I was on my way to the coffee shop I've been working part time since a week ago. Earphones were on, though the volume is on a lower level. I was listening to some heavy metal songs. Banging my head lightly, feeling the song. Well, I never really appreciated this kind of songs before. Better late than never. Also, I like this kind of songs now way better than those boring R&B songs that my ex used to like. I rolled my eyes, cringing on the thought of my ex when-


I suddenly got dizzy. I can feel the blood in every vein from my neck was rushing up to my head. I stopped walking as I squeezed my eyes shut tightly to lessen the dizziness. Joy, did I heard it right? I asked myself as I plugged out one piece of my earphones from my right ear, trying to observe if someone really called me.


I turned around to where I can hear the voice, to see who was calling me. It was Kim Yerim. My best friend since third grade, she was the one who got me this new job, since I resigned from my previous job at an ice cream cake shop. Why? Simple, because everything I see there, reminds me of her, Wendy Son.

Those plain gray vertical roller blind curtains we pull down every time we close the store at midnight, covering the entire storefront of the shop. Those computer systems; where we used to play our own songs. Well, of course, I always play her favorite R&B songs as we dance the night away. Those bright down lights we always turn off, leaving just those pink and blue cove lightings opened every midnight, to feel the ambiance as we made out in that particular dark pink accent wall placed at the back. And that white counter with geometric patterns, where I used to-


Yerim called me once again, this time, in a ing y way as she held my arms, rubbing it lightly. That's when I came back to reality; I stumbled in her touch, my hair standing on edge as the electrifying feeling rose up through my spine. And what's worse? I drooled. I didn't even notice it, but right just after I stumbled, I felt a watery fluid came out from my mouth. Did I just daydream about my ex?

I looked at Yerim once again after I’ve spaced out and saw her smirked. How dare she smirked at me? I told myself. I rolled my eyes, and gave her a off look. I put on both of my earphones once again, though this time I increased the volume on its mid level, hoping to never hear Yerim call me that name again. But when I was just about to turn around and leave her behind-


My eyes were widened; I just increased my volume, why am I hearing her again? And it's even louder this time. I plugged both of my earphones out-


And that's when I knew, she is shouting my ing name. I held shut, looking around hoping she didn't get other's attention but , she did. I even made eye contact with most of them. kk, I was shouting inside. , my mind was a mess though I tried to be as composed as I can be and acted calm on the outside by smiling and bowing to every person I made eye contact with.

I removed my hand from , looking at her straight in the eyes. My eyes were shut wide, telling her not to speak again, faking a smile. I put my arms around her shoulders-

"I told you I’m Sooyoung, Yerim"

And pulled her in any direction to get rid of those people. Yerim knew I hate that name now, Joy, that name. That's what Wendy Son call me before. Because according to her, I was her Joy. that, I thought.

We continued walking, and once we got far from those people, I quickly pinched Yerim's side waist; I pinched it really hard. "Aaahhh sorry Sooyounggg ahh," she shouted

"What??? What's my name again?" I asked, pinching the other side, hard as well.

"Sooyounghg sorryyy" her voice cracked, I can see her eyes were starting to form some watery substance. And after a second she closed her eyes, those tears fell. I wouldn't lie, guilt creep in me. So, I got my hands off from her waist.

"Are you okay?" I asked her

"Joy" she called me that ing name once again. Hahaha, she even laughed. That actress. That scammer. I felt my face getting red, as my blood rose up through my head, I was fooled, "KIM YERIM!!!!" I shouted her name as she ran through the alleys.

I was about to run after her but my feet stopped me. I looked around; I can see those brick walls with those arched windows, in front of those modern illegal bars. These alleys look familiar, I thought. That's when I realized, that those alleys, where Kim Yerim just ran was full of dead ends, and it would just take her to one passage way. I ran straight through the street, as I decided to just wait for Yerim at the end of the alley. I laughed at the thought of her, being all shocked. My eyes were narrowed, as I laughed with my half crescent shaped eyes when- BOOM!

