

   Donghyuck sat up and sighed, trying his best to ignore his pounding headache.  He didn't know what time it was, only that it was dark outside and that he should—no, he needed to be asleep.  Unfortunately, his body had other plans.

   Donghyuck knew he was sick, he could tell because of the funny feeling in his stomach and the fact that he was sweating and shivering at the same time.

   He assumed he could just sleep it off and wake up in a better state, but the discomfort throughout his body was always there, being just barely painful enough to prevent him from drifting off.  Consequently, Donghyuck had spent the night tossing and turning, pulling his covers on and pushing them off every few minutes.

   That was until just now.

   He felt something...shift inside of him.  It was only after he sat up and felt his throat tighten that he realized what the feeling was. Nausea.

   Donghyuck knew what was coming.  He jumped off of his bed and out of his shared dorm, miraculously not stubbing his toe on something in the darkness.  All he could think of as he stumbled down the hallway was a string of cuss words that were definitely out of character for him.


   Johnny lie in his bed, reluctant to leave the warmth of his covers.  He had woken up a few minutes ago, and checked his phone to discover that it was around four in the morning.  Since then he had debated whether getting a drink of water would be worth leaving his warm bed, but he finally decided that it would be near impossible for him to fall back asleep unless he got rid of that dry feeling in his throat.

   So with a last mournful look at his blankets, Johnny stood up, threw on a thick sweatshirt, and crept into the hallway.

   He was almost to the kitchen when he noticed that someone had left the lights on in one of the bathrooms.  This was especially confusing because Taeyong was always so diligent about turning everything off before the members went to bed.  However, Johnny's confusion soon turned to dread when he heard a muffled sob coming from that very bathroom.  .

   He changed his course to the bathroom and sped up, forgetting about his thirst.  Johnny hesitantly peered in, and what he saw made his heart break.

   Leaning shakily over the rim of the toilet bowl was Donghyuck.  His normally golden tan skin looked so unnatural, almost white, and his hair and shirt clung to his body with sweat.  He was also crying. Oh god, he was crying.

   Johnny immediately rushed to his side, getting down on his knees.  “Hyung…” The younger’s voice was shallow and hoarse, completely void of his usual cheeriness.  “Hyung please.” Donghyuck gagged into the toilet and whimpered. “Please, please just make it stop hyung.”  He dove into the elder’s chest, burying his face in Johnny’s sweatshirt. “It hurts, it hurts so much.” He broke into a series of loud sobs.

   Johnny said nothing, instead he wrapped his arms around Donghyuck’s shaking form, rubbing slow circles on the younger’s back as he cried.  He was alarmed at how hot his friend’s skin was. “Shh, it’s okay. It’s okay Hyuck, hyung's here now. I'll keep you safe, I promise.”

   And so they sat there, cuddling on the cold bathroom tiles, Johnny hugging Donghyuck and rocking him back and forth slightly until the latter’s crying had lessened to just a series of sniffles.

   “I’m gonna get you some water now, okay?  It’ll feel better to get that taste out of your mouth,” Johnny said softly before he broke their hug.  He swept the younger’s sweat soaked hair out of his face. “Stay there.”

   Donghyuck nodded, staring blankly at the ground.  Johnny left the room, soon returning with a glass of water.  When he got back, he noticed his younger friend was shivering immensely; the poor thing must've been freezing in just a tank top and shorts.  Johnny sighed and put the glass of water on the counter before taking his sweatshirt off. “Here, wear this.”

   Donghyuck, who was still staring at the floor, looked up.  His face looked so beaten and tired, and he had dark bags under his scared eyes.  Johnny also noticed the boy’s lip was quivering. He wanted to curse; how could all the members let Donghyuck get this sick without anyone noticing?  They were his hyungs, it was their job to look after him, and they had failed. “But...won't you get cold?” he asked timidly. Johnny shook his head.

   “I’m not the sick one Donghyuck, I'll be fine in my t-shirt.”  The younger member visibly relaxed. He reached out weakly and took the oversized shirt from the older man.  Johnny had to help him get his quivering arms through the sleeve holes, but when they finally got it on correctly, a tired yet genuine smile escaped Donghyuck's lips.  He reached out and hugged Johnny again. “Thank you hyung,” he muttered. Johnny smiled and patted his head.

   “Rinse your mouth out now, then you can go back to sleep.”  Donghyuck nodded and did as he was told, spitting the water into the toilet and flushing.  “Can you stand?”

   “I—”  Donghyuck hesitated.

   “It's okay, I can help you.”  Johnny wrapped his arms around Donghyuck's torso and lifted him up.  Once they were standing, Johnny switched his arm positions so that one was around his friend’s shoulder and the other gripped his wrist lightly.  The pair shuffled down the hall, stopping in front of Donghyuck and Jaehyun’s shared room.

   Johnny tried to step into the room, but Donghyuck suddenly wouldn't budge.  He had also tightened his grip on the elder’s arm. “Hey, what's wrong?” Donghyuck said nothing.  “Are you thirsty or something? Wait, do you need to throw up again? We should—”

   “No hyung, I just…”  Donghyuck shook his head slowly.  “Please don't leave me,” he begged.  Johnny softened.

   “Let’s go sleep on the couch then, how about that?”  The younger member nodded, so the two changed their course to the living room.  Johnny laid down first, and Donghyuck climbed in next to him, immediately settling down and using the elder’s chest as a pillow, hugging him slightly.  Johnny hugged back, careful not to put any pressure on his friend’s stomach. “Are you comfy Donghyuck?” The only reply was a tired “mmh”.

   “Ok, wake me up if you need anything.  I won't be mad,” Johnny mumbled, already falling asleep.

   Donghyuck smiled.  Although he was sick, he was happy, because he knew s would always look out for him.  Sure, these past couple of hours had , but, he thought as he drifted to sleep, it would all pass soon, and he'd be okay again.

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Chapter 1: ......SOFT...
Chapter 1: This is adorable!
Chapter 1: Awwwww you need to write more of this pleasee!
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhhh this is the cutest, I need more
Chapter 1: This is so sweeeeeet ♡♡♡♡
nenechan #6
Chapter 1: awwwww i loved it~~~ i love stories where donghyuck gets babied like the maknae he is
part 2??? hehe