[Minecraft]: Creepers and TNT

Welcome To The Virtual Realm

Summary: Yeri is bored and decides to prank Seulgi by blowing up her house in Minecraft. 


Yeri as herself

Seulgi as herself

Joy as herself

"I'm bored", Yeri whined.

It was just another average day in the life filled with a lot of blocks and crafting.

"Stop whining. 

"I got an idea", Yeri suddenly said and threw her fishinh rod away. She made a quick dash into her house she build for herself (and Seulgi) at the sea-side. Checking through every single chest, she came back out with just the right thing. 

A pickaxe and TNT. A lot of TNT.

Joy's eyes grew wide at the amount of TNT Yeri had thrown on the ground.

"Don't tell me you're going to nuke her house", Joy said rather shocked. So that's why Yeri was always telling her to look out for creepers.

"What if I do want to nuke the house?"

"I like it", Joy replied with a devilish smile and rubbed her hands together. She pulled out her own pickaxe and began digging. 

"Let's do this!"



Several hours later, Yeri and Joy finished their magnificent work of art. A room under Seulgi's house filled to the brim with TNT waiting to be lighten up.

"That took some work", Yeri said and wipped her imaginary swet off her forehead.

"You wanted to place as much TNT as possible into this room."

"The more the merrier."

"That's not how the phrase works...Wait did you fill Seulgi's house with bears?"

"Yup, I did. I wanted to kind of give her something nice before blowing everything up."

"I just hope you can reset everything afterwards."

"Of course I can...Seulgi!", Yeri screeched and hugged the bear tightly. 

"Why do I never get a hug like that", Joy mumbled slightly jealous at the affection Yeri was giving Seulgi.



"We have a surprise for you!", Yeri said excited and pulled Seulgi to her house.

Seulgi smiled and went over to pet one of the many bears living in her house. 

"Thank you", Seulgi said and hugged the younger girl un return. It was adorable that Yeri did something like that to make her smile. But that rose her suspicion. Yeri wouldn't do something like that without screwing her/the server over.

"No problem", Yeri replied cheerfully and broke into a fit of little giggles, "Wait, but we have another surprise for you. It's outside."

"Uhhh...ladies, we have a problem here", Joy stuttered but the two ignored her. 

"Lead the way to the...Creeper!", Seulgi squeaked but it was a tad to late. The green monster exploded and accidentally ignited the TNT in the process. The subsequent explosion killed them and created a very large crater.

"You filled my house with TNT?", Seulgi cried out after she respawned at Yeri's house. All she could see was a huge crater where her house was.

"All the work for nothing!", Yeri shouted in anguish at her failed plan. She wanted Seulgi to flip a switch and blow up the house by herself. 

"We may did that", Joy said innocently and whistled like nothing ever happened.

"Jwoy", Seulgi said with a pout and starred at the taller with puppy eyes, "Please tell me."

"Okay, it was Yeri's idea", Joy said defeated from the overwhelming cuteness.

"You backstabbing...", Yeri began but noticed the death glare she received from Seulgi a few seconds later. She knew the look. She was so ing screwed.

"I see", Seulgi muttered. A grin formed on her face and she bit her lips, "It seems our baby girl needs some leasons in good behavior."

Yeri gulped nervously and slowly walked backwards as she already went through these lessons. The last time, she couldn't walk nor sit for several days without feeling some pain.

"Hey, can't we talk this out?", Yeri proposed but also took larger steps in case she had to escape the scene.

"Never", Seulgi quickly responded and jumped on the younger one. Yeri let out a scream but Joy simply ignored the desperate cries for help and returned to what she was originally doing before turning the ground into a minefield.

"AH! Seulgi! Let go off me! Please! I beg you!"

"Yes, Yeri! Beg for more!"

"This Minecraft session took a really weird way", Joy said to herself and logged out so she didn't had to experience Seulgi's lessons. She never knew Yermseul were that .

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Chapter 2: This is really cute and funny and it kinda reminds me of that movie The edge of tomorrow, but if you would like some suggestions you coul try and research some levels of co-op games like Mortal Kombat Shaoling Monks, Samurai Warriors or othet classics like Resident Evil and Mario Bros and I bet there's millions more haha but I really like how you make it really funny it's like a more realistic VR since they are trapped in a game but it still a game and they of course change the dificulty and respawn and all of that
Chapter 7: this is cute! but at the same time I want to to read the melancholic and rather depressing theme of the game lol i like to see them killing each other haha lol but that's sad wel haha
ilyerm #3
uwu i cant wait, seriously the world needs more yermseul SKKSKSKSK, looking forward to the first chapter !!
wow, this is nice and interesting yermseul :D...im excited for the first chapter :)... btw, do you know the videogame 'Battle
Realms' and Guilty Gear?(lol, i just wanna suggest them)