I fell to the ground as I lost my balance after I crashed into a post? I'm not quite sure. My body was numb. But the moment I looked at my arms with those small scratches, the moment I looked at my elbow, that had a big scratch wound, still slightly bleeding. That's when I felt all the pain. That's when I felt the burning prickly sensation on my elbow, and it was hella painful. I tried to stand up when-

"Joy?? Are you okay??"

I heard a familiar voice. That voice? No way it was Kim Yerim. It was way more angelic than my demonic best friend's voice. I know that voice, I told myself. For sure, It isn't Kim Yerim but that voice really sounds familiar. And what the , Joy?? Did I heard it right? Who in the world would call me that name again? I already told everyone, my name is Sooyoung. Ugh, I hate than name. I tried to stand up again when-

"Joy?" This time I can hear her clearer, as she stood beside me. She is indeed calling me that name, I rolled my eyes. Then suddenly, I felt a warm hand holding my arms, trying to help me stand, as she pulled me onto her. I mean, she was pulling me upwards. "Aawh" it hurts, and finally, I looked at her. Our gazes met. That brown eyes, I thought. It is her, it is my past girlfriend, Wendy Son.

That's when I realized why the alleys looked familiar. I am indeed a fool. I was a fool to forget that the end of the alley, would be the ice cream cake shop, I used to work with Wendy Son. The illegal bars I saw earlier? I was a fool to forget that, that's where Wendy Son and I used to drink and chill after work. And those alleys? Well particularly, those dead ends? We made out at almost every dead end of those alleys. I was really a fool to forget. I mean I did not forget, I was just too fool to realize everything sooner.

My eyes were widened, my body felt numb once again as I managed to put myself away from Wendy. Well, not that long though, because ? How did I become so unlucky? Because when I was just starting to walk away from her, I tripped. This time, I tripped over a metal tube, exposed slightly on the ground. Ahh, I shouted lightly. The pain I felt before was no way compared to the pain I feel now. I can hear my ex girlfriend speeding her way up to me.

"Joy, please let me help you" she said as she held up my arms once again.

"I still have work" I told her blankly. Though, I let her help me, as I pushed myself up, holding onto her shoulders.

"You have scratches all over your body, I’m sure they would understand" she told me, and then pulled me closer to her. And guess what? this footwork of mine, as I can't control myself, losing all my balance once again. Now, it looks like I am the one who pulled her onto me as I was hugging her. My arms were around her shoulders, my face were close to hers. Well, at least there's one thing I knew, I did right, I was able to control my head from kissing her.

She smirked, and I can't take this anymore. I finally opened my mouth, "Ohmygod are you flirting with me??" I told her, rolling my eyes.

She looked into my eyes. Those eyes, those eyes that I used to love. Those eyes that used to twinkle, telling me, they love me. I can feel my blood rushing through my veins. Then, suddenly I froze; everything around me seemed slow motion. I froze, looking into her eyes with my arms still around her shoulders; bodies still glued together, our faces were still two inches apart from each other.

Once she knew, she got my whole ing attention. Once she knew, she got me, she then winked and smiled at me. My heart was racing. My eyes made its way down to look at her lips. That smile, I told myself as I remember everything. I remember how she smiled at me after we kiss, how she smiled at me while I tell her my stories paying close attention, how she smiled at me telling me that she loved me. Suddenly my racing heart started jumping out of my chest, it was beating really fast, really hard. No, this can't be, I thought and pulled myself away from her, then "Ahh" the unlucky me felt the wound scratches once again.

"I'll cure those scratches, come with me" she told me, lending her hand, waiting for me to hold her.

Well, I did not let myself hold her as I thought my pride is bigger than my ego. And perhaps, I knew I would be ruined if I hold her once again. I just stood there, looking down at her hand when-

"Come on" her hand that was once frozen, abruptly made its way on my left hand. She held my left hand really tight, pulling me towards her direction. She moved her fingers, intertwining with mine. I just watched everything she did. I can't say no, I can't turn her down. I was frozen, once again.

