Interlude 2

Much ado about nothing

A/N: Here we are, at the second interlude! I decided to do something a little different with this chapter, I hope you enjoy it. Without further ado, here is... the group chat!



Sooyoung created group [I have an idea].

Yerim: "why am I in a 2-person group"

Sooyoung: "because ;)"

Sooyoung: "I have an idea"

Yerim: "I gathered"

Sooyoung: "I also have Seulgi's number"

Yerim: "who"

Sooyoung: "Seungwan's friend"

Yerim: "it's a dumb idea"

Sooyoung: "at least hear me out first"

Yerim: "you want her to help get Seungwan and Joohyun together"

Yerim: "it's a dumb idea"

Sooyoung: "it's a great idea"

Yerim:  "I don't even want them together"

Yerim: "like they can do whatever they want"

Yerim: "I'm just not invested"

Sooyoung: "ok trying a different approach"

Sooyoung: "Seulgi spends a lot of time w Seungwan"

Yerim: "and I care bc?"

Sooyoung: "she has lots of opportunities to take pics of her"

Yerim: "hmmmm"

Sooyoung: [candid of Seungwan looking to the right with pleasant surprise, eyes wide open]

Yerim: "a tempting offer"

Sooyoung: "our stock of wan-memes runs dangerously low"

Yerim: "ok wait"

Yerim: "i accept BUT"

Yerim: "I have conditions"

Yerim: "you can only talk abt it when you're sure she won't tell Seungwan"

Yerim: "I don't want her thinking I care abt her happiness or love life or whatever"

Yerim: "she'll be insufferable"

Sooyoung: "obviously she can't know"

Sooyoung: "what else?"

Yerim: "come bring me a burger after my class"

Sooyoung: "so you'll finally have friday night plans? ;)"

Yerim: "so I'll finally have a burger"

Yerim: "projecting much"

Sooyoung: "fine deal I'm adding her now"

Seulgi was added to the group.

Sooyoung: "hi Seulgi :)"

Seulgi: "hi Sooyoung and Yerim :D"

Seulgi: "so what's this idea you have?"

Sooyoung: "?"

Yerim: "group name genius"

Sooyoung: "ahhh right"

Sooyoung: "it's that we all know Seungwan so we should be friends :)"

Seulgi: ":D"


Sooyoung: “so Seulgi”

Sooyoung: “tell us about yourself”

Seulgi: “oh uh I don’t know what to say”

Seulgi: “did you guys want to know anything in particular?”

Yerim: “not really”

Sooyoung: “anything you feel like sharing”

Sooyoung: “is what Yerim meant :)”

Seulgi: “well…”

Seulgi: “I’m a nurse at the same hospital as Seungwan”

Sooyoung: “oh right she said she worked at the morgue”

Sooyoung: “probably the highlight of that truth or dare game”

Sooyoung: “either that or Joohyun’s thing with the stripper”

Seulgi: “there was a stripper at the game? :o”

Yerim: “lmao I wish”

Yerim: “anyway Seungwan won’t talk abt it bc she’s boring”

Yerim: “but do you know if she’s ever examined murder corpses?”

Seulgi: “I don’t really know, but I’d assume so”

Seulgi: “so there wasn’t a stripper?”

Sooyoung: “getting a little off topic here”

Seulgi: “oh right we were talking about me”

Seulgi: “so I’m a nurse and Seungwan’s my best friend”

Seulgi: “and I guess that’s it?”

Yerim: “seriously?”

Seulgi: “it’d be easier if you guys asked questions I guess”

Sooyoung: “ok fine so”

Sooyoung: “what did you do last weekend?”

Seulgi: “oh :D”

Seulgi: “my friend just opened a coffee shop so I went to the opening party, that was super fun”

Seulgi: “some of the people there were going surfing so I tagged along and they let me borrow a wetsuit and paddle around in a beginner board”

Seulgi: “I also bought some watercolour paper to try out the new watercolours a patient got me to celebrate her discharge”

Seulgi: “then I went to the park and I painted for a while”

Seulgi: “I’m not very good at it yet so it was just some quick sketches”

Seulgi: “I texted Seungwan but she was busy with you guys so I did my grocery shopping then I took my coffee shop friend out for pizza to celebrate”

Seulgi: “and then let me try to remember what I did on Sunday”

Yerim: “on Sunday?”

Sooyoung: “all of that was your Saturday?”

Seulgi: “umm yeah”

Seulgi: “is that weird?”

Sooyoung: “no it’s impressive”

Yerim: “if I did all that in a day I’d die”

Yerim: “how are you friends with Seungwan?”

Seulgi: “well she’s really fun and nice”

Seulgi: “I don’t really understand the question”

Yerim: “you’re like a million times cooler than her”

Yerim: “is what I meant”

Seulgi: “oh I don’t know about that”

Seulgi: “Seungwan’s pretty cool :D”

Sooyoung: “well she’s certainly unique”

Yerim: “and very entertaining”

Seulgi: “exactly! :D”


Sooyoung: “hey Seulgi”

Sooyoung: “have you ever heard of a meme?”

Yerim: “she’s probably busy rock climbing or deep sea diving or painting the mona lisa or something”

Yerim: “too bad, this would make for an interesting conversation”

Seulgi: “hi I’m here :D”

Seulgi: “don’t worry, the rock climbing was last week eheh”

Yerim: “I can’t tell if that’s a joke”

Seulgi: “kind of?”

Seulgi: “I have gone rock climbing, just not last week”

Seulgi: “but I was thinking of doing it again, if you guys want to come”

Yerim: “sorry I don’t even like climbing stairs”

Seulgi: “fair enough :D”

Sooyoung: “idk Yerim maybe you should experience being a normal distance from the ground for once in your life”

Sooyoung: “instead of your usual 3 inches”

Yerim: “yes because being tall has brought you so much in life”

Yerim: “hot boyfriend, millionaire lifestyle, adoring fans”

Sooyoung: “the shorter they are, the more concentrated their anger, right Seulgi?”

Seulgi: “umm I’m sure Yerim’s not that short”

Seulgi: “right?”

Yerim: “I’m a normal height! She’s the freakishly big one”

Sooyoung: “does it really matter how ridiculously small Yerim is when we could be discussing memes?”

Yerim: “I am regular sized”

Yerim: “but you do have a point”

Seulgi: “oh right, you asked about that”

Seulgi: “I know what memes are, yes”

Sooyoung: “great! Because we have something that will blow your mind”

Yerim: “your meme-mind”

Sooyoung: “you have experienced normal memes”

Sooyoung: “but you might have noticed that they’re missing a little something”

Yerim: “a personal touch, if you will”

Sooyoung: “sure, it might be fun to say stan legends”

Yerim: “I'm partial to yeet, myself”

Sooyoung: “maybe a little harold they're lesbians here and there”

Yerim: “ah yes excellent choice”

Sooyoung: “but where's the human angle?”

Yerim: “where's the attachment Seulgi?”

Seulgi: “umm I never thought about that D:”

Sooyoung: “what I am about to show you will solve all those problems”

Yerim: “every single picture is personal, significant”

Yerim: “it carries a particular meaning that only you can discern”

Sooyoung: “I present to you the next wave of memes”

Yerim: “memes 2.0”

Sooyoung: [picture of Seungwan looking surprised, with eyes wide open and mouth drawn in an "o" shape]

Seulgi: “it's a picture of Seungwan?”

Sooyoung: “it's a wan-meme”

Yerim: “a weme”

Sooyoung: “nope absolutely not a weme”

Seulgi: “you use pictures of wan as a meme?”

