

Dahyun and Tzuyu are best friends then Sana came along. 

A misunderstanding may turn into something beautiful.


"Wake up!" Tzuyu shouted but alas it was no use. Dahyun was still fast asleep.

Tzuyu thought of something, she grab a cup and filled it with water and poured it on to Dahyun's sleeping form. 

"AHHHH! Cold! Cold!" Dahyun screamed which made Tzuyu laughed out loud. Dahyun glared at the laughing.

" You wouldn't wake up so I had to do something, now get up, you only have 20 minutes to get ready or else I'm leaving you". Dahyun immediately run to the bathroom to get ready. Tzuyu laughed once again at her best frined's panic state.

"You should have come earlier so I had more time to prepare" Dahyun groaned as they were walking to school.

"I was trying to wake you up for thirty minutes before I came up with the idea of pouring water on you"

Dahyun sighed, "I was not able to eat my breakfast"

Dahyun continued to complain which made Tzuyu smile. It's weird but she was always happy when Dahyun complains to her about things because it's a rare occasion.  Dahyun is known to be always happy like she does not have a problem in the world but at times like this that Tzuyu realized that Dahyun is still a human being with problems. Besides she find it cute when Dahyun rambles on and on about her problems whether it is small or big.

"It's your fault for not waking up early" Tzuyu stuck her tongue out at Dahyun.

Dahyun smiled, "I know. Thank you for waking me up though" 

"What are best friends for" 

They talked and taked until they reach school. They have different classes so they had to part ways.

"Want me to walk you to your room?" Dahyun asked but Tzuyu declined. She knew Dahyun's room is a bit far from hers so she does not want Dahyun to get tired.

"I think I can handle my own mom" Dahyun rolled her eyes but smiled and waved good-bye.

The bell for lunch rang and so the students made their way to the cafeteria to eat lunch. Tzuyu made her way to Dahyun's room to fetch her.

"Mind if someone joins us for lunch?" Dahyun said when she waks out the door.

"Who?" A girl who is a bit taller than Dahyun, went out. 



"Wait, you two know each other?" Dahyun asked curiously while staring at both girls. 

"Um she's someone I used to know" Tzuyu said, not looking at the japanese girl.

"Really? Well then you have no problem if she joins us right?" 

Sana can see how uncomfortable Tzuyu is at the moment, "If you're uncomfortable, it's okay. I can find someone else to join with"

Dahyun grabbed Sana's arms which Tzuyu noticed instantly. "Nonsense, it's okay for you to join us, right Tzuyu?"

Tzuyu cleared , "yeah join us"

The three went to the cafeteria together, Dahyun holding both girls arms. Tzuyu offered to get their lunch for them and asked Sana what she wants. Tzuyu did not bother to ask the korean girl what she wants because she knows Dahyun was always fine wiht anything, she likes to be surprised..

"I'll come with you" Sana offered. 

"um s-sure" 

Dahyun find it weird how the two girls act when they left and promised herself to ask Tzuyu later while Sana and Tzuyu went in line to get food.

"Hey. I know it's late but I hope we can still be friends" Sana said, opening a conversation for them. 

Tzuyu was beyond uncomfortable but she knew this day would come, she knew they both need closure from what happened between them. 

"We can, I've already accepted it."

"I'm still so sorry for what I have done" Sana was guilty. She hated herself for hurting Tzuyu like that.

"Don't be silly. It's not your fault."

"It is" 

"It is not" 

"It is"

Tzuyu smiled, Sana has always been stubborn. "Let's just change the topic, how did you know Dahyun?"

"We are classmates in English, I know her for sometime now but I had been too shy to talk to her but a while ago I gained the courage to ask her if I could join her for lunch. I did not know you two were friends."

"You like her?" Tzuyu asked nervously and she felt her chest tightening when Sana nodded her head.

"Yeah, for a while now" 

Tzuyu was silent after that until they went back to their table. Dahyun noticed that Tzuyu was moe serious than ever so she asked her what's wrong.

Tzuyu gave her a small smile, "I'm fine. I just don't feel well." 

"Do you want to go to the infirmary?" 

"Don't worry Dahyun, I'm okay."

Dahyun did not believe her but she knew it is no use trying to force Tzuyu so she let her be but look at her every once in a while to see if she is still okay.

"Um Dahyun, are you going home alone later?" Sana asked shyly. Tzuyu was quiet but she was listening to them.

"I'm going home with Tzuyu like usual, why?"

"Ahh I was wondering if we could talk later. I need to tell you something." 

Tzuyu clenched her teeth, she knew she was feeling jealous. "Why do they have to do that in front of me?" she thought.

Dahyun does not know if she should say yes or no. She had to talk with Tzuyu about her relationship with Sana but she thought that it could wait. What Sana would tell her might be realy important. 

"Is it okay for you?" Dahyun asked Tzuyu. Tzuyu can't help but agree. She does not have the right to be selfish.

"What do you want to talk about?" Dahyun asked Sana after school, they are at the school's parking lot. Tzuyu went home a while ago.

Sana was nervous, her heart is beating fast. She knew she needed to tell Dahyun now or else she would lose al her courage. 

"I like you!" 

Dahyun's eyes widen, she was shock from Sana's revelation, "You like me?" 

"y-yes, actually it has been a while now. I was too shy to tell you so I kept it to myself but I need to tell you this now while I'm feeling brave or else I would never be able to tell you."

Dahyun was speechless, she did not know what to say or what to do. This is the first time someone actualy confessed their feelings to her. 

"I don't need you to say you like me too right now, of course I will court you first."

"Sorry, I'm just too shocked. I need to think about this."