I followed her footsteps. We walked for 5 minutes until we reached a familiar apartment, those brick orange exterior walls. it was indeed her apartment. Or should I say, our used to be apartment. She opened the door, we walked straight through the hallway, before reaching the middle part where the stairs were placed. We went up, 2nd floor. Then, we went up one more floors, where our/her apartment is. Once we reached the floor, we turned left, walked straight through the hallway before we reached the last door, at the right, number 31; our room number, my used to be favorite number.

She opened the door, pulling me once again; it is indeed still the same. The placement of every furniture is still the same, and then she let me sit into her couch. That's when I saw our framed photo together, placed at the coffee table in front of me. My heart ached, why does the universe seem against me today? I asked myself as I thought everything I wanted to get rid off, were naturally approaching me. It's weird. I was about to turn the framed photo upside down when I heard Wendy's footsteps approaching.

I stared at her as she placed a basin on the coffee table with warm water and a white towel inside. She then, placed the first aid kit beside it. I just stared at her as she sat beside me. We used to do this, sitting on the couch side to side, just looking at each other. I was trying to reminisce when-

"I bet you're still in love with me" she told me

"Huh, in your dreams" I rolled my eyes. I'm still in love? hah. I can't believe she just said that. Then, she laughed softly as she got the white towel from the basin and squeezed all the remaining water absorbed by the towel. I looked at her lips, it was still inverted upwards as she smiled. That laugh, she used to give me that laugh every time I tell her a joke. She used to give me that laugh, every time I tried to be cute. So, why did everything change? I wondered as my heart started feeling pain, it ached.


It was three days before our break up, It was Saturday that time, we didn't have work. We decided to go our separate ways. Well, I didn't plan going our separate ways forever that time- though it really happened. We were just trying to have a day for ourselves. I visited my parents in our hometown. And Wendy? She told me, she would just meet her friends, Seulgi and Irene since her parents were in Canada. I went home at exactly nine in the evening, I knocked excitingly, with all the packaged foods I brought from my hometown. I was ready to tell her my stories, like I visited a dog shelter with my friend Yerim, my two younger siblings grew up so well, but of Couse, I am still the prettiest. I wanted to tell her that mom wants to meet her and my mom, just for her, bought all these packaged foods I am holding. But the used to be smiling Wendy I knew, opened the door with just a blank expression. She used to kiss and hug me every time I went home, but this time? I was the one who did that.

"My mom bought this for you" I told her happily, I was excited. But guess what? She never smiled, she just nodded and went to get everything in my hand and placed it on the bar counter.

"What's the matter?" I asked her as I followed her onto the kitchen, "are you okay Wendy?" I continued.

She just nodded, never looking back at me. I went closer to her and back hugged her, then slowly turned her around. Now, she's facing me, "I thought I was your joy, please smile for me" I really tried hard, acting cute to make her laugh but that didn't happen. She just let out a small smile.

Days passed, she was still the same. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know, did I do something wrong? I started questioning myself, though I knew I did not. Still, I really tried my best to make her happy. I really tried my best to save this relationship, our 4-year relationship because I love her. I cooked for her, told her my stories, even though she seemed uninterested. I did everything.

Until the third day, it was Monday; our work starts at two in the afternoon.

"Wendy come on, we need to work" I tried to wake her up by hugging and kissing her.

"I'm not feeling well" she told me

"Do you want me to stay with you?" I was worried. I checked her forehead, her neck but it was just on its normal temperature.

"No, I can manage myself" she told me. I kissed her once again before leaving for work, "I'll be back at 12" i told her.

Well, I wasn't comfortable leaving my sick girlfriend behind so I called our manager, and told him I needed just one more day off. Luckily, he agreed and told me to just wait until the person who would take in charge arrives. Saeron came at three in the afternoon. And I rushed back from our apartment, which I founded empty. There's no one in our apartment; Wendy wasn't there. I tried to look for her, I went to the favorite restaurants we constantly eat, the body piercing studio she usually goes, every salon we had our hairs cut. I looked for her, literally everywhere. Time passed by, as four became nine and nine became eleven. I didn't know what to do; I didn't know where to go. I was walking my way back in our apartment; I was giving up when I felt I had to look up. And there she was, at an Ice cream cake shop; well, in a different ice cream cake shop. I saw her with Irene, smiling and laughing.

