Foolishly, I guess I loved you so foolishly

I Loved You Severely

Sakura isn't the conventional type of girl who's hopeless romantic, believes in fates and destinies, nor does she rely on astrologies and stars or any divine being. She's more of the realist type of woman who depends on her own hard work. For the cherry blossom girl, she believes that people hold their own future, and that what happens in people's lives is something they themselves chose to do, and not someone up there guiding them or helping them. After all, she got to where she is now through her blood, sweat, and tears.

Soon she’ll debut as a musical actress in Korea. A dream that she had long been trying to reach and prepare for.

The thought had always made her nervous ever since she got accepted for the role she was going for. Sakura became restless, too focused on practicing and perfecting her act.

Sakura became too anxious. The bad kind of anxious.

So she debates on whether this time should she ask help from that ‘someone up there’, just to maybe ease her nerves a little.

At the back of her head, there's this little maybe, just maybe, there really is someone up there who helps people after all. Someone up there who recognizes hard work and who guides people to meet the right people and take them to their right paths. It all seems very silly to her if she's being honest, but she shrugs it all off. What's wrong with trying right?

Now standing in front of a small chapel, the cherry blossom girl heaves a small sigh while looking at its exterior. 

Here goes nothing, she thinks. 

Yet as soon as she takes her first few steps, she bumps into someone, causing the person to stumble and fall.

Sakura got all confused as to how did she not see a person coming out from the church. Maybe it's her bad eyesight. But more to her confusion is her worry over the person that just fell on their because of her. 

Genuinely apologetic for what had happened, she reaches out her hand to the woman that's wearing an all black dress and coat, to help her stand up.

“I’m very sorry, I didn't really see you there.”

The moment their eyes met, there was briefly something in the other’s pair of dark brown orbs that the cherry blossom girl couldn't quite distinguish. One thing she's for sure though, is that whatever emotion it was, it's far from anything positive.

Her worry for the stranger though soon turned into what most likely is irritation. In just a matter of seconds, Sakura was pulled into a tight, almost desperate, hug by the woman. 

“Wait! Excuse me, miss!” Out of shock, Sakura pushes the woman away, hard. “What do you think you're doing–”

She was about to lash out on her for the non consensual act, but before she even could, she saw the woman’s tear stained face. She was sobbing.

And as much as she was irritated by the stranger suddenly hugging her, the cherry blossom girl didn't have the heart to shout at someone who seems so broken, so vulnerable. Instead, Sakura proceeds to just sternly look at her. 

“Whatever it is you’re going through, I’m sorry. But please don't just go around hugging strangers.”

The woman didn't say anything. Rather, she was just staring at her looking completely baffled and embarrassed.

Seeing as how the stranger in front of her seems too disoriented to reply, Sakura just takes it as her cue to leave and eventually enter the chapel, not really bothering to look back anymore. 

Maybe she should also pray for that woman. Again, no harm in trying right?


It was one of those days where Sakura stayed up late in their studio to practice. In just two weeks, she’ll be standing on stage officially as a musical actress. She doesn't want even a single little slip up to happen, and it's the reason why these days, she's been spending almost all of her time practicing. 

It's stressful yes. She even forgets lunch sometimes. She's too worked up. But it's that kind of method that got her to where she is, and she's definitely used to it.

All tired from a whole day’s work, Sakura just wanted to get home as soon as possible so that she could rest. Leaving the practice studio, the girl proceeds to her daily routine of walking home. Facing the usual road crossing that's now almost empty at this time of the night, Sakura patiently waits for the stoplight to turn red and the crossing light to turn green.

As soon as the lights switched, Sakura decided to cross. With only a few steps in, a bright white light blinded her eyes and a car horn honking rang so loud in her ears made her froze on her spot…

Everything turned dark.

Her surroundings felt like it's spinning, stirring, making her knees go weak.

Even her hearing is buzzed. 


Slowly, the cherry blossom girl comes to her senses. She feels herself awfully shaking inside the arms of a person. Everything is dark because of her tightly shut eyes, all due to fear and shock. She could now faintly hear the person shouting while holding her tightly.


“Wha– what was…” Sakura stuttered. Everything happened in a flash that she really couldn't grasp what happened in her shocked state. 

“Are you okay?” A woman's voice asks her, and Sakura couldn't help but question herself on how she finds the person’s voice very warm and comforting. Sakura could only nod as she heaves deep breaths to calm herself. All the while, the person holding her is softly caressing her back to calm her down.

