That's Love

Waiting In The Clouds

“Minjun, just one more cookie alright? Look at your tummy, it’s protruding.” 


Chanyeol used his finger to poke the toddler’s belly which was sticking out from how many cookies he ate, and yet the little toddler whined and asked for more.


“Chanwyeol hyung, Minjun will be good!” Minjun negotiated, pointing up two fingers for two more cookies. Chanyeol faced a stump, if he gives Minjun more cookies because of how adorable the toddler looked with his puppy eyes, he definitely wouldn’t be eating dinner tonight. Baekhyun will lecture him to no end again, but how could he say no to those plump cheeks?


Just as Chanyeol was preparing to negotiate with the toddler, the doorbell rang and he smiled in victory as the toddler has now completely forgotten about the cookies, knowing that his Baekhyun hyung was returning from work.


Chanyeol lifts Minjun up and walks down to the main door, opening the door for who he assumed was just Baekhyun returning.


But the moment he saw those stiletto killer heels and a pair of oxford shoes beside it he knew it wasn’t just Baekhyun, he looks up and is shocked to see his mother and secretary kim, with Baekhyun being asleep and carried bridal style by the secretary.


Chanyeol was about to ask what happened, but she quickly shushed him and signalled her eyes to Minjun, meaning that she will explain it to him later. Chanyeol brings Secretary Kim to Baekhyun’s room to place him on the bed to sleep before turning off the lights in the room. Chanyeol notices how Baekhyun’s hair is matted and stuck to his forehead, with freshly dried tears on his face. Chanyeol wondered how much Baekhyun must have cried.


Walking back down to the living room he sees his mother playing with Minjun, feeding him the animal cookies that he was trying to prevent from happening. The toddler is definitely going to spend the rest of the night on a full stomach now.


“Mom, he ate like 10 cookies already, he’s gonna burst.” Chanyeol complained as his mom continued cooing as Minjun acted cutely for more snacks. Mrs Park noticed that Chanyeol has returned and quickly calls for Secretary Kim to go entertain Minjun somewhere else, she wanted to speak to her son privately. Chanyeol frowned once more, it looked serious. Chanyeol couldn’t help but obey either, he was way too curious about what happened.


“Son, I understand that you’re dating Baekhyunnie now, so I want you to listen carefully. His mother was at the event today, he isn’t feeling very good.” Mrs Park held Chanyeol’s hands in hers, worried that her boy wouldn’t understand. He still seemed like childish little boy who always played with her hair many years ago.


“Do you mean that woman from Byun corp?” Chanyeol’s eyes widened at the familiar name, like the one his grandmother warned him about a few months ago. Mrs Park continued to describe the entire event to Chanyeol, and his anger only peaked and grew stronger with everyone incoming sentence. For once, he wanted his mother to stop talking so badly, it was like a terrible story with no ending. Hearing about how Baekhyun was trampled on and frayed by his own biological mother, it just made the fire in his heart leap so vigorously that it hurt.


“ now, I want you to make sure that understand that Baekhyun is going to be more reserved during this time. He’s probably very hurt, we are the only family that he and Minjun has, I will handle the legal matters to file a restraining order for them, so you have to do your best and not give him a hard time, alright?”


Chanyeol nodded, though the anger and frustration were still piling up within him. How dare someone do this to their own biological child? Is the desire for money so strong that they would just do something like this? Chanyeol can’t ever believe what Baekhyun has gone through, after all, he was raised with love. 


Sometimes, Chanyeol felt that the world was so unfair, there was such a strong imbalance in the fate that lies within every individual. He was born into a prestigious family, with an established company ready to be passed down to him. He had such a loving family, and though they don’t see each other much, but the love was always there. How could this ever compare to Baekhyun, whose parents have failed him, abandoned him and left him to experience every hurdle that life threw at him. There was nobody to turn to in times of need, and adding on that inexperience of taking care of a baby. The difference was too big.


Mrs Park quickly left as she looked at the time, it was soon to be seven in the evening. With a smooch on the cheek and waving to Minjun goodbye, she left with secretary Kim and back to her own house.


Chanyeol lifted Minjun up in newfound determination, with so much reflecting done in his head, he was so motivated to make things right for Baekhyun. He won’t let anyone hurt his Baekhyun ever again.


