Act 2 Part 12

Much ado about nothing

Apparently, the new year brought bad dates. Out with the old and in with the new seemed to be a concept that Seungwan’s life wasn’t very familiar with. Or maybe it was Seungwan who wasn’t familiar with it, because why was she even on a date? Especially one set up by Seulgi, who kept outdoing herself when it came to picking out bad matches.

The saddest part was that Seungwan could have actually found some potential here. The girl sitting across from her was a little awkward and tried just a bit too hard with her attempts at laid-back flirting, but trying too hard was a field where Seungwan was certainly experienced and honestly, her date was cute enough to pull off some awkwardness, with her hamster-like cheeks and her smile that formed small dimples near her eyes.

She worked at the hospital’s IT department, helping keep all the electronic equipment functional, and the way she talked about it made it clear that computers weren’t just the subject of her professional life, but a personal interest as well.

All in all, the date had been going well enough, once Seungwan had gotten her to stop making finger guns after every flirty comment. Then it had all taken a terrible turn.

“Byulyi,” she called, with as little success as the previous times. Her date chatted on, lost in her own world and entirely oblivious to Seungwan’s presence.

“And then one time I tried to convince her that you could survive on nothing but mac and cheese, and get this, she decided to test it by eating mac and cheese for a week straight!” Byulyi happily declared, pausing to laugh loudly before carrying on. “Why did she test it herself? She could have just googled it. She’s such a dummy.”

Somewhere in their pleasant conversation, Seungwan had made the fatal mistake of mentioning something that had Byulyi immediately exclaiming that, “Yong loves that!” She didn’t even remember what she’d said, because it had been about five endearing Yong-stories ago and they’d already deviated far from the original topic. So far, she hadn’t been able to discern whether this Yong was a friend or an ex, but either way it was obvious enough that Byulyi’s heart was firmly in her possession.

“Byulyi,” she tried again, a little louder. She cringed as her voice caught the attention of nearby tables, but at least she’d finally gotten her date’s attention. “Who is Yong?” She tried her best not to sound like a jealous girlfriend, but it was hard to ask that kind of question in any other way.

“Ahh…” Byulyi had the decency to look a little guilty at having completely ignored her date. She tugged at her sleeve with a small apologetic grin. “Yong is, uh, Yongsun. My best friend.”

Seungwan nodded thoughtfully, probably looking like she was absorbing the information. Actually, she was pondering on how Seulgi had set her up with someone who was clearly in love with her best friend. Even someone as clueless as her should have picked up on that, since it obviously took the slightest provocation to trigger one of Byulyi’s love-fuelled rants. She thought back to all her previous dates, all set up by Seulgi, all equally terrible.

She brought her glass of wine to her lips and tried to swallow away the unfamiliar feeling of anger. That one didn’t come up very often, especially when it came to Seulgi. “You have feelings for her,” she declared flatly, setting the glass down with care. “And she probably has feelings for you too.”

Byulyi recoiled from the comment, nearly dropping her fork. “I – I don’t – She doesn’t –“ she stuttered incoherently, her eyes wide and confused.

“You’ve been talking about her since our food arrived,” Seungwan pointed out, gesturing towards her own half-empty plate to emphasize how much time had passed. “And you said you love to flirt with her because she gets all flustered and calls you weird? Yeah, that’s not friendly activity.”

Byulyi poked around her own salad, her lips pursed in hesitation. “I guess I do kind of like her,” she finally admitted in a low voice. Then she looked up at Seungwan with hopeful eyes, looking almost like an excited child. “Do you really think she might like me too?”

“Honestly, the way she was looking at you in some of those pictures you showed me, it couldn’t mean much else.” She grimaced as she recalled the seemingly endless photos Byulyi had insisted on showing her. Not to mention the video she’d edited herself, documenting their trip to an amusement park with an abundance of cheesy effects, transitions and a lot of heart emojis.

“Sorry about that,” her date said sheepishly, scratching her cheek with some embarrassment. Seungwan waved it off easily. To be honest, she hadn’t been that invested in the date either. She hadn’t reached the point of pulling out her phone and starting the Joohyun slideshow, but she was sure her heart was similarly inaccessible.

“You should tell her how you feel.” She smiled reassuringly and her chest warmed only a little at the way Byulyi perked up, a dimple-inducing smile growing on her face. After all, how invested could she be in the romantic endeavours of a near stranger? “Anyway, I know the date is over, but this is actually a pretty good restaurant, so do you want to share some dessert? We can talk more about Yongsun.”