Yerim: “it's the future Seulgi”

Sooyoung: “every single picture has a very specific energy”

Sooyoung: “together they capture the full spectrum of human emotion”

Yerim: “for example, the meme Sooyoung sent”

Yerim: “at first glance, it represents surprise”

Yerim: “but look how her eyes are widened almost ferociously”

Yerim: “it hints at a feeling of horror, not experienced but caused”

Yerim: “like the surprise is almost a betrayal and she is adopting an aggressive pose as a pre-emptive response”

Seulgi: “hmm I don't think wan was getting aggressive”

Seulgi: “her face just kind of does that”

Sooyoung: “that's the thing about art Seulgi”

Sooyoung: “it's a subjective experience”

Sooyoung: “all that matters is what we get out of it”

Yerim: “death of the author and all”

Sooyoung: “now consider this”

Sooyoung: [candid of Seungwan looking to the right with pleasant surprise, eyes wide open]

Yerim: “you might be thinking, that's surprise too”

Yerim: “but her gaze has a completely different energy”

Yerim: “a straight-forward application of this wan-meme would be to represent pleasant surprise”

Yerim: “but looking closer, you might even see playfulness in that pleased look”

Yerim: “a connoisseur would present this image when they've been caught in a good-natured lie”

Yerim: “in that sense the two pictures almost play off each other”

Sooyoung: “similar but opposite, Seulgi”

Sooyoung: “they're layered”

Seulgi: “wow you've really thought about this”

Sooyoung: “we live for our art”

Seulgi: “honestly it makes me a little uncomfortable…”

Seulgi: “like it might be a little too much”

Sooyoung: “oh”

Seulgi: “... “

Seulgi: [candid of Seungwan looking to the right with pleasant surprise, eyes wide open]

Yerim: “a good-natured lie!”

Sooyoung’s: “she's a natural!”

Seulgi: “:D”

Yerim: “btw the whole don't tell Seungwan about the gc thing”

Yerim: “this is included obviously”

Seulgi: “yeah she’d probably think you guys were making fun of her or something D:”

Seulgi: “but this is just how you guys play, isn't it?”

Seulgi: “like when you said Yerim was 3 inches tall”

Seulgi: “so this means you guys like her :D”

Yerim: “sure does”

Sooyoung: “that is absolutely what it means :D”


Yerim: "this class is so boring somebody save me"

Yerim: [picture of Seungwan looking disgruntled, as though she were halfway through protesting a particularly unfair demand]

Sooyoung: [picture of Seungwan looking disgruntled, as though she were halfway through protesting a particularly unfair demand]

Seulgi: [picture of Seungwan looking disgruntled, as though she were halfway through protesting a particularly unfair demand]

Sooyoung: “lmaoooo”

Sooyoung: “honestly tho? Big mood”


Sooyoung: "heey guys I finally found a pic of Yerim's gf"

Seulgi: "ohhhh spill the tea"

Sooyoung: "it’s adorable that you say that"

Sooyoung: "but anywaaaays"

Sooyoung: [extremely pixelated and zoomed in photo of Yerim that only shows her hand]

Yerim: "omg SHUT UP"

Sooyoung: "lmao prove me wrong"

Seulgi: "... I don't get it"

Sooyoung: "come over and I'll show you ;)"

Seulgi: "I can't I'm at work :("

Yerim: "omg both of you shut up or I'm muting"

Sooyoung: "someone's in a mood"

Sooyoung: [slightly out of focus picture of Seungwan looking annoyed, halfway through opening ]

Yerim: "lmao"

Seulgi: "lmao"

Sooyoung: "lmao"


Sooyoung: "just spilled my coffee all over the lecturer who hates me but hey it's ¯\_()_/¯"

Yerim: "lmao"

Seulgi: "oh I love that"

Seulgi: "¯\_()_/¯"

Seulgi: "they look so carefree"

Yerim: "it's usually associated with a more nihilistic approach to life"

Yerim: "but go off I guess"

Seulgi: "I want to use it!"

Seulgi: "A man came in with a stuck in his and I had to help get it out but it's ¯\_()_/¯"

Seulgi: ":D"

Sooyoung: "I mean it works"


Yerim: "I'm gay"

Sooyoung: "I'm straight"

Yerim: "..."

Yerim: "ally culture"

Sooyoung: "lmao"

Sooyoung: "so why are you gay?"

Yerim: "you sound just like my parents"

Seulgi: ":("

Yerim: "anywaaay"

Yerim: "there's a cute new girl in my dorm"

Seulgi: ":D"

Sooyoung: "did you talk to her?"

Yerim: "no"

Sooyoung: "do you know her name?"

Yerim: "no"

Sooyoung: "gay culture"

Yerim: "homophobic"

Sooyoung: "I'd ask you to come and tell me more about it, but"

Sooyoung: "tragically"

Sooyoung: "you are incapable of talking to cute girls"

Sooyoung: "so that's a no go"

Yerim: "why, is your roommate cute?"

Sooyoung: "wow rude"

Sooyoung: [picture of Seungwan’s face scrunched up in annoyance]

Yerim: "lmao"

Seulgi: "don't worry Sooyoung, I think you're cute"

Sooyoung: "it's okay, wan-meme cheered me up"

Seulgi: ":D"

Yerim: [picture of Seungwan's face scrunched up in annoyance]

Seulgi: "Yerim I'm sorry about your parents :("

Yerim: it's okay, Seungwan cheered me up too"

Seulgi: [picture of Seungwan's face scrunched up in annoyance]

Seulgi: "hehe"


Seulgi: "so what do you guys think of Seungwan?"

Yerim: "lol nice try"

Sooyoung: "have fun looking at the wan-memes, Seungwan"

Seulgi: "I'm not Seungwan :o"

Seulgi: "it's Seulgi"

Seulgi: "I'm just asking bc I want to help her"

Sooyoung: "a likely story"

Yerim: "Seungwan's beyond help lol"

Sooyoung: "lol"

Yerim: "so why are you so worried abt what we think Seungwan"

Seulgi: "it's not Seungwan it's Seulgi I promise"

Sooyoung: "prove it"

Sooyoung: "send us a selfie"

Seulgi: [picture of herself smiling in a nurse outfit inside a supply closet]

Yerim: "that could have just been in her phone"

Sooyoung: "tru"

Yerim: "take a picture holding a paper that says pineapple"

Seulgi: "okay hold on"

Seulgi: [picture of herself smiling and holding up a corner of a patient's chart where she's written pineapple]

Sooyoung: "cute handwriting"

Seulgi: "thanks :D"

Yerim: "ok we'll tell you what we think abt Seungwan"

Yerim: "but you have to promise to keep it a secret"

Seulgi: "i promise :o"

Yerim: "ok then"

Yerim: "Seungwan "

Sooyoung:  "lmao"

Yerim: "lmao"

Seulgi: “D:”

Seulgi: “I’m sure you guys like her at least a little, right?”

Sooyoung: “ok fine she’s not completely terrible in all ways”

Yerim: “she makes good cookies”

Seulgi: “yeah she’s really good at baking”

Seulgi: “but what about her personality?”

Sooyoung: “ugh do we seriously have to say nice things about her?”

Seulgi: “well I guess you don’t have to…”

Yerim: “will it make you sad if we don’t?”

Seulgi: “yes…”

Sooyoung: “fineeee”

Sooyoung: “I guess she’s generous or whatever”

Sooyoung: “like she knows I have the keys to her apartment and I crash there all the time but she never asked for them back”

Yerim: “oh yeah you mentioned that”

Sooyoung: “you should come with sometime, I’ll protect you from the cat”

Seulgi: “oh you’re afraid of Mr. Fluffers?”

