Love Triangle Ends.

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~~11~~ ”Put me down...let me go!” Taeyeon wiggled, trying to get free from the king's tight hold at all cost, but he didn't make an attempt to release her, instead his grip merely tightened, the king was livid, he was beyond angry at that point. He walked inside his chambers in a blind rage, ignoring her pleas till they were in his room, he dropped her on the floor and trapped her by the door, gripping her shoulders; he leaned in to kiss her, but she refused to let him. ”Kiss me, Taeyeon!” he held her firm in his grip as he tried to slam his lips forcefully down on hers, but damn the petite was too stubborn, he got angry and pulled her away from the door, he carried her as she struggled, to the bed, and threw her on it. ”What are you trying to do?” Taeyeon tried bolting away from the bed but that didn't work as he mute with his hand, he doesn't want to hear her say a word, he grabbed her clothes with his other free hand, and tore them into shreds. Taeyeon panicked. ”Please stop, I'm sorry for hurting you but please stop, don't do this.” She begged which fell to deaf ears as he continued what he intended, seeing he wasn't going to listen to her, Taeyeon gave up and sobbed as she clenched the bedsheets tight against her body. “What’s to stop me from simply taking what belongs to me?” He asked speculatively, his eyes raking dismissively over her thin, shivering, bedsheet clad body. “I don’t belong to you,” she said crossing her arms over her chest and hunched her shoulders defensively. ”Yes you do, you are mine, so you better stop resisting me, you know so well what the punishment is for defying the king, right? I want you to feel my touch, my kisses, I want you to feel me deep inside of you, I want to make you see the difference between a man's touch and that of a woman's sinful one, I want to make you normal.” She gazed up meeting his eyes, she knows what the king was up to as he gazed back down at her with hawk eyes. She wasn't that naive, therefore! she perfectly understood what he was trying to do, but she do not intend to give him her acceptance even if she's going to die here today. Wrong! Because he wasn't asking for her permission tonight, without warning, he lunged at her as he pulled the bedsheets away from her hands. And like a man possessed by the devil, Yuri clasped her by the wrist and drew her closer to him, he could not tell what this might do to her afterwards, but he cursed the fate which had assigned such feelings of love as he loves her to exist, he cursed especially that fate which forced a gallant king to meet so lowly a woman like Taeyeon and become uxorious for her. He already accepted that Taeyeon was the cross his ed mind had to bear, because! he's so deeply in her love that he intentionally chose to oversee what she had done to him, how much she has hurt him. ”Forcing your self on me this way won't make me love the queen any less, It won't make me any more normal than I am, it won't do the work you intended, I now know the peace of the thing called bliss and the joy of the thing called sin because this body prefers the sinfil touch of a woman than that of a man.'” Taeyeon spoke bravely, he felt a curious sensation of helplessness seize upon him when he met her steady gaze as he reluctantly sat back down by the side of the bed. ”Do you really love her?” he asked, his voice dropping to a mere whisper, he had his head down and his heart's in pain, the pain was so acute, that he felt he would die from it. ”Yes.” She answered truthfully and when he saw the knowing look in her eye. Yuri's stomach instantly clenched in a knot, but he told himself to not take anything to heart, that he could change her. Swallowing past the tears that clogged his throat, he asked, “Why didn't you tell me, from the very beginning? Why would you have me find out this way? Why did you let me fall so deeply in love with you?” he asked but the consort didn't answer, unsure of what to say, how was she suppose to tell him before hand that she was his wife's mistress instead and she loves her? ”You expect me to tell you that I was sleeping with your wife? that I was in love with her? When you decided to make me your consort? That would be ridiculous and unbelievable, not forgetting a daring risk to take.” ”But why did you led me on? Why did you trap me? You made a fool out of me and accepted to be my consort when you knew you had no feelings for me, foolishly, I had let myself believe that I could be something more to you, than just a king you serve in bed, i thought i could be that one love, your soulmate for the rest of our lives, clearly, I had been wrong.” He said sadly. ”Are you seriously trying to blame me now for being your consort? I never wanted to be, you forced me into becoming one, you pushed me into it, and I couldn't say no to you as the king and i couldn't say no to your kind and gentle ways. You trapped yourself. I never wanted any of this! I never wanted you and if I'd told you of my relationship with the queen, would you really set me free? Would you give us your blessing instead?” Taeyeon asked, her voice low. ”No I wouldn't," he quickly answered. "I'll fight for you and make sure I get you no matter what.” ”See, and the queen? what would be of her?” She asked and now it was his turn to run out o
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Fire_trek 350 streak #1
Chapter 29: This was a wild ride! Thank you author nim for this great piece of literature. I loved the ending and with some unexpected moments it all came together beautifully. Thank you again
Fire_trek 350 streak #2
Chapter 28: Wow Taeyeon was pregnant and she had two beautiful babies.. too bad the worst part happened. It makes me sad that this had to happen. They were so much in love and had so many plans to live out their lives together.. it’s heartbreaking
Fire_trek 350 streak #3
Chapter 27: Still I don’t hate Yuri, idk why.. but Sooyeon is smarter and stronger than him. This could only end up in a bad way for Yuri though. I’d move along if I were him.
Fire_trek 350 streak #4
Chapter 26: The love for Taeyeon will possibly be Sooyeon’s downfall. Will the king really call for an assassin? It’s true that they love each other(Taeyeon and Sooyeon) but could Yuri’s love be that strong that he would actually do in the Queen? Wow, this is tough because I don’t hate Yuri but I see the love between Taeyeon and Sooyeon…
Fire_trek 350 streak #5
Chapter 25: Haha today’s my birthday and what a great gift this was! The hysterics, the drama! I loved it all. I know for sure Sooyeon isn’t going to let the king take her to the cold palace. This is just the beginning of a bitter and heated rivalry
Fire_trek 350 streak #6
Chapter 24: Aw man, Sooyeon is too bold! If I were Taeyeon I would high tail it out of there!! The king not only isn’t upset but he’s smiling creepily? Nope, I’d rather die than to see what Yuri has in store.
Fire_trek 350 streak #7
Chapter 23: Nah, Sooyeon is going crazy, she threatens her own life because of Taeyeon and then proposes to run away together? Leaving everything behind? Love is one hell of a drug
Fire_trek 350 streak #8
Chapter 22: No, I’m not disappointed this is a damn good story! I can tell Yuri is in love and so is Sooyeon. They’d go to the ends of the earth to be together with Taeyeon at this point, I gather. Too bad I see this ending horribly for one of them :(
Fire_trek 350 streak #9
Chapter 21: Damn both Yuri and Sooyeon aren’t playing fair, poor Taeyeon. But what a way to go out if she has to lol
Fire_trek 350 streak #10
Chapter 20: This story is the bees knees! I love Sooyeon’s jealousy and Yuri’s determination to keep Taeyeon, however I feel like this is just the beginning. The Queen will not be able to stay away from her and neither will the king. So many possibilities..