Tim Oppa

Tiffany & Timothy

A loud thump reverberated in the apartment. Timothy alertly opened his eyes upon hearing the sound. He had spent a few hours sleeping on the living room sofa after cleaning the apartment. Yuri left one icky mess.

Timothy rubbed his eyes and hoped that some miracle might have occurred over night that would return things back to normal. Unfortunately, he looked into the reflection of his sliding apartment window and realized that he was still Timothy, not Tiffany.

The sound had come from Yuri’s room, so Timothy got up to check on her. Timothy reached for the handle and turned  it to reveal Tiffany’s roommate sprawled on the ground, rubbing her side. Her hair was a mess and she was still in her undergarments and jeans.

“Yuri are you okay?” asked Timothy, coming to her side.

The girl looked up at him in a daze and smiled. She remembered him.

“I’m fine,” she said trying to look cheery.

Timothy was worried so he gently brushed aside her hair to check for any bumps or bruises. Yuri always took care of Tiffany, so now Tiffany wanted to do the same, even if she was in a man’s body.

There weren’t any visible scrapes that Timothy could find. He checked her arms and saw a bump on her right elbow. She had landed on it rolling out of bed.

“That looks pretty painful. I’ll get you some ice.”

Yuri stopped him before he could leave. “It’s okay, I’ll get it myself.”

But Timothy would have none of it. He jogged into the kitchen to grab a dry ice pack and came back moments to give Yuri some relief.

The olive skinned girl accepted his kindness and held the icepack on her purple bruise that had started to form. Timothy helped her up and got her a sweater to cover herself. When she realized what she was wearing, she blushed a bright pink.

They headed to the kitchen. Timothy opened the fridge door, and smiled at the thought of making Yuri breakfast. Their normal roles were reversed.

While he searched for ingredients, Yuri examined the living room where he had slept. She noted the clean floor, that was not so clean last night, and the door to Tiffany’s room which was covered with a “Do Not Disturb” sign written on a blank piece of paper in pink ink.

“How’s Tiffany doing?” Yuri asked, sitting down on a stool around the kitchen island for comfort.

Timothy continued to scrounge the fridge. “She’s good, but I wouldn’t bug her.”

Yuri nodded, believing in Timothy’s words wholeheartedly. She remembered most of what had happened last night.

“What do you want for breakfast?” he asked, turning to the girl with a grin on his face.

Yuri, who was still a little out of it got up. “I should probably make you breakfast. You’re a guest.”

Timothy politely argued, “You’re not exactly the one that should be making breakfast. You’re still hung over.”

Yuri denied the accusation. “I’m not.”

Timothy grinned showing his dimples and then yelled, “Yes you are!”

Yuri scrunched her face and let out a sharp yet husky squeal. She put her finger in her ears, to stop the drumming that was going on in her head. “Don’t yell!”

“See,” Timothy laughed, “You’re a light weight. I’ll make you breakfast.”

Yuri watched him, unaware that it was actually Tiffany in his skin that slaved away in the kitchen. There were only a limited set of dishes that Timothy knew how to cook. Western food seemed like the best choice.

Inside the fridge there were eggs, milk, some cheese, mushrooms, enough for a nice omelette. Timothy also prepared some ramyun with fried eggs, which he had a couple of nights earlier. Sodium would be helpful after a night of hard drinking.

While he cooked, Yuri sat there, head on her arms, examining Tiffany’s older brother. Yuri saw the similarities. She naturally started asking questions, breaking the silence between supposed strangers.

“So you’re Tiffany’s oppa?”

Timothy was too focused on food to really understand the context of the situation and how Yuri was trying to learn more about him. He nodded casually as he the gas stove, setting it to max heat.

“What was Tiffany like growing up?” asked Yuri.

Timothy put some cold water into a pot and set it down to boil. Reaching for a pan, he got the eggs and ingredients ready for the omelette.

“Well,” he said as he cracked the first egg, dumping it into a small bowl. “She was smart, bright, pretty, you know the perfect little sister.”

Yuri scoffed. “Bull. You should tell me all the dirt you have on her”

Timothy grinned again. “She was bratty, wild, rambunctious girl, trying to figure out what exactly she wanted out of life. Like all kids.”

