Day Thirteen

30 Day Challenge

What are you excited about?

There are TWO things I'm excited about. 


Next month in JULY I'll be going to my very first KPOP CONCERT!! LIKE LITERALLY!! I live in a small unknown city but its sort of known. Anyways, its my first concert and I can't wait to go!! I bought my ticket, one for my mom bc I know she wouldn't let go alone plus she does like some kpop stuff and she is currerntly watching a kdrama. Hahaha I got her into them! My friend is also going too! I have my LIGHTSTICK ready and I just need my shirt! I'm all set to go! So I'm exccited!! I don't know all of their songs though, but I know like 13 of them so I hope I can still enjoy the concert to the songs I do know. LOL!! 

  • STORIES!!!! 

I recently finished a story that I was struggling with. It was about a witch and werewolf and a stone. Anyways, I started that story like last summer and I stopped working on it since I really got into my Bobby and Jeongyeon stories. So it was basically a whole year away from it. But I managed to finish it and now I can just go back and edit. Now that that is over! I can really start working on OTHER STORIES that have been in my head and I have posters for. I'm excited because one is a continued series of Junhoe (iKON) & Myungeun/JIN (Lovelyz) its gonna be Part Two and Three will be later ^^. Another story is gonna be a short story of Bobby and Jeongyeon. I have the notes for them and the poster is amazing!! I love it! Another is of Donghae I haven't done one with him before so it will be interesting how it will come out ^^ And when July comes around.. I just want to focus on ONE story about a werewolf and a fairy. Its kinda like a spin-off from them werewolf and witch I just finished up. 


A/N: Day 13! It's short but those are the only things I'm really looking forward too right now! 

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Chapter 15: Thanks for giving us(your readers)a closer look at who you are.
You are a very interesting young person with so much ahead of you. Stay humble and enjoy life to the fullest.
Your stories with Bobby and Jeongyeon are of course my favourite....looking forward to Junhoe and Myungeun.
Lucky you! I was planning to go to the Monsta X concert up there near Chicago but others things got in the way and I had to cancel. I had my money saved and ready to see one of K pops most under rated group.
I guess I have to see Hyungwon, Shownu, Kihyun and Jooheon another time....T.T

I loved that you said Jinho is small and cute....I agree. I notice him when he was with SM company. He was going to be a part of EXO but SM had other things in mind for him. Well as you can see SM let him go and he went to Cube. I have a personnel group of guys that are small and I call them my tea cup boys. They are Jinho(Pentagon), Kihyun(MonstaX), Jinhwan(Ikon) and Jinwoo(Winner). They are the smallest of their group and they are so cute.
Keep your head up, be true to yourself, never give up and stay sweet and friendly. Everyone is here on earth for a reason and let's make the most of it.
C-ya later friend.