Chapter 9

Finding you
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,,Kim Jongin!" Jongin let out a sigh trying to finish his luch in peace.

,,Yes doctor Oh, what can I do for you on this lovely day?" 

,,Let's go on a date hyung!" Sehun dropped on the chair before Jongin stealing a fry from his trai.

,,I will say pass thank you, go buy your own food." Jongin sushed the younger doctor but Sehun was like a bad dream always coming after him.

,,Why not hyung?! It's just a date!" 

,,I'm married Sehun and you know that and I have a kid to look after so please ask someone else." 

,,Just a drink hyung please! Just like two friends, don't even call it a date!" 

,,Good bye Sehun." Jongin sat up walking back to his office.  He smiled at the photo he has on his desk, him, Kyungsoo and an year old SooYun. The shorter was so happy that day,he still remembers the struggle Kyungsoo went through all the months he was pregnant. He was a crying mess everythime he remembered Baekhyun. He cried for three days after SooYun was born because Baekhyun wasn't there to see their baby girl, but one year later Kyungsoo took him by surprise and they slept together for the first time, he really thought that Kyungsoo was falling for him the same way he was but it was just need and Kyungsoo told him from the start that he doesn't want another baby that wasn't Baekhyun's so they always used protection when Kyungsoo came to him. 

He was struggling his own but he did promise to protect Kyungsoo and SooYun that day and he will keep that promise. If Kyungsoo comes tomorrow to ask for them to divorce he will. Kyungsoo was so precious to him just like SooYun, he loves her like she was his own, he raised her with so much love and care when Kyungsoo was running away from her,from them, he knows that Kyungsoo was still in so much pain about what happened seven years ago and it hurts him that he can't help the shorter more. He hates himself for being jealous on someone that was from the start in Kyungsoo heart, it hurt him when Kyungsoo told him that he slept with Baekhyun that night. 

Jongin placed a hand over his eyes letting out a deep sight. It hurts to be so in love with someone that doesn't love you back not even a little.

,,Hyung!" Jongin jumped hearing Sehun's loud voice.

,,You have one second to leave my office Oh Sehun!" Jongin's voice was really angry but Sehun didn't care, he stepped inside closing the door after him.

,,Look hyung, I'm serious, I like you, like really like you so just go out for a coffee, in the middle of the day, let's just talk please." Jongin never saw Sehun so serious before.

,,Please!!!!" Sehun was really trying and for a stupid reason Jongin found him really cute that monent.

,,Okay just coffee nothing more!" 

,,YES!!!! THANK YOU!!" Sehun wanted to hug Jongin but he didn't wanna push his luck that day.

,,I'm free this weekend if you're interested." 

,,Yes I'm hyung! I know this awesome Cafe that makes delicious coffee and we can eat as well if you want." 

,,Let's just drink the coffee first, bye now." Sehun didn't wanna leave but Jongin's glaring eyes made him think that it's better to leave or maybe Jongin will change his mind.

,,What I got myself into?!" Jongin mumbled under his breath folding his arms before his chest.




Jongin close his day finally driving back home, he stopped on the way to buy fruits for SooYun knowing that the girl loves them.

,,I'm home." Jongin stepped inside the house dead tired, he really needs a shower and sleep.

,,Appa!" SooYun was the first to run and give him a hug.

,,Hey princess, are you more beautiful since morning?" Jongin picked the girl up kissing her cheek.

,,Welcome back Jongin." Kyungsoo kissed Jongin's lips glad to see his husband home.

,,How was your day Soo?" Jongin sat down on the sofa looseing his tie.

,,Good, I sold a paiting today actually." 

,,That's awesome! Good job baby." Jongin hold Kyungsoo's hands kissing his cheek.

,,I always tell you that your paitings are the best."

,,I know well anyway, go take a shower and let's eat." Jongin nodded walking inside their shared bedroom to wash. 



Jongin washed fast wanting to spend more time with Kyungsoo and SooYun. He turned off the shower stepping outside the shower.  He dried his body dreassing with some black shorts and a yellow t-shirt.

,,Soo."Jongin found Kyungsoo on their bed with his phone in his hands.

,,Sehun wants to know if you want him to pick you up for coffee." Kyungsoo placed the phone on the bed not knowing how to feel.


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Hey ho!!!!! Enjoy the second chap!^.^


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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 8: I'm glad he found out but I don't like this attitude towards Jongin - especially since Sooyun thinks of him as her daddy
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 6: Soo🤫
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Chapter 5: Maybe answers??
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Chapter 4: Why is there so much hate??
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Chapter 3: What will their reaction be ? Will Baek be angry?
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Chapter 2: Love triangle already...
Beau1996 1381 streak #7
Chapter 1: A little doh/Byun offspring?
Chapter 18: Ahhhhhhhhhh Cute!!!!!! I loveeeeee itttttttt
Chapter 18: aaaağğğğğğğ i'm screaming
Chapter 17: This is so sweet!! Thankfully both Kyungsoo and Jongin had their happy endings!! Baekhyun is so lucky to find Soo again and Sehun is such a sweetheart to Jongin!! Them with their little kids and happy life <3 Thanks for such a sweet story amd ending!!