The Smoke's Identity

The Mafia's Chronicles
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“Relax beautiful ladies, everything will be fine.” He said smiling softly at both pregnant helpless women.”

“Kris please call Baekhyun, I don't want to lose my baby.” Yumi pleaded in a low tone, but the latter pretended not to hear what Yumi was saying. He walked past her in search of the kitchen, and when he found it, he went inside to wash his blood-stained hands.
"I will not be calling your husband today, rather I will have to follow orders." Kris looked at Wendy who looked scared at the moment.
"Are you hurt?" 
"Is there anyone standing next to you?" 
Wendy quickly looked away from Kris and shook her head.
"I'm alright, but Yumi needs help. Her pregnancy is so young, and she can lose her baby." Wendy said almost crying.
"There is nothing I can do about that, Wendy. The instructions given to me were to watch over Yumi and I was warned not to step a foot out of this house, so I can't help her, sorry Yumi." Kris said sounding sad and angry at the same time.
Yumi shook her head. Tears falling endlessly from her eyes as she couldn't bear the pain anymore. She can't let her baby die, it's just two months old, and losing the child will also be the end of her.
"K-Kris, please. I don't want to lose my baby. It's just two months old. I want to carry my child and shower him with so much love. I want to hold my baby in my hands. I want my baby to see this world, please Kris save my child." Yumi pleaded with tears of pain falling from her eyes.
Kris growled in frustration. He was instructed not to leave the mansion by the man he fears the most in the world.
"Yumi I can't do this. There were some armed men sent by someone that hates you or Baekhyun outside. But I was here just in time to terminate them. I can save you and your child, but then my life will have to go for it."
"And why should your life go in for it when Baekhyun will be here to protect you for saving her life?" Wendy asked feeling all guilty because her evil mother started all this madness.
"That's the irony, Wendy. How can that even happen when Baekhyun is the one that sent me over here in the first place?" Kris only shook his head in both anger and helplessness. "I wish my Tao never even knew Baekhyun-" Kris started but was cut off by the sound of a gunshot.
Kris rushed over to Yumi and carried her in a bridal style. He was about to take her inside when the door to the living room was pushed open, revealing Baekhyun who was carrying Irene in his arms, and there was also Jongin and their doctor friend Dara.
On seeing Yumi, Baekhyun laid Irene on the couch and rushed over to Yumi who was busy crying in pain.
"Baby are you okay? Are you hurt?" Baekhyun asked in a tense tone. He was scared, and all he wants at the moment was to see that lovely smile on his wife's face.
"I'm not okay Baekhyun. Our baby is dying, I'm so scared." Yumi sobbed as the Mafia carried her from Kris's arms and took her to the room.

"Nothing will happen to our baby okay? So now relax and Dara will take proper care of you and our precious little jewel, okay?"
"Okay." Yumi blinked before shutting her eyes closed to relax her mind as Dara was busy doing what she's good at.
"You could have lost your wife and child today because of your strict orders," Kris said with anger evident in his eyes.
Baekhyun looked behind his shoulders before stopping on his track to look at Kris who looked nothing but angry.
"But nothing happened right?" Baekhyun turned to walk away, but Kris grabbed him by the hand, pulling him over, but it suddenly went dark to Kris's eyes as the Mafia delivered a sound slap to his left cheek.

"How dare you touch me? Are you ing mad?" The growling sound was all the Mafia made as he was madly angry at Yumi's condition. "I will let you off because you were here just in time to save Yumi, but next time you won't be so lucky." 
"Really? Then what about my younger brother Tao? When will you let me have him back? He's my blood for crying out loud."

"When I know who the ing hell The Smoke is. Until then, Tao will be my worker." With that being said, Baekhyun walked off to the living room to make sure Irene is doing okay.