“That’s more like it.”

Timothy started beating the rest of the eggs in the bowl with a whisk. He appreciated the fact that her new body could do it vigorously without tiring out. Tiffany still had to learn what her new body was capable of, but these were definitely some obvious advantages to being Timothy.

Yuri continued with her questions. “So what was your relationship like growing up?”

Tiffany felt conflicted. Every time anyone asked about Timothy’s past, she would have to make things up. Naturally, this was taxing for a girl who hated lying.

“We were close, you know, like how brothers and sisters are.”

Yuri smiled hearing her answer.

“How much do you know about Tiffany?” she asked, leaning in closer.

Timothy raised an eyebrow. He knew where she was going with this, but was her older brother supposed to know?

“What do you mean?”

Yuri chose her next few words carefully. She could ask in a very indirect way. “Do you know who Jessica is?”

There were a lot of ways for Timothy to respond, he picked the answer that would end the conversation without giving a definitive answer. “Who?”

Yuri sat back in her chair, slightly surprised by the answer. She thought he would know about his sister's love life, but she assumed it was for the better. “Forget it.”

Instead, Yuri wanted to get to know Timothy on a more personal level. “So what do you do?”

Timothy poured the scrambled eggs onto the buttered up frying pan and listened too the eggs crackle as they cooked. He added the cheese and the mushrooms and some salt to one half of the omelette as he thought about what he should tell Yuri.

Technically, he didn’t exist. He had no social insurance number, no birth certificate, and no citizenship. No one knew who her new identity was. What if he got pulled over by a police officer or if he needed to go to the hospital, he had no one to vouch for who he really was.

Timothy decided to go with a vague answer for the second time this morning. “It’s complicated.”

Yuri tilted her head in curiosity, but ended up thinking better of it. After all, she had only just met the guy. “Well, I hope it doesn’t stay that way.”

Timothy laughed. “I hope so too.” He flipped the omelette and watched as it flew high into the air, nearly hitting the ceiling. It dropped back down in one quick motion.

Yuri chuckled. “Impressive.”

Timothy still wasn't used to his strength.

Timothy served her the omelette and finished by making the ramyun and fried eggs. They ate breakfast while chatting about other things. Again, Timothy used his preconceived knowledge about Yuri to talk about meaningless things like baseball, and dramas. But Timothy slowly opened up to the girl bit-by-bit, trying to make him seem more real as an individual. Yuri did ask one particular question that caught him off guard.

“So is Timothy oppa single?”

She said it with a slight grin, and sprinkled it into their conversation like small talk. 

Inside Timothy’s head, Tiffany wondered if Yuri was attracted to her male alter-ego. She shook it off and gave an honest answer. “Single.” It’s not like he was on the market for that long anyways. Technically, he was only two days old.

Either way, Yuri was finished with breakfast and was quick to hop into the shower to get ready for another long day. She thanked Timothy for the breakfast and promised to make it up to him. As she ran off to her own deeds, Timothy sat on the couch and pondered all his options. How the heck would he pass his time? 

One idea was work. Timothy needed money, clothes, at least a fake driver’s license, just something to get him set in the world. It’d be hard without a social insurance number to get a good job, but there were some employers who would pay him under the table.

Going to Tiffany’s classes was another logical option. They never took attendance since class sizes in University were pretty large, so he could keep up with the course material just in case he happened to turn into Tiffany when midterm season rolled around. Of course, if he couldn’t change back to his original form, Tiffany’s marks and university career would be in deep jeopardy.

This wish was really becoming a curse.

Then there was a third idea that lingered in his head, although he wasn’t sure if it came from his brain or his other brain. He remembered yesterday night and the pleasure he felt when Yuri rubbed against his bulge. That was another thing he was curious about. How all that worked, but he shook it off. Timothy needed to stay focused, do things that were productive.

He needed to figure out what exactly was the cause behind his transformation.

But there was one glaring problem that he knew he needed to solve. He needed friends – a social network – that could help him out when he needed it. He reached for his phone and called Seohyun.