Sooyoung: “she’s afraid of any living, moving, non-human creature

Sooyoung: “so he kind of qualifies”

Seulgi: “that is one lazy cat”

Yerim: “fun times”

Yerim: “anyway gtg”

Seulgi: “hey you didn’t say a nice thing abt Seungwan yet”

Yerim: “that’s the plan”

Sooyoung: “say a nice thing or I’m revealing an embarrassing secret”

Yerim: “okay whatever she’s funny I guess”

Yerim: “even intentionally sometimes”

Yerim: “now I’m leaving”

Seulgi: “thanks, bye :D”

Sooyoung: “…”

Sooyoung: “want to hear an embarrassing secret anyway?”

Yerim: “omg off”


Seulgi: "so I just got off the phone with Seungwan"

Seulgi: "and I thought I should talk to you"

Yerim: "did Seungwan tattle on us"

Sooyoung: "Yerim pls read the room"

Seulgi: "she didn't blame you"

Seulgi: "but she's really upset about what happened"

Seulgi: "and she's right to be, I think"

Seulgi: "you put her in a tough position"

Sooyoung: "I tried to stop it"

Yerim: "you say that now"

Seulgi: "what matters is that it happened"

Seulgi: "and it made Seungwan feel like you guys only care about making her uncomfortable for your own amusement"

Seulgi: "I want to tell her that this love intervention thing was a misguided effort to push her and Joohyun together"

Seulgi: "and that you guys did it because you're her friends"

Seulgi: "so I guess the question is would that make me a liar?"

Sooyoung: "oh "

Sooyoung: "Seulgi are you mad at us?"

Seulgi: "well…"

Seulgi: "I guess I am a little"

Seulgi: "you should know by now that Seungwan doesn't deal well with this kind of direct pressure"

Seulgi: "and she has a lot of trouble putting herself out there"

Seulgi: "so why would you do something like this to her?"

Yerim: "well Joohyun doesn't notice anything unless we slap her over the face with it"

Yerim: "it's not just about Seungwan"

Sooyoung: "what Yerim means is"

Sooyoung: "we thought by making Joohyun help Seungwan with her crush"

Sooyoung: "we'd put her more in contact with the idea of romantic feelings and Seungwan"

Sooyoung: "make sure if there's something there she won't be completely oblivious to it"

Seulgi: "well honestly that just seems like it would lead to a lot of misunderstandings and confusion"

Seulgi: "but I'm glad at least you had good intentions"

Sooyoung: "tbh Seulgi"

Sooyoung: "Seungwan should just tell Joohyun how she feels"

Sooyoung: "bc it will take her approximately 5 million years to figure it out on her own"

Sooyoung: "so we're kind of at a loss for ideas"

Seulgi: "I know, I told her the same thing"

Seulgi: "but Seungwan has a lot of trouble with that"

Seulgi: "she's really insecure and can't really believe that people like her for who she is and don't just want to take advantage of what she has to offer"

Seulgi: "like her food, her comforting when someone's down, her awkward reactions to teasing"

Seulgi: "her netflix, her game consoles... "

Sooyoung: ":0"

Sooyoung: "you're talking about us"

Seulgi: "it's just I know you tease as a way to show affection"

Seulgi: "at least from this group chat it seems that way"

Seulgi: "but she doesn't know that and it kind of looks like you're having fun at her expense"

Seulgi: "can't you do something to show her you actually like her? And care about her?"

Sooyoung: "idk sounds gross"

Sooyoung: "can't she just tease us back and be even?"

Yerim: "she can try"

Seulgi: "please just show her some genuine undisguised affection :("

Yerim: "or what?"

Yerim: "you'll stay mad at us?"

Seulgi: "well yeah a little"

Seulgi: "but also you'll be the kind of people who put their own comfort above their friends' happiness and well-being"

Yerim: "ughhhh"

Yerim: "she'll get so smug abt it"

Sooyoung: "fine next time we feel the affection bubbling over"

Sooyoung: "we'll express it I guess"

Seulgi: ":D"

Seulgi: "I better get some smug texts from Seungwan soon"

Seulgi: "hehe"

Sooyoung: "wait Joohyun's calling"

Yerim: "wtf why"

Seulgi: "umm I have to go now but I'll talk to you later"

Yerim: "yeah later Seulgi"

Yerim: "guess I'll just hang around"

Yerim: "wait for Sooyoung"

Yerim: "twiddles thumbs"

Sooyoung: "k I'm back"

Sooyoung: "thanks for all the pointless messages, love having my phone vibrate in my ear every 3 seconds"

Yerim: [picture of Seungwan’s face scrunched up in annoyance]

Sooyoung: "anyway Joohyun was worried that Seungwan got mad at us bc of today"

Sooyoung: "and she wanted us to be more careful and not get carried away w our ideas"

Yerim: "amazing"

Yerim: "literally everyone got mad at us over this"

Sooyoung: "also we managed to upset both Seungwan and Joohyun"

Sooyoung: "maybe we should just uh"

Sooyoung: "not meddle w seunghyun anymore"

Yerim: "first of all amazing ship name lmao"

Yerim: "second of all uhhh"

Yerim: "yeah maybe that would be for the best"

Yerim: "they will probably never get together on their own bc they are just"

Yerim: "so useless"

Yerim: "but like :/"

Sooyoung: "yeah"

Sooyoung: "also we're really bad at this?"

Sooyoung: "comes as sort of a surprise but we got to roll with the punches I guess"

Yerim: "so maybe"

Yerim: "establish we will never again meddle"

Yerim: "here where Seulgi will be our witness tomorrow when she sees this"

Yerim: "and then we can't take it back no matter how frustrating it gets"

Sooyoung: "let them work it out on their own"

Sooyoung: "I guess that could be fun"

Sooyoung: "at least if it something happens it won't be our fault"

Sooyoung: "k fine no more meddling"

Yerim: "deal"

Sooyoung: "ok I'm going now"

Sooyoung: "get some sleep, you need it to grow"

Yerim: "better lock your door"

Yerim: "so nobody murders you in your sleep"

Sooyoung: ";)"


Sooyoung: “hey I’m omw but I took the bus like some idiot tourist who’s been in town for a week”

Sooyoung: “so I’m going to be significantly late”

Yerim: “lmao rookie mistake”

Yerim: “anyway it’s fine”

Yerim: “you do that every time so I haven’t even left the dorm yet”

Sooyoung: “cool cool”

Sooyoung: “you didn’t happen to share that amazing life hack with Seulgi by any chance”

Yerim: “oh”

Seulgi: “hey guys I’m like 10 mins away but it’s fine :)”

Seulgi: “I brought my notebook so I’ll just do some sketches while I wait”

Seulgi: “I’ll save us a table!”

Sooyoung: “sorry Seulgi”

Sooyoung: “I know you probably cancelled plans to hang w us and everything”

Seulgi: “no worries, sometimes it’s nice to have some time to myself too”

Yerim: “I’m leaving now, I’ll text you when I get there”

Seulgi: “see you soon!”


Sooyoung: “I’m here, what’s your table”

Seulgi: “the one in the corner, under the tree”


Sooyoung: “Yerim ffs stop moving around in circles we have been waving for ages”

Yerim: “the tree was blocking you ok”

Sooyoung: “that’s bc you’re so short lmao”


Sooyoung: “thanks for hanging out today, it was really fun”

Yerim: “yeah and thanks for the coffee”

Seulgi: “my pleasure, I really liked it too”

Seulgi: “we should do it more often :)”

Sooyoung: “whenever you can fit us in our busy schedule ;)”

Seulgi: “I can always make room for coffee with friends :D”

Sooyoung: “:D”

Sooyoung: “oh and thanks for letting us look at your sketches”

Yerim: “yeah you’re really good”

Seulgi: “you really think so?”

