Effort of a Clueless Radish

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She's proud of her girlfriend. Chaewon is smart, she's athletic, she's filled with aegyo, she gets along very well with everyone, she's beautiful - Oh god she's really beautiful. Yet slowly their relationship is falling apart in Minju's point of view.


To be honest, Minju is jealous of her friends' relationship, Yuri & Yena, they're very affectionate, they could cling to each other all day long without getting sick of the other. Yet compared to her partner and her, they barely had skinship to begin with. Not that she hated it nor Chaewon mind it but there weren't much of it and if there is a moment it would usually be Minju herself initiating.



Of course Minju tried to be understanding as this is Chaewon first ever relationship, the girl would be clueless as to what should be done so since she had her fair share of broken hearts & romance experiences, she thought she would be the one to guide them. But as time passed by, she noticed that the latter lack of effort severely in this whole 'dating' stuffs and its finally taking a toll on her.


She loves the the older girl, she truly do. But whats the point of staying if she's the only one who's giving but the latter isn't. She needs a breather, a fresh start, if she wants to save her love life was what on her mind when she called Chaewon out to their usual hanging out spot -the ice cream parlor- on a sunny day.



She arrived first & proceed to secure a table at the very end for some privacy as she waited for the love of her life. A few moments later, Chaewon arrived looking ever so carefree as she usually does and greeted the younger girl briefly before sitting next to her.


"Is everything okay? You sounded troubled on the phone earlier." The worried expression on Chaewon was visible as she reached out her hand to caress the girl's cheek & forehead checking for her temperature. This rare occasion of Chaewon initiating contact caught Minju off guard. She called the latter out to put an end on their relationship yet this sudden gesture seemed to be shaking her decision.


"No... No, its just — I'm fine. Lets order first shall we?" despite stumbling across her words, she managed to convince the older girl away from prodding more questions.


The two girls sat by the table, both enjoying their ice cream peacefully. "So..." Minju would've totally forgot her original motive if not for Chaewon trailing her words waiting for her to respond. She cleared awkwardly, putting the cup down as she settled her hands on her lap before she called out "Chaewon unnie, I think we should end it right here" her eyes wandering anywhere but on the person in front of her.


There was a long pause before Minju decided to look up hoping to get any sorts of response from the latter only to come across a blank expression staring at her. She called out her name a few times before the latter finally snapped out of her trance. "B-but, can I at least know why?" Even at times like this, she's showing lack of emotions and being very oblivious Minju thought to herself.


"Things have been wonderful with you but I don't know if I could stay like this on a long term considering how it's always been me who is making effort for things to work out between us. You made me very very happy, you took care of me, the time I spent with you is truly precious. I love you I really do. I know this is your first but then your lack of effort to maintain this relationship, to maintain us is just... You know what I mean... " she let her words trailed off as she look at the girl of her who seems to be having an internal conflict as she frowned. Minju waited for any retaliation from the older girl but nothing came, only a small nod.


To say that Minju is disappointed over her lack of effort to even respond to her outburst is an understatement. She was upset, sad, betrayed, you named it.


The very least she wanted was for the girl to panic a little or maybe look mortified, she was asking for a breakup for god sake. Heaving a sigh, she stood up ready to leave the parlor. "I hope we could still be friends, not now but maybe in the future. Take care" With one last look she walked out with a heeavy heart.




A few steps away from the parlor, Minju jumped in surprise as her hand was tugged to the side. She turned to look at the perpetrator and once again surprised to see her girlfriend, well now ex-girlfriend with a troubled expression staring straight into her eyes. "I'm... I'm sorry" The older girl began as her voice quivered. "I know I did wrong but can we not break up please, I'll do my best to fix this"


"How should I know I'm doing it right to make us stay as it is if there's nothing to assure my decision?" Chaewon was left mummed. Bitting her lips, Chaewon was clearly having an internal conflict choosing her words. One wrong choice of word, she'll lose the girl forever. Taking a deep breath she started to reassure the younger girl.