“Minjun, you have to help me, okay? Baekhyun hyung had a difficult day today.”




“You are bad luck, Baekhyun-ah”


Baekhyun tossed and turned in bed, slowly blinking as he regained consciousness. He soon realises that it’s his room, and his uniform has been changed as well into his hooded sweater and comfy sweats. Baekhyun snuggles deeper into the duvets, he felt so warm despite all that had happened.


The timeline of events went straight to his head, the fear, the anger, the sadness and the closure. All those emotions felt together at once was so uncomfortable, it was mentally draining and took a toll on his emotions. He wonders what will happen to him now since his mother has now found out about his relation with the Parks. And he worries about Minjun too, how will he ever explain to him about their monstrous mother?


A little knock on the door distracts him, and he sees Chanyeol enter with a tray in his hands. Baekhyun sits up on the bed with a yawn as Chanyeol turns on the lights in the room, positioning himself next to Baekhyun on the bed.


“Here, I got you some pizza. Minjun said this is your favourite, he’s asleep now.” Chanyeol passes the plate over to Baekhyun, causing Baekhyun to chuckle at the pizza slice that had dinosaur nuggets on top of it.


“Ah, he must have thought it was my favourite because I ordered it all the time, it’s actually his favourite. Mine’s pepperoni.” Baekhyun chuckled halfheartedly, but he still gratefully took a bite, his ears tingling at the familiar taste of greasy nuggets and creamy cheese on top of a thick bready dough.


After taking a few bites, Baekhyun puts the plate on the bedside table and rests his head on Chanyeol’s chest, hearing the comforting heartbeat and just sitting there in comfortable silence. Chanyeol didn’t dare say anything, his mom’s words were echoing in his head.


“Chanyeol, do you think I’m bad luck?”


The sudden question made Chanyeol pause for a moment, thinking really hard as Baekhyun stared up at him with glossy eyes.


“Never, Baek. In fact, I might have been luckier ever since I met you. You’re an amazing person, do you know that? Even mom and grandma admires you.” Chanyeol smiled, brushing his fingers through the smaller’s hair. 


There was another wave of silence again, this time Baekhyun being the one deep in thought.


“Then why...why did she call me bad luck? Why can’t she accept me?” Baekhyun’s voice cracked and he quickly hid his face in Chanyeol’s chest, feeling the wave of tears incoming, ready to sting his eyes once more.


Chanyeol stayed silent, hugging the boy tighter and his back as the sobs became louder and louder.


“Shh...Baek, you really are precious. Especially to me. People like her don’t know how to appreciate what they have, and their greed will just make it worse. Focus on the people who love you, I promise you will feel much better.” Chanyeol spoke up, letting Baekhyun pour out his emotions before the smaller decided to quieten down into smaller sniffles, opting to change positions again to rest his head on Chanyeol’s shoulder. Chanyeol chuckled at Baekhyun’s puffy eyes and reddish nose, pulling a tissue to dab at his eyes.


“Then...Do you love me?”


Chanyeol laughed once more.


“Of course, Baek. You silly little thing, I should love you the most. I wish I could turn back time and love you longer, I’ll protect you from the beginning.” 


Baekhyun let out a genuine giggle at how silly Chanyeol’s words were, but it did warm his heart very much.


“Thanks, yeol. That’s all I wanted to hear.”


Baekhyun’s croaked out, tears pooling in his eyes and he felt as if all he had left was the breath in his lungs. The couple turned around to face each other, there was so much warmth in Chanyeol’s eyes that Baekhyun could easily forget everything and get lost in them. Chanyeol took his fingers and gently wiped away the salty tears on Baekhyun’s eyelids. Despite Baekhyun’s tears, his smile said it all: it was a moment words could not express.


“ you remember that time when your friend threw a shoe at the door?” Baekhyun suddenly asked, turning his head up to face the taller.


“Hmm, why? I was kinda drunk, it was all blurry.” Chanyeol replied honestly, he couldn’t remember much from the incident but he did remember waking up to a glass shattered front door the next morning. 


Baekhyun chuckles, causing Chanyeol to frown in confusion.


