Meeting Again

The Spider
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The next day was a whirlwind for Jisoo.

To start off the day, she was throbbing all over her body from the encounter with the men the previous night. She also missed her alarm for the first time in she wasn't sure how long, which caused her to run a little late for school- and it didn't help that everyone stared right at her when she rushed into class. Everyone included Jennie, who Jisoo noticed kept glancing at her every now and then. She couldn't really read the look in her eyes, but Jisoo chalked it up to her thinking she was a weirdo. Everyone else did.

And then lunch happened.

Jisoo was sitting alone at her usual table, nibbling on her food and waiting for Lisa to join her. She wasn't really paying much attention to the people around her, but she could hear faint whispering. She could see in her peripheral vision that lots of people were on the phones and pointing to them. But it wasn't anything out of the ordinary for a lunch period. Probably just random gossip that didn't matter.

Only it did matter. And it mattered enough for Jennie of all people to sit down across from her- something that never happened. Jisoo shot her eyes up in alarm, shock written on her face. Jennie smiled brightly at her, and Jisoo had to tighten her grip slightly on her plastic fork as to not send it flying across the room.

"Hey, Jisoo. What's up?" Jennie asked. Jisoo didn't detect any suspicion in her tone- she seemed genuinely interested, which threw Jisoo off for a moment. She gulped inaudibly and scratched the back of her neck, shrugging.

"Uh, nothing really." Jisoo replied awkwardly. Jennie just nodded, the girl's eyes flitting around for a moment to look around the cafeteria. Jisoo cleared and nibbled on a fry, her heart too busy running a marathon for her to properly think of something to ask or talk about. She was about to open to say something, when Jennie beat her to it.

"You were late this morning. Are you sure you're doing okay? You're never late." Jennie commented, her eyes returning to look at Jisoo quizzically. Jisoo stopped chewing on her fry, her eyes meeting Jennie's. She looked down at her tray, shoulders moving up and down again.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just- Slept through my alarm. I was up super late studying last night." Jisoo lied, her eyes flitting up nervously. Jennie still seemed suspicious, her eyes narrowed towards her. Finally, the girl seemed to give up as she nodded her head, her gummy smile returning.

"Makes sense. You're always studying even when you don't need to." Jennie said. A light giggle fell from her lips when Jisoo blushed in embarrassment. "Well, I just wanted to check on you, to see how you were. But I also had something to tell you. And show you."

Jisoo's mind raced with so many possibilities- she knew she liked her, she knew she was the Spider, she knew-

"Someone got a video of something super crazy last night." Jennie finally said, whipping her phone out and leaning across the table. Jisoo blinked and leaned forward slightly, her senses aware of how close she was to the girl. Jennie pulled up a video on her phone and pressed play. Jisoo's heart leapt into .

"Wait! Who are you?" An eager voice sounded from behind the phone, the man holding it up. Jisoo recognized that voice- she recognized the area, too. Because she was there last night.

"Just call me the Spider." Jisoo heard her own voice, but she was relieved to find that her mask muffled it just slightly, meaning that it was difficult to determine whose voice it really was. There was some silence afterwards, the clear image of herself shooting her webs out, in her full on costume, showing on the screen as she watched herself go off into the night.

The video ended there, and Jennie pulled her phone away. She turned to Jisoo with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Isn't that crazy? That has to be the girl that saved me that night, I'm sure of it. She had stuff coming from her wrists, too!" Jennie exclaimed. Jisoo nodded slowly, her mind racing. She wasn't sure how to process the fact that she was caught on video- in her costume, doing stunts. Jennie's voice broke through her thoughts once again. "But this time she has a costume and she calls herself the Spider. Now I need to meet her again."

Jisoo met Jennie's eyes, which were still twinkling with wonder and excitement. She wasn't scared of what she saw, she was amazed and intrigued. That thought calmed Jisoo's heart, a tiny smile making its way to her lips.

"I hope you meet her again." Jisoo replied. Jennie smiled wide at her words, the girl leaning back in her seat. She was about to speak again, when she was cut off by a loud voice.

"Guys, guys! You've seen the video right?!" Lisa shouted, her figure rushing up to the table and slamming her hands on the surface. Jisoo and Jennie jumped, before they both nodded at the girl. Lisa beamed, her body fidgeting in excitement. "Isn't it ing awesome? We're gonna have a ing superhero, man. The video is being shared like, everywhere. Even on the news!"

