Chapter 18

Into the Woods

“I’ll spare your life if you lead me to the witch.” I laughed aloud annoying laugh at the blonde vampire who actually thought I would lead her to Wonyoung. The vampire rolled her eyes and sighed walking in the direction of the woods. 

“Hey, where are you going?” I grab the taller girls wrist preventing her from going forward. She turned around and stared into my eyes with her cold dead dark brown orbs. A scowl began to form on her face as she removed my hand from her wrist. How can such a cute looking person look so cold? 

“Listen here wolf, if you don't lead me to the witch, then I’ll have to find her myself.” How is she going to find her in the woods though?

“Why are you going into the woods though?” I raised an eyebrow at the girl in front of me. 

“I have to by myself some time, my dad will kill Shuhua and me if we don’t bring her back. I have to stall for Shuhua.” Shuhua? Who is Shuhua? The vampire’s eyes turned very solemn as she talking about this Shuhua girl. What if I help this girl and this Shuhua girl then they won’t take Wonyoung. No, I can’t that is a stupid idea. She would never let me help her, with the hour I’ve known this girl I can tell she’s very uptight and stubborn. The vampire turned back around and began to walk back into the woods. 

“Wait!” Well, here goes nothing. 

“What?” She tilted her head to the side slightly waiting for me to respond. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and moved closer to the blonde.

“Let me help you and this Shuhua girl.” She halted in her tracks and froze up for a second. It was silent for a good ten seconds before she began to slowly turn around. 

“You don’t even know my name. Why would you help someone like me?” I don’t know why I am helping her. Most of it has to do with the fact that if I don’t stop her right now, she’s only gonna cause more trouble. I have to help her and the vampire Shuhua. 

"Tell me your name." The blonde vampire took a step away from me towards the woods with her back still facing it. Where is she going? "Please let me help you." The blonde stopped moving again as I reached out for her cold hand. Once I grabbed it, she jumped a little in shock at my sudden contact. 

"I don't need help." I can tell that she is on the verge of tears by the way her eyes are glistening. Maybe she really does need my help. I heard from Kaeun that the head of the Song clan treats his people horrible to the point that some of them beg to leave. Of course, when that happens, he would kill them. Well, that is what I heard. She tries to get out of my grip, but I just strengthened my hold on her arm. 

"Let me help you, I can keep you safe from that man." Her eyes widened for a second before she completely lost it and started to laugh. Did I say something funny? I finally let go of the girl and took a step back away from the hysterical girl. She finally calmed down and wiped the tears that were coming from her eyes. These tears, however, weren't from sadness where I thought they were gonna come from, but from her laughing at me. 

"That 'man' is my father. If I don't come back with that witch, he will kill everyone on his path here. Because if we don't bring her back, he will do it himself." My eyes grew at the sudden revelation of who she indeed is. She will never let me help her now, now that I know who she really is. I can't let her take Wonyoung. 

"I don't care, I will still help you. I'm sure Kaeun wouldn't mind if we let you and Shuhua stay with our pack till we figure out how to take care of the current situation." I tried to give the vampire a small smile. 

"You know I think you are a little too kind to a vampire who is threatening to kill all of your friends and trying to take your home from you." She raised an eyebrow at me, which caused my smile to grow a little more. I am acting a little out of character being that I usually am very gloomy and solemn. I took another step towards the vampire and reached my hand out towards her. 

"Let me help you, I promise everything will be okay." I looked her dead in the eye with as much sincerity that I could muster up. 

"Fine." She grabbed my hand and shook it. I froze a little in shock, mainly because I was not expecting her to say okay.


"If you and your friends can do what you said they can they, by all means, please take down my father." I furrowed my eyebrows a little. She doesn't mind us taking her father down?

"He is your dad though.." She let go of my hand and put them into the back pockets of her jeans in a very swift motion. 

"That man hasn't been my father in a really long time." I frowned a bit at the slightly taller girl's words. It makes me kinda sad knowing that she has a bad relationship with her dad, even if he is a mass murderer. 

"I understand, I'm Heejin by the way."



"Where the hell is she?" We've been looking around campus for all most thirty minutes. How far could she have gone? Yena is scared of the dark she wouldn't have gone into the woods right? 

"Well, maybe if you didn't launch me across the roof maybe she wouldn't have gotten scared and ran away." I turned to the raven-haired vampire and squinted my eyes at her. 