After regaining her composure, Sakura opens her eyes wanting to thank her savior. And when she did, the cherry blossom girl got surprised at seeing the person in front of her, still holding her.

“It's you… You're that person at the chapel the other day.”

The woman in front of her merely nods, looking embarrassed. Sakura then realized how she was still in the person’s arms, and when she looked back at the woman, the latter seemed to catch on and quickly pulled away from her. The cherry blossom girl instantly missed the strange comfort.

“I-I’m sorry–”

“No. Please don't be. It's fine.” Sakura interjects, giving the woman a grateful smile. “You saved me…

… Thank you. Thank you for saving me miss?”

“Oh! It's nothing!” The woman replies, fidgety. “I mean! If anyone’s in my place they'd probably do the same thing! N-not saying that saving you isn't special or anything! I mean–”

Hearing the woman ramble, the cherry blossom girl couldn't help but giggle. Looking at the woman properly now, Sakura saw how she looks very chic and mature with her long black hair, yet in contrary to her appearance she also finds her cute because of the faint blush on her cheeks as she rambles, and of the fact that she's shorter than her.

She's very pretty.

“O-oh! Sorry for the rambling.” The latter utters, slightly much composed than earlier. “I’m Eunbi by the way.”

“Well, thank you miss Eunbi.” 

At the cherry blossom girl’s mention of the woman’s name, the latter smiles. Yet Sakura swears she saw a passing glint of melancholy in the other’s eyes.

“Please, just Eunbi is fine.”

Extending her hand for a handshake, Sakura smiles brightly, feeling very thankful to the woman who's not so much of a stranger anymore. Not only had Eunbi saved her from potential harm, but the woman also calmed and comforted her, and made sure she's okay. That's more than enough for her to change her initial first impression of the ‘irritating’ woman who non consensually hugged her back at the chapel, albeit the fact that Sakura still thinks that she sees the sadness in the woman’s eyes. 

“Eunbi it is. Thank you again, Eunbi. I'm Sakura.”

Their eyes met, and as soon as Sakura felt Eunbi’s hand take hers she felt a sense of familiarity. The feeling of warmth and comfort washed back in her.

“Nice to meet you Sakura.”

It was then that Sakura is sure that she would meet Eunbi again.


Sakura’s hunch was right. She meets Eunbi for the third time by chance a couple of days after as she passed by the chapel. There, she saw how Eunbi briefly talked to a beautiful girl also with black hair, donned in a casual all black dress.

Seeing Eunbi with another girl stirred something bitter inside Sakura's stomach, but she chose to ignore it. 

What matters for her is that she met Eunbi again. And this time she wants to properly thank her. 

“You’re inviting me out for lunch?” Eunbi asks, looking quite puzzled, but she's smiling at her nonetheless.

“Yes. My treat! A thank you ‘gift’ of some sort for being my hero the other day.”

“You don't need to though–”

“I insist.” Sakura grins widely. 

Eunbi laughs, and that's when the cherry blossom girl concludes that she’d always rather see Eunbi laugh rather than see that bittersweet smile and sad eyes that she's been accustomed to.

“Can I consider this as a date then?”

“W-wait wha–” This time, it was Eunbi who's sporting a very confident grin, and it definitely made Sakura a mumbling mess. “I-I m-mean. I-If you want to…” 

“Okay then! Let's go.”

Eunbi grabs her by her wrist, making Sakura wish that the woman would just slide her hands to intertwine it with hers. 


What was one date became two, and then three. Eunbi became a fixed presence in Sakura's routine in a span of a week. After their first ‘date’, the two hit it off really quick. They’d exchanged numbers and would text each other. Eunbi would oftentimes spend her free time just watching Sakura practice her role and would even bring or take her out to lunch, specially after Sakura had let it slip from one time that she sometimes would forget to have lunch.

For the cherry blossom girl, Eunbi is just a very easy person to get along with. The latter is very caring, considerate to her, and is very innately kind. But at the same time, Sakura found her to also be very cheeky, quick witted, and most of all charming. 

In that one week, the cherry blossom girl had learn things about Eunbi. One thing is that how the woman was actually 3 years older than her, making Sakura fondly call the woman ‘Eunbi unnie’. Another thing she learned is that Eunbi can be touchy-feely, specially to her. A thing that Sakura knows that she's enjoying maybe a little bit too much.