The girl’s voice was endearing.

“Hey, it’s Timothy,” he asked, his tone low and husky.

There was silence on the other line until he heard her cutely ask, “Tim oppa?”

Timothy grew warm in the cheeks hearing her call him oppa. Seohyun was always a girl that guys were interested in. Most men took her kindness as flirtation, and they would all suffer once she rejected them. Guys were always discouraged after their confessions, so it made sense why she never had any close male friends. Timothy was determined not to make the same mistake.

“Yeah, I was wondering if you were free to go study at the library at school?”


Timothy knew the maknae couldn’t resist.

“Feel free to invite anyone you want. I’d like to meet some new people.”

Seohyun replied excitedly. “I will.” She loved studying at the library, and Tiffany knew that better than anyone.

“I’ll be there soon. How does the group study area on the third floor sound?”


“Do you know where that is?”

Of course she did.

“Okay, bye Seohyun! See you soon.”

“Bye Tim Oppa!”

Timothy smiled as he hung up. He would be able to get rid of two birds with one stone. Study and get more acquainted with Seohyun.

As he got up from the sofa to change, Yuri stepped out of the bathroom, finished with her shower.

It was a steamy sight. Yuri walked out from her hot shower in her fitted bathrobe, and dried her black locks seductively with a towel as a warm fog followed her out the door. She hair in front of Timothy who could only sit there in awe. Yuri did this once in a while, but it was different seeing it as Timothy. Yuri flipped her hair and smirked at the voyeur before she walked off into her room.

Timothy needed to get out of the house. Yuri was putting a spell on him.

Thankfully, Yuri left the house first after changing into more comfortable clothes. Timothy followed shortly after, heading to his destination as promised. The drive to the library was a short one, he made sure to use Tiffany’s parking pass and brought along her student ID to get through the turnstiles that restricted outsiders from accessing the school materials.

The campus library was massive, an architectural achievement that their college was rather proud of. Tiffany remembered being here weeks ago with Yuri, bumping into Taeyeon and Sunny, who were a lovely pair of her friends that she also missed. Taeyeon would regularly send texts asking her to head out for a night on the town. In fact she still sent them, but Timothy had to ignore those messages. There were only three people that really knew Timothy - Yuri, Jessica and Seohyun. He would have to introduce himself to Taeyeon and Sunny later.

Timothy took the escalators up to the third floor where he spotted a couple of girls sitting by the study table in between two sets of bookshelves. He knew that one of them was Seohyun, but the other two seemed like complete strangers.

Approaching the table, he stopped upon realizing who Seohyun had invited.

Timothy sighed.

So much for studying.

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Update in a week's time. Sorry for the delay, been busy.


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it’s been so long since i last read this story
The comment below me described my thoughts perfectly. I had to sift through my subs trying to find this story because I thought I accidentally unsubscribed and almost panicked. I'm glad I found it. This and 'Pink Slip' were always two of my favorites.
I remember reading this specific story years ago, but had trouble finding it until I did some investigating haha. I don't usually read gender bender stories, but the way you wrote it made me interested. :) I know it's been a while since you last updated or logged on, but I hope one day you'll continue writing this story. So many potential ships *o*
Choon79 #4
Are you still gonna update? :(
loovvee #5
Chapter 6: where are you😭!!!!!
yeonniestan94 #6
I just found this while searching for jeti yulti.. could you continue this???
milkymilk19 #7
Chapter 7: I just found this story a while ago. This is an interesting one.
Hope you'll update soon author-ssi!
hwang_fiqah #8
Chapter 3: i've read this story like 8 times in 2 month hehe..... update soon!!!!!
I'm falling in love with the story! It's very descriptive and I get to see the bits of feelings of different characters towards each others. I'm most impressed how you could write Tiffany's personality in between fictional and reality. It's balanced and she's clearly logical about her every moves.

Oh just wondering if Fany/Tim will have multiple pairings in this story? It'd be nice if she had. Also a with Yulti, Seofany, Taeny and Jeti would probably make me happy, if there are and it wouldn't just a foursome huh keke.

Goodluck author-nim and update soon!