“Why? Did I do anything stupid?”


“No, no, it’s just...I kind of feel the same as I did at that time. I don’t think you remember, but I was so scared of that glass shattering sound that I just cried, and you, even being drunk and clumsy, embraced me and patted me like a puppy.” Baekhyun snuggled closer to Chanyeol, pulling up the duvet to make himself warmer.


“I-I did that? I thought it was a dream!” Chanyeol spoke up, lifting his head to look at Baekhyun in surprise. Baekhyun just simply nodded, proving that it wasn’t a dream after all.


“You’re so cute, do you know that? I couldn’t hold myself back.” Chanyeol confesses, causing Baekhyun to laugh.


“Hey, does that mean you had a crush on me?” Baekhyun interrogated, he grabs Chanyeol’s arms and forces the taller to face him.


“Um...I…” Chanyeol looked nervously at Baekhyun, who was staring at him with hopeful eyes. Baekhyun batted his long eyelashes, their faces were so close, and suddenly, they’re kissing.


Baekhyun pressed his lips against Chanyeol’s, he smiled brightly at the feeling. Chanyeol’s hands unconsciously move up to cup Baekhyun on the cheeks. It was a gentle and comforting kiss, it didn’t have to be steamy or sophisticated - all Chanyeol wanted was to feel Baekhyun’s soft pink lips, it made his whole body feel electrified.


They pull away, the warmth from the duvet and the close proximity of their bodies made it all the more comforting, Baekhyun begins to doze off to sleep, enjoying the way Chanyeol holds him close.


I love you, so so much. 




A week later came Minjun’s first annual Parent’s Day in preschool. Baekhyun was feeling much better now, energized and recovered from the past week’s events. Since their parents are obviously out of the picture, Baekhyun took a day off from work to join the toddler for the celebration at his preschool, which was just walking distance from the usual trip to Seoul Academy.


With Minjun bundled up like a rice ball to brace the cold weather, Baekhyun sets out with the toddler in his arms and out of the house. Chanyeol said he was having a group project meeting on campus today, so he’ll most likely be back late at night.


Reaching the preschool at around 10am, Baekhyun puts Minjun down and smiles as the little guy runs over to meet his friends. Though all the children look really happy, it was a whole different story for the mothers.


Women comparing jewellery with one another, their sweet words laced with jealousy and spite. Those crescent like smiles with an ulterior motive. The constant need to assert ‘I’m the best’. Baekhyun soon realized how difficult it was to encounter someone like Mrs Park, who is very much richer than all these women combined, but she is extremely humble and well natured.


“Hey, which kid is yours?”


Baekhyun looks up to see a bunch of women looking at him, their eyes were full of curiosity and arrogance.


“The one in the orange jacket. He’s Byun Minjun, and I’m Byun Baekhyun, his brother. Nice to meet you all.” Baekhyun bowed to them politely, obviously much younger than all the women who were probably in their mid thirties. 


“Why are you here? Parents too busy to come?” One of them asked in a haughty tone, startling Baekhyun by surprise. The other women nodded, they too were curious.


“ see, the thing is, our parents are um...not in the picture? It’s just us two.” Baekhyun replied, cheeks reddening in embarrassment as their frowns become deeper, their wrinkles creasing up together.


The other women soon walk away to engage in their own chatter, leaving Baekhyun to stand there and sigh. If he can’t blend in with the older women, he might as well make himself useful to the children. Baekhyun notices the way Minjun’s eyes twinkled as he walked closer, making grabby hands as the other toddlers simply stared at him.


“This is my Baekhyun hwyung! He plays with me everyday!” Minjun boasts to his friends, causing Baekhyun to blush. He tried to sit down to be at all the toddlers’ level, and was immediately swarmed by a bunch of curious children.


“Baekhyun hwyung! You are so pretty!”


“You look a hundred plus hundred ywears younger than my mommy!”


Baekhyun laughed at the children’s comments, they were at the age where they can be so carefree and brutally honest. Minjun, realising that everyone wanted to get closer to his brother, immediately went up to Baekhyun’s lap in protest to show that his Baekhyun hyung belonged to him.


That went on for about an hour, just Baekhyun chilling with the kids, answering all their curious questions. After an announcement to gather all the parents and children, they all scurried to the main hall for the Parents’ Day presentation.


