Roommate: Life on the Edge (A Sequel)

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The miscellaneous adventures of Vampire Hyukjae and Human Donghae (a.k.a. getting slapped in the face with a bag of M&M's, fighting a werewolf, and learning that Hyukjae really does sparkle in the sun if Donghae rubs enough glitter self-tanning lotion on him)



Read the original here: Roommate






A Roommate spinoff just for fun? WHY??? Because i've been having trouble updating everything else and i really just wanted to post something light hearted for valentine's day. i kept going back and forth with myself, deciding if to post this or not, but i deicded to just go for it. also, roommate has probably been the most successful story i've written so far so you guys must have liked some aspect of the vampire hyuk and human hae duo so i decided to write this up just in time for valentine's day as a little gift. the idea is that it's going to be a multi chaptered story that will be updated randomly with oneshots that are basically a bunch of snippets 


TL;DR: First chap going up on Valentine's Day! 







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Chapter 2: This was absolutely fantastic!
Chapter 2: Yay I'm so happy that you are back. I love this story so much. They are still dumb and funny as usual. Haha
1578 streak #3
Chapter 2: Poor Hyukjae's super sensitive nose. Immediately, after the mention of never seeing the neighbour's mind went "oh so the neighbour is a werewolf" lol. Then the tulip destruction with the ripped fabric nearby, just confirmed. (Even though, ironically, Hyuk mused about doing such a thing previously and blaming it on a fictional dog.)

Lol the Changkyu couple... "The dog and his owner" LMAO. Of course Donghae vibes with Kyu, Kyuhyun must be instantly Donghae hyung biased just like irl, and also they can relate in some ways because of being humans with non-human boyfriends. But poor Hyukjae. 😂

Thank you for the update! Love this AU, there's a lack of silly slice-of-life supernatural fluffy Eunhae, and it's one of my favourite niche genres. ♡
Chapter 2: Absolutely adorable! 🥰
Chapter 2: God, I just love it!!! Our hot an dumb vampire has finally some action with his forever enemy!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 1: Its been 3 yrs since next week authornim...hope you come back soon
Chapter 1: This is so cute and funny. Love the domestic things that they do, wish you coudl continue this story 💕
1578 streak #8
Chapter 1: A beach vacation to recharge (and sparkle, momentarily lol) was nice. It's fun to see more domestic fluff with this half supernatural couple. ♡
Chapter 1: aww this is so cute and I hope you will come back and continue this one.
I love everything in this fic. So funny that I laughed a lot! This story really makes my day.
Donghae really has a fun personality. He is cheerful and positive although he doesn't have lots of money. I adore him because of this. It's just like the real Donghae in real life, he takes No as answer and always pursue what he wants.
Meanwhile Hyukjae is so cute with technology but can ease Donghae's worries. They are really perfect for each other.
Chapter 1: Author nimmmm come backkk its been so much more than a week Plsssss i lobh it 🥺