Part. 2

Jenkai Drabbles

The last time Jongin was here probably almost decade ago, it impressed him how this place never really changed since he was in elementary school till now. The cakes, bread, and muffins still taste the same. And they also make the best hot chocolate! The homemade taste and the homey feelings this place has is what makes Jongin always return here everytime his solitude kinda pissed him off like right now....


He just got back from Canada (it’s Vancouver to be exact) for good. He had spend good time there, went to college, graduated, worked at one of famous book publishing for few years, everything was great until one of his sister called him and told him their father is in critical condition and probably won’t make it.


Long story short, his father passed away and thus here he is in the old cafe he used to come along with his dad. The only different thing is, he came alone now. ‘Dad probably went here too alone when i’m still in Vancouver. Guess it’s my turn to coming here by myself, huh.’ he thought. Once Jongin heard the news about his dad’s condition, he fled immediately to Seoul. He felt grateful and loss too at the same time when he arrived in the hospital. He felt grateful because he still got time to talk to his dad, and loss because after 3 days his dad just stop breathing. The last words he said to Jongin were, “Don’t blame yourself so much. There’s nothing prouder than a father seeing his son knows what he wants to do.”

Jongin fled back to Vancouver after his dad’s death ceremonial, he stayed in Seoul for 2 weeks. When he got back to Vancouver he thinks so much. About how he left home for years, how he left his family and friends, how he didn’t really see their growth, how he skipped his sister wedding, how he just missed eveything... After some thought like that, Jongin decided to go back home to Seoul. To where all his family and friends exist there, he can bear any other loss like that. He wants to see them growing even though it’s probably late.



“Are you sure about it, son?”

“Yes, mom. I’ve think about it the moment i stepped in Seoul last month.” He said on the phone.


His mom let out a sigh and said, “Alright then if you say so... Do you want me to find a place for you here?”


“It’s alright, mom. You don’t have to worry. My current office here transferred me to another branch in Seoul, and i’ve found a small flat and even talked to the landlord. The picture on the website looks great though, but i don’t know how the real place would be. You know how picture sometime lies, right?” Jongin jokes and lets out a soft chuckles, his mom laughs and he can hear his dogs barking excitedly through the phone. It’s just make him feels longing even more.

“Okay, let me know the flat address i will check it out for you. I’ll go with your sister.” His mom said.

“Thank you mom, i’ll send you the address later. I’ll be forever in your debt, your honour.” Jongin replied jokingly that made his mom snort.


And just like that. When he fled back to Seoul, he immediately went to his furnished flat, signing some papers, he just left his luggage untouched and collapsed to the sofa and sleep for he doesn’t know how long.


Jongin suddenly got back to reality when the waitress gave him his order. The usual Hot Chocolate. Warm milk, cocoa, and drop of honey never fails to make Jongin feels better. He gave small ‘Thank you’ and flashed a friendly smile to the waitress and the waitress returned the friendly gesture politely and go back to her work. It’s been 10 days he stays and he seems already grip his life a little here, he’ll start working at the new place next week. He got pretty much time to prepare. His position still the same as he was in Vancouver. Hopefully everything turned out well.


The door suddenly clinking means someone just entered the cafe. The waitress as polite as ever welcoming the new comer. A girl, with long hair, she dressed comfortably, and she brings a transparent folder contained probably lot of important papers and she also bring laptop. ‘Someone’s gonna pull an all nighter it seems.’ He thought mindlessly.



I’ve met this girl

Where did we met?


After sometimes Jongin tries to digging his memories, he finally got the answer. She’s The Panic Girl she met on the store! He can really blame her for thinking he looks like a kidnapper. He can passed as one in his condition a week ago. With the fact he just woke up from 15 hours of sleep, unshaven, hair long and messy. People would be panic if they being followed with that kind of people, Right?


What is it her name again.... Jennifer? Jessica? Aha! It’s Jennie.