Yerim: “definitely!”

Sooyoung: “there were a few I wouldn’t mind hanging on my wall”

Seulgi: “oh then you should come over sometime!”

Seulgi: “I can show you my serious work”

Seulgi: “if you like any you can have it”

Sooyoung: “seriously?!”

Sooyoung: “wow thanks Seulgi I’d love that”

Yerim: “yeah set the date and I’m there”

Yerim: “art gallery chez Seulgi”

Seulgi: “:D”


Seulgi: "hi guys"

Seulgi: "so I was thinking"

Seulgi: "we always talk about Yerim's love life"

Sooyoung: "because she won't shut up about it"

Seulgi: "but not really Sooyoung?"

Yerim: "that's because she'd need one first lmaooo"

Sooyoung: "look who's talking"

Sooyoung: "you only talk abt your love life to complain abt how you don't have one"

Yerim: "yeah well"

Yerim: " off"

Seulgi: "actually Sooyoung has a point"

Sooyoung: "you got burned by Seulgi omggggg"

Seulgi: "no no no D:"

Yerim: “[slightly out of focus picture of Seungwan looking annoyed, halfway through opening ]

Sooyoung: “lmao”

Seulgi: "it wasn't meant as a burn"

Seulgi: "I meant that Yerim talks abt her feelings regardless of having a relationship or not and Sooyoung doesn't"

Yerim: "wdym? Sooyoung talks abt all the feelings she has"

Yerim: "annoying"

Yerim: "hungry"

Yerim: "desperate to meddle in other people's business"

Yerim: "and y"

Sooyoung: "well Seulgi"

Sooyoung: "maybe I don't talk abt my feelings here because the environment feels a little toxic"

Sooyoung: "and I don't feel safe expressing myself"

Yerim: "lmao you felt safe enough to tell me how much you wanted to bone that guy in your Friday class"

Yerim: "for like the entirety of the class"

Sooyoung: "and you went ahead and shared that intimate conversation without my permission"

Sooyoung: "see what I mean Seulgi?"

Sooyoung: ":("

Yerim: "lol whatever"

Yerim: "still not convinced you have any feelings"

Yerim: "sounds fake"

Yerim: "guys?"

Yerim: "Seulgi?"

Yerim: "you're both online are you just texting each other?"

Yerim: "omg Sooyoung are you talking to Seulgi abt your feelings without me?"

Yerim: "you !"

Yerim: "fine whatever"

Yerim: "I have to listen to you talk about your for Friday dude but I'm not good enough for feelings talks"

Yerim: "whatever I'm busy anyway"

Seulgi: "sorry Yerim I'm here do you want to talk?"

Yerim: "no I'm busy now"

Yerim: [picture of Seungwan’s face scrunched up in annoyance]

Sooyoung: “lmao”


Sooyoung: "thanks again for the talk Seulgi, it was really nice"

Yerim: "this is the gc"

Sooyoung: "oh I hadn't noticed"

Sooyoung: "well I guess it's out now"

Yerim: "..."

Yerim: ", you did that on purpose"

Sooyoung: "you're getting paranoid ;)"

Yerim: "whatever"

Yerim: "why won't you talk to me anyway"

Yerim: "is it because I say I don't care abt your straight nonsense?"

Sooyoung: "aww you're insecure"

Sooyoung: "cute"

Yerim: " off"

Yerim: "just like"

Yerim: "you can talk to me or whatever"

Sooyoung: "cute"

Sooyoung: ";)"

Yerim: "nvm I hope you die alone"

Sooyoung: ":o so toxic"

Sooyoung: "ok fine"

Sooyoung: "if you want to know the truth"

Sooyoung: "I wanted to talk to Seulgi and not you bc"

Sooyoung: "you wouldn't know how to help me"

Sooyoung: "with my grown-up feelings"

Sooyoung: "heh"

Sooyoung: "Yerim"

Sooyoung: "Yerim"

Sooyoung: "Yerim, you know it's funny"

Sooyoung: "ugh fine don't sulk, I'll text you abt it"

Yerim: "I'm not sulking, I just don't waste my time with lost causes"

Yerim: "also I just saw your text and I am tentatively forgiving you bc I need to know everything"

Sooyoung: ";)"

Yerim: "also also this is so ing predictable you soft loser"

Sooyoung: "Kim Yerim"

Sooyoung: "you better keep that mouth shut :-)"

Seulgi: "sorry guys I was at work :("

Seulgi: "but you're welcome Sooyoung :)"

Seulgi: "and I'm glad you guys made up :D"


Sooyoung: "hey so"

Sooyoung: "i miiiight"

Sooyoung: "be bi :D"

Yerim: "yeah you also miiiight"

Yerim: "be in the gc lol"

Sooyoung: [picture of Seungwan looking surprised, with eyes wide open and mouth drawn in an "o" shape]

Sooyoung: "lol jk I know it's the gc"

Sooyoung: "why wouldn't I announce I'm bi here"

Yerim: "because of reasons ;)"

Yerim: ":D"

Sooyoung: "miss kim Yerim keep your mouth shut :-)"

Sooyoung: "or I will shut it for you (*∩ω∩)"

Yerim: "wow now that you're bi the threats feel so much more real"

Sooyoung: "don't worry I still wouldn't touch you in a million years"

Sooyoung: "I'm bi, not blind deaf and amnesiac"

Yerim: "funny"

Yerim: "hey Sooyoung now that you're bi you'll have twice the dating opportunities"

Yerim: "so that makes 2x0 which is"

Yerim: "oh wow still zero"

Sooyoung: "you would also have twice the dating opportunities if you'd shut up"

Yerim: "is that your roundabout way of saying I'm pretty"

Sooyoung: "it's my direct way of saying you're annoying ;)"

Yerim: "Saeron doesn't think I'm annoying"

Sooyoung: "lmao who's Saeron"

Sooyoung: "did you name your imaginary friend"

Sooyoung: "Yerim"

Sooyoung: "Yerim who tf is Saeron"

Yerim: [candid of Seungwan looking to the right with pleasant surprise, eyes wide open]

Sooyoung: " off with the wan-memes and tell me who Saeron is"

Seulgi: "hi guys I'm here"

Seulgi: "Sooyoung I hope you weren't worried about my reaction"

Seulgi: "I'm just really happy you're learning more about your feelings and becoming the best version of yourself :D"

Sooyoung: "thanks :D"

Sooyoung: "want to help me plan Yerim's murder now?"

Seulgi: "not really D:"

Seulgi: "Yerim, is Saeron the cute girl you like?"

Yerim: [candid of Seungwan looking to the right with pleasant surprise, eyes wide open]


Yerim: "I told Seulgi I was going to talk to cute girl today"

Yerim: "I didn't say it in the gc because if I chickened out you'd be annoying abt it"

Yerim: "also as payback for the time you talked to Seulgi abt your feelings without me"

Sooyoung: "ok valid"

Seulgi: "so how did it go?"

Yerim: "wellll"

Yerim: "I saw her coming out of her room, so I went over and said"

Yerim: "hi I'm Yerim, my room's over there"

Yerim: "and she said"

Yerim: "hi I'm Saeron"

Yerim: "so I asked if she'd just moved into the dorm"

Yerim: "and she said yeah, she just transferred"

Yerim: "I said cool, what's your major?"

Yerim: "she said acting"

Yerim: "I said cool I'm studying lit"

Yerim: "then she said she had to get ready for class but she was hoping we'd run into each other again"

Sooyoung: "oh is that it?"

