A Jump in Time


What is Chaeyeon supposed to do when she is sent back to the Kingdom of Silla in the 10th century?


Hello! This is a story I've had an idea for a while, and, while i hope you enjoy it, i think i should be fair and make some disclaimers.

1° Chaeyeon is out of character for this story... i know we all know her as fluffy chaeyeon, but while she isn't doing a 180 in personality, she definitely is portrayed differently

2° I could say this story is divided into two parts, and sakura appears in the second part, which means that, although there is going to be chaekura, the meat of the story is seeing chaeyeon try to go home to her time

3° Although i did a fair amount of research, i have taken some creative liberties in the story, which i am sure you'll notice if you are a history enthusiast like i am


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omg what the fok?!! this fic is almost my roman empire but i did try to forget this cuz i've accepted that this will not be updated but surprise-surprise. I thought i was tripping. I'm soo happy, thank you so much for the update!! <333
Chapter 22: An update, yay!! I hadn't logged into this account in a while so I was quite surprised when I saw the notification. As always, I'm more confused than Yena and Chaeyeon in these encounters with the nobles of ancient Japan lol It's sad that they were discovered, but at least no one tried to kill them again, and I really hope Chaeyeon manages to heal completely and stops to get hurt so much, or you will have horrible consequences ;-; I hope Sakura is doing well too and they meet again soon!!
Chapter 22: Yeeey an update! Sadly Chaeyeon did not, in fact, stay put though to her credit this time she was kind of forced. Poor Kkura though I can{t wait to see her reaction hopefully Mina can somehow give her some kind of consolation ?? Whether by giving her insight in what Chaeyeon might go look for or if she picked up on her reluctance to part ways that way maybe...A girl can only hope.

On the other hand I'd love to see Chaeyeon's reaction when she inevitably reunites with Sakura maybe in one of those temples and hopefully she'll realize her own feelings by then lol
Chapter 22: omg an update! thank you as always <3

anyways, i wonder what will be sakura's reaction when she finds out that the two is gone? i think things is going to be complicated now
YulSicSone #5
Chapter 22: :D update!
Mitangkyut #6
Chapter 21: Oh, I wonder how Chaeyeon is gonna respond to Sakura's words? And I still as lost as I was in the beginning of the story lol
Thanks for the update, author-nim! And could you left your Twitter account so I can follow you? :)
Until next chapter!
Chapter 21: i hope sakura and chaeyeon would resolve their problems soon. also hoping that chaeyeon would recover soon so she could find answers that she's looking for.

i've missed this story so much. thank you for updating!
Chapter 21: You're back!!!! I think about this fic at least once every month I kid you not so thank you for continuing it <3❤️❤️

I feel so bad for Sakura ever since she realized her feelings she always tries her best to communicate with Chaeyeon (even if they don't see eye-to-eye) and now that they've come to this I can only pity her. I think that after everything that has happened it is very unlikely that Chaeyeon will truly stay put (though I'm still crossing my fingers hoping she will actually honor her promise to Sakura) unless she accepts to help Officer Fujiwara in whatever scheme to protect Sakura may come up with that idk could take her outside of the palace and thus gather a little more info about her situation as well just like Sakura did this chapter, because if there's something that's clear it's that the temple of the god of knowledge is going to be their next destination for more answers on Chaeyeon's Time Travel....hopefully with distance the heart will grow fonder in Chaeyeon's case :D

Thank you again for such a wonderful chapter, you're the best!! ❤️❤️