They ended up splitting a chocolate mousse that was absolutely divine and almost made up for the entire experience. That and the fact that Byulyi carefully avoided the topic of her best friend, trying her best to chat about their shared interests of video games and anime.

At the end of the night, Byulyi dropped her off at home and drove away with a smile after offering another apology, which Seungwan quickly dismissed. She walked upstairs and into her apartment, where Seulgi awaited her due to Seungwan’s text message requesting her presence.

“Wannie, is everything okay? Why did you – “

“Seulgi,” she quickly cut off, her voice silencing her friend instantly. “Have you been sending me on bad dates on purpose?” The anger from before was gone, as expected. It never lasted very long. Now she felt a little tired and very dense.

Seulgi looked away and her lips settled into a worried frown. “Yes,” she finally admitted in a small voice.

“Okay, good.” Seungwan nodded slowly while she shrugged off her coat and dropped it on the nearest chair. “I was starting to think I must be doing something wrong.”

Once her coat and shoes were off, she dropped down next to Seulgi on the sofa. Mr. Fluffers jumped into her lap and settled down for his expected petting. “Byulyi’s in love with her best friend. But I’m guessing you already knew that.”

Seulgi nodded, admitting her guilt. Her eyes were down, staring at hands that were grasping each other tightly on her lap.

“It’s okay, I get it,” she said after a moment, breaking the silence that had settled between them. Seulgi turned to her, looking confused. “With my history, if you got me any halfway decent dates I’d probably jump right back into mediocre relationships and serial monogamy, wouldn’t I?”

“Wannie, no!” Seulgi was quick to deny, but it wasn’t very convincing. Seungwan petted Mr. Fluffers and focused on trying to keep some of her dignity. The worst part was that Seulgi had been right. All those dates, she’d been looking for someone that she could settle for, so she could go back to the comfortable, familiar way of doing things. The part of love, or romance, that she knew how to handle.

Seulgi grabbed her arm, trying to capture her attention. “Wannie, that’s not – I just panicked, okay? When you first noticed Joohyun, it was so obvious that you liked her but you weren’t going to do anything because you’d decided you were done with relationships. So I tried to change your mind, convince you to give it another chance, but then you started talking about going on dates and I panicked.” Seulgi’s eyes were wide, frantic, and she babbled much faster than usual in her rush to get her explanation across. She finally stopped to take a breath before continuing her explanation. “So I tried to make it seem like my idea and like it was some punishment.”

“At first, I only wanted to make the dates bad so you wouldn’t give up on trying something with Joohyun. You know, give you a little push in the right direction and everything. I didn’t want you to dismiss the possibility of what you could have with her,” she continued more slowly, her voice down to almost a whisper.

“When you guys got closer, I was so happy and relieved, I really thought it had worked and I could stop worrying about it, stop lying to you. But then you wanted to start again, you said you couldn’t put your life on hold because of these unrequited feelings, but I knew it wasn’t that. You’ve been single for a long time and it never bothered you, it was actually what you wanted. I knew you were just…” She hesitated, looked at Seungwan with guilt-stricken eyes.

“Using the dates to avoid my feelings,” Seungwan finished for her. Seulgi seemed displeased, but she didn’t argue it. Seungwan sighed deeply, trying to breathe around the lump that had settled in . “Because I’d rather go back to something I already know doesn’t work than face the unknown.”

“It’s normal to be scared, Wan-wan. This is new and unfamiliar and things could go wrong. But you do have a habit of putting scary things in a corner of your mind and pretending they’re not there. I knew I couldn’t just confront you about it,” Seulgi pointed out miserably. She looked so small and unhappy that Seungwan almost felt like she should be the one comforting her.

She carefully picked up Mr. Fluffers and dropped him next to her on the sofa, ignoring his half-hearted protests. Then she moved closer to Seulgi and hugged her side, dropping her head on her shoulder. Seulgi turned a little to accommodate her, wrapping her own arms around her.

“I can’t just tell her, Seulgi,” she said in a small voice, trying not to sound too weepy.

She felt a hand move up to pat her head, then slowly start threading through her hair, up and down, the regular motion somewhat soothing. “Of course you can, Wannie.”