Jongin is surprised at how he could remember her name. It’s probably the name is easy to remember, or the epic memory he has with her that make it not forgettable.

Just as he thought, she has put some of papers on her table and starts being busy with her laptop. Jongin pays no mind and going back with his things.


2 hours passed. It’s raining outside. The cafe being a shelter for some times, having few customers ordering something that can warm them up. The girl still busy with her works, but now with empty glass and plate. And seems like Jongin didn’t want to leave yet.


An hour passed again. It’s 10PM now, the rain seems not going to stop anytime soon. Some people decided to go out while still raining, wet shoes be damned tomorrow is Friday. But, some stays until they feel like they have enough mental to fight the rain. And finally the girl packs all her things, stretch her body a little and get up to pay her orders.


When she stepped out from the cafe, she just realized she didn’t bring umbrella, she would fight the rain but she brings laptop with her. She huffs and mumbles to herself “I swear to God i can’t really trust weather forecaster sometimes.”


A voice suddenly appeared,

“Yeah, they said it’ll be windy only today. What a bummer.” He said, eyes on the pouring rain.


Jennie look at the guy beside her and she peeks at his side. He’s holding an umbrella. Jennie lets out a pretty long sighs. She’s tired from all the deadlines she had to finished, and all the demanding things her clients wants.


“Aren’t you going home?” Jennie asked after some minutes passed without him moving. The guy turns her head to look at her, “Is that ‘please go away’ in disguise?”

Jennie shakes her head and immediately said, “No! I didn’t mean that way! It’s just... You have umbrella with you... I’m sorry, i’m just curious.” She sounds desperate probably because she’s tired and just want to sleep right now, right there.


“Chill, i’m only joking. here you can use mine.” The guy chuckles and offered her his umbrella.


“It’s okay, thank you. I’ll just wait the rain to stop. It’s yours you should use it.”


Jongin furrowed his eyebrows upon hearing that and said, “But you need it more than i do.” He takes her hand for her to hold his umbrella since she didn’t accept the offer and he continues, “Beside, i live not far from here.” He lets go of her hand slowly and then he tighten the hoodie around him, and walked under the rain.


After 5 steps away, he turns his body to her and said (actually half-shouting), “Make sure to not apologize the next time we meet!” And just like that he walked away leaving Jennie dumbfounded. Do i know him somewhere?


Jennie turns her attention to the given umbrella, she realized there’s a small paper slipped there so she took it. There’s a messy handwritten there that said “Good night and rest well, Jennie. I’m the guy you think a kidnapper. I hope you remember me. - Jongin.”


“IT’S THE GUY FROM THE STORE?!?!?!” Jennie shriek in disbelief.


Thanked God people are inside so no one really notice her mental breakdown. Just when she thought she’s free from the embarrassment, god just give something else after. She has been thinking about the incident for the past few days and now she’s going to think about it even more. She’s not going to lie, the paper is kinda make her cheeks warms. She puts the small paper on his bag and start to going home with the umbrella from the stubble man or now known as Jongin. She lets out a sigh for she doesn’t know how many times, How am i supposed to return the umbrella?


Few weeks passed in a blurred, and here Jennie going back to the supermarket. Buying his monthly needs. Exactly at the 26th. She still think about how she’s going to return Jongin’s umbrella though. Jennie comes to this supermarket quite often to be honest, not only at 26th. Sometimes she comes earlier than 26th to buy extra groceries for when her mom or her friends wants to stay the night at her apartment. She’s practically remember every single isle and it’s categories by heart now, she also knew some of the staffs and vice versa. Sometimes she engaged them in conversation, like asking about any discount, any new products around, or sometimes Jennie also asked about their family or life. Not too personal though, only the general things.


