Chapter one.

A Heart That Loves.
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"Mr. Oh!” came a voice from the doorway  . Sehun's head snapped up at the mentioning of his name, he had been lost in his thoughts again. Adjusting his glasses, he looked toward the door to see Jae'in there, standing in his typical pose of arms acrossed over his chest and his shoulder leaning against the door frame. It was the same boy that had Sehun smiling whenever he saw him, because he reminded him so much of the guy he was in love with. "Kim Jae'in" he acknowledged with a professional smile. "May I came in Mr Oh?" The boy asked. Sehun nodded as he set his pen down. He took a deep breath before he said "Come on in" he beckoned the boy to come forward. Jae'in took slow, shy steps toward him."Afternoon sir" he greeted the moment he stood in front of Sehun's desk.  "Afternoon Jae! How may I help you?" He asked gesturing for the boy to take a seat. Jae smiled and Sehun swore he looked even more like him when he smiled. His breath catching in his throat as he looked at Jae again. It felt like his heart twisted in his chest and he shifted under Jae's gaze. God how could someone look so much like another person? The boy seemed to have an interest in Sehun –judging from the amount of time he had visited Sehun's office or when he asked questions during Sehun's lessons– just like how Sehun had interest in him. "Are you busy?" Jae asked looking anywhere but Sehun. Sehun didn't answer right away as he waited for the boy to raise his head, and when he didn't get a response Jae looked up to see what Sehun was up. Sehun smiled and the boy blushed."No am not, so tell why are you here?" he said moving the papers on his desk into a file. "I'm here to ask you a question" the boy said and Sehun nods urging him to continue. "I am not trying to sound rude but I really want to know if–" he chewed on his bottom lip and Sehun nodded encouragingly again. "If you're an ageist?" Sehun's eyes widened at that, he never expected the boy to ask him such question, why would he think if Sehun was an ageist? Then he chuckled "Why would think that?" He couldn't help but ask. Jae fidget with the sleeves of his shirt. "I just want to know–" Sehun hummed."Any particular reason why you want to know?" Jae nodded."Yeah– but I need to know before I say it" Sehun shook his head."No I am not" "I can take you out for a coffee then?" Jae'in asked with hopeful eyes. Sehun chuckled, God kids these days and their courage, "Are asking me out on a date Kim Jae'in?" He teased. The boy ducked his head, he looked nervous, Sehun could tell the least."No– I mean yeah not really a date per say, I just want to get to know you a bit" He stared intently at the younger, did he perhaps gave the boy the wrong impression? Maybe Jae misread everything because of how much Sehun stared at the boy during his lessons. Did Jae think Sehun was interested in dating younger boys? Dear God that must be the case, but Sehun was only interested in the boy because he reminded him of the man he was here for, the man he left everything for, He met Kai two years ago at a club in New York City and them being both Koreans was easy for them to hit it off. They talked for a while and Sehun learned that Kai was a school teacher, but Sehun didn't tell Kai who he really was, afraid he might scare Kai off. After sharing a few drinks they ended up in a hotel room, Sehun being stretched and thoroughly ed, and the next day when he woke up Kai was already gone, he only left a small note saying he was sorry he had to leave. No contact info, no phone number that Sehun could contact him with. Nothing.But he wrote something that made Sehun to have a little bit of hope *if fate brought us together again I'll like to know you better and maybe even become friends. stay healthy*, Well that was if they even happen to meet again but those words had been imprinted onto Sehun's mind. Since that day Sehun found himself unable to keep his mind off Kai, he didn't even know if that was the other's real name because he had tried, really tried to search for him but no one he knew came out as the Kim Kai he was searching for. The one he had longed to see again. After spending a year and a half longing and yearning for a man he wasn't sure he might ever see again, Sehun decided to take drastic measures by leaving his company into the care of his close friends ( Kris wu and  Jeon Jungkook) and moved to Korea. The only thing he knew about Kai was that the latter mentioned he was a school teacher and the first thing Sehun did the moment he got here was apply for a job in different high schools in hopes to meet the man he fell in love with at first sight. Some might probably think Sehun as crazy or confused and didn't know what he felt, because not everyone would believe he actually fell in love with a man he just had a blissful encounter with just once. But Sehun knew exactly what he felt because it was similar to what he felt for his late husband (Luhan) only that this was stronger because you don't just go leaving your family and friends to go search for someone who you didn't feel something deeply and strongly for.  "Mr. Oh! Mr. Oh!!– are you alright?"  Sehun jolted a little when he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, he snapped his head up to look at Jae who was now stood in front him with a worried expression on his face. He blinked a few times before he cleared his throat. "Yeah– yeah am fine" he said offering Jae a small smile. The boy sighed before he walked back to where he was sitting earlier. "I've been talking to you but you seems to be deeply in thought"  Sehun removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes a little before he lifted his head to look at Jae once again. "Yeah sorry I zoned out" he said with a small chuckle. "So uhm what were you saying?" Jae ran a hand over his face before he said."I was asking you about the uhm coffee I mean if you're free right now we can go?" He asked looking at Sehun a bit unsure. "There's this coffee shop just a few blocks away" he added looking rather hopeful. Sehun looked at him for a moment, he just hoped the boy didn't misunderstand his friendly gestures and stares. But having a coffee with his student won't be a big deal, just one coffee wouldn't hurt. Thus he nodded "Yeah okay" he said "let me just finish with this" he brought out a paper and began to make a quick work on it "Then we can go" he wrote a few things down. "Sure thing," Jae said with a bright smile that had Sehun's heart skipping a beat. He wondered for a brief moment if Jae was somehow related to Kai, because damn the boy looked so much like him. Sehun could never forget how those plump lips looked when stretched into a smile, how his eyes crinkled when he laughed, and Jae had all those features, someone would say Jae was a younger version of Kai or they could pass as brothers– "Mr Oh" Jae called once again. Sehun raised his head to gaze at the younger."huh?" "You're doing it again" "Doing what?" "Spacing out" "Oh, sorry–" he said, glancing at the papers on his desk as he closed the file before glancing up at Jae "You know what? Let's just go, I can deal with these later" he rose to his feet. "You're sure? I mean I don't want to inconvenience you if these are important" he pointed at the file Sehun just closed. "Oh don't bother it's fine" he waved Jae off with a smile. Jae nodded, rising to his feet as well before he moved aside for Sehun to lead the way. "So are we using a cab or we're gonna trek?" Jae asked as they walked out of Sehun's office. Sehun turned to look at him slightly."You tell me Kim Jae'in, you're the one taking me for a coffee" "Yeah right, I would have suggested we use my car, but I don't want you to fell uncomfortable riding your student's car" he prattled "actually I don't have a car, I just want to play cool a little" he chuckled at his own words. Sehun chuckled softly as well, then he hums."Let use my car then" Sehun offered. Jae stopped causing, Sehun to stop in his tracks as well. "You have a car?" He asked and Sehun nodded "how come I've never seen it before?" "That's because I don't usually park it inside the school premises" he said with a shrug. Jae nodded before continuing to walk. They walked for a little while before coming to a stop in front of a house where Sehun usually parked his car. He brought out his car keys before pressing on the security lock button.  His Bugatti Veyron roared to life as he opened the door and stood for a while as he waited for Jae to enter, but the boy still didn't move from his position. Sehun turned around to see why the boy stopped, he was met with a shocked and somewhat mesmerized looking Jae'in gaping at Sehun's car.  Sehun had forgotten that no one in the school he worked at knew his true identity or even have the slightest idea he was loaded. He cleared his throat catching Jae's attention, the boy looked up to Sehun's face. "Mr Oh, is this your ride?" He enquired. Sehun nodded."Yeah, why?" "Like seriously?" He sputtered. "Yeah," Sehun chuckled. "Holy crap" he quickly cover his mouth with his palm. "Oh my God!" He gushed.  "C'mon now, we
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Finally done, I hope you enjoyed the story. Thanks for those who left comments and upvotes.


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750 streak #1
Chapter 5: This was such a sweet story, I’m glad things turned out nicely for all involved. The three of them make such a cute little family.
Amulid_farsa #2
Chapter 3: Waaaahhh is that jae doing or any others trying to break sekai..... Poor baby sehunahhhh
Chapter 5: Omg I cannot deny how obsessed I am with your stories
gogo15eoul #4
Chapter 4: I wish this was longer... It's so sweet
gogo15eoul #5
Chapter 1: It's sweet between Sehun and Jae in
Kkkkk you must right a story about sugar daddy
970 streak #6
Chapter 5: Thank you for sharing this beautiful story of love found and found again. It was never lost, after all. It just meant that it had to be sought across the oceans.
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 5: poor boy xD
with such parents it´s not easy.
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 1: oh my. poor boy... everythings cruhses right now..
Rb2012 #9
Chapter 5: Loved the story
Chapter 5: Just how did I miss this perfection *^*