Sooyoung: "well can I just start by saying I'm glad you didn't feel the need to like summarize the conversation in any way"

Sooyoung: "just straight up repeated it word by word in all its stilted glory"

Yerim: "sorry, it was a verbal conversation so I couldn't just screenshot the entire text and make you read it"

Yerim: "like some people do"

Sooyoung: ":-)"

Seulgi: "seems like it went great :D"

Seulgi: "and she wants to talk again!"

Sooyoung: "anyway second of all"

Sooyoung: "noice"

Yerim: [picture of Seungwan with raised eyebrows and a smug grin]


Yerim: "GOOD NEWS"

Sooyoung: "you're moving"

Yerim: "god I wish"

Yerim: "never see your face again, the dream"

Yerim: "but better than that"

Seulgi: ":o"

Seulgi: "wow I'm glad you're not moving"

Sooyoung: "so? I don't have all day"

Yerim: "sorry I forgot you have such a flourishing social life"

Yerim: "late for your appointment to watch gilmore girls for 5 hours?"

Seulgi: “oh I love that show! It's super funny!”

Sooyoung: “ikr lorelai is the mvp”

Sooyoung: “nothing but respect for my super mom”

Seulgi: “did you watch the revival? :o”

Sooyoung: “omg yesss. Richard :’(“

Seulgi: “it was so sad D:”

Sooyoung: “but what was that with rory?”

Seulgi: “yeah I didn't really like that either :/”

Yerim: “ffs stop talking abt gg and listen to my news”

Seulgi: “sorry Yerim go ahead”

Sooyoung: “ugh such a paris”

Yerim: “you're the paris you “

Yerim : “ANYWAY”

Yerim: “I talked to Saeron again aaaaand”

Seulgi: “:D”


Yerim: “sorry I thought Sooyoung was going to say something else abt gg”

Yerim: “anyway she’s gay ;)”

Sooyoung : “and how did you gather this information? “

Yerim: “she knows hayley kiyoko”

Sooyoung: “lol ok”

Yerim: “what”

Sooyoung: “maybe she just has an annoying gay friend who mentions hk all the time”

Sooyoung: “like some people”

Sooyoung: “in this gc”

Yerim: “lmao do you know any hk lyrics”

Sooyoung : “girls like girls”

Yerim: “... And after that? “

Sooyoung: “hmm”

Sooyoung: “a lot? “

Yerim: “lmao great guess”

Seulgi: “girls like girls like boys do”

Seulgi: “nothing new :D”

Sooyoung: “wow can't believe Seulgi’s a lesbian”

Seulgi: “I was curious so I googled it”

Seulgi: “it's nice”

Seulgi: “I should show Seungwan “

Yerim: “tell her to watch sleepover”

Yerim: “then ask if she wants to sleep over with Joohyun”

Sooyoung: “lmao”

Sooyoung: “then take a pic”

Sooyoung: “new wan-meme”

Yerim: “anyway Saeron is gay”

Sooyoung: “inconclusive”

Yerim: “I'm going to ask her out”

Sooyoung: “unrealistic”

Yerim: “then I'm going to kick Sooyoung’s ”

Sooyoung: “can you even reach it”

Seulgi: “You can do it Yerim! “

Seulgi : “good luck”

Yerim: “thank you Seulgi”

Yerim: “gtg now”

Yerim: “wouldn't want to hold up Sooyoung’s sad and lonely evening any further”

Yerim: “byeeee :)”

Sooyoung:  “ offf :) “

Seulgi: “bye :)”


Yerim: "sup losers"

Yerim: "guess who's got a study date with Saeron"

Sooyoung: "lol the only kind of date you ever go on"

Yerim: "one more kind of date than you"

Yerim: "anyway"

Yerim: "it's tomorrow after her class"

Seulgi: "that's great :D"

Seulgi: "what are you studying?"

Yerim: "I'm doing physics I guess"

Sooyoung: "also known as the worst decision of your life"

Yerim: "and she's doing theater history"

Sooyoung: "lmao kind of a pointless study date if you're just doing different things"

Yerim: "we don't have any classes in common this semester ok"

Yerim: "she said she just needs some help actually sitting down and studying"

Yerim: "I don't need to know theater history to do that"

Seulgi: "sounds like she really wants to spend time with you Yerim"

Sooyoung: "yeah not to sound too encouraging or anything but"

Sooyoung: "sounds like she's more focused on the date part of study date than the study part"

Sooyoung: "wink"

Sooyoung: [gif of Seungwan with a smug grin and brows animated to move up and down]

Seulgi: "wow how did you make that gif?"

Sooyoung: "well I am"

Sooyoung: "pretty proficient in image editing software"

Seulgi: "that's so cool!"

Sooyoung: "I made an edit of Yerim when she finally asks Saeron out"

Sooyoung: "want to see?"

Yerim: "wtf"

Seulgi: ":O"

Sooyoung: [completely black image]

Seulgi: "it's just a black square"

Sooyoung: "that's because it's so dark"

Sooyoung: "because the universe will reach heat death before she gets the nerve to ask"

Sooyoung: "gotta keep it realistic"

Seulgi: "I doubt it'll take that long ahah"

Seulgi: "but that was kind of funny"

Seulgi: "I'd love to actually see your editing work, now I'm kind of curious"

Seulgi: "I'm sure you're great :D"

Sooyoung: "I'll link you my portfolio ;)"

Yerim: "yeah you're so funny"

Yerim: "and you know so much abt physics"

Yerim: "and you're such a supportive friend"

Sooyoung: "lmaoo"

Sooyoung: "you made bad life decisions now you deal with them"

Yerim: "I had to take a science class"

Yerim: "it was mandatory"

Sooyoung: "you should have picked an easy one lmao"

Yerim: "physics was easy in high school"

Sooyoung: "then you're already better at it than me"

Sooyoung: "sorry can't help"

Seulgi: "sorry Yerim I would help but I'm also bad at physics"

Seulgi: "I only passed because of Seungwan"

Sooyoung: "hear that Yerim you should ask Seungwan"

Sooyoung: "like maybe some people have already suggested"

Yerim: "lol"

Yerim: "ask Seungwan"

Seulgi: "Seungwan helped me a lot in college"

Seulgi: "she's really good at explaining stuff"

Yerim: "i said"

Yerim: "LOL"


Sooyoung: "suit yourself"

Sooyoung: "better hope Saeron is a science genius"

Sooyoung: "bc it's down to her and Joohyun lmao"

Yerim: " it I'll just do it myself"

Seulgi: "it's okay to ask for help Yerim :)"

Seulgi: "that's what friends are for"

Sooyoung: "aww sweet"

Yerim: "gross"

Yerim: "I'm leaving"

Seulgi: "bye :)"


Sooyoung: “why is Seungwan going on blind dates again?”

