Hamburger & Ketsup


This story is a work of fan-fiction. All names, characters, businesses, locations or places, and incidents are products of the non-writer’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales or events is purely coincidental.


Just a random boring thoughts that lead me to writing. My muse is obviously the YulSic couple and I don't mean to offend anyone with this story. I am just a fan of their chemistry but I believed more on their great friendship. My apologies for the crooked English and grammatical error you will find in this story as this is my first writing. English is not my first language and I will gladly accept any form of criticism. Thank you and good luck. Enjoy reading.


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Chapter 1: How I wish it was long haha
Chapter 1: How I wish it was long haha
Chapter 1: Dioos
Chapter 1: So sweet!! I love it! Can you please write more!!
Chapter 1: Nice story