On the other hand, Sakura felt that rather than Eunbi getting to know about her, it felt more like Eunbi has been a long time friend who already understands her personality and just instantly gets her. Even to the point that the woman is able to guess that Sakura likes her coffee sweet, and Sakura wouldn't be able to forget Eunbi’s explanation as to how she guessed it.

“Well, you’re a very sweet person, so I just thought you'd like your coffee as sweet as you are.”

It definitely makes her laugh every time she thinks about it. The cherry blossom girl was also sure that she had blushed profusely during that exchange, and that Eunbi had noticed it.

Sakura knows that everything is happening fast, but she can't help it even with how hard she tries. 

She's too obvious.

Too obvious that there really is no point in lying to herself.

Sakura is falling for Eunbi, fast. 

She just hopes that Eunbi would be there to catch her.


Maybe they are a match made in heaven. And maybe Sakura is slowly accepting that fates, destinies, and divine beings who help guide people towards the right path, aren't as silly as she thought it was. 

After Sakura had let Eunbi in her life, everything turned bright. She seems better, in all aspects of the word, all of a sudden. 

Bad habits like forgetting to eat lunch and overworking herself over practice are all gone now, all because of Eunbi. 

Whenever she became too stressed, Eunbi would always be there for her. 

More importantly, no more anxious Sakura. It was like whoever is up there already knew what she needed and actually gave her a saving grace on that fateful day when she decided to got to the chapel.

And it was her. Eunbi.

At the same time, Sakura had also noticed that even though there were still longing in the older's eyes, what once were sad smiles on Eunbi's face are now replaced by more genuine ones, at times even hearty laughs. But as much as the cherry blossom girl wants to know the story behind the older girl's sad smiles, she decides that it's best not to pry. She’ll just wait until Eunbi is ready to tell her why she was crying that day they first met.

For now, as long as she can make Eunbi laugh and smile genuinely, as long as she can make her happy, then the cherry blossom girl thinks that it's enough. Because if Eunbi is happy, then she is too. 

And all she wishes for right now is for them to be in each other's lives for a long time.

“Kkura…” The cherry blossom girl hears her nickname softly being called. Her favorite nickname. The nickname Eunbi gave her, the nickname that is only allowed for Eunbi.

Sakura opens her eyes and turns to her side. A smile naturally adorns her face, looking at the woman who changed her for the better. And maybe even the most important person in her life right now.

“Lets go?” Eunbi reaches for her hand and holds it, intertwining their fingers.

Sakura blushed. But this time, she wasn't defensive to herself about it.


Both of them stood up, gathering their things, which was Sakura's purse and an umbrella that is Eunbi’s, and made their way out of the chapel. But even before they could go any further away from the said place, their walk was stop short by a girl, just very slightly taller than Sakura. The cherry blossom girl recognizes her. She's that pretty girl, still clad in a black dress, that she saw Eunbi once talked to. 

The girl had a gentle smile on her face, looking at Sakura first, then shifting her gaze at Eunbi. Curious, the cherry blossom girl also turns to look at Eunbi, and there she saw her looking quite surprised. 

“Hi Eunbi unnie.” The girl softly greets.

“M-Minjoo… What are you doing here?” Eunbi dryly chuckles, making the said girl, Minjoo, adorably giggle.

“Are you Sakura?” Minjoo then turns to her, not answering Eunbi’s question. “I’ve heard so much about you from Eunbi unnie.”

“Y-yes! I'm Sakura.” The cherry blossom girl stutters, quite entranced seeing the pretty girl up close.

Hearing a sigh from Eunbi distracted Sakura from the beauty in front of her. Looking at the older girl, it didn't escape Sakura's eyes on how Eunbi briefly shot a glare at Minjoo and how the latter just shrugged it off with her eye smile. 

“Kkura, this is Minjoo.” Eunbi then proceeds to gesture to the girl. “She's uhmm…”

“I’m unnie’s close friend.”

“Yeah well, you could say that… And Minjoo, this is Sakura.”

“Your girlfriend right?”

Minjoo’s question flustered Sakura, making the cherry blossom girl blush. The latter was about to shyly deny but a hand squeezing her own stopped her from doing so.

“Come on Kkura.” Eunbi gently tugs her, dragging her away, all while sneering at Minjoo.

“B-but what about Minjoo?”

“She's gonna be fine.” 

