
From Summer to Fall
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It is two minutes past 12 o' clock midnight, January 1st.


People are celebrating,


New Year means new chapter in life…


Minjoo is laughing and celebrating with her members for the first time and thanking whatever omnipotent force for making her life so happy and worthwhile, when Yujin kisses her so sudden while watching fireworks at the patio of their dorm..


Granted, it's short, fleeting, and almost-platonic.


Granted, she’s drunk on root beer…


Thanks to an amusingly low alcohol tolerance and will probably not be able to recall a thing in the morning.


Granted, this is Yujin, for Gods' sake—that girl has the dangerous propensity to act before thinking things through;


Her friend who seemed to almost enjoy getting into unnecessary trouble;


Her friend who's middle name would most fittingly be impulsive and irrational..


For whatever reason, Minjoo is not supposed to take the kiss into any deeper context.


But I did ANYWAYS!!


She is not supposed to touch her lips when Yujin draws away, a lopsided grin on her face.


She is not supposed to sigh;


Not supposed to redden on any other grounds besides gratuitous alcohol consumption.


She is definitely not supposed to like it.


But things never really work out the way she plan, because she does.


And suddenly, almost comically, Minjoo confirm that her feelings blossomed from crush to love with Yujin.


Kiss was memorable indeed


She stole my first








14th of February


She is standing outside the practice room, heart thundering in her chest, a basket of fresh hand-made chocolates in her sweating palms, when she finally gathers enough resolve to attempt to move their relationship forward.


Fighting Minjoo you can do it,,


No person can have a heart to reject you right???


Minjoo gulps and glances down at the confections she'd stayed up last night to make. Bright, careful eyes glide over the modest heart covered plastic packaging, the simplicity of ten little bundles, ten little tokens of friendship. Her gaze then lands on the eleventh and she nearly reels.


My heart is incredibly beating so fast, right now that it can classify as tachycardia.


It is a huge chocolate heart covered in cinnamon, contained in a hand-crafted box, pulled together with expensive silk ribbon.


And it is so obviously, noticeably, painfully different from the rest she hesitates a second, wondering if she can actually pull through.


I pour all my baking skills on the last one, I hope Yujin would like it..


She then exhales, hardens her tenacity because she must.


Deep breathe.


Minjoo schools her expression into a determined smile, before pushing past the doors and stalking over to the floor where her friends are gathered and resting from practicing for their Japanese promotions. Where Yujin is no doubt making a fool of herself..


She knows how to keep the atmosphere lovely even here in Japan huh !!~


Sharp eyes turn quickly to acknowledge her presence, "Minjoo!" Yujin grin wildly like a puppy saw her owner, "Hey."


The blush is instinctive and she curses her incredibly school girl reaction.


“oooh,Hi Yujin!!” Minjoo just waves her hand to acknowledge her…


"Happy Valentine's Day, everyone." She greets with a smile. She hustles over to all the members except for certain someone and drops the similar packages in front of them.


"Friendship chocolate." She clarifies and she temporarily amuses herself with the varying degrees of their reactions;


Hyewon is ecstatic and jumps into her open arms;


As expected as long as it is food, Kangchan is amused…


Sakura blushes sheepishly, grinning from ear to ear;


Well, Saku-chan has a little bit crush on me but I know she loves Chaeyeon , Kangchan, or Eunbi unnie? Even me I am confused with her, Never mind this is just me rumbling on myself..


Chaewon sinks into something akin to depression;


I’m sorry Chaewon-ah,


and Yuri smirks, almost knowingly.


Well, this girl knows that I like Yujin, I bet she will tease me nonstop along with her girlfriend Yena.


"Thanks, Minjoo." Chaewon says before eyeing the final package in her basket, "And that last one's for…?


She flusters about, hoping that sheer will, will drive away her blush before it's too late—


"Oi! Minjoo!" An irritated voice interrupts her flurry and Yujin is suddenly in front of her, lightly glaring, so close, she can feel her perpetually radiating body heat, "Where's my chocolate?"


The girl fixes a tense grin on her features, heart thumping hard in her rib cage. She reaches for the chocolate, and gingerly hands it to Yujin eyes darting between the floor and her face.


She expects a reaction, of course. Because her chocolate is so obviously, so glaringly different from the others, it stands out too much not to be noticed..


it would be an incredible feat for her not to notice; everyone else does: Hitomi and Nako and Yena are absolutely elated, Yuri and Sakura are smirking like this was predictable in the grand scheme of things, Eunbi is grinning, and Chaewon along with Wonyoung are blatantly complaining about the unfairness of it all.


