
I Like Him for Me

I woke up earlier than 7 am. For some odd reason, I couldn't sleep. Honestly, I knew the reason but saying it out loud made me picture Chaerin's mocking expression. I knew she would be smirking, or wearing a -eating grin. I hopped out of bed, energy completely sapped and wired because in just two hours, I was going to meet my idol. It sounded so unbelievably corny, but I idolized Lee Hyukjae. The man was self-made. He went out into the world, did his time without the help of anyone and turned a dream into a reality. 

I decided to become a food photographer simply because it combined two of my favorite things in life and I needed money. I already knew Chaerin from back in college and she had a position open for a photographer. I went headfirst with no experience and overall made a decent paycheck. Lee Hyukjae was the complete opposite. The man knew he wanted to be a chef, and a damn good one. How many people can say that? 

I smiled, making my way into the bathroom to wash up. First impressions were everything, a hot shower and toothpaste would make a sure difference. As I brushed my teeth vigorously, my mind wandered off to what should I wear? As a food photographer, casual was key. Any shirt and jeans you didn't care for were your attire. You had to get down and dirty, fixing angles, adjusting lighting. It wasn't necessarily a messy job, but it wasn't designed for wearing suits. I jumped into the shower. I still had an hour and a half, no point in fixating over an outfit just yet. 

Soon enough, the steam overcame me and when I eventually made my way out, I looked at the clock to see I had 45 minutes left. From my apartment to Le Petit was a 30 minute drive, that left me less than 15 minutes to get dressed, grab my camera and rush out! I dried my body off quickly, tossing the towel onto my bed and went straight for the closet. I opened the doors and found the quickest shirt and jeans I could find. Grabbing some underwear, I put on my clothes quickly and hobbled about the house searching for socks, my camera and shoes. I grabbed my phone, shoved it in my pocket along with my keys, grabbed my camera bag and rushed out the door. 

I looked at my watch as I rushed out, only to find that I had forgotten it. I debated going back, but knew I was wasting precious minutes. Chaerin was counting on me and Hyukjae was a timely man. If I arrived even a second late, he'd toss the idea right out the window and send me flying on my . I pulled out my keys, opened the drivers side, slid in and tossed my camera bag onto the passengers seat. Soon enough, I was out on the road. 


Le Petit



"Can I help you sir?"

"Hi, I'm from Enrich Magazine. My name is Lee Donghae and I'm here to do a full photo portfolio with your chef, Lee Hyukjae."

The man smiled. "Mr. Lee, we were not made aware of any visitations. Especially from a magazine company. Allow me to direct you to our Public Relations, Ms. Choi Yuri. Please follow me."

I followed the kind man into a small room with dozens of paintings and food-related imagery. It was breathtaking, but the rigidness in the pictures told me that Choi Yuri was not someone to mess with. I sat on the couch, a small cerulean blue loveseat and waited. Eventually the door opened revealing a slender, tall woman with a brown bob cut. She definitely meant business. Her outfit consisted of a light pink suit with white heels and a white blouse. 

"Hi, I'm Choi Yuri, Public Relations for Le Petit." I reached out to shake her hand, but was completely ignored as she sat down on the large black chair behind her glass desk. I withdrew my hand instantly, immediately feeling the awkward tension.

"I'm Lee-"

"-Donghae, I'm aware. Chaerin contacted me last night asking for a favor. I am usually not one to give such helpings out, but I owed her one. Now she was vague on the details, but I'm assuming nothing gets published without my consent, are we clear on that?" She leaned back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other and I stood there completely floored. If I thought Chaerin was y at times, this woman took the crown. I was barely able to say anything without her interrupting me.

"Ah yes, that was the agreement. All articles and photos will be done by me. I have experience-

"-I am aware of your experience. What I need you to understand is that whatever is written about Jae must not paint him in a bad picture."



She called him Jae and my fist instinctively curled. I wasn't aware that my nails were digging into my flesh until she interrupted me from my thoughts. 

"I said do we make ourselves clear? Bad publicity in the restaurant industry is not good business. He isn't some infamous celebrity, or some jail-bait actor. He's a hard-working, dedicated, world-renowned chef. He has more awards than Seo Guk does as an actor. All I'm saying is that the articles should pertain strictly to his food and not his personal life."

"I-I don't understand, Ms Yuri."

"What do you not understand?" She asked. Her legs uncrossed and her body was leaning forward like a predator. 

"His fans want to know the man behind the food. I was thinking we could take photos of all of his dishes, each with a small biography about him. A way to get to know Hyukjae as a person, beyond a chef and allow the readers to have a more intimate view of his food."

She shook her head and I could see the frustration building behind her eyes. 

"And what are you proposing these small biographies be about? The reason for the dish's creation or private, intimate details about Lee Hyukjae. I thought Enrich wasn't a tabloid. Or has Chaerin changed her ways?"

I groaned internally. She definitely wasn't making this any easier. And to think, I hadn't even met the chef himself. But if I was going to work closely with her as well, it seemed this entire project was going to be more pain than it was worth. 

"Look I-

"Hey Yuri, I'm not sure about this project you want me to work on." 

That voice!

I froze, my heart lurched into my esophagus and all the words I was planning to say melted on my tongue. It was Lee Hyukjae. I couldn't bare to turn around. 

"Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt you Yuri. I didn't know you were having a meeting."

I watched lifelessly as Yuri stood up to greet Hyukjae, her arms enveloping him into a warm hug that looked intimate. 