“Presenting her carnation to her mother, Lee Choon Hee from class 1A!”


The adorable little girl steps out from her class as her mother walks onto the small platform to receive a red paper carnation from her daughter. 


“Mommy,  happy parents’ day! Thwank you for everwything you have done for me!”


Though obviously rehearsed, the mother smiles and gives her daughter a pat on the head. The mother-daughter duo have bright crescent smiles as they posed for the camera. Baekhyun smiled, noticing Minjun looking so nervous from the stage, it was his turn next.


“Presenting his carnation to his brother, Byun Minjun from class 1A!”


Baekhyun starts walking up the stage at the same time that Minjun is guided by his teacher to stand in the middle of the stage, a bright red paper carnation in his chubby hand. Minjun hid behind his teacher, having stage fright because there were so many parents in the crowd.


“Minjun-ah, your hyung is waiting for you!” Minjun’s teacher spoke to him gently, Baekhyun just chuckled at his little brother’s shyness. Minjun looks up to Baekhyun, and with a leap of faith, he steps out to give his brother a gift of gratitude. Baekhyun cooed, he could see Minjun’s effort in making the red paper carnation - his little scribbles and the uneven cutting is still obvious, but he loved it anyways. It was handmade by the toddler after all.


“Hywung, Happy Parents’ Day! Thank you for evewrything you’ve done for me!” 


Minjun speaks in a soft voice, placing the red carnation in Baekhyun’s hand. Minjun probably doesn’t really understand what he had practiced saying for many many days in the preschool, but seeing his Baekhyun hyung smile so widely after he said it, he knew it was something good.


Baekhyun feels a wave of emotions inside him, he was ready to cry happy tears at a stupid school event. Just not too long ago his baby brother was so small and fussy, who couldn’t even walk or talk and had to have his diaper changed almost every hour. Seeing Minjun now looking so happy and healthy, he really felt the pride of a parent, he was so glad to see his brother growing more and more each day.


“Thank you, Minjun-ah. Hyung is very happy.” Baekhyun hugs the toddler close and lifts him up to take a commemorative photo, and the moment he looked up, he saw a very familiar face waving at him.


It’s Chanyeol, with a bunch of stupid red carnations in his hands.


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Chapter 28: Its wonderful and amazing!!!! I seriously love this story!!!!
Chapter 28: Its wonderful and amazing!!!! I seriously love this story!!!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 28: Rereading again - lovely story of growing up and learning to love 💕
Aubreyyyy #4
Chapter 28: Wahahaaa!! I absolutely love this story! The storyline is amazing and was told brilliantly!

If possible, can we have a sequel? Maybe showing how Minjun become curious about their real parents and more?

Sorry if that’s asking for too much hehe! I’m just so In love with this story and I didn’t want it to end.

You, authornim, are an amazing and talented writer! Love all your works <3 :))
Chapter 28: Uwuuuuuuu❤️❤️❤️
Beau1996 1381 streak #6
Chapter 28: Very sweet ?
Chapter 28: Such a loving story, glad that i'm reading it
Chapter 28: i never thought gakuen brothers can be like this, i alr watched the anime of it and so far this fic is sooo good. Mr. Kim character is still kinda same with the chairwoman's secretary and it's really a hilarious character tho. all in all, i love the parks here, they rly love baek and minjun, and for baek ans chan's relationship progress, i find it realistic since it wasn't quick to develop. I also liked how chanyeol's character development. lastly, im glad baek found friends like sulayxiuchen. Thank you so much for this fic!
Palak27 #9
Chapter 28: This was an amazing story!I really loved everything about the story- the plot, characters, the drama, the ending was perfect. Mr. Kim was a very good actor I really liked his character, it was kind of funny but nice. I really like the character development for Chanyeol. Baek was a sweetheart. Park family were amazing. Xiuchen and sulay were amazing friends! That yixing nosebleed was so funny! Minjun was the cutest baby! Thank you so much author for such a wonderful story. Stay safe! XOXO :-)
Palak27 #10
Chapter 25: The moment between Minjun and Baekhyun made me cry. It was such an emotional and beautiful moment!