First Meet

I'll protect you
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It was Sunday, the woman whose lying on the couche completely bored out is kicking her dearest friend, whose watching in her acer laptop that the said woman,wanted to crash the gandget into the ground, instead of doing it, she's kicking her bear friend, Seulgi. With annoyance, she removed her earphones, piercing a fiery look to the unhesitant Joohyun.




"That freakin hurts grandma! Are you a horse?!"






"How dare you to call me grandma and a horse?! Im your most beautiful friend!" Joohyun puffed her cheeks, fist were closed, Seulgi on the other hand blew her bangs moving it in upward motion


"Ha! don't you dare dare me! Your dirty hands off me! You need to clean it first before you lay your hands in me!" Seulgi said in a sing song voice, if it wasn't Joohyun to feel bored she will surely laughed and died on the floor, but she needs to annoy the bear first.






"and i may reminder you that you are in my house!" Joohyun stop kicking the bear as the words process in her head, She was cackling dead on the ground. Seulgi realized she used wrong words and grammars, worst, seeing someone laugh at you is the most embarrassing yet it will also pissed you off "fine! Be bored out!" putting her eaphones on, eyes fixed on whatever thing she watches out there. Joohyun hastily stand up, placing her hands in Seulgi's shoulder shaking her whole body as if there was an earthquake








"ok fine! Stop it! Im getting dizzy grandma! Let's just go to the mall!" even though she wanted to scold Seulgi for calling her a grandma she just let her anyways, she might even changed her mind so she needs to stop quarelling with her. Going inside, Joohyun wanted to go back to the bear's igloo. (does bear live in igloo?) Why? While walking on the mall, checking on everything they saw in sight, she just can't be used to those creepy stares as if someone will do something unto her, especially those smirks and whispers all around when the two of them passed by. Seulgi on the other hand doesn't care, she was to focus on the teddy bear she saw, pulling Joohyun to the toy store. This time, Joohyun was annoyed. Her one and only friend is having a hard time picking a teddy bear with the same color, same size, and same design! Being an impatient person, she excused herself telling Seulgi to go to the comfort room because nature is calling. Forgetting about how she received those creppy stares because she's a grandma, she went to the comfort room where she saw a line, going to the last line, she looks around only to remember again those people creeping her out. She decided to plug her earphones, playing SNSD Song 'Lil Touch'. The song was booming in her ears that she can't even hear anyone, she just made her own world with music and herself. After some minutes of waiting, it's now her turn to go inside.





Closing the cubicle door, doing her things, unkowillingly, she just missed the important rung of the bells and the announcement, everyone rushed, running to go out of the mall








"Everyone please come out"






With loud noises in her ears, she looks at the gigantic mirror, smiling foolishly as she dance along even if she does not know the choreography. A few compliment she gave to herself, she cleanse her hand with a big goofy smile. But once her feet landed outside the comfort room, her eyes grew wide, she quickly unplug her earphones as her heart thumped fast. Fear starts to engulfs her. There is no one in sight. Even a single person, sellers, buyers and those creeps are all gone. Joohyun was scared, it's not one of those feeling of scared on little things like when someone surprised her, it's something more than that. She looks around the mall, as she tries to calm her racing heart.






her eyes doesn't obey when tears formed in her eyes. Even Seulgi was nowhere to be found. She was about to took a glance on the left but someone hold her wrist, she stop breathing for a while as her heart drops. was covered a little bit tight with someones palm as she was getting pulled, ducking over. She wanted to screamed but her fear just grew more when she heard a loud cussed together with a gun shot.



The one who was behind Joohyun let out a relief sigh, slowly removing her wrist to the latter. Joohyun turns her head to look to the person she was with (they are still hiding)



And when her eyes landed on the said woman, Joohyun froze when she was welcomed with an eye blessing sight, Even though the woman beside was not looking at her, her side view making her jaw line clearly vissible as their are transparent sweats to her forehead, running down to her glorious neck, Joohyun gulped. What she wear was not left noticed, with the black bulletproof vest, to her black military shirt that was covering her long arms, her hand were covered with black gloves as she was holding a pistol gun, down to her pants and even her black leather shoes is just overwhelmingly, cool. (daxm)


Yes, this woman is awesome that she was staring at her for like minutes (hours). It makes Joohyun wanted to asked how can someone rock such an outfit?!



But then, her heart break loose when the woman she had been staring, turns to look at her, she hastily roamed her eyes as if she was also searching for enemies around, her plump got dried when she heard those y voice.








"why are you here?"


"why am i here?"




They said in unison, what comes next was unbelievable. She just heard an angel laughing, the heaven is singing.





"U-uhm. I don't know? Why shouldn't I---"




She was sure she saw a secretive smile showned on the woman face but fades when they both hear a gun shot again, being jumpy person, she was startled that she hold on to the woman's hand, her eyes closed. Only to realize what she did, she quickly takes her hand back as her heart raced again. She was about to reasoned out but was cutted off.



"here, wear this" Handling to her the bulletproof vest, Joohyun obligated, the confusion in her eyes is obvious but she never questioned.




Before she could react, she was now running around the mall, with a man i mean a woman holding on her wrist.


Joohyun was building her own world again but it pops like bubbles when someone suddenly appears in her eyes, wearing the same thing the woman she was with was wearing, pointing her gun at them.




Joohyun taught it was the end of her life, but before she could close her eyes, she felt a tug on her, closing the distance between them, her eyes fixed on the woman whose now hugging her, left hand was placed on her waist while the right hand was holding a gun, her back was facing the opponent as she was protecting Joohyun from the shot, so if ever if the opponent pull the trigger, she'll be the one to catch. The woman turns her head 90 degree to the opponent as she was pointing her gun at the target.





Joohyun felt like e
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Guess whose back


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Astraea21 #1
Chapter 8: More pleaseeeee. In the future. :)
Hi author-nim where are u plsss continue this story plsss
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 8: Please don't
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 8: please don't delete it
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 8: please don't delete it
1703 streak #6
Chapter 8: You can re-write this but please don't delete this Author... This is so good, so hard finding wr bodyguard au
Eririn #7
Chapter 8: Oh author-nim, could you not delete this though you are rewriting. I hope to be able to come back and read this again whenever I can. I'm looking forward to your new story :)
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 7: Hello
Favebolous 14 streak #9
Chapter 5: Hahahaha
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 4: Hey