"You will suffer Baekhyun," Kris said before walking out of the mansion.
"Baekhyun how is Yumi's condition? Are she and the baby okay?" Wendy asked looking all worried.
Baekhyun nodded. "Yes they're fine, but Dara is still with her. But when did you arrive?"
"We came back this morning. But Jongin went over to your main mansion to put few things in and find out who the spy is that's working with Smoke." Wendy said calmly while looking in a different direction. She was still feeling guilty after what happened between them in the past.
Baekhyun noticed the tensed vibe between them, mostly around Wendy, and he smiled softly.
"It's okay Wendy, it's all in the past now, so please feel comfortable around me okay?"
"But I betrayed you and hurt your heart. Can you ever forgive me?" This time around Wendy was sobbing softly, feeling so bad as everything rushed back to her memory.
"It's Okay Wendy, I've already forgiven you and Jongin a long time ago, so please let bygones be bygones, okay?" Baekhyun pulled Wendy into his arms and hugged her, caressing her back softly.
"Excuse me Baekhyun, but Yumi needs you right now," Dara said calmly.
"Okay." Baekhyun pulled away from the hug. "I will go now, but please run some checkup on Irene, it seems she was injected."
"Okay, I will." Dara trailed off to attend to Irene.

"Wendy please go upstairs and rest, and make yourself home." Baekhyun smiled and went straight to his wife's room.
"Baby are you okay?" Baekhyun asked as he stepped his feet into the room.
"I'm fine and so is our baby," Yumi said trying to sit up, but Baekhyun urged her to lay back down and not move.
Yumi did as she was told and laid still but she was so quiet, and Baekhyun noticed it.
"Baby I'm so sorry for what happened today, I never knew that all this would happen in the first place."
"I could have lost my baby today Baekhyun. Our baby's life was in great danger all because of your strict orders. What's really going on, why is everyone seeking to kill you? Is there something you're not telling me?" Yumi asked while looking at the Mafia in the eyes.
Baekhyun sighed and caressed Yumi's hair. He never wanted to tell Yumi everything about his life for Yumi's safety, but after what happened earlier in his office, he thought it's about time to really let Yumi know everything about him.
"Yumi, I'm the number one ranking wealthiest man in Korea, and because of this, I was constantly attacked by strangers and most of the time some assassins. I was always scared of leaving my mansion, I was trapped in my own beautiful mansion, and because of this whole thing, I lost my first love, Ema. She was with me when I became wealthy. When I became so successful, but then she was attacked and killed in front of my eyes. There was nothing I could do to save her. She died in my arms, she took her last breath in my arms. That was the limit. I swore to never fall in love again, and I became what I am today, a monster. A heartless Mafia who wastes no time in ending someone's life. Jennifer also came into my life and in the end, she left without a reason.
And then again I met Wendy and fell in love with her, and I wanted to protect her at all cost, and in trying to protect her, I became even more heartless and cold, until I met you." Baekhyun smiled at Yumi and caressed her cheeks.
"With you, I knew what love is all about. I felt so warm within even when I don't want to feel that way. You complete me Yumi, and I will do all I can to protect you." The mafia bent over to Yumi and kissed her.
"I know you will," Yumi said after pulling away from the kiss. She wrapped her hands around Baekhyun's neck and captured his lips as she deepened the kiss.
After pulling away from the kiss, Yumi relaxed properly on the bed, looking at Baekhyun in the eyes.
"Baekhyun what really happened? Who were those men Kris killed earlier, and what is wrong with Irene?"
"I was in my office this morning when I received an email from my greatest eyes here in Korea, Tao. I call him my third eye because he's the smartest when it comes to getting information about anything through computers, and In that email contains a conversation between two men, talking about attacking Yumi and ending Irene's life in one day. It was a well-planned job, so I had to blackmail Kris and send him over here to protect you by lying that his brother Tao is been held hostage by me. Of course, he would do anything for Tao, and so he came running over.
Once Kris was gone, I rushed over to Irene's house to save her, but Sam said she went out to get him