"I... I know. Actually I've been told countless of time, I should put more... like uhh more effort into the things I have passion in, I shouldn't be too carefree. I know that yet, it's just I don't know. It's hard. I'm aware of this weakness of mine, I should express myself more. I've heard those same lines countless of times. But, but I don't know how. So please lets not....give me some time to reflect myself, a dateline or any sorts, just please I don't want us to end" Chaewon was feeling guilty that her eyes were fixated down the whole time, she just couldn't bring herself to look at Minju face.


Listening to the older girl's speech, Minju started to rethink her decision especially when she heard the last few words that are uttered filled with ever so frailty. She's happy that Chaewon is finally showing efforts but she wasn't convinced, she had her doubts.


"Fine. But! We're on a temporary break, you do know what that means right?" she paused midway to check if the girl knew what she's talking about, receiving a couple of nods and a small smile, so she continued "You'll have to convince me within this 2 months or thats it. I'll be watching you" the older was ready to launch herself for a hug but she was stop with a palm onto her face.


"On a break remember unnie? So no unnecessary skinship" contrasting to what Minju's been feeling on the inside. She was super elated that Chaewon wanted to hug her but now is not the time, she needed to play hard to get.

Chaewon was about to retort her protest but she soon realised she's in no position to do that and so she pouted in defeat.





3 weeks into their supposedly temporary break, Minju finally getting a hint of regret to even proposed the idea. The latter had been taking baby steps doing her best to text her in the morning every other day or asking her out for an ice cream when they had free time and all sorts. But if she didn't, she could not have possibly learned more about her girlfriend. Their group of friends were definitely shocked to know about the situation at first but then they began on laying out facts about the clueless radish. It opened her eyes to notice the smallest details of her Chaewon unnie.




1. Minju took notice how Chaewon was actually a kind of person who put less

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Chapter 1: re-read this... still cute XD

and... yeaah. everyone have their own pace and the problems for one person are different for the others, we might look at of other people's problems are small, but for the person who carry it, it might be big. that's why we should be kind to others :)
Chapter 1: Hahaha nice writing. Seeing this two caring for each other is making my heart fluttering

╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭

Good job XD
Chapter 1: I love the story line of this!! Like chaewon's got so used with her comfort zone that she doesn't even bother to put much effort in the things that she's passionate about. But seeing her willing to do everything just so she will not lose minjoo is already enough (even if it's small little steps, bc honestly, those were already big on her side). I love how you narrated this too, like we got to portray the scenes clearly. It wasn't as complicated and messy as how other fics would be and I really appreciate it :))
Chapter 1: Living a life filled with insecurities is such a hard life. It leads to over-thinking, over-reacting, and or the polar opposites once you get to a certain point where you're just fed up. As I see it, Chaewon is more than ready to fight for anything and everything as long she knows will last or is permanent. That along with being inexperienced as this was her first time ever being in a committed relationship. Passions and hobbies can easily become a form of work instead and put stresses on us xD So I can see why she appears perpetually uninterested in what she's good at or even love doing. I also feel competition plays a part in fueling her fire to fight what she doesn't want to lose permanently. So if there's no competition, there's no need to fight xD Minju admire Chaewon and loves her so to Chaewon it tells her, her attitude and behaviors are proper and normal in a serious relationship. Until Minju spoke up and opened her eyes that if she doesn't win this "competition" in winning Minju over, she'll really lose her. Thank you for this lovely short 2Kim one-shot <3 I can see why you got carried away with narrating Chaewon's character. She's has a backstory that morphs her into the kind of girlfriend she is. One who is carefree and appears careless but in reality is anything but a bad girlfriend <3

I'm also super happy to see Suyoon in here <3 Minju got jelly :P
Chapter 1: YAAASSSSS 2KIM HAHAHAH IM LOVING THIS SHIP LATELY.. LIKE theyre so cutee :((( thank you for this! You saved me haha
Chapter 1: 2Kim is getting recognition now. I think. :))))) Thanks for giving us this story. ^^ I like it.
Chapter 1: Please write more about 2kim T.T
exquisitemyoui #8
Chapter 1: 2kim deserves more love, indeed.
You did great specially on describing Chaewon, she's really that subtle yet oriented person.
Thanks for writing!
deer_maomao #9
Chapter 1: i love your writing style..? it gives me new feeling of chaewon lol please write more about them ?