“Enjoy you two!” Sakura hears Minjoo holler out from a distance. “And be careful!

… Always be careful.”


After escaping, Sakura found herself huffing and puffing in the middle of a large park on a riverside. By her side was Eunbi slightly catching her breath, with hands still intertwined with hers.

“What was that?” Sakura asks, genuinely curious of what just happened with their conversation with Minjoo.

Heaving a deep sigh, Eunbi looks at Sakura, and the latter couldn't help but notice the melancholy that's back and is coating the determination that is present in the older’s eyes.

Sakura wanted to know, to understand, but before she could even throw another question, Eunbi proceeds to reassuringly smile at her. Dismissing the cherry blossom girl’s curiosity, Eunbi takes a step closer towards Sakura. “Wanna go on a stroll?”

Sakura put her trust in Eunbi. Whatever it is, she knows Eunbi will tell her when she's ready.

“Okay.” Sakura smiles, this time she's the one who squeezed Eunbi’s hand.

Minjoo seemed like a kind person.

She just hopes Eunbi is okay. 


The weather is great that day. The sun isn't harshly shining down its rays and the breeze wasn’t too cold either. Apart from people chattering and having fun in the background, there was silence between the both of them. It wasn't an uncomfortable one though. If Sakura were to explain it, it's more like they're just enjoying each other's company, and they're both contented like that.

“Kkura look!” The cherry blossom girl's thoughts were interrupted by a cute Eunbi lightly jumping in front of her, pointing at a small stall that is set up on the sidewalk. It seems to sell different accessories. The sight made her giggle.

“You’re cute Eunbi unnie.”


“Nothing. Not gonna repeat it.” Sakura sticks out her tongue making the older girl laugh before she proceeds to lead her towards the small stall.

Browsing through the various items that are being sold on the stall, Sakura noticed how Eunbi stopped and held up a particular pocket watch, likely interested in it. After the older girl had let go of the item and went back to looking over other stuff, Sakura decided to get a hold of it.

She triumphantly grinned at her bright idea. 

“Is this all?” The owner of the stall, who appears to be in his early 30’s, asked Sakura when she sneaked out of Eunbi’s sight to pay for the pocket watch. 


“Is this a surprise for your girlfriend right there?”

It was the second time that day that someone had thought Eunbi is her girlfriend, and it made the cherry blossom girl think whether they actually look or act like girlfriends. Just like earlier, a blush adorned Sakura's face while shaking her head in denial.

“No, she's not my girlfriend.” 

But I’d like her to be.

“But yes, this is a surprise gift for her.”

After buying and hiding the pocket watch away from Eunbi’s sight, Sakura went back to her side, linking arms with her before they went back to strolling along the park.

It was then that Sakura's eyes caught the umbrella that Eunbi is holding in her other hand. “Unnie, why did you bring an umbrella? It really doesn't look like it's gonna rain.”

Peering at her wrist watch, Eunbi proudly grins at the cherry blossom girl's query. “Wait a second.”

A few moments later, Sakura felt a drop of water on her palm. Looking up, the cherry blossom girl saw the gathering grey clouds as one drop of water became two, and more. Eunbi then opens her umbrella, her free arm reaches around Sakura, pulling the latter close so that they would both not get hit by the small straying raindrops as they continue to walk.

Sakura was amazed at how Eunbi predicted the weather. But she really couldn't formulate anything to say when all that her being could only focus on was the older girl's arm around her and the very close proximity of their bodies. The cherry blossom girl thinks that she doesn't mind the rain at all, not when she'd have Eunbi like this, snuggling close to her and giving her warmth.

“Did you buy something?” The older girl then asks, pulling Sakura out from her thoughts. 

“W-well, I didn't. The ajhussi was just curious about something.”

“About what?”

“H-he asked if you’re my girlfriend.”

Sakura wanted to see Eunbi's reaction to the question, and when the older girl stopped on her tracks, Sakura wasn't disappointed with what she saw.

Eunbi was flushed red, fidgeting. Sakura wonders whether maybe it was because Eunbi got shy earlier with Minjoo’s teasing that she fled the scene with her.

No, don't get ahead of yourself Saku.

“What did you say then?” 

This time, Eunbi looks at her, and it's Sakura's turn to get all red in the face. She avoids Eunbi's eyes and settles to look at the ground instead. 

“I-I said we-we’re not.”

