My Boy - Friend


Listen Carefully Bernardino is the type of girl who loves to eat so much, she is the total opposite of her name. She doesn't want listening to other people's rants. 

Kentos Francis Co, the only person who's close to Listen. He is the not the man that everyone's dream but Listen's favorite dream. He like pampering about what he saw.

Will their friendship turns to romantic relationship or will their friendship stays as friendship.


Every girls dream is to have a perfect boyfriend, but in this story, it revolves in friendships. 

Having a best friend is better than having a boyfriend but it is more hurtful to fall in love with your best friend than breaking up with your boyfriend. 


Hello. This is my first time writing a story here in Webnovel so please bare with my writings. Typo and wrong grammars can be seen here so tell me if you want. Thank you.


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