When Jennie and one of the store’s staff in the middle of light conversation, there’s suddenly a guy interrupted. “Excuse me, i’m sorry to bother you. Do you happen to have this product here?” He asked politely while showing something on his phone to the staff. “Oh, it’s alright! Yes we do have it but we haven’t put it to the shelf yet. Do you want to buy this product now?” The staff explained as polite as ever and the guy said yes and thanking her. “Alright please wait here. Jennie, talk to you later!” Said the staff before went away doing her job.


“Jongin?” Jennie said without even thinking, way to go Jen, he probably think you’re weird.

The said guy turns her head to the girl in front of her, the shocked expression registered on his face before his lips turning into a small smile, “Jennie? Hopefully i don’t get your name wrong.” He really hope so because it’s going to be awkward if he got her name wrong especially he left a small note on the umbrella some times ago. (Yes he still remembers, mind you.)


          Jennie chuckles and shakes her head, “Don’t worry, you got my name right.” Jongin nods his head and turns his head back. He really wants to talk to her, having an easy conversation but it’s just kinda awkward. Are they friends? No. An acquaintance? Not really.


          A heavy silence settled over them, Jongin rubs his nape awkwardly not knowing what to say. He desperately hopes the staff will come back as soon as possible with the product he was looking for. Jennie stealing glances to Jongin in hope the guy won’t catch it. She really wants to talk more for no reason, thanking him for lending his umbrella to her and return the umbrella. Why the word so hard to come.


“About the umbrella..”

“Your umbrella..”

They talked in the same time and both of them looking at each other, taken aback for a moment before letting out a soft chuckles.

“Alright, ladies first.”

Jennie snorts playfully hearing that and said, “Your umbrella is in my car, i want to return it to you.”

Jongin raises his eyebrows and replied, “I was about to say just keep the umbrella.”

Jennie frowns, “Nooooo, i’m going to return the umbrella to you and i’m not taking no as answer.”

“That sounds quite ambitious bur alright ma’am.” Jongin said playfully with no hard feelings.

“Here’s the stuff you need, Sir.” The staff from earlier came with the thing Jongin needs. He turns his body and take the product, not forgetting to give the staff a grateful bow and saying thanks to her.


“Are you still in the middle of grocery shopping or...?” Jongin asked.

“Oh, no! I’m actually done shopping and about to go to the cashier.” Jennie said immediately and start to pushing her cart to the cashier.

Jongin walked beside her, he also wants to pay his thing.

“Monthly grocery shopping, hm?” Jennie saying small ‘Yes’ and nods while putting out all her groceries to the cashier with Jongin also helping her. Jongin actually helped her and walked with her to the parking lot, even putting all her groceries to her car (this time, it’s really her car). After she has done with her groceries, she went to the back seat to get Jongin’s umbrella and she gave it to him. “Thank you for lending your umbrella to me.” She said.

Jongin took his umbrella and said, “It’s not a big deal, like i told you. You need it more than i do.”

“Still, thank you. Not all people wants to lending their stuff to stranger you know.” Jongin laughs hearing that.

“So... I got to go. Good bye?” Jongin said. More like a question.

“Alright.... Be careful on your way...” Jennie said and Jongin only replied with a small nod and smile at her. And then he walked away. Jennie staying still on her spot, didn’t know what to do.

“Where are you going?” She asked before she could stop herself. Her voice came out quite squeaky, she winced. Jongin stop on his spot and turns to her, “Uhm, Home?” He said, eyes clearly quite confused with the question.

“W-would you mind to go out lunch with me?” She said again.

Jongin furrowing his eyebrows, can’t quite catch what Jennie just said so he decided to walk closer to her. “Pardon me?”

Jennie takes a deep breath and say it again, “Would you like having lunch with me? My treat. Since you’re kind enough to me few weeks ago.”

“Like.. right now?”

“Yes, if you don’t mind and if you have nothing else to do?”

“Oh... Alright... I mean, yeah, sure. That would be great, Jennie.” Jongin said, eyes turning small due to smiling at her. She return the smile shyly.