That's when I exploded. I was so angry. I went up to them and pulled Wendy out from her sight. "What's your problem??? I was so worried about you, I tried to find you everywhere but you're nowhere to be found. What is your ing problem?? Just tell me." I cried, tears wouldn’t stop falling down through my face. My heart was aching. "Sorry- I" she was about to speak when I thought I can't take this. Hearing her say she doesn't love me anymore, I can't take it. I walked out, without looking back.


I was reminiscing when "AWhhhhh" she applied too much pressure on my wounds. It hurts. Is it intentional? I wanted to ask, but I wouldn't like to start any conversation with her. I just frowned, indicating that I am annoyed, as I looked at her with my eyebrows pulled closer together.

"Sorry" she smiled then smirked at me. What was that smirk??? My eyebrows, now beginning to furrow, I was confused.

"Joy" I rolled my eyes as I heard that name once again.

"Sooyoung" I told her "my name is Sooyoung" I continued. She smiled once again, "Sooyoung, I think I love you"

And that's it. , I was pissed. I was really angry; she is indeed shameless. I stood up. I won't lie, my knees were wobbling, it was unsteady. It felt like, all of the energy and courage I built within me for a few weeks, is up by her, and what's worse? She up everything in just a few minutes. I closed my eyes, getting all the courage left within me and started gathering all of my things. I had a deep sigh before I told her this particular line, "don't play with my heart ever again." I was about to leave when; I felt someone was trying to stop me. I looked back, and I saw her. I saw Wendy Son, holding my hand, "I’m serious, and I’m always serious about you"

I can feel the sting in my heart, like it was punched a million times and when it was about to heal, It is indeed punched again. My heart ached, It stings like it was cut this time. You weren't, I told myself as I looked away from her. You can't look back now, I told myself. My visions were getting blurry as my tears started forming. "Do you think I would still believe in you?" I told her, as I shook off her hand and walked out


I woke up at 4 in the afternoon. I can feel my eyes were still swollen from crying as it was throbbing along with my head. I opened my eyes lightly, I saw Yerim sleeping next to me. Well, not to mention, my demonic friend is not as demonic as you think she is, she was the one who told me to sleep in her house since I got no place to go after me and Wendy Son broke up. I turned my head on the other side, slowly as possible while I tried to open my eyes a little bit wider. I looked around, everything seemed like it was spinning. I felt the throbbing in my head were stronger this time, it ached even more. I closed my eyes shut really tight, as I thought it would take the pain away.

I tried to move my arms to support my body from turning and guess what? Now, I can feel my whole body aching, as well. I tried to sit myself up when AH, it hurts more than what I expected. My back hurts, my arms hurt, everything hurts. This pain is incomparable, I thought as it felt like I lifted twenty persons at one time last night. Wait, last night? I asked myself wondering, what happened las- bla- I ran to the bathroom as I felt something was backing up in my throat. Blargh! Blargh! I threw up big time, once I reached the toilet. I felt weak, my knees felt weak, and I felt myself sinking slowly onto the floor. Blargh! Blargh! My eyes were shedding some tears as I threw up even more. I hate throwing up, I thought though I felt better after throwing up as my head suddenly became lighter. The throbbing lessened, the ache lessened, everything is better after throwing up. I was still sitting on the floor trying to wipe my lips up when-

"Sooyoung, are you okay?" I saw Kim Yerim standing at the door.

I rolled my eyes, still shedding some tears as the acid that passed through my throat was painful, "Do I look okay?" I still managed to answer her though. She walked up to me then-

"What the f- blargh" Kim Yerim threw up as well once she saw the ing vomit inside our toilet.

