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Irene is a game developer struggling to analyze what everything meant. Seulgi is a barista who thought she knew it all. Very loosely based on the web drama Game Development Girls.






Irene is a game developer struggling to analyze what everything meant. Seulgi is a barista who thought she knew it all.

Very loosely based on the web drama Game Development Girls.

Length: Oneshot, 2-5k words

But also this is me just wanting to write about the field I’m majoring in, and an attempt to forget about the plot of that show since tbh I thought it was just all over the place lmao. (The game development aspects were very relatable tho HAHAHA) Not that this is any better though, since it’ll just be a fluff fest from here on out :’) Posted this little preview so i can motivate myself to write and finish this HAHAHA.


Not a lot happened in Irene’s life. She was just a game developer by day, and a geek… all day, she supposed. She loved her job, especially since everyone around her raved about the same things and wouldn’t judge her for it, unlike in high school where everyone found it either strange or too good to be true for a girl to be into games, anime, and the like. Honestly, being able to land a job in the industry she’s always yearned for has been a dream come true, even if she only works for a small studio.


It was more than enough.


It was more than enough until their team leader, Moonbyul, had announced in the midst of the team rushing a huge project that the office’s A/C had broken down.


The A/C was centralized, meaning that the office would be as hot as hell during summer, of all seasons, and their PCs were left to die in the heat with them if they attempted to use them in this heat without air conditioning.


They may as well just say goodbye to their project.


Great. Just great.


However, their leader had kindly asked the cafe owner from across the street if their team could work in the cafe temporarily while the necessary repairs were being made at the office. The team of five were flabbergasted, wondering how on earth Moonbyul got their producer to even agree to this given the possible cost of doing such a thing.


That is until Moonbyul admitted that the owner of the cafe was none other than her wife, Solar. This gave them a discounted rate and a place to stay-- as long as they didn’t cause trouble.


This was all fine with Irene until she had met eyes with probably the most gorgeous human she’d ever seen.


Irene had to blink again to make sure that she wasn’t just conjuring one of her anime waifus into 3D space.

“You're seriously making a flowchart about Seulgi? Why are you so embarrassing?”


“I don’t do emotions, okay? Making a logical flowchart will help me understand--”


“You’re such a loser, you know. Just wear that cute nurse outfit and just ask her out already!”

So its only now that I realize that this got 100 upvotes and 1k+ subscribers. I didn't think it would get much feedback even though I enjoyed writing this (sorry for the errors tho, I don't proofread much:')), because some find the topic/s boring but I was proven wrong, so thank you all so much!


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433 streak #1
So cute ♥️
1060 streak #2
Chapter 9: 🧡🧡
Chapter 9: Cerita nya sangat manis!! Karakternya juga lucu! Entah mengapa Ahreum malah mengingatkan ku pada seorang karakter di drama "Because This Is My First Life", tapi apapun itu, aku menyukainya!
Chapter 8: 👁👄👁
Chapter 6: Astaga.. Seulbear kita bersikap terlalu polos dan menggemaskan sampai aku ingin menculiknya!!
216 streak #6
Sir_Loin #7
Chapter 9: Poor Wannie….
Sir_Loin #8
Chapter 3: Why are they so cute? It’s too much… i can’t. But. I want.
Chapter 9: Oh my gosh this fic is just too adorable for my silly heart uwu >.<
Teudongieluv #10
Chapter 9: This story is just tooo cuuuute 😍😍😍