She shrugged against her friend but didn’t respond. She felt too tired for her usual game of denial, even if Seulgi’s words still sounded far from believable.

“I talked to Sooyoung. You know, when she snuck away at the party?” she started uncertainly. The hand against her hair paused in its movements, then resumed after a moment. “I told her about my history with dating and stuff. I said relationships kind of , but lately I’ve been thinking and maybe it was just my relationships that . Not necessarily… all relationships, always.”

Seulgi hummed in agreement but seemed content to let Seungwan carry on without interruption. She took a deep breath. “A while ago, I was talking to Mr. Fluffers and I realized Joohyun would probably make a good girlfriend. It was kind of a random thought but it’s true, isn’t it? She seems like the type, she’s nice and thoughtful and she gives you space to deal with your stuff.”

“Yeah, she does,” Seulgi agreed easily, her voice soft, like she was trying her best not to startle Seungwan.

She pushed herself further into Seulgi’s shoulder, pressing her face into the fabric of her jacket. “Hey, Seul?” she asked in a muffled voice.

“Yeah, Wan?”

“I think I’m in love with her.”

Seulgi’s head tilted to rest against Seungwan’s, enveloping her more fully in her friend’s embrace. It felt nice, like there was a pocket of safety somewhere in this scary world that felt more and more unsteady lately.

“I think so too,” Seulgi whispered, and she sounded so happy about it that it really was hard to imagine how it could possibly be a bad thing.

Her phone buzzed several times in her pocket, pulling her out of the moment. She sat back and reached for the device to find half a dozen new message notifications covering the screen.

“Who’s that?” Seulgi asked with some curiosity. Joohyun wasn’t the texting type and Yerim and Sooyoung only really messaged Seungwan when they wanted her to look at dumb memes.

Seungwan merely tilted the phone so Seulgi could read the messages. They were all from Byulyi, sent in quick succession.

Byulyi: «Hey Seungwan I just got home! »

Byulyi: «I just wanted to say sorry again, I must have made the date pretty boring »

Byulyi: «And also thanks for telling me that stuff about Yong »

Byulyi: «That was really nice of you, so thanks »

Byulyi: «Anyway it’s late and you’re probably going to sleep now but maybe we can talk some other time :) »

Byulyi: «PS what’s your steam account? I’ll gift you that scary game we were talking about »

Byulyi: «Goodnight! »

“You gave your terrible date your number?” Seulgi asked with poorly hidden amusement.

Seungwan shrugged as she typed a short message in return. It felt a little rude to leave all these texts unanswered. “She seemed like she needed someone to talk to,” she said simply. Seulgi started laughing and she looked up sharply.

“Anyway, I haven’t forgiven you yet,” Seungwan added sternly. Seulgi froze at the unexpected words, her eyes widening in concern. “But if you go get the ice cream from the freezer, I will think about it.”

Her friend rose from the sofa in a second, happily skipping off to the kitchen. “If you watch Another with me, I’ll think about it some more,” Seungwan yelled in her direction.

“Which one is that?” Seulgi’s voice sounded from the kitchen.

“The one with the umbrella.”

“Wannie,” she whined, dragging out the word. “That one’s scary.” Seungwan laughed, but she didn’t push it. They’d watch whatever Seulgi wanted, she wasn’t feeling too picky anyway. Spending time with her best friend was good enough. Especially when there was ice cream.

She’d deal with tomorrow when it came around. Right now, the only thing she was sure of was that she was done with blind dates.


After finals, Christmas, the New Year, and the short holidays before school started, during which Sooyoung and Yerim were too busy desperately holding on to their freedom to settle down for an entire afternoon, they finally returned to their habit of weekends at Joohyun’s apartment with all four present.

The two youngest were barely a week into their semester, yet Joohyun was already insisting that they stay on top of their schoolwork, for reasons that were obvious to all except Yerim. Thankfully, she was too busy constantly texting her girlfriend to think too deeply about why Joohyun would suddenly develop such extreme concern for her academic success.

The result was that Yerim sat surrounded by textbooks, doing her best impression of studying them carefully while Seungwan and Joohyun sat near the other end of the sofa and read silently. Sooyoung was in the bedroom, as usual, taking advantage of Joohyun’s computer to work on some personal projects.

