♡ https://produce99.kr/trainees/Uchio Maki。


Uchio Maki
The Foreigner
full name Uchiyo Maki
date of birthOctober 10, 1997
birthplaceNew Hampshire, USA
hometownNew Hampshire, USA
ethnicityKorean, Japanese, American
faceclaimKiko Mizuhara
backupLorem ipsum
Uchiyo Maki prefers to wear her hair short, straight and with its natural color, dark brown. The mixture of her ancestry allows her the luxury of having full lips and a light shade of brown for eye color. She stands at 168 cm, sporting a petite physique and carrying herself in an air of cold sophistication. Maki has always been known to have a resting face and with the addition of her disposition to act elegantly, she may give off a snobbish and no-nonsense attitude. In terms of Maki's style of clothing, she likes to be neat with her appearance, preferring color schemes that are striking but not straying too far from her comfort. She has a funny (extreme) inclination to wearing turtlenecks, but is also not restricted to wearing whatever she considers as chic. An odd facet of her clothing traditions is when she wears vibrant and cartoon-ish pajamas when she goes to sleep. 
TRAITS:  [pos] Brilliant, Focused, Playful, Compassionate [neg] Shy, Individualistic, Timid
Brilliant - Maki could be altogether dubbed as a genius when she starts participating in anything remotely related to dancing. She manages to mix in the appropriate amounts of creativity, discipline and aesthetic in order to properly execute the most intricate of dances. Her body becomes her art, and she has grown to skillfully manipulate it. She is one of those people who, when standing on stage and/or performing, seem to exude a certain amount of confidence and charisma to captivate their audiences. She cannot explain it, only that she knows exactly what to do with herself to capture the the essence of the expression that is wished to be seen.
Focused - Whenever Maki has set herself on a task, she will dutifully see to it that task is properly executed until the end. She aims to understand and be familiar with it, in order to know what is the best way that she could present it to the audiences. In order for her to avoid distractions, Maki delves into her own world where there is only her and the task she is doing. She refrains from stopping until she knows in herself that she has mastered what it is that is needed to be done.
Playful - Maki is considered to be quiet most of the time, she doesn't talk much, and she can properly school her features into whatever she desires. So it comes as a shock, when she becomes all funny and high-spirited. One moment, she is sitting calmly and the next she's doing all sorts of incredulous things you won't expect from her. She isn't afraid to do all sorts of fun things and indulging others, she enjoys having fun even if she occasionally looks stupid. This is only possible if she has already overcome her shyness and timidity in the company.
Compassionate - Maki is not the type of a support who shouts encouragements from the sidelines, she is more like the silent reassurance that someone looks for whenever they feel nervous, scared, or unsure. She prefers to show support in away that when someone looks into her eyes, she'll show them just how much she believes in them. She is the type to be silently listening and holding someone's hand while they cry for comfort. The type to be silently taking care of someone, to be observing and to be understanding.
Shy - Due to the sheltered quality of Maki's childhood, she did not have many interactions with other children of her age. Had always been a child of her house, her family was always opting her to focus on her education and her dancing than playing with children in their neighborhood. The situation constantly occurred until she found herself socially awkward and afraid. Whenever the prospect of talking with someone she doesn't know comes to her mind, she cannot help but feel a sense of looming nervousness at the pit of her stomach. She is now rendered incapable of engaging in social interaction without her palms going sweaty and without a frame by frame script of how she should say something. anything within the social context is out of her hand
Individualistic - Maki has always been used to only working with herself, she didn't have to consider other factors whenever she accomplishes a task. Even in her dancing career, she opted for the performances where she presents and acts as an individual. It became an even more prominent idea when she entered the modelling industry, with her becominng of a model that did not have to adjust to accommodate someone else. The individualism worked for her. Afterall, it was only her in the picture whenever she modelled. She suddenly finds herself unsure when she is required to work with other people. She doesn't know what she should do to contribute, how much she should give, and in which niche she should be placed in their group. Maki, over the year, has simply become clueless about where she stands among a group of people working together for a common goal.
Excessive Compliance - She doesn't want to lead and will always prefer that someone must take over the group. She seldom questions things, even if they are well within her ability, because of her nature of compliance. This is all because she thinks that if she stopped complying, she won't be accepted. There will be times that she will be frustrated with her compliance and so she's prone to bitterness and silent explosions because of this.
Uchio Maki (born Erin Miyaki Laggen) was born on the 10th of October 1997 to Andrew Laggen and Kiko Ushio. The only child of a minor conglomerate, Maki had grown up to be quite the model child. Always complying to whatever was required of her parents; she had her stellar grades, her polished manners and her graceful hobbies. This was not because of the unkind treatment that was due in the Laggen household, it was in fact the contrary. The family heads were considerate and kind parents, they allowed Maki the freedom in choosing to develop her own talents, supporting her in everything she does, and taking considerable precautions that the pressure never get to their child. For this, Maki was grateful and she worked hard to make her parents proud.