Sana smiled, "Okay, no need to rush. I'll be waiting for you Dahyun"

Dahyun found herself going to Tzuyu's house after saying good bye to Sana. She knocked at the door and was greeted by the taiwanese girl in a t-shirt paired with gray sweats. 

"We need to talk" 

Tzuyu was not in the mood but Dahyun's seriousness alerted her so she let her in.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing but something happened." Dahyun paused, "Sana confessed to me"

Tzuyu knew this would happen when Sana asked Dahyun to talk to her, that is why she is in a really bad mood when she was on her way home. She did not want to leave the two, she wanted to know what would happen but she knew she would only get hurt if she stayed.

"Yeah, she told me she liked you when we were getting food at lunch"

"Really? So what should I do?"

Tzuyu did not know how to answer her best friend. She don't know if she should tell Dahyun how she really feels about this. how much it hurts her.

"Do you like her?" Tzuyu asked, she does not want to but she had to know.

Dahyun could not answer Tzuyu which made it obvious for Tzuyu that her best friend likes Sana.

"Date her"

Dahyun snapped out of her thoughts, "huh?"

"Date her if you like her" 

"You think I should date her?" 

"Date her or not I would support, I'll always support you no matter what" Tzuyu forced a smile, she was telling the truth. She would always support her best friend no matter how much this is hurting her. 

"Um I still do not feel well, let's talk about this tomorrow okay?"


After that day, Sana did court Dahyun everyday while Tzuyu would always avoid the two. It still hurts her whenever she saw them.

"What's wrong Dahyun?" Sana asked one day when they were having their lunch. Dahyun did not eat hers, she was just sitting there, staring at nowhere in particular.

"Today is Tzuyu and I's 5th anniversary." Dayun said sadly, Sana had never seen Dahyun so sad. 

"She still ignoring you?" Dahyun nodded.

"It might be my fault, for barging in like this and for courting you when it has been just a few months after I rejected Tzuyu"

"What do you mean, you rejected her?"

"She didn't tell you?" Dahyun shook her head no.

"Well a year ago, Tzuyu and I met at the cinema. We became friends then after a few months, she confessed to me but I did not like her like that so I poitely rejected her. We stopped being friends after that."

Dahyun suddenly remembered a time when Tzuyu was crying on her lap, Tzuyu told her about a girl rejecting her and Dahyun was so angry at that time at that person who hurt Tzuyu and now that person is courting her. Everything became clear to Dahyun.

"I have to go" Dahyun said. She needs to talk to Tzuyu as soon as possible and ask for her forgiveness.

"Before I go, I say this first" Dahyun sughed deeply before continuing, "Tzuyu told me about you but she never said who you were.I was so angry at you back then that if I knew who you were, I would have punched you in the face but I guess hearing it from you made me understand you a little bit but that does not change the fact that you hurt Tzuyu and now by being close to you, I'm hurting her too. I'm sorry, I can't hurt my best friend. I hope you understand and thank you for liking me. It was an honor." Dahyun left, leaving a broken-hearted Sana.

Dahyun tried calling Tzuyu but the girl was not answering, she tried to look for her in the cafeteria but the taiwanese girl is not there. "Where could she be?" Dahyun thought.

School ended but still no Tzuyu, so Dahyun went to Tzuyu's house.

"Tzuyu please talk to me!" Dahyun shouted while knocking the door. Minutes passed before someone opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Tzuyu please talk to me. I'm sorry."

Tzuyu did not expect to hear an apology from her, "Why?"

"I hurt you, I did not know that Sana was that girl who rejected you. You probably hate me for being close to her."

Tzuyu was confused as to what her best friend is saying but she let Dahyun continue to talk.

"You still have feelings for her don't you?"

That caught Tzuyu off guard, "What?"

"Well you started ignoring me since Sana and I became close. Look you don't have to be jealous of Sana and I." 

"You still don't get it, do you?" Tzuyu said seriously.

"I do, I know I hurt you so I rejected Sana"

Tzuyu's eyes widen with shock, parted. "You rejected her?"

Dahyun smiled sadly, "Of course, I'd never hurt you intentionally"

"But you like her" 

"No, you like her. I only see her as friends." Dahyun said sincerely.

"You do?"

"I do and if you like her, I would totally support you"

Tzuyu laughed, she felt her happiness going back to her. This time, Dahyun was confused.

"You really are oblivious. I don't like her anymore, that was a long time ago"

"Then why did yo avoid me? why were you mad at me?"

"I was not mad at you, I was hurt."

"Why?" Dahyun asked, she was really confused.

"I thought you like her, It hurts seeing you like someone else" Tzuyu said looking down, she was embarassed. She did not expect to confess her feelings any time soon while Dahyun remained quiet. She was speechless.

"Y-you like me?" Dahyun asked, still unable to believe what she just heard.

"I love you for a while now, I was scared to tell you because I know you do not like me and it might ruin our friendship. Also I did not plan on confessing but you did not understand why I was so hurt so I had to tell you."

"y-you love me?"

Tzuyu smiled sadly, "let me down softly okay? this will be my second time to get rejected."

"why do you assume, I would reject you?" Dahyun said when she regained composure.

"You won't?"

"Why would I when I love you too" Dahyun blushed. 

It was Tzuyu's turn to be speechless.

"Really? You're not joking? Cause if so, I would never talk to you again Kim Dahyun"

Dahyun chuckled, "I love you Chou Tzuyu"

Tzuyu smiled from ear to ear, "I love you too Kim Dahyun"

After hiding their feelings for too long, they finaly admitted to each other there hidden feelings and sealed it with a kiss. This is such an interesting turn of events.


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17 streak #1
Love it
hazelhaze02 #2
This is good authornim!!! Please make more datzu fanfics!!!!