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41 streak #1
Chapter 31: Chapter 31: Woah.. too amazing and worth reading... really enjoyed the whole time..loved the whole story from beginning till end... couldn't stop crying cause it's full of so emotional, heartbreaking and angst moments..but of course full of love, heartwarming, plot, plot twists, suspense and mystery.. couldn't stop thinking about the situation and what the real villain or their ruthless acts.. totally left me speechless and shocked each times... felt so bad how things started between baekhyun and yumi... but loved the way things started to get change after so many rough events and finally their relationship developed from strangers or say enemies to strong lovers.. that parts were so heartbreaking but still heartwarming... the drastic changes, steps, love blossom between them, all those emotional, mental and physical moments melted my heart... that time was definitely a Rollercoaster ride for them but they fought it together and made it possible...the whole revelation was so shocking..specially the smoke's identity and the whole real truth behind his actions... never really expected that person to be like that...the side villains also did their best to separate the lovely couple but their strong love bonding failed them miserably... loved all the cute and lovely moment between the couple... though Wendy and sehun really got me angry with their actions but the reason behind it and the real fact made it more understandable... I really loved both yumi and baekhyun's relationship and characters here... I'm in love with them... what the villains got at the last moments served them right...loved all the lovey-dovey couple moments... aah.. also loved jongin, Wendy, Irene, sehun, fake jack, yixing, dara, sonia and yunho..all of their parts and characters.. also sam, Jesse and Alicia... cute little kids.. second season was really needed.. but it really broke my heart while reading the whole parts.. became so emotional that they had to go through such pain and trauma... but the twists and consequences were made it more worth waiting or passing of that rough times.. both of them suffered a lot and they've been through a lot though. . Glad that at the end of the story, atleast they got their deserved happy ending... so happy for them actually and genuinely...both the smoke and nightmare repeated the same tragedy in yumi's life but at the different times... glad that they survived and overcame their fears and traumatic past...loved how it turned out... would love to read bonus chapters... so catchy and interesting that couldn't stop reading.... nonstop without any breaks.... hahaha.. it's hard to resist them though... well written everything.. also the explanation and details descriptions.. characters development and their amazing and ruthless parts... beyond imagination actually....glad that finally got to finish reading this awesome was like a movie.. also the action parts were super fun to read... loved it all... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing story and for your hard works... you really did well... really appreciate it... the love, care, support, trust, understanding, respect and commitment to each other made me fasl for the couple more... from beginning till end and after each and every single chapters things got more and more interesting and intense but still complicated and harder for the couple... but they fought it together and stayed by each other's side till end... that's one of my favorite things about them... thank you authornim once again... this story definitely became one of my favorite one though...🤗🫶😍❤️🤩👍🙆‍♀️👌👏😭💔🤧💕❤️❤️💛✨️🙌🙌🤗🤗
41 streak #2
Description and forward seems interesting and tempting.. so excited to read more about them and their story...
970 streak #3
Chapter 32: You always have good plots and story movements. Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 30: Its the best story i have ever read its one if my fav ff❣️i really appreciate ur great work
Chapter 12: Like that the chapters not are that long, and it has content all the way, not just with a lot of empty words. But I'm only at chapter 12.
Chapter 31: What an ending…
My fave chapter is chapter 14… I love it when baekhyun reveal he still alive
Chapter 8: Ohww.. Why do I get the feeling that this Dean guy is a snake?

Btw, I love softee-Baekhyun 💚💚💚
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Oh my, there are only 2 villains here for now but why do I feel like Baekhyun's mansion is like hell's den? I'm having a huge urge to pull some hair out of 2 old witches (...and maybe poke an eye or two..? 🤭😂 Jk) Poor Yumi...
OMG, what a storyline you have here... In the beginning I was intrigued by the fact that Baekhyun was in love with another woman aside from the main OC and wondered how will they end up getting married...? 🤔 Well, the next chapts will surely be more interesting... 🤔😏💚
Chapter 1: Just started reading this and am so excited for it... Looking forward for the next chapters 'cause I'm sure it's another wonderful story from you authornim 💚