          They ended up having lunch at the cafe they met few weeks ago. She thought the lunch going to be awkward but it turned out well. They talked a lot, she just knew he just moved from Vancouver. She just knew the reason why he looked kinda messy the first time she met him is because the jet lagging, he’ll start to work soon at one of the famous book publishing that turned out it has the same building with where Jennie works. Jongin just knew Jennie is an only child, she works at advertising company, she can draw very prettily. Both of them like dogs and is raising few dogs as well. Jongin doesn’t like coffee with passion, meanwhile Jennie don’t really hate coffee but prefers milk if there’s an option.

“Say, Jongin. Do you come to this cafe often? Some people here seems to know you.” Jennie finally asked after few of the staffs here and even the owner greeted Jongin very friendly and even engaged him in small conversation.

Jongin sipped his hot chocolate and wipe his lips with his thumb before answering her question, “Well... I’ve been going to this place since i was in elementary school. Before i moved to Vancouver, i used to come here so oftenly. Sometimes alone, but usually with my dad. This is like me and my dad’s basecamp, you know?” He explained while smiling genuinely, feeling nostalgic with his memories. Judging by the expression she sees, she can picture how close Jongin is with his dad. And how his eyes kinda longing with something? She wants to ask more about his dad, but decided to keep it. She didn’t want to came out as nosy to him. They just know each other. So instead she said, “That is a pretty long time. No wonder the owner looks at you like you’re his own son.” Both of them laughed.


“How about you? Do you come here often? Seems like few staffs also know you.” Jongin asked, elbow on the table and cheek on his palm as he looked at her wondering.

“Well actually... Do you know that restaurant few blocks from this cafe?”

Jongin nods, and she continues “To put it shortly, i just found out my ex was cheating on me in that restaurant. So i walked away. I walked mindlessly but turned out my body just brought me here. Ever since that, i always come here. Be it for calming myself when everything gets too much, or to working on my things.” She said while her hands busy playing with her napkins. She turns his head to look at him and there’s weird expression plastered on Jongin’s face. “What is it? Is there anything weird on my face?” Jennie asked. “No, nothing. I want to ask you something but i don’t want to make you mad.” Jongin replied.

Jennie only rolling her eyes playfully and letting out a sigh, “You’ve said that, you must tell me what you want to ask!” She said sounding playful.

“Tell me, did you punch your ex before walking away?”

Jennie laughs after hearing his question, it’s kinda make her remembering things that used to hurt her, but it doesn’t hurt anymore this time. “Yes, of course. Duh.”

Jongin gave Jennie a high-five after knowing she punched her ex. “Why are you giving me a high-five? I just did a violent thing!” She said while still laughing, hand clutching her tummy. Jongin’s expression just so funny and the whole thing is just epic. It’s not everyday you got complimented for punching someone.

“Can’t help it. Your ex deserves more than just a punch.”

After some times they talk more they decided to call it a day and return home. Jongin ended up paying for them.

“I told you, it’s my treat.” Jennie said while frowning at him.

“Well... You can pay off the umbrella debt the next time we met, maybe?” He said with a hint of playfulness and hope as well.

Jennie’s cheeks turned into shade of red, This smooth little fox.

They got back to their place respectively with a new contact list on their phone.



You got one new message.

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows because Jongin just texted her. She swiped her phone and read the message,


Make sure to wear something other than red on your face next time. :)



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jsjdjjdjdkdksks i know this is very short and unsatisfying. but i’m still hoping this could entertain you guys while reading. please give comments if you don’t mind! (ps: i’m still not sure want to make jenkai drabbles or not)


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Daisy_15 #1
I still ship jenkai after announcment of break up . So sad
Anu298 #2
Chapter 2: Oh this is such a sweet chap ❤️ Thanks for the chapter
Anu298 #3
Chapter 1: That was really nice ? I loved it. Please write more about jenkai, can you try writing something on the. In their idol life. Thanks