"KIM YERIM!!!!" I shouted at her

"Why didn't you flush it right away???" She told me. Ugh, I hate you Kim Yerim. I gave her a off look before standing up, flushing both of our vomits. I pushed her lightly to the side as she was blocking out the way. I hate her, I thought. I immediately went to the kitchen sink, and gargled out every acid inside my mouth. Yes, I gargled at the kitchen sink since I don't want to be in a limited space with my not-so-demonic best friend.

"Sooyoung" she followed me to the kitchen. Ugh, she's annoying; I rolled my eyes once again before moving my way up to the fridge. I need some water, I thought. "Don't you remember anything?" She continued.

I was really annoyed, "This is all your fault,” I told her, as I drank the water I just got from the fridge. I waited for her to answer but she did not, that's weird, Kim Yerim would always defend herself. She would even shout at me but that didn't happen. I turned around to face her. She was looking at me blankly, is there something wrong? I thought. I tried to be as confident as I can be, lifting one of my eyebrows up but she just stared at me, straight in my eyes. My heart started pounding. I've never seen Kim Yerim this serious, her look was ing dead straight. She wasn't joking. What have I done? I asked myself.

Kim Yerim slowly walked up to me. My heart started pounding even faster, "Sooyoung, listen." She said calmly, "I don't know if you remember but we just got fired yesterday" Yerim continued. I was confused for a second. I got fired? Wait, we??? How did tha- oh my god. My body lost its strength as I fell down on my knees, my eyes were widened, and on that exact moment? That's when I remember everything.

As soon as I went out of Wendy Son's apartment, I cried my heart out as I ran down the stairs. My heart was aching really badly; I had to literally hold it to minimize the pain. I ran out of the streets, I didn't know where my feet would take me. I didn't know where I was headed to but I just kept on running. I needed space. I ran as far as I can. I wanted to be far from Wendy. I just ran. I ran until I felt an intense tightening on my chest, I was having a shortness of breathe. That’s when I decided to stop. I stopped at a corner, trying to catch my breath. My heart was aching even more this time. I cried myself out as I leaned back against the wall; my knees were slowly losing its strength. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the floor, still crying. I saw the reflection of myself through the glass door in front of me. And, I realized, I look devastated. My hair and make up was messy. My life was messy. Everything’s messy. I was mad at myself, why did I let this happen? I thought. I’m ruined once again.

I stood up, as I wiped up my tears away. I'm already devastated, I'm already ruined, I thought. Then, I’ll act like it, I told myself as I went to find the nearest bar. Once I saw the nearest bar, I stepped in immediately. I started hearing those loud party songs; I started seeing those people dancing wildly and freely at the middle. I went to the bar counter right away and ordered some hard liquor. I thought this was the only way to forget so I drowned myself down from those hard liquors I ordered earlier, I didn't care what others would think. I talked to ever person who would sit beside me; I even cried myself out to the bartenders I didn’t know. I danced with everyone at the middle of the dance floor freely. I jumped up and down, following the beat of every song, while two hard liquors were in both of my hands. Well, if I’m not mistaken, the one on my right hand was whiskey and the one on the left was brandy. I just enjoyed myself out. And, the last thing I remember before I passed out was Kim Yerim, walking inside the bar with Wendy Son. Wait, with Wendy Son? Maybe, I was just mistaken.

I felt Yerim's warmness as she hugged me really tight, I cried once again telling her that I am really sorry. Yerim hugged me tighter, and that's when I realized everything. I realized why I saw Kim Yerim at the bar. She wasn't there to drink; she wasn't there to party. Kim Yerim went to there to help me. I wasn't sure about the time but I know, it was still her work hours. Kim Yerim left her work for me, without any hesitation. That's when I knew Kim Yerim loved me; she is not demonic after all. She is an angel and I felt sorry for everything.

"Sorry, i'm really sorry" I told her once again as I hold onto her arms, as she hugged me really tight. And you know what she said? She said, "It's okay," she said it's ing okay. And, it isn't for me. It broke my heart, Kim Yerim needed that job, she still have her two siblings to feed since her parents passed away at an early age and I ed her up big time.