Seungwan was still making her way through the same book of short stories, but she was getting close to the end and it would only take a few hours of focused reading to finish it. She’d even resisted the temptation to stay on the same page for long periods of time, peeking over the top of the book to take in Joohyun’s profile, the curve of her nose, the dip of her chin, the way her eyelashes fluttered every time she blinked. Instead, Seungwan’s eyes remained firmly on her own book, and it was only her mind that kept her from actually processing anything she was reading.

Now that she’d removed the last real obstacle between herself and Joohyun, consisting of her own denial, and that the only logical step was to reveal her feelings and hope for the best, a million worried thoughts buzzed around inside her head. Most of them were just panicked exclamations of “No! Don’t! Bad!” which, while valid, weren’t very helpful. The part of her brain not occupied by this vocal majority cycled through all possible confession scenarios or reviewed all of their previous interactions to look for clues as to Joohyun’s feelings.

It didn’t help that everyone around her seemed to be bravely facing their feelings left and right, with no apparent fear of the consequences. First Yerim and Sooyoung and now even Byulyi, who had chosen this very afternoon to brainstorm possible ways to reveal her feelings to Yongsun.

Byulyi: «Do you think I should keep it casual? I’m worried she won’t take me seriously »

Byulyi: «But if I make it too romantic she might think it’s weird »

The way her phone kept buzzing with all the messages Byulyi sent her was another reason why she’d gotten barely two pages in. Studying the texts, she sighed and gave up on the book. Instead, she held it open as a way to conceal her phone as she wrote a response.

Seungwan: «Either way it’ll be fine. Just don’t do a big public thing »

The delay in Byulyi’s response suggested that she’d considered just that. In the precious moments of silence as her correspondent crafted a reply, she studied her company, satisfied that they were still engaged in their own tasks. Joohyun happily read an enormous fantasy novel and Yerim texted her girlfriend even more brazenly than Seungwan.

Byulyi: «Right, that would be such a bad idea, obviously »

Byulyi: «So I should do it when it’s just the two of us. That’s what I thought »

Seungwan fought the urge to slap her palm against her forehead. It was like guiding a toddler. She’d clearly have to take a more direct approach.

Seungwan: «Ok what are you guys doing this weekend? »

Byulyi: «We’re doing a puzzle »

Byulyi: «Except we get tired of puzzles really quickly, so probably 30 minutes of that and then I’ll convince her to play the new resident evil with me »

Right, she could work with this. All she had to do was replace the scary zombie game about murder and gore with something a little less… Violent.

Seungwan: «How about instead of that you convince her to watch a movie? Pick something romantic »

Byulyi: «Hmm she makes fun of romantic movies. She says they’re cheesy »

Seungwan: «There must be one she likes. One she watches and gets all invested and maybe teary-eyed and you can tell she kind of wishes it would happen to her a little bit »

Byulyi: «I guess she likes Titanic »

Seungwan certainly hoped Yongsun didn’t wish her life were more like that movie, on account of the death of the love interest and all, but it would do. They weren’t supposed to get to the end of it anyway.

Seungwan: «Right, so watch that and I probably don’t have to tell you this but put your arm around her shoulder or something. And then when it gets to a really romantic part, like when they’re kissing, turn to her and look in her eyes and ksadvhsad »

She nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt a hand land on her arm. Her entire body jerked in surprise and her fingers danced across the phone’s keyboard before she accidentally pressed send. Then she quickly dropped the device, face down, and looked up guiltily at Joohyun.

“You’re setting a bad example for the children,” Joohyun whispered with some amusement. That was a little difficult when the only child in the room was college-aged and also on her phone, but Seungwan probably shouldn’t point out that last part. She only smiled awkwardly, trying not to look too conspicuous.

Joohyun’s face fell a little at her reaction. “It was a joke, of course you can do whatever you want, you’re still a guest,” she quickly explained with some concern. Seungwan made an effort to contort her face into a more natural-looking smile.

“Sorry, you just startled me a little.” Joohyun seemed somewhat relieved, so Seungwan deemed the attempt at least partially successful. She picked up her book, pointing it out. “And this is fun, reading. I was just, uh, there was some stuff.”

As if on cue, her phone buzzed to indicate Byulyi’s response. She ignored it bravely, only nodding at her book like it was suddenly a hundred times more interesting. “It can wait,” she finally said, as Joohyun’s eyes remained on her and she raised a single curious eyebrow.

