
Seduced by the Devil
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Amber couldn’t believe their project plan had passed review. The teacher had felt it was a great idea, especially for ‘two young people’, as she said so enthusiastically.

Amber now sat with Krystal in the principal's office getting their permission sheets looked over requesting to leave early at the end of the day when they would otherwise be attending art in order to take photos.

Krystal looked pale and nervous. Amber knew she was worried that her parents wouldn’t let her once they found out who her partner was. After hearing other people talk around town, Amber knew Krystal had real reason to be concerned about her parents’ response.

“Well, everything looks in order,” Principal Shawnesy said, pulling out a stamp and putting a seal on each sheet. “Just get your parents to sign off on it and bring a copy to your teacher and everything will be set.”

“Thank you,” Amber said, taking both their copies since Krystal still looked a little blank. She tapped the younger girl on the arm to get her to follow her out of the room.

“You okay?”

She paused and turned toward Amber. “What if my parents don’t sign?” Krystal asked, nibbling on her lip.

“It’s for class. Just tell them the teacher forced you to be my partner since no one else would. Look all reluctant or something.”

Her brows scrunched together. “I can’t lie to them!"

Amber smirked. “You lied to me when you told me your tire was flat just to get me to drive you home.”

Krystal blushed.

“And I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the first or only lie you told.”

Krystal’s mouth worked until she pinched it closed.

“So let’s just get back to class and think about what stuff we might want to shoot for this project.” Amber started walking again and Krystal reluctantly fell into step at her side. “It’s starting to sound a little pretentious now,” she laughed. “Time…”

“Maybe plants growing?”

“It’s almost winter,” Amber reminded her, scrunching a little further into her puffed jacket, despite being in the slightly warmed hallways. Krystal, on the other hand, looked perfectly fine with the temperature in a long beige coat and white button up.

“Uhm, the sun rising?”

“I’m not waking up at 4 am just to try to catch the sun coming up. Plus, that seems so cliché.” They made it back to the art room, still deep in discussion, settling at their usual table and pulling out their sketchbooks.

“A funeral?

“Woah, that’s dark, Princess.”

Krystal’s face went red and her eyes darted around the room. “Don’t call me that here,” she whispered sharply.

Amber’s nose crinkled and a smile tugged at one side of . “So I’m allowed to call you that somewhere else? I thought you didn’t want to be called Princess at all.”

The younger girl released a sort of startled gasp and looked at Amber through her eyelashes. “Stop being annoying, let’s focus on the project.”

“You’re always telling me to focus when you’re the one bringing up different things,” Amber shrugged, smiling. “But let’s not intrude on someone’s funeral. That’s insensitive and-“

“I know!” Krystal snapped, holding up a hand. She glanced around and saw people looking at her funny. She rarely lost her temper. She tried to project her sister, Jessica; always calm and serene, the picture of womanhood and femininity. “It was just a suggestion. It’s not like you’re throwing out a lot of ideas.” Wow, way to go with the serenity, she mocked herself.

Amber made calming motions with her hands. “Sorry. Urm…it’s cause I don’t have any.” She sighed. “We sure did talk a big game in our proposal. Hubris. Pride goeth and all that good stuff.” She propped her chin in her hands. They’d had a really nice outline and a clear idea, they just had no idea how to bring it about. How were they going to show time? Their time?

“Maybe when we drive around on Monday, we’ll get better ideas.”

“If my parents sign the form,” Krystal huffed, feeling negative.

Amber side-eyed her, wondering if it were okay to ask if something was going on between Krystal and her parents, but not sure if they were friends enough for that sort of conversation. She knew Krystal had hinted at not being able to talk to them and she was curious what would happen if Krystal ever tried.

“What do you think they’ll be most upset about? Me as your partner, driving around with me, or getting out of school early?”

“You as my partner and spending time with you outside of class,” the younger girl answered without hesitation. “I’ve had to leave class early before for church functions, so they won't mind that.”

"They think I'll corrupt you or something?" 

"Probably. I try not to show it in front of them, but I think they know..."

Amber leaned in, prompting her to continue talking. 

"I think they know how hard it is for me to follow in my sister's footsteps. I think they worry about the strength of my faith." 

"And they think I'll weaken it?"

Krystal sighed. "They don't want me to be around a person like you?" 

"And what kind of person am I?" Am

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idkwhattoputheree #1
Chapter 26: Chapter 26: can't wait for an update! gonna binge read (i don't think that's a word but who cares) your stories while I wait :P
oscar12 #2
Chapter 26: I can't wait for an update! This story is beautifully written
unknown_kx #3
Chapter 26: Update pls🙏
ramulover #4
Chapter 26: Happy New Years! Re-reading this story because it's just too good.
Still hoping that there will be updates to come.
Appledots5 #5
Chapter 26: T T
2072 streak #6
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update!
unknown_kx #7
Chapter 26: I need Krystal to file a petition for emancipation asap
2072 streak #8
Chapter 26: Oh damn Julie’s mom is a
amhar03 #9
Chapter 26: If i'm in that situation, i would thought being in coma is more easier than wake up. That town is such a mess, i dont know how those parent can do that to their child
Chapter 26: Thank you for the update...