It was only a mediocre instance that Maki was introduced to music and dancing. She was young when she watched a dance recital. She came in like any other child and came out with something akin to excitement and desire that she did not understand yet. In the future though, she understood. She wanted to be free, and thought of dancing as a way for her to express herself boundlessly, to dance in joy, sadness, and contentment. Contrary to what others would have thought, Maki took on a bachelor's degree of Chemical Engineer. This is because she was supposed to take over the research and development of their company and dancing was only supposed to be a hobby and nothing more. Still, she continued her pursuits. She strived to learn and master some variations in dancing, and she sometimes tried her hand at choreography. She also had multiple modelling gigs from which BBC caught a glimpse of her and proceeded to deliberately hunt her. They sent representatives to America to coerce Maki into becoming one of their idols. Her parents will only allow her to become an idol as long as the company is not in need of her yet. But, once her father calls for her, she should come running back as soon as she finishes her contract. She became an idol and proceeded to train for six months until she was drafted to participate in MNET's Produce 99.
  • Maki is not easily afraid or scared of anything.
  • Eating spicy things makes her cry.
  • She does not only dance but she also sings.
  • She cannot rap though (her voice has a husky/rough texture and her vocal range is low).
  • Her Father is of Korean-American Descent and her mother is of Japanese.
  • She plays the guitar (Fingerstyle)
  • She's very playful to the people she is close to.
  • She reverts back to her resting face as default or when she feels shy.
  • She does not smile often, but when she does they tell her she looks charming.
fellow trainees
full nameLorem ipsum
birthdateLorem ipsum
faceclaimLorem ipsum
backupLorem ipsum
tell me about any other girls from the same company that came along with yours! Tell me a bit about their personality and what your character thinks of them. Delete the ones you don't need.
full nameLorem ipsum
birthdateLorem ipsum
faceclaimLorem ipsum
backupLorem ipsum
tell me about any other girls from the same company that came along with yours! Tell me a bit about their personality and what your character thinks of them. Delete the ones you don't need.
full nameLorem ipsum
birthdateLorem ipsum
faceclaimLorem ipsum
backupLorem ipsum
tell me about any other girls from the same company that came along with yours! Tell me a bit about their personality and what your character thinks of them. Delete the ones you don't need.
full nameLorem ipsum
birthdateLorem ipsum
faceclaimLorem ipsum
backupLorem ipsum
tell me about any other girls from the same company that came along with yours! Tell me a bit about their personality and what your character thinks of them. Delete the ones you don't need.
trainee profile
primary TALENTdance
secondary talent (optional)vocal
Remember: you can only have one twin, make sure they match the lines. if you use a visual faceclaim she has to be part of the visual line.  
trainee life
The moment Maki arrived in Korea, she was immediately trained for her vocals. She was always waking up at an early time to practice singing while she's doing extracurricular activities. This is an attempt to help her sing better even when she's performing really difficult dance steps. Aside from developing Maki's stability, she was also trained in singing techniques. There she learned the basics of breathing, diction, and how to take advantage of the texture of her voice.
Another problem that the company addressed is her ability to speak in Korean. Amongst all the dance and vocal coaching, Maki was still studying how to properly speak in Korean. She spent most of her afternoons in language classes, and spent most of her waking time speaking korean. She'd forget about the many technicalities and regulations that are in the Korean language, even though she was studying them a while ago. It was hard for her, more than the vocal or the dance training. And even, with months of speaking, she still requires the words to be said slowly for her to understand.
previous experience
Magazine Photoshoots
  • Elle(January 2017)
  • Teen Vogue (October 2015)
  • Nylon (July 2017)
comments:So I don't know if I did it right but I hope you undestand what I wrote, this is like my first time doing this. That was certainly stressful. So as you can this character does not have a strong personality, i don't know if i did it properly. But i was going for someone who needs to develop a lot. I'd really like to her in this story... it would be very fun. Thank you
scene requests:  
  • I'd like her to be initially seen as an arrogant lady. But they'll soon discover that she's just shy
  • She gets taken advantage of
  • She is excluded because she gets shy when people talk to her
  • She was humiliated because of her shyness
  • Close relationship with another trainee
  • Pranks do not have an effect on her
  • When she starts becoming confident and helps other trainess by herself
  • Her resting face is a contrast to her charisma when she dances confidently
  • Her smile
password:  Maki will choose a place where she can see the performance clearly but will not be in the middle of the sitting crowd. Somewhere near the edge but still elevated enough(65-40)


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ioiryueen #1
GD ex? Kiko