Sooyoung: “does she not realize how this would be an impediment to her getting with Joohyun”

Yerim: “plus I think she’s giving her whiplash”

Sooyoung: “she’s giving everyone whiplash at this point”

Yerim: “I’m good”

Sooyoung: “yes yes we all know you don’t care”

Seulgi: “hi I’m here”

Seulgi: “umm wan has a little trouble with feelings and stuff”

Seulgi: “but I’m trying to get her there”

Yerim: “I thought you were the one who arranged the dates”

Seulgi: “well yes”

Seulgi: “but I’m uh”

Seulgi: “making them bad on purpose”

Sooyoung: “oh you sneaky saboteur”

Sooyoung: “I love it”

Seulgi: “I don’t :(“

Seulgi: “I don’t like lying to her about something like this”

Seulgi: “feels like I’m manipulating her”

Yerim: “she can just go on her own dates, you don’t run her life”

Sooyoung: “that’s true”

Sooyoung: “plus she shouldn’t be going on dates in the first place and she knows that”

Sooyoung: “but sometimes people will act dumb so they can keep doing dumb stuff”

Yerim: “did you just butcher an east of eden quote lmao”

Sooyoung: “if this is the only way to keep her focused then you’re really doing her a favour”

Seulgi: “thanks Sooyoung, that helped me feel a little better abt it”

Seulgi: “that’s why I was doing it but I just hate lying to her :(“

Sooyoung: “hopefully it won’t be a problem much longer :)”

Yerim: “at this point I actually want them to get together”

Yerim: “I just can’t take the drama anymore”

Seulgi: “anyway I have to go, I was on my way to meet some friends”

Seulgi: “but thanks for cheering me up Sooyoung”

Seulgi: “you’re really good at that :D”

Sooyoung: “why thank you ;)”

Sooyoung: “I just love spreading joy”

Sooyoung: “in fact that was my nickname in high school”

Yerim: “Joy? I thought it was chubby cheeks”

Sooyoung: “and what was yours Yerim?”

Sooyoung: “devil spawn? :-)”

Seulgi: “I think joy suits you better :)”

Sooyoung: “:D”


Sooyoung: "so Seulgi"

Sooyoung: "as someone who has recently come to a deeper understanding of her uality"

Yerim: "well I'm leaving"

Yerim: "text me when this conversation is over"

Sooyoung: "bye Yerim"

Sooyoung: "so I was wondering if we could maybe talk about yours"

Sooyoung: "if you're okay with that"

Seulgi: "yeah no problem :)"

Seulgi: "what did you want to know?"

Sooyoung: "well you're ace so"

Sooyoung: "you feel no romantic or ual attraction"

Sooyoung: "like ever?"

Seulgi: "yep :)"

Seulgi: "it's a little difficult to explain what it's like because we each only have our own experience"

Seulgi: "I like being close to people and having platonic intimacy, but I never have the types of feelings where you want to date someone or sleep with them"

Sooyoung: "hmmmm"

Seulgi: "ok to give an example"

Seulgi: "think of Joohyun"

Sooyoung: "if I must"

Seulgi: "she's pretty and funny and nice to you and she has a nice job"

Seulgi: "there's not a lot of downsides to dating her I think"

Seulgi: "so would you date her?"

Sooyoung: "lol no"

Sooyoung: "oh ok makes sense"

Sooyoung: "you're just like that with everybody"

Yerim: "lmao how did that take that long"

Sooyoung: "I thought you were leaving :-)"

Seulgi: "hi Yerim"

Sooyoung: "ok so like"

Sooyoung: "when someone has feelings for you"

Sooyoung: "is it like burdensome"

Sooyoung: "like does it make you feel bad?"

Yerim: "wow so tactful"

Sooyoung: "I'm just trying to understand, you "

Sooyoung: "but don't answer if you don't want to Seulgi"

Seulgi: "no its okay :D"

Seulgi: "I used to get really sad about it in high school"

Seulgi: "I felt bad that I couldn't return their feelings"

Seulgi: "but then I thought"

Seulgi: "there are lots of reasons to reject someone"

Seulgi: "when two people don't get together it just means they're not compatible"

Seulgi: "it's not the fault of either of them"

Seulgi: "so I shouldn't feel like it's my fault for being ace :D"

Sooyoung: "yeah you definitely shouldn't"

Seulgi: "thanks :)"

Seulgi: "but I'm glad when people tell me they like me"

Seulgi: "I think a lot of times people don't say anything because they're afraid of being rejected"

Seulgi: "so they say they'll just get over it on their own"

Seulgi: "but if they could really believe there's no chance and move on then they wouldn't be afraid of asking right?"

Seulgi: "they just use it as a subconscious excuse to keep some hope"

Seulgi: "I think it's much healthier to get it out of your chest"

Seulgi: "a good friend won't let it come between your friendship and once you've accepted it you can start healing :)"

Sooyoung: ":0"

Yerim: "lmao that is literally Sooyoung's whole life philosophy"

Yerim: "although between you and me"

Yerim: "I think she uses it as a way to keep her feelings at arms length"

Yerim: "and get rid of them before she has to take them seriously"

Sooyoung: "I'm literally right here"

Sooyoung: "and also nice psychoanalysis freud"

Sooyoung: "you should switch your major"

Sooyoung: "to pain in the :-)"

Yerim: "no thanks, wouldn't want to share a major with you"

Sooyoung: "..."

Yerim: "actually that would be awesome"

Sooyoung: "ikr"

Sooyoung: "we'd only have to go to half of the lectures each"

Sooyoung: "then we'd just study each other's notes"

Seulgi: "that sounds like a bad idea maybe"

Yerim: "it's a genius idea"

Yerim: "you should have done that with Seungwan"

Yerim: "shows how smart she is not to have come up with that"

Sooyoung: "lmao"

Sooyoung: [slightly out of focus picture of Seungwan looking annoyed, halfway through opening ]


Yerim: "quick q"

Yerim: "if I write a lit paper abt sci fi"

Yerim: "how likely am I to get points deducted by a pretentious teacher"

Sooyoung: "idk"

Seulgi: "maybe email him and ask?"

Yerim: "Sooyoung?"

Sooyoung: "?"

Yerim: "no more comments?"

Sooyoung: "ur a nerd"

Sooyoung: "winky face"

Yerim: "it takes more time to write winky face than to type the emoji"

Sooyoung: "tru"

Yerim: "you're being weird"

Sooyoung: "busy"

Sooyoung: "some of us have finals"

Yerim: "last semester you texted me pics of your modelling project every 15 mins"

Yerim: "for 3 hours"

Sooyoung: "tru"

Yerim: "Sooyounggggg"

Sooyoung: "sry I'm just busy"

Sooyoung: "Yerimmm"

Yerim: "and why is Seulgi not answering"

Seulgi: "I'm here, I just wasn't sure what to say"

Yerim: "sighhhhhhh"

Yerim: "this is super awkward"

Seulgi: "sorry Yerim :("

Yerim: "meh it's not your fault"

Yerim: "or Sooyoung's"

Yerim: "you're just following your dumb life philosophies"

Sooyoung: "tru"

Yerim: "istg if you say tru one more time I'm coming over to kick your "

Sooyoung: "u won't"

Sooyoung: "ur writing ur paper"

Yerim: "tru"

Sooyoung: "ok then"

Yerim: "I mean do you want me to come over?"

Yerim: "I can write the paper later I have some time"

Sooyoung: "nah it's whatever"

Sooyoung: "i kind of want to be alone"

Sooyoung: ";)"

Yerim: "I know the winky face is to reassure me that you're okay and not like super sad but uh"

Yerim: "in context it looks kind of sketchy"

Sooyoung: "well a girl's got to love herself ;)"

Yerim: "gross I take it back I'm not going anywhere near you"

Sooyoung:  [gif of Seungwan with a smug grin and brows animated to move up and down]

Sooyoung: "anyway I am actually busy"

Sooyoung: "so I gtg"

Yerim: "see you never hopefully"

Sooyoung: "bye Seulgi :)"

Seulgi: "bye :)"


Sooyoung: “hey Yerim just a super quick question”

Sooyoung: “why did I only find out about you dating Saeron when Joohyun called me abt it?”

Yerim: "oh"

Sooyoung: "it was super fun, she kept going on abt it"

Sooyoung: "assuming I already knew since I'm your best friend and everything"

Sooyoung: "I would assume the same, and yet"

Yerim: "no you are"

Yerim: "things have just been kind of awkward lately"

Yerim: "I didn't want to rub it in your face or something"

Sooyoung: "well that's dumb"

Sooyoung: "so I should have expected it really, since it's like your defining characteristic"

Yerim: "I can't tell if you're joking or really mad"

Sooyoung: "good, got to keep you on your toes"

Sooyoung: "in ordinary circumstances I would be very angry"

Sooyoung: "but I can understand how our current situation could confuse your tiny brain"

Yerim: "is this a dumb joke or a short joke?"