“Are you texting Seulgi? She can come over more often, if she wants. I’m sure the girls wouldn’t mind,” she said encouragingly, clearly trying to calm Seungwan down from whatever had left her so jumpy.

“Oh, it’s not Seulgi, it’s Byulyi. She’s… A new friend.” She wasn’t sure they could be considered friends yet, but she didn’t really want to be the type of person who guided a casual acquaintance through pursuing her best friend romantically, so she’d settle for the label. “I actually met her on my last date. Because she was the date. It didn’t really work out, but we have a lot in common so we kept in touch.”

She wouldn’t mention how the things they had in common involved romantic feelings for their close friends. Not that that situation would last much longer, since Byulyi seemed set on declaring herself and Seungwan didn’t doubt that Yongsun would return the feelings.

“Oh, a new friend,” Joohyun commented with a wide smile. “That’s nice. She can come over as well, if she wants, I’d love to meet her. I’ll leave you to it, then.” She tilted her head towards Seungwan’s phone conspiratorially, then returned to her book without another word.

Seungwan was a little surprised for a moment before her phone buzzed again and she finally remembered that she hadn’t checked Byulyi’s response yet.

Byulyi: «I didn’t get that last part, what should I do after looking in her eyes? »

Byulyi: «Seungwan? Did you drop your phone or something? »

She tapped on the screen, biting back a smile. Byulyi really was ridiculously cute. She reminded her of Seulgi a little and she could certainly imagine how those two had become friends. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Joohyun studying her and quickly looked up, but her friend turned back to her book in a flash, betraying no reaction. She really hoped Joohyun wouldn’t have any ideas, because she wasn’t sure her heart could handle a repeat of the love intervention and its confirmation that there were absolutely no romantic feelings to be had on Joohyun’s part. Nothing but good-natured friendly encouragement.

Seungwan: «You should kiss her »

Byulyi: «Oh »

Byulyi: «That makes sense »

Byulyi: «That last word did start with a k »

She rolled her eyes and put away the phone. Byulyi would probably be mulling that one over for a while and she didn’t really need Seungwan for that. She considered returning to her book, but the problem from before still applied. Byulyi was possibly days away from kissing her crush and starting a new relationship and the thought weighed on Seungwan like a rock.

Everybody else did it with such ease, they just opened their mouths and revealed their feelings and started dating. It all seemed so terrifying. Even the best-case scenario, where Joohyun somehow got hit in the head hard enough to find anything about Seungwan appealing, would still lead to a brand-new relationship with higher stakes than ever and she couldn’t imagine how she wouldn’t ruin it like she had done, repeatedly, in the past.

But she couldn’t push away the feelings, either. She was stuck and every way out of it, whether through breaking it off with Joohyun, confessing her feelings or faking her death and moving to another country, seemed painful and scary and very unrewarding. Maybe she could just stay like this forever, stealing glances and hoping that Joohyun never dated anyone else so she could at least maintain the illusion that she mattered.

“I’m going to go ask Sooyoung something,” she declared, almost startling herself with the sudden decision. She got up and walked into Joohyun’s bedroom before any questions could be posed, mostly because she doubted she’d have an answer. It wasn’t until she was sitting on Joohyun’s bed and facing a confused Sooyoung that she even knew why she was there.

“How did you tell that girl you liked her?” she blurted out, only furthering Sooyoung’s confusion. They faced each other for a second while she adjusted her thoughts to the sudden topic.

“I just did, I don’t know. I met up with her and I told her how I felt,” she replied with a shrug.

“And what did she say?” Seungwan prodded further.

Sooyoung chewed on her lip thoughtfully, considering the question. “The usual stuff, I guess. That she didn’t feel the same way but she hoped we could stay friends.”

“Did you?” Sooyoung shrugged again, looking only a little sad before she was back to her neutral self.

“Sure. Eventually.” Seungwan’s eyes widened in worry, but Sooyoung cut her off before she could start asking more questions. “I had to get over it first, but after that we got back to being friends.”

“Is it… weird?” She was aware that she was probably asking a lot of difficult questions, but she couldn’t stop herself. She needed to know.

“A little, but it’s getting better. I’m sure it’ll be something we laugh about in a few months.” Seungwan nodded, temporarily deflated, and Sooyoung studied her. “So, did that help?”