"It's okay, Jae. This is Lee Donghae, the food photographer from Enrich Magazine who will be working closely with you for the next two months."

I remained silent. I didn't know how to react or what to do. What if the words fumbled out of my mouth? He'd know immediately and I'd be humiliated. 

"Lee Donghae, this is Lee Hyukjae."

"It's nice to make your acquaintance." 

I turned softly on my heels and watched as he extended his arm for a handshake. I wiped my sweating palms onto my jeans before accepting the handshake. Slowly gaining courage, I gazed upwards taking in all of his features. Never had I seen him up close and I was left breathless. He was so handsome. Just breathtakingly gorgeous in his own unique way and then I noticed his expression. 

His words were polite, but his face was twisted in a scowl. I retracted my hand so quickly, he glared at me and I felt my cheeks heating up. Had I already upset him? I looked down at myself, before realizing what I was wearing. My old, beat up jeans with various holes and covered in paint stripes, my dirty black and white vans and my wrinkled red plaid shirt. Now I knew why he looked angry, I was a mess! I clasped my hands at the ends of my shirt and gripped the fabric so tightly my knuckles turned white. I was humiliated! A renowned chef, established in cleanliness and I stood before him, our first meeting with clothes I hadn't washed in a week. Clothes I should've burned at the stake! 

"Anyway, Mr. Lee we will be in contact. For now, I'll ask my assistant, Hyoyeon to give you a tour of Le Petit and introduce you to the other chefs. I understand your relationship with food, but we operate differently here. And we'll be working on Hyukjae's schedule which means you'll have to travel a bit with him as well. I expect you back here tomorrow morning at 5 am sharp. I will not be present, but you'll be going on a quick voyage with Hyukjae." 

I politely said my goodbyes and hurried out of there, following Hyoyeon on her heels. As she droned on and on about the restaurant, I took notes and recorded using my voice note recorder. I couldn't focus. Not when the imagery of Yuri and Hyukjae infected my mind. It was true. He wasn't gay. When he entered the room, he was completely focused on her. In his eyes, I didn't exist. I clenched my fist, feeling the familiar onset of tears burning my eyes and I tried my hardest to will them away. Being embarrassed about clothing was one thing, being humiliated by puppy love for someone I barely knew would be worse. 

"And that completes the tour of Le Petit. Any questions?"

I knew being here would make it difficult, but Chaerin was right. I needed to get over this useless crush and having their relationship thrown in my face was the best way to do it. Like ripping off a bandaid. 


I jumped up and quickly realized Hyoyeon had been standing there staring at me. 

"My apologies, but you seem distracted Mr. Lee."

"No. No. No!" I waved my hand frantically trying to get her to understand that I wasn't technically, completely distracted. I did take notes! 

"I'm not, really. What was it you were asking me?" 

She didn't look very convinced. 

"I asked if you had any questions, Mr. Lee."

I glanced down at my notebook and saw that I didn't write a single thing except Lee Hyukjae's name! I quickly turned the page, causing Hyoyeon to glance at me curiously.

"Um. Not at all. Uh. If I have any I'll be sure to keep in touch!" I said and sped off. Today just wasn't my day. 

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Surprise? I also edited some things like the removal of Drug Restaurant for a reason :/


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ldh2013 #1
Chapter 21: Whoa. Ain't she (Yuri) a B. Welcome back. I missed this story.
961 streak #2
Chapter 21: Thank you so much for this update.
Hyukjae is pining. Yuri is demanding, adamant. Chaerin is moving. Donghae is reconnecting. So many movements in a short chapter.
Looking forward to the culmination of all these movements!!!
961 streak #3
Chapter 20: I saw your feed re a poster maker and wondered how you were. I went back to this story and noticed that my last comment was on Tasteless. But I have read all the following chapters after that.
I love Donghae's little adventures in Paris, even the indecent proposal. After all. Donghae is such an attractive man.
And Hyukjae is still looking for him.
If you find your muse for this story, please continue. I still want the foodbook launching and how they will finally be together.
I hope you are fine.
Sylphide890807 #4
Chapter 20: Trop contente que tu sois de retour.
Merci pour la mise à jour.
ldh2013 #5
Chapter 20: You're back! Yay! Looking forward to the next chapter. Hope your muse recovers.
Chapter 19: Hi i wanted to tell you that i absolutely loved your story and still am i love your stories even if this is my first story that i read from you i still love how you express their feeing and how you make each charecter have their own plot i also love love love the plot of this story i would love to continue reading and supporting your stories i hope to hear back from you in the near future. (P.S one of your great readers, am also a sj and eunhae lover )
kiahae #7
Chapter 19: There something i didnt get in the last part
Chapter 19: oh my shisus we have been waiting Hyukjae!!! finally. I was screeching while reading this. thank you for the update authornim!!!❤
EunHaesMic #9
Chapter 19: OH MY GOSH!!!! I LOVE the way you wrote the “coming out” scene. At first I didn’t get it beucase I was confused about why he had talked about Hae and then just switched it to Yuri. But now I get it!! It makes perfect sense!! I CANT WAIT for a new update!! Thank you authornim!!<3
Sylphide890807 #10
Chapter 19: Enfin il est sorti et a accepté ses sentiments pour DH.
C'est tellement beau sa déclaration sur ce que lui apportait sa "relation platonique" avec DH.
Petite information, en France la monnaie est l'Euro et non le Franc, depuis 2002. Mais j'ai apprécié vos efforts pour décrire son arrivée dans mon cher pays la France