"You watch the news?" Jisoo asked in amazement, her heart lurching when Jennie giggled at her joke. Jisoo smiled slightly at Lisa's pout, the younger girl crossing her arms.

"Sometimes. But anyway- the video was shown on the news this morning. that most of us think its awesome, but apparently lots of people in the city are afraid of this girl, whoever she is." Lisa said, her words resonating within Jisoo. "They think she could become some dangerous vigilante, use her powers for evil or some . Even though there's literally a video showing she's a good person, but." Lisa said, shaking her head in disbelief.

Jisoo remained silent for a moment- some people were scared of her?

She heard Jennie sigh, the black haired girl shaking her head as well.

"I don't think she'd do that. I'm positive she's the one that helped me with those guys- she's a good person." Jennie said, and Lisa nodded in agreement. Relief washed over Jisoo- at least she had these two in her corner, even if they had no idea. And she was sure Chaeyoung, even though they barely spoke, was a supporter as well. If Lisa was, then Chaeyoung would be too.

"Well, I'll catch you guys later. It was nice speaking to you, Jisoo." Jennie said. She stood up from her seat, Jisoo watching her as she waved at left them both alone, her steps moving towards another table across the room. Lisa sat down where Jennie was moments ago, her hand reaching out to smack Jisoo's shoulder.

"I think she digs you." Lisa said. Jisoo looked at her and rolled her eyes when she saw Lisa's eyebrows wiggling. Jisoo sighed and looked down at her food.

"Probably not. Seems like she's kind of in love with this girl under the mask." Jisoo mumbled.

"We all are."

"Not helping."

Lisa laughed lightly, shoulder raising in a half shrug as she reached out to take one of Jisoo's fries.

"She doesn't love her. She's just curious, I think. Don't give up hope, pal." Lisa said, pointing her fry in her face before she shoved it into , munching on it. Jisoo sighed again, her eyes moving to settle on Jennie across the room. She was deep in a conversation with her friend, one Jisoo didn't have the name of. She looked beautiful, and Jisoo felt her insides turn upside down when her gummy smile was shown.

Jisoo laid her head down onto the table, a light groan escaping her lips.

What a day.


And it continued to be a pretty crazy day all the way to the end. There was a moment at the end of the day where Jisoo was reaching to the top part of her locker to grab a book she needed, and her shirt had ridden up without her knowing. She had heard a slight gasp next to her, and her cheeks had reddened considerably at the look on Jennie's face. Jisoo was sure the powers that be were against her that day seeing as Jennie just seemed to everywhere. 

"Working out, Jisoo?" Jennie asked, her eyes glued to her still exposed abs. Jisoo quickly pulled her shirt back down, cheeks glowing a deeper shade of red. She stuttered a little.

"U-Uh, yeah, kinda. It's good to keep fit, right?" Jisoo stammered. Jennie didn't really respond, the girl's eyes remaining on the same spot. But she did slightly nod, which indicated she heard what Jisoo had said to her. Jisoo cleared and closed her locker, her hands fidgeting with the book she had grabbed.

"Yeah, definitely good." Jennie murmured, her eyes raising to meet Jisoo. Jisoo gulped, nervous smile consuming her features as she slightly backed up. She couldn't read the look in Jennie's eyes, but she decided leaving was probably best.

"Right, um. I'll see you later! Have a good weekend." Jisoo said, the girl almost tripping over her own feet as she turned around and walked away, attempting to seem normal. 

Nothing insane happened after that. Her parents weren't home when she got there, which gave her time to slip her suit on. She hadn't been out and about in the daylight before, so why not give it a shot?

She spent the rest of the day swinging around- several people gasping and pointing at her, their eyes wide as they watched her flip around. She was both happy and nervous to be out like that, considering what she ha

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Jendukkie #1
Chapter 17: wheres the update authornim........
Chapter 17: wicked cliffhanger.
Chapter 15: lMAO the initials could have been "Y.G."
Chapter 14: but waiiiit...Chu was literally shot in the leg and now she's fine? (yes i know wrong center of focus but...
Chapter 5: " shooting out of her wrists" is a very lisa-like description..well done lmao
Chapter 1: lol the Blackpink spider should bite all four of them
asahiverse #7
Update summoning circle 🥲
Jisoo_blink4 #8
Chapter 17: Update!!!🥲🥲🥲
update :(
BPxxTwice #10
Chapter 17: Updateee