Chapter fifteen :

The Hidden Feeling
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Ryeowook sighs while pressing the code on the keyboard of kyuhyun apartment

“Kyuhyun...kyu... are you awake?” Ryeowook yells in a fainted voice, with his shoulders hunched over his chest he walked in light footsteps timidly as he slowly approaches kyuhyun room

“....kyu...hyun..." While peeking through the door not daring to go inside “can I come in..." He waited for a moment before speaking again

" Kyuhyun I know that you are angry with me and I wrong to yell at you like that ..." while taking a Shaky breath and tightening his grip on the door frame, holding himself from crying without clearly apologize to his best friend

“I judged you without hearing what happened...”

Kyuhyun cut him off “I’m Hungry”

Ryeowook felt his heart leaped up for joy " sure you do~ " while squirming around “I will make you the most delicious dinner ever!!!~~ “with an exciting high pitched tune, he turned towards the door and Pace to the kitchen

Kyuhyun eyes followed ryeowook with tender in them, while a soft smile formed on his lips


With fixed eyes ryeowook survey kyuhyun across the dining table eating his cooking, “do you like it? ~ "

Kyuhyun nods as a reply

Ryeowook smiled proudly satisfied with only a nod knowing that his friend is not a talkative person, “can I ask you something..." in a Hesitated voice, kyuhyun nods again

“Hmm... what happened that day with Hyung...? When you two left for a break”

“Nothing much, I felt tiered and went home “in a monotonous voice careful not to slip out any emotions

“And Hyung…?” with doubtful eyes

“Don’t know “he replied while keeping his eyes on the food avoiding ryeowook intense staring

Ryeowook sigh while dropping his head down “I guess I have to wait Heechul Hyung call, to know what happened with Hyung... “With a pout

Kyuhyun start coughing, choked by ryeowook last sentence

Ryeowook jump from his seat startled, ”OMG!!! “He pats kyuhyun back quickly panicking “are you okay oh my God!!! Baby Kyu!! “While increasing the speed and his strength patting poor kyuhyun

Kyuhyun shouts from the pain “OHW OHW!!” Cough “stop!! Hitting ME!!! “While standing running from ryeowook deadly small hands

Ryeowook stared at kyuhyun crouching bending his knees on the floor while rubbing his lashed back like a monkey, with eyes widened a roar of laughter escaped his mouth cracking up at his best friend funny act

Kyuhyun glance at ryeowook with puffed red cheeks “stop laughing idiot!!” While switching his position on the floor to cross legged and arms, sulking

While wiping his tears he seat next to him tilted his head trying to look at kyuhyun face, " are you laughing~”

“Am not!” While sliding his cheeks to the side refusing to have eye contact with ryeowook, hiding his grin

Ryeowook giggles “Yes you are~ hehehe” he jumped on kyuhyun like a koala " I'm so happy~~ kyu kyu~”

“Let’s go” while trying to wiggle him out from the sudden attack of the happy ball, “what! Since when did you became so strong “whining with a pout

“Love you kyu kyu~ “while turning the suffocating hug to a tender’s one, kyuhyun stopped struggling and dropped his shoulders down with a long sigh

Ryeowook steps outside of the building where is his best friend lives, with a sad smile he looked up into the dark sky now, closing his eyes while breathing in and out slowly clearing his mind, ' a smile after several months... My hope now is Hyung to bring happiness in Kyuhyun life...'

He clinching his fist to his chest with a determine expression he yells " FIGHTING HYUNG!!! " after getting weird looks from people around him, he walked away with red cheeks pacing to get a taxi to his boyfriend warm wide chest~


" Good morning Hyung~ " with his usual high pitch voice ryeowook greeted Heechul, in the hallway of SM building, he tilted his head a bit with a worried expression, after receiving no reply from his Hyung, " ..Hmm Hyung Hyung...”

Heechul finally notice ryeowook desperate calling, he looked at him with lazy eyes “huh... Oh hi ryeowook..."

“Are you okay... Hyung..." Feeling concerned about his Hyung

“Oh I'm okay, did you see kyuhyun yesterday?” In

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sorry for the late update~~~~ my work was crazy the pass two months~ (crying emojy)
I focused on wookie~ in this chapter celebrating~ his second album~~~~~
ps; in kyuhyun room~ i toke inspiration from heechul old gaming room ~~~~ the red one hhhh


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400 streak #1
Chapter 22: Still waiting ❤️
Chapter 1: update please 🙏
Kukhruf #3
Chapter 22: Finally, I found this update 😭😭
Carry on your precious skill of story telling 🥺

And wait this chapter is, ahh, I cannot imagine it. Something bad to kyukyu? Don't tell me it's seolhyun?
400 streak #4
Chapter 22: #gaps

no no no~ what happened to Kyu T^T
Liza_Blessedx2 #5
Chapter 22: OMG...please please update quickly ..I can't stand the suspense...!!!! Thank you so much for this update authornim <3
Chapter 22: What happened now?
Jongwoon I hope you’re fine. :((
shipmaiwailaew #7
Chapter 22: WH-WHAT???????? WHAT'S HAPPENED????????
Chapter 21: Kyuhyun you don’t treat people you like that way. Lel Heechul and Ryeowook’s plan
Chapter 18: Oh? So Kyu knows him before..nice nice.
Chapter 12: Kyu don’t be mean. :((