“It was kind of like when you’re about to go on a rollercoaster and someone tells you that it’s only scary for the first second and then it’s really fun,” Seungwan replied dubiously. Sooyoung smiled at the comparison. “I’m sure it is and I’m glad that someone had a good time of it, but I don’t feel any less terrified.”

Sooyoung got up from the desk chair and moved to sit by Seungwan’s side, nudging her knee. “Are you going to do it?” she asked casually enough, but Seungwan knew how much she cared, how invested she’d become. She was a good friend, under all that ruthless teasing.

“Maybe I’ll have an epiphany five minutes before the amusement park closes and make a run for it,” she offered diplomatically. She wasn’t sure she could promise much more.

She studied the wall in front of the bed, where her Christmas present hung in a brand-new frame. It looked a little out of place, tiny and alone, but it might start looking more like it belonged there as the months passed and more photographs joined it. Seungwan could only hope.

“Anyway, want to hear something funny?” Sooyoung nodded, turning slightly so she was facing her. “I went on a date with this girl and now I’m helping her get together with her best friend,” she admitted with a snort.

“God, your life is like a sitcom,” Sooyoung said tiredly, though the corners of were quirking up. Seungwan shrugged against her, then let herself drop backwards onto the bed.

“Joohyun told me to invite her over,” she added as she stretched out her arms to spread them over the covers.

“Please do, I need some source of humour in my life.”

Seungwan sighed deeply. She was all for humour, but she sometimes wished she didn’t always end up being the punchline. “Anything for you,” she replied dramatically, and giggled as Sooyoung dropped down until they were facing each other on the bed, Seungwan’s outstretched arm serving as a neck pillow.

“Always the gentleman,” Sooyoung commented with amusement. “We should have just fallen for each other, you know?” she added after a pause, and Seungwan had to admit that she looked more amused than sad. Like she really was over her heartbreak, for the most part.

“Yeah, but that’d be gross,” Seungwan pointed out as she wrinkled her nose.

Sooyoung nodded wisely, which was a little difficult given her position. “You got me there.”

They both laughed at the exchange, then remained on Joohyun’s comforter, relishing the softness, until Sooyoung pushed herself upright and declared that study time was over. She stormed into the living room, forcing everyone to join her in watching the latest episode of some terrible teen drama and screaming at the screen every time one of the characters did something idiotic, which was very frequent. It was a little difficult to squeeze all four people close enough together that they could all see the laptop screen where the show was playing, but somehow that just added to the fun.

At the end of the night, when Seungwan finally remembered to check her phone, she found three messages from Byulyi.

Byulyi: «I’m going to do it. Thanks so much for your help Seungwan :) »

Byulyi: «I hope things work out with your person too »

Byulyi: «I know you have one because otherwise you’d have fallen for me. I’m pretty irresistible »

That girl was seriously lucky she was cute.

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300 upvotes! I'm running out of ways to say thank you, but I can't complain ahah Seriously, thanks to each and every person who upvoted and also to everyone who takes the time to comment, you're the best and you make my days brighter ^^


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Riscark #1
Reread this again cause I miss your work in wenreneland authornim hehe
Chapter 1: Ini sangat lucu
Oke agak penasaran dengan ceritanya
16 streak #4
Chapter 39: Rereading this makes me soo happy just made my day :')) and I just reread all my previous comments and it's always on point haha I mean my emotions all throughout each chapters is convey well by the old me haha

I love how the way you wrote the character's personalities and their everyday routine life it felt kinda real.

I would like to say its such a slowburn fic but It felt perfect to have this kind of pacing especially with our two characters I love them so much their so precious plus imagine them as your parents with how soft and lovable they are.

I love the antics of Joyri altho at times it felt that they are over the line of being a tease and being a bully but I know thats how they show their love for Seungwan. Seulgi is the best bestfriend ever she's such a constant and steady support and just full of warmness for Wannie I love everything about this especially the confession part I laughed when Wannie kissed Joohyun and Joohyun's like no no no you cant get away after doing that.

Love it this so much. Still the best! Thank you! It was such a fun and enjoyable reread!
2072 streak #5
Chapter 1: Awwwe
Chapter 19: Ya persahabatan mereka terlalu berharga
Chapter 18: Uhhhh kapan mereka akan bersama
Chapter 17: Ini terlalu lambat untuk mereka bersama
Chapter 16: Irene benar-benar tidak peka SEUNGWAN yang tidak memiliki keberanian
Chapter 15: Apakah itu mimpi atau beneran