Yujin say something please , aaaah my heart feels like going to explode!!!


It is comparable to what I feel on our debut stage…


What she doesn't expect however, is what Yujin actually replies with: "Cool."


Just one work, AHN YUJIN? ARE YOU FOR REAL??


Yujin says with another one of her trademark grins, "Thanks." And she proceeds to consume it.






There is no eyes-widening-in-realization.


No blushes.


No outward acknowledgment that she recognizes her quite apparent attempt at confessing at all.


As Yujin plops down on the floor, she is wholly unaware of everyone's slap-to-the-forehead gestures


(and Chaewon’s even more blatant complaining about the unfairness of it all).


Minjoo numbly takes her place, stares a moment at the table in front of her, and promptly bangs her head against it.


What an epic fail of confession huh? You arw so naïve Ahn Puppy!!!!


Do I need to spell it out for you??!!!






14th of March.


She is walking around town, her subconscious effectively veering her off the path to the dorm because she genuinely wants to avoid seeing her more than she has to, when she does in fact see her now..


It’s been a month already and what am I supposed to do??


In a shop window. With another girl.


This is the answer huh??? You like other girl!!


She honestly, seriously wishes with her entire being that she wasn't so infatuated because it hurts and she's furious.


Minjoo frowns as the Yujin smiles at the nameless woman, and she tries to convince herself that this isn't her business. That she is glad Yujin hadn't realized her confession and it is all for the better that they don't end up together.


But it is hurting me now like an arrow plunging in my chest.


The tight knot in doesn't cease however as she looks at them, conflict in her auburn eyes.


Who is this girl anyway—


"Oh Minjoo!" Yujin calls and she vaguely apprehends the fact Yujin is quite abruptly looking at her. Yujin waves her over and she hesitates before waving back, and taking small steps to where she stood.


"Hey." She says rather awkwardly.


"I'd like a bouquet of flowers for this girl, please."


Minjoo looks at her like she's just sprouted another head and Yujin words don't register until the clerk woman asks, "What kind of flowers would you like?"


Minjoo reddens because the implications overwhelm her. "Ah…white roses."


As the clerk disappears into the backroom, she turns to her companion with an expression that is more disbelieving than questioning. "What's all this?"


"White Day gift." Yujin answers simply, running a quick hand through her hair..


The clerk woman comes back with a bouquet of fresh roses and she doesn't quite know what to say when the bundle is finally in her hands.


Yujin knows how to swept girl off of feet huh!! You surely know to play game!!


She blushes. Harder. If Yujin giving her a gift, then she’d obviously thought about Valentine's Day on some kind of level and maybe there's still hope yet…


My hope is not totally close to zero..


"I'd like to order two bouquets of those same white roses”.


Says another feminine voice that she doesn't recognize as Yujin's. Chaewon suddenly appears as if from thin air and she is grinning smugly beside her.


Yujin literally growls as the flowers are brought out and she is carrying three bouquets of white roses. "Happy White Day, Minjoo."


Yujin slams more money on the table, snarling out a "Three more of that same order."


When she finally realizes that this is just another one of their competitions, she walks away, not knowing whether to cry or kick something.


Yujin can make me go high in just one minute and crashed me under the Mariana trench the next minute…






Random day in April that they had no schedule.


She is in the middle of vacuuming their apartment, dusting her bookshelves, sanitizing the bathroom, and whatever else spring cleaning entails, when she realizes she can't just let Yujin go.


I and her sleep in the same room but cause of fatigue we just sleep and wake up without talking with each other.


I really missed her.


The whole Valentines' incident, her first ever attempt at confessing, had of course left her a little shaken, a little insecure. And the entire White Day debacle had been a serious let down. She had resolved to just forget about the whole thing.


That dumb Yujin that is my first time confessing and she freaking unknowingly rejects me??


I am used to guys chasing me


But I am chasing a girl who is naïve than anyone !!!


You are unlucky in love Kim Minjoo !!!!~~~


Maybe it was God's way of telling her that she and Yujin were meant to be best friends, group mates, and nothing else.


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Chapter 1: Yujin needs to turn the table
Chapter 1: Hahahhahahhhha
Chapter 1: ohhh. I need the POV of Yujin in those days.. hahahah
Yuwreee #4
Chapter 1: I need more fluffyyyyyyynessss in this world like jinjoo ㅠㅠ <3
Chapter 1: Cute cute cute. I like how they both are slow in picking up hints XD

I hope you get well soon, author-nim! fighting!
Chapter 1: more jinjoooooo!!
Uhm, ciao for now everyone, this will be my last fic since i need to focus on my health first :) thank you to all those who still read my fics