"You have no room to be putting any blame on anyone. You were planning on killing her, Yena is an innocent ball of sunshine, and you were gonna end her life." Shuhua's head fell as she began to mess with the hem of her leather jacket. She looked up at me and gave me a sad smile and started to walk ahead of me. I sighed and began trailing behind her. Yena might like her, but that doesn't mean I have to. 

"Do you think she would've gone into the woods?" 

"Yena is scared of the dark, she wouldn't go out there during the day let alone in the middle of the night." I heard some people talking and froze in my tracks. Who would be out at this time of night? Shuhua seemed to have heard the voices also being that she halted as well. I grabbed Shuhua's sleeve and shoved us behind a tree near the woods as the sounds got closer. Shuhua began to breathe heavy all of a sudden. Why the hell is she breathing so hard at a time like this? I covered with my hand as footsteps began to come closer towards us. Shuhua's eyes widened when the steps stopped right in front of the enormous tree we are hiding behind. I glared at Shuhua making sure she didn't make a noise. The raven-haired beauty closed her eyes and held my wrist to keep my hand in place. I swear to God if I die because this stupid vampire can't control her breathing; I will haunt her for the rest of her stupid vampire life. 

"Who's there?" Wait, I know that voice. I quickly removed my hand from Shuhua and stepped out from behind the tree into the open to be met with a pair of violet eyes and a pair of yellow. You have got to be kidding me. "Chaewon?" I sighed and grabbed the back of Shuhua's leather jacket and pulled out to my side. Suddenly Shuhua loud breathing halted altogether. 

"Shuhua? Why are you with this girl?" The blonde girl asked Shuhua with a hint of anger in her voice. Who is this girl? Shuhua flinched a little at the girl beside Heejin.

"Well, we are trying to find Yena" Shuhua cowered behind me a little. Dang, this girl is really scaring her. 

"What a coincidence Heejin and I were trying to find her too. It seems I am a little intimidating and scared her off." The blonde smiled a little and tried to reach for Shuhua's hand. Shuhua came out from behind me with a look of confusion on her face. She let the blonde grab her hand and when she finally did Shuhua smiled. 

"YuYu, they can help us, we don't have to kill anyone," Shuhua said in the smallest voice ever. Well, isn't this a contrast from the badass vampire earlier. The blonde I'm assuming vampire smiled and nodded her head. 

"I know, Heejin and I had a talk about her helping you and me and bringing down my father." Shuhua perked up at this revelation and hugged the blonde tightly. Okay, what the hell is happening. After Shuhua and the other girl stopped hugging she put her attention on me. "I'm Yuqi, daughter of the leader of the Song clan, and you are?" Wow, so she is the daughter of the man who is causing all these problems. 

"Chaewon, I'm Yena and Wonyoung's best friend." Yuqi nodded as if she understood something.

"It makes sense why you are so involved now. You are admitting a weird energy that I can't exactly pick up. Are you supernatural?" Heejin furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me as if she was waiting desperately for me to answer. 

"I'm a kitsune." Heejin's eyes widened, and she smacked herself on the head.

"How in the world was I not able to tell you weren't human. First, it was Shuhua now it's you." I giggled a little at Heejin who was exaggerating her emotions a little bit at the current moment. 

"I hate to break up this revolutionary moment, but we should really go find this Yena girl." Everyone seemed to be knocked out of the trance we were all in and nodded her heads. "It's getting really late, and the things that wander around in the darkness aren't as nice as me." Yuqi gave us her million dollar smile and winked at us. 

"You were not exactly nice when we met...." Heejin rose an eyebrow at the blonde-haired vampire. 

"Exactly, so we better go."


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I honestly cant believe the number of people actually reading this. Kinda shook. Thank you to everyone who takes time to read this even though I update all over the place. I could update tomorrow could be March you'd never know. I don't even know. I'm so grateful for everyone reading this. Love you!


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jinnieee-yah #1
Chapter 18: Ahh, sad this story just stopped suddenly, but it was great anyhow
Thank you author-nim~
Pholux #2
Chapter 18: I'm still wondering if Yujin is truly human or what......
Pholux #3
Chapter 17: Who are the last two? Can't wait for the next chap authornim. Thanks for update
Sammy_m1109 #4
Chapter 15: Omg don’t leave me like this. Don’t do that to me.
Chapter 14: I like your story author nim. Please update T.T
Chapter 14: Please update author-nim!!!
this can't flop come on, it's good
WizOnce18 #8
Chapter 13: Please update TT.TT
Sammy_m1109 #9
Chapter 13: I am on the edge of my seat! Don’t leave me like this. Also great story!
Chapter 12: please update soon!!!