“O-oh…” Even without looking, Sakura was sure she heard something akin to disappointment in Eunbi’s voice. 

The cherry blossom girl felt the older’s arm slowly drop its hold around her, the warmth also fading away with it. Sakura felt anxious.

Did she do something wrong?

Did she say something wrong? Maybe she shouldn't have opened up about her conversation with the stall owner.

But it's true. They are not girlfriends.

“That's what I said because it's the truth …”

But Sakura doesn't want to lose Eunbi. She doesn't want to lose the person that provides her refuge. She also doesn't want to just stay as friends. Sakura knows she likes Eunbi more than that.

And maybe she could fix that. Right now.

In one swift motion, Sakura caught Eunbi's hand and tugs the older to face her. 

“... But I want to change that unnie.”

Their eyes met, and the cherry blossom girl could see confusion on the older girl's eyes. “What do you mean–”

“Eunbi unnie, I like you. I really do. I want to be more than just a friend. I want to be your girlfriend.”

With all of her courage, Sakura leans in close to Eunbi. Her free hand making its way to cup the older's face.

“Will you let me be your girlfriend unnie?”

The answer to Sakura's question came almost in an instant. But rather than words, Sakura instead felt a pair of lips press against her own. 

It felt as if fireworks erupted from the cherry blossom girl's chest.

The two girl's lips danced against each other under the rain, pouring unsaid feelings through the kiss that they're sharing.

She's kissing Eunbi. 

The older girl's lips felt very soft, and it made Sakura want more of it. Her hand that's gently caressing Eunbi's cheek slowly moved to the older’s nape, feeling her exposed skin there, before pulling Eunbi closer for more. The action made Eunbi release a soft moan, and it just fueled the cherry blossom girl’s desire even more.

Yet in desperate need of air, both of them slowly pull apart. 

Eunbi shyly smiles, moving her hand to intertwine it with Sakura's as a faint blush ran across her cheeks.

There were a few whistles and hollers from some bystanders and passers by, but neither Sakura nor Eunbi cared. As they looked at each other again, Sakura saw something different in older girl's eyes now. 

It's sparkling with sincerity, hope, determination, and she doesn't want to dare say it because she's not really sure, but there's something in there that looks a lot like love. 

And the cherry blossom girl hopes there really is. 

“I could never reject you Kkura-yah. I don't think I could ever reject you…”

Because if it isn't love, then Sakura knows she's screwed.

“… I’ve always been yours, so yes Miyawaki Sakura. I’ll be your girlfriend.”

Because maybe, just maybe, in the short amount of time that they’ve known each other, Sakura already is in love with her.


Hi! I know it's been a while but here's the first part of this story! I don't intend to make this very long. Maybe just a chapter or two more? Because it's already longer than I wanted it to be lol. Just goes to show how I'm not good with word counts HAHAHA. Anyway, I do appreciate comments! I really want to know your thoughts on this! I guess after reading this first part, some of you would already know how this will end, so to those people, I beg you all to keep it a secret. Pretty please? ;) 

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Haven't proofread yet so sorry if there might be mistakes! Thank you to all those who subscribed and thank you for reading! Please wait patiently for the second part! ;)


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Chapter 3: Oh wow... you’re a really good writer! I feel so crushed with angst now hdbdksindjd. I’m gonna go ahead and watch the MV.
caryl_angela #2
This is really amazing and well writen i love it ;-;
deadanganan #3
Chapter 3: Oh ... this is wonderfully written though
Chapter 3: i had a hunch that there's something supernatural abt this whole thing and welp, there it is but eunbi ending up dead is heartbreaking...
violentsushi #5
Chapter 3: Aaaaahhhh! Why my assumption about this story having a sad ending just had to be right. T_T
kkuuuwura #6
Chapter 3: I read this while I'm at school now I CAN'T EVEN CRY WTFFFF
Chapter 3: Aww...My eunsaku heart. Gone so fast. Honestly if Minju is the angel of death, I dont mind dying
Chapter 3: Hey guys! Here's the last chap! I haven't proofread yet again so sorry for the mistakes! I'll edit this it whenever I have the time! Thank you all for reading! And leave your thoughts about the story in the comments!
erikagustin1 #9
Chapter 1: this is sweet
kkuuuwura #10
Chapter 1: Yayyy! I'm excited for part two! Or should i not be? I'm worried about what you said author, y-you're not gonna end this tragically ....right?