"Sooyoung" she called my name, "I tried to find some new job for the both of us, while you were sleeping and..." she stopped. What is it? I wanted to ask her but no words would escape my mouth. I just wiped my tears off and stared at her, waiting for her to continue.

"W- We- Wendy's company was the only one who accepted us." She continued.

And at that moment, my world stopped. I was surprised; I managed to widen my eyes, though it was still swollen. I knew my heart was still devastated. I knew I wasn't ready yet, no, I will never be ready. I knew I would be devastated if I accepted her offer but Kim Yerim needs this job. My best friend needs this job, so I agreed. I nodded. Stupid me.

It was our first day. I went to work before our actual work hour. I was the first one to arrive, among the three of us. I looked around the shop as I walked slowly, through the counter, going to the storage room. I am seeing those things I wanted to get rid off once again, I can see those bright down lights filling the whole store up, those pink and blue cove lightings giving a futuristic ambiance, that one particular wall at the back painted in dark pink and that white counter with geometric patterns in front of the accent wall where I used to- never mind. The coffee shop is much more different, I thought. Well, that's the main reason why I insisted my best friend to let me work at the coffee shop, though I just got a part time and my best friend had her full time job. The lights were dim, the walls were just polished cements, and there were no loud colors. It was more on just earthly colors. It's much more different than where I used to work. Huwh, I sighed before I went in the storage room slash locker room to change my uniform. Well, we were used to just calling it storage room. I looked inside, and I remember, the storage room. It was at the storage room, where I first kissed Wendy Son, telling her that I love her. I was unconsciously day dreaming again when- click! I heard someone trying to turn the locked doorknob. That's when I came back to reality. I shook my head to focus, and unlocked the door. It was those people with the morning shift, ready to change their clothes; we smiled and bowed at each other. This time, I was the one who went out of the storage room. I stood in front of the counter and looked around. I can see those familiar faces once again; they were our regular customers before. I get to see their smiling faces once again, eating happily, enjoying their ice cream and ice cream cakes.

And, yes, I am here once again, working at the ice cream cake shop I used to work with Wendy Son. The same Ice cream cake shop I used to get rid off.

After a few minutes, Wendy Son arrived. I looked at the clock on top of her, placed at the glass wall as she entered the shop. She arrived exactly five minutes before our shift. She's still the same, I thought. We used to arrive at exactly this time around before. My eyes looked down slowly to take a glance of her. Our eyes met. She was looking at me, I thought as I panicked and quickly looked away. Though it was just a one second glance, I got to see her face, her reaction specifically. It looked normal for her seeing me. She didn't look surprised. That's weird, I thought as I expected a different reaction from her.

"Good morning, Joy" she greeted me. My eyes were widened. She totally got my full ing attention, Joy??? She's calling me that name again and, how could she still greet me? I asked myself, annoyed with the fact that she is really ing shameless. She greeted me like nothing ever happened. Like nothing happened, for 's sake, I cried myself out just two days ago. I rolled my eyes, though I made sure she wouldn’t see. Leaving me with no choice, I just bowed at her to show some respect since she's my senior now.

She approached me nearer. "Isn't it rude not saying good morning back to your senior?" She told me in a toned down voice. Her face was just inches away from mine as she looked into my eyes, smiling. Well, it was more like she's smirking. I stared back at her, and my stupid heart won't stop beating once again, it was beating faster and faster. I can't breathe normally, with her face close to mine. I froze in front of her. I had no choice, I had to answer my 'senior' "afternoon, it's afternoon" I told her stiffly. She smiled; though I can see she was embarrassed, "oh right" she replied and went straight to the storage room to get her clothes changed. That's when I felt my body relax once again. I laughed in my mind as I remember how her face looked. She's still the same, I thought.

Yerim arrived a few seconds after Wendy locked herself up in the storage room, "What took you awhile?" I asked her as I raised both of my eyebrows waiting for her to answer. "Why did you leave me?" She asked me back. Well, why did I leave her? I asked myself as well. I can't answer. I didn't know, maybe I was just too nervous. I looked at her once again. And now, she's the one raising both of her eyebrows on me. I smiled shyly, "go change your clothes" I told her.