Sooyoung: "it's a two for one"

Sooyoung: "I'm just that good"

Sooyoung: "anyway just to clarify"

Sooyoung: "whatever is happening in my love life, I want to know what's going on with you"

Sooyoung: "you're my friend you "

Yerim: "ok then I guess I'm dating Saeron"

Yerim: "sorry I didn't say anything"

Sooyoung: "ok cool"

Seulgi: "um guys just in case you didn't notice, this is the group chat"

Seulgi: "it's also fine if you noticed, I don't mind you talking here or anything"

Sooyoung: "yes that was on purpose"

Sooyoung: "because I have a second clarification"

Sooyoung: "if you think you're getting out of our group chats just because I have a crush on you or whatever then you've got a big storm coming"

Seulgi: "oh ok"

Yerim: "that's her saying she doesn't want you to stop talking to us"

Sooyoung: "thank you for that absolutely essential translation Yerim"

Sooyoung: "and another thing, I'm still waiting on that painting"

Sooyoung: "you said I could have it as soon as you got it framed so where is my Seulgi original?"

Seulgi: "oh it's at my place, I can bring it over"

Sooyoung: "actually I'm with my family right now"

Sooyoung: "but when I come back I want that painting"

Sooyoung: "make it a Christmas gift"

Seulgi: "ok I'll do that "

Sooyoung: "cool I'm done yelling at you now"

Sooyoung: "my mom made chocolate fudge cake so I'll go eat that"

Yerim: "ugh I want that cake"

Sooyoung: "too bad, it's mine ;)"

Seulgi: "have a good Christmas :)"

Sooyoung: "you too :)"


Yerim: “I am one square away from a bingo and my parents refuse to cooperate”

Yerim: “all my mom has to do is bring up my personal life and then drop the subject awkwardly when I remind her that I’m gay”

Yerim: “she’s done it before, so what’s the hold-up”

Sooyoung: “well she better hurry because I am going out for lunch”

Sooyoung: “and you know what that means ;)”

Yerim: “noo I’m so close”

Seulgi: “why would you want your mother to do that Yerim? D:”

Yerim: “oh hey Seulgi”

Sooyoung: “we’re not pulling you away from your family are we?”

Seulgi: “no, they kicked me out of the living room so they could wrap my presents”

Sooyoung: “someone’s the baby of the family”

Seulgi: “I guess they do spoil me a little bit…”

Seulgi: “but what are you two doing?”

Yerim: “terrible family bingo: hardcore mode”

Seulgi: “what’s that?”

Yerim: “well terrible family bingo is when you make a bingo card out of all the terrible things your family does every time you visit”

Yerim: “like say you should change your major or try to imply to your sisters that you’re not a good role model, etc etc”

Sooyoung: “when you’re trying to get a bingo it distracts you from your family being terrible”

Yerim: “yes, very soothing”

Sooyoung: “except Yerim fills up her card in like 2 days”

Seulgi: “oh D:”

Yerim: “it’s not that my parents are exceedingly terrible or anything”

Yerim: “they’re just very predictable”

Sooyoung: “so this year we’re trying the hardcore mode”

Sooyoung: “if Yerim gets a single bingo she wins”

Sooyoung: “BUT every time somebody in my town sees me and tells me how much weight I’ve lost she has to start over”

Seulgi: “does that happen very often?”

Sooyoung: “pretty much whenever I leave the house”

Sooyoung: “it’s been like 2 years, I don’t know why they keep saying it”

Sooyoung: “anyway if she can’t get a bingo by the end of the trip she has to buy me coffee”

Seulgi: “well I’m sorry your family is difficult like that Yerim”

Seulgi: “but I’m glad you’re making the most of it”

Yerim: “thanks Seulgi :)”

Seulgi: “oh the presents are wrapped, I gtg now”

Sooyoung: “bye :)”

Seulgi: “bye :D”

Yerim: “bye”

Sooyoung: “oh btw my neighbour just came in to return a casserole dish and guess who she saw in the living room”

Yerim: [picture of seungwan looking disgruntled, as though she were halfway through protesting a particularly unfair demand]

Sooyoung: “reset that bingo card ;)”


Sooyoung: "I would like to announce my wedding"

Sooyoung: "to this digital tablet my parents got me as a late christmas present"

Yerim: "I would also like to announce my wedding"

Yerim: "to the concept of you not bothering me with inane bull"

Sooyoung: "lmao figures you'd get married to a figment of your imagination"

Sooyoung: "Seulgi any announcements?"

Seulgi: "oh uh"

Seulgi: "I will be attending both your weddings :D"

Seulgi: "maybe we can get Seungwan and Joohyun drunk on champagne and see what happens"

Sooyoung: "Seulgi you devious soul"

Seulgi: ";)"

Sooyoung: [gif of Seungwan with a smug grin and brows animated to move up and down]

Yerim: "gross"

Yerim: "so did you guys talk or"

Seulgi: "yeah :D"

Sooyoung: "I told Seulgi if she didn't flirt with me I'd run away with Mr Fluffers"

Sooyoung: "I hold it over her like a furry dagger of Damocles"

Yerim: "blackmail huh"

Yerim: "sounds like you"

Seulgi: "haha

Seulgi: "no she just said she values me as a friend and she doesn't want things to be awkward between us"

Yerim: "lmao sounds even more like Sooyoung"

Sooyoung: "I also said I was over you and just wanted to enjoy myself in this post-christmas pre-classes period of freedom"

Sooyoung: "but I guess some of us have selective memories"

Seulgi: "sorry I was going to say that :O"

Seulgi: "but I'm typing with one hand :("

Seulgi: "because I'm doing some work stuff"

Sooyoung: "a likely story"

Sooyoung: "anyway want to see my tablet"

Yerim: "no"

Seulgi: "yes"

Sooyoung: [selfie of Sooyoung in her dorm room with a bit of her desk visible in the corner]

Sooyoung: ":D"

Yerim: "that's a selfie"

Sooyoung: "wdym"

Sooyoung: [same selfie with a red circle drawn around the bit of desk]

Sooyoung: "that's the tablet right there"

Seulgi: "is that a new sweater? :)"

Sooyoung: "christmas present ;)"

Yerim: "don't enable her"


Sooyoung: “what’s this I hear about you not going to the NYE party Seulgi?”

Seulgi: “oh did Seungwan tell you?”

Sooyoung: “well no”

Sooyoung: “she told Joohyun and Joohyun told me”

Seulgi: “right that makes more sense”

Yerim: “sooo”

Yerim: “why aren’t you going?”

Seulgi: “I just thought it might be a little weird…”

Sooyoung: “is this bc of me?”

Yerim: “I thought you guys talked it out”

Sooyoung: “I thought so too”

Seulgi: “no we did”

Seulgi: “it’s just we haven’t actually hung out since before this whole thing”

Seulgi: “I was hoping we could talk it out between us”

Seulgi: “before we actually met around other people”

Seulgi: “and wan doesn’t even know that we’re friends”

Yerim: “she was fine last time”

Yerim: “she’ll just stick to Joohyun and we can talk about whatever”

Seulgi: “but you’re bringing Saeron right?”

Seulgi: “I don’t want to mess up your first meet the friends thing with her”

Seulgi: “make her think your friends are weird or something”

Sooyoung: “what, like I’m weird for liking you?”

