku so much for writing this^^