She went straight to the storage room. I knew it was locked, so I just followed her with my eyes, ready to answer her question 'why is this locked?' when- Ahhhh, Wendy ing forgot to lock the door. And I saw her with my two eyes, I saw her half . My eyes were widened; she pulled Yerim and quickly shut the door. I laughed softly as I find it really funny. I was thinking how embarrassed she is now when- . I realized how loud her shout was, and how loud she banged the door. My head slowly turned to every corner, as I looked at every customer. They were looking at me. I panicked; I didn't know what to do. I was about to say sorry when-

"Sorry about that" Wendy went out of the storage room, with a medium tray in her left hand, full of ice cream bars. I followed her footsteps with my eyes. I watched her go to every customer in our shop, bowing at them, telling them she was sorry and gave them those ice cream bars she have in her hand. She's still the same, I thought as I remember how she managed and handled every mistake I've made. I remember when I tripped, and ed up the ice cream cake I was about to serve. She quickly ran to help me, telling the customer she's sorry. She told them calmly, she would serve them a whole new ice cream cake and they wouldn't have to pay. She held my hand, and told me, she'll be the one to pay. I remember when a customer ed her up; I was so mad that I talked back and defended her. She held my hand once again, telling me that she's okay. She just said sorry to that ing customer and gave him a free ice cream bar. She was so good handling everything before and she's still the same.

"You got to pay me" she told me as she passed by me, going back to the storage room. I rolled my eyes as I thought wrong. She's still the same? Maybe not, I told myself and just ignored her.

We worked smoothly. I’m at the counter, getting the orders of every customer. Yerim was the one serving and preparing. Wendy? Well, she's acting like a manager. She would constantly go to our customers, asking them about the food and giving them some survey to answer. She would guide Kim Yerim, telling her what not and what to do. She would even pretend, she was guiding me as she constantly watch me at my back, then she would click anything on the computer, telling me what that is. Like what the , I know what that is. I used to work here. She was acting like I am a newbie and it annoys me. Well, anyway, I got used to it after some time. I didn't even notice the time; it was already twelve in the midnight. Wendy started closing the lights, leaving just those pink and blue cove lightings. She was still the same, I thought.

I watched her while she rolled down those gray vertical roller curtains, "Sooyoung" she called out my name as she walked up to me. I didn't know why, but I panicked, "hm?" I answered her. Hm? What the was that, I was cursing myself for answering Wendy Son in a good way. I thought; She didn't deserve thi-


"You can go now" she told me in a calm way, as she smiled at me. Why am I feeling guilty? I asked myself but anyway, I wouldn't like to start any conversation with her so I just nodded and called Kim Yerim who was changing her clothes, inside the storage room. We were about to leave when Wendy played those R&B songs I used to play for her. I didn’t want to look back but my stupid self looked back, my heart ached as I saw her cleaning everything up alone. We used to clean everything up, both of us when- No, you can't be ruined again, I reminded myself and pulled Kim Yerim as we went our way out together.

"Aren't we going to help her?" Yerim asked me. "She told me we could go now, so I guess she can handle it." I told her half-heartedly. My conscience wanted to help her, but my heart says no. Yerim nodded, I knew she would understand.

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The part 2 is the updated part everyone!! The used to be part 1 and 2 is both in part 1 now. Hope everyone would enjoy :)


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Chapter 3: Day 1 Wenjoy national anthem 💙💚
Gabu01 #2
Chapter 6: I miss your histories</3
Chapter 1: uwu
Chapter 6: imma follow you
rainbowsunset #5
Chapter 5: What a twist!!! Ohmygod thank you for this
Chapter 5: Oh, Sooyoung. You still love Wendy :'D
Chapter 5: Arent we going to wait? we are.
Chapter 4: Catch her! And explain, Son Seungwan.
Chapter 4: Damn ma. The heartache is real.