Sooyoung: “which I’m over by the way, so it’s not even a thing for me”

Sooyoung: “but clearly it’s a thing for you”

Seulgi: “it’s not I promise!”

Seulgi: “I just feel like me coming to the party will only make it worse for everybody :(“

Seulgi: “wouldn’t it be easier if I just didn’t go?”

Sooyoung: “well no”

Sooyoung: “bc then you wouldn’t be there”

Sooyoung: “and you’re my friend so I want you there”

Yerim: “usually I would say this is gross”

Yerim: “but on this particular occasion, same”

Seulgi: “oh”

Seulgi: “you guys are my friends too”

Seulgi: “I guess I have to go, huh? :D”

Sooyoung: [candid of Seungwan looking to the right with pleasant surprise, eyes wide open]

Yerim: “ah yes, a straight-forward usage of wan-meme”

Yerim: “very stripped down, very refreshing”

Seulgi: “a true connoisseur ;)”

Sooyoung: “;)”


Seulgi: “Sooyoung you haven’t told Seungwan about us, have you?”

Sooyoung: “the gc? I guess we could tell her, there’s not much to hide anymore”

Sooyoung: “but I didn’t tell her yet, no”

Seulgi: “no, I meant”

Seulgi: “you and me”

Sooyoung: “oh that”

Sooyoung: “I mean she knows what happened”

Sooyoung: “just not that it was you”

Seulgi: “that’s what I thought”

Seulgi: “she said she talked to you at the nye party and I almost had a heart attack”

Seulgi: “I thought you’d told her and she’d get super mad at me for not telling her”

Sooyoung: “she’d get mad abt that?”

Seulgi: “well we were talking abt something else I didn’t tell her”

Seulgi: “she figured out the date thing”

Sooyoung: “oh yikes”

Seulgi: “but it’s okay now, and she’s not dating anymore, so yay :D”

Seulgi: “anyway I figured you wouldn’t tell her abt me without letting me know”

Seulgi: “but then I got worried that you’d told her abt the gc”

Sooyoung: “sounds like a rollercoaster of emotion”

Seulgi: “but she didn’t know abt that either, so that’s good”

Seulgi: “although maybe I should tell her, I don’t want any more secrets :(“

Sooyoung: “sure, fine by me”

Seulgi: “ok I’ll just wait for Yerim to say something then”

Seulgi: “where is she btw?”

Sooyoung: “hmmm busy probs”

Seulgi: “with what?”

Sooyoung: “Saeron?”

Seulgi: “ooooh okok I got it”

Seulgi: “busy ;)”

Seulgi: “well while she’s away”

Seulgi: “why haven’t you told Seungwan about us?”

Seulgi: “btw that sounded demanding but I’m just asking”

Seulgi: “it’s hard to convey tone over text”

Sooyoung: “very true”

Sooyoung: “idk I figured you’d tell her”

Seulgi: “why?”

Sooyoung: “bc she’s your best friend?”

Seulgi: “oh I thought you’d tell her”

Seulgi: “bc it’s your feelings”

Sooyoung: “so neither of us told her for weeks lmao”

Seulgi: “I guess haha”

Sooyoung: “you can tell her if you want”

Seulgi: “I think maybe you should”

Seulgi: “when you feel like it, I mean”

Seulgi: “it’s kind of a big personal thing, you should get to tell it how you want and when you want”

Sooyoung: “okay I guess I’ll think abt it then”

Yerim: “can you PLEASE talk somewhere else”

Yerim: “my phone won’t stop buzzing”

Sooyoung: “oh look what the cat dragged in ;)”

Sooyoung: “coming up for air?”

Yerim: “coming up to ask you to STFU”

Sooyoung: “make me ;)”

Yerim: “guess I’m muting”

Yerim: “bye”

Seulgi: “bye :)”

Sooyoung: “don’t do anything I wouldn’t ;)”


Sooyoung: “Seulgi why did you ship something to my dorm room?”

Sooyoung: “you could have just given it to me in person”

Seulgi: “oh I wanted to make it a little more official I guess”

Seulgi: “it’s your Christmas present :)”

Sooyoung: “:0”

Sooyoung: “you know I was just kidding when I said you had to give me the painting for Christmas”

Sooyoung: “acting tough and all”

Seulgi: “I know I know :)”

Seulgi: “but I was going to give it to you anyway so”

Sooyoung: “wow it’s even more beautiful than I remembered”

Sooyoung: “…”

Sooyoung: “Seulgi did you do anything to it?”

Seulgi: “oh yeah I did some touching up after you picked it”

Seulgi: “you chose a really unfinished one, I couldn’t just give it to you like that D:”

Sooyoung: “so what did you change?”

Seulgi: “just little things, pulling it all together. A little work on the trees and the reflections on the river”

Seulgi: “the clouds weren’t fluffy enough”

Sooyoung: “yeah also I’m pretty sure there wasn’t a person in the picture”

Seulgi: “oh yeah that too. She’s pretty small, I was hoping you wouldn’t notice”

Seulgi: “or I guess she’s small at a distance”

Seulgi: “up close she would be pretty tall”

Sooyoung: “Seulgi”

Sooyoung: “did you put me in your painting?”

Seulgi: “I couldn’t give Park Sooyoung a picture that didn’t have her in it :O”

Sooyoung: “wow Seulgi being smooth”

Sooyoung: “never thought I’d see the day”

Seulgi: “do you like it? Is it too much?”

Sooyoung: “it’s perfect :)”

Sooyoung: “I’m going to hang it up by my bed”

Yerim: “ok I’m reading up on what I missed”

Yerim: “and you guys get disgustingly cute when I’m gone”

Yerim: “I’m never muting again”

Sooyoung: “pff you just missed us”

Yerim: “wow you saw right through my façade of coolness huh”

Seulgi: “it’s okay, we missed you too :D”

Yerim: “anyway Seulgi are you free this weekend?”

Yerim: “I still owe Sooyoung that bingo coffee”

Yerim: “I guess I could buy you one too”

Seulgi: “:D”

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300 upvotes! I'm running out of ways to say thank you, but I can't complain ahah Seriously, thanks to each and every person who upvoted and also to everyone who takes the time to comment, you're the best and you make my days brighter ^^


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Riscark #1
Reread this again cause I miss your work in wenreneland authornim hehe
Chapter 1: Ini sangat lucu
Oke agak penasaran dengan ceritanya
16 streak #4
Chapter 39: Rereading this makes me soo happy just made my day :')) and I just reread all my previous comments and it's always on point haha I mean my emotions all throughout each chapters is convey well by the old me haha

I love how the way you wrote the character's personalities and their everyday routine life it felt kinda real.

I would like to say its such a slowburn fic but It felt perfect to have this kind of pacing especially with our two characters I love them so much their so precious plus imagine them as your parents with how soft and lovable they are.

I love the antics of Joyri altho at times it felt that they are over the line of being a tease and being a bully but I know thats how they show their love for Seungwan. Seulgi is the best bestfriend ever she's such a constant and steady support and just full of warmness for Wannie I love everything about this especially the confession part I laughed when Wannie kissed Joohyun and Joohyun's like no no no you cant get away after doing that.

Love it this so much. Still the best! Thank you! It was such a fun and enjoyable reread!
2078 streak #5
Chapter 1: Awwwe
Chapter 19: Ya persahabatan mereka terlalu berharga
Chapter 18: Uhhhh kapan mereka akan bersama
Chapter 17: Ini terlalu lambat untuk mereka bersama
Chapter 16: Irene benar-benar tidak peka SEUNGWAN yang tidak memiliki keberanian
Chapter 15: Apakah itu mimpi atau beneran