School Royalty


Puleun Saeg-ui Academy. A prestigious school known for ranking its students based on their wealth, intelligence, charisma, and popularity. The top 10 students within this ranking are deemed as the "Royalty" of the school. This is all unknown to the new girl who is transferring to the said school, will she survive?


This is my submission for Week 2 of heclehog's Open Writing Club.


The Top 10 students a.k.a Royalty

Top 1: Yook Sungjae

Top 2: Jennie Kim

Top 3: Jeon Wonwoo

Top 4: Bae Joohyun(Irene)

Top 5: Kim Taehyung(V)

Top 6: Jessica Jung

Top 7: Kim Jisoo

Top 8: Han-sol Choi Vernon

Top 9: Lee Hyunwoo

Top 10: Chrystal Soo Jung

The New Girl: Park Sooyoung(Joy)

New Girl's Friend: Kang Seulgi

Eyyy its ya boii with longer chapters hahahhaa! I hope I did this right!


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Chapter 1: I liked the concept and it seemed like a fun story to read, but to be honest I lost interest half way though. I tried to finish reading it by skimming though it, but honestly I couldn't read it all. I'm sorry. I wanted to read it since it seemed interesting, but I lost interest... I tried to read it a few times since the day it was posted, but I ended up leaving and coming back to it several times before deciding to skim over it. It might have more to do with my age since I'm 24 and clearly out of high school... but that hasn't stopped me from reading high school romance before... hmm...

Anyways, one thing I noticed off the bat (which may have contributed to me deciding to skim over it) is the lack of details. There is a lot of dialogue and very little details. You have some details attached to the quotes, but overall your story is dialogue heavy. Dialogue heavy is okay for films or plays, but in novels it takes away from the story. You wrote their actions, which is great, but I'd like more details. Maybe more insight into why they do certain actions. For example: Instead of "*A few days later" Maybe "A few days later they decided to go into the special room..." or what ever was written.... Sorry, I obviously haven't read enough. Also I'm sorry I can't explain it well.

Another thing, (which was an even bigger contribution) was that the first few sections of the story is all background information. I can see that your trying to set up the story and giving us an explanation to the school's ranking system and the characters, BUT there is too much characters to introduce and set up. It felt way too long. I felt all of that backstory could all be explained in a paragraph or two, so that we can start getting to the good part of the story. I read the backstory and gave up reading before getting to the juicy part of the story. Have you seen/watched Mean Girls? You know the one with Lindsey Lohan... The whole backstory could be explained in a similar fashion to the cafeteria scene where she introduces us to entire school like it's a jungle. It would save your audience from getting bored and dropping the fic, like I did. (Sorry.)

Also your entire story looks like one big block of text. I'm reading on a computer and I don't see any spaces between the paragraphs. It kind of hurts my eyes. Maybe double spacing between paragraphs would be nice instead of just one.

Lastly, spelling and grammar. There were a few run-on sentences. I also noticed Taehyun was spelled Taehyung at least once. Be careful. ^^

Anyways, I'm sorry I couldn't finish reading your story in it's entirety. I seems like a fun story, but I really can't read it for some reason.
Chapter 1: I really loved the concept! I also liked how you didn't restrain yourself to like a kingdom royalty au! It was really creative on your part. I read the comments before so that I wouldn't give the same advice twice, but I do agree with what Duchezz said. It would be much more interested to read words other than said :) Also, one thing I couldn't help but notice are some of your sentences are a little long.

Ex: "She didn't really want to go to this school since the tuition fee was really expensive and her family was in the lower middle class but her parents wanted her to come from a well-known school because they wanted her to have a bright future."

This sentence can be broken down, which would make it much easier to read. It could be something like: "She didn't really want to go to the school because of the insane price tag. It wasn't like her family were dirt poor, but they weren't filthy rich either. Her parents just wanted to give her the absolute best and well this school was exactly that."

Still, that's at your discretion! :)

Overall, the concept is great! I really liked it and I totally think you could continue this out into a full fledged story!

P.S: The concept reminded me of an anime I watched a long while ago. It's called Special A! I don't remember if it was any good though lol.
Chapter 1: I love your idea of this different ranking system. It's really unique and made the story interesting to read!!! I also loved how kind Sooyoung is (⌒ヮ⌒)b
Chapter 1: hmmm good read! :D
Chapter 1: Okay, I thought this way of ranking students was a very interesting idea. The number one thing I respect most about writers is their ability to finish their book/story/one-shot/whatever. Not only did you finish off well, it was lengthy and although everything was fast paced, it was perfectly paced. The story had a certain speed to it, you didn’t rush through everything but you didn’t dwell on extra details either. It was simple and sweet.

You’ve got a knack for dialogue. When a story has too much details and not enough dialogue, it’s harder to grasp what a character is like verbally. When the story has too much dialogue and not enough details, it’s just bad writing and lack of literary devices. I, personally, love a lot of dialogue. Here, I thought you did have a lot of dialogue but it felt balanced to how much other detail you had.

The biggest advice is that I would want you to recognize your writing style/structure. How dialogue starts off is literally just dialogue. That doesn’t make a lot of sense so...

““Yes group 4 your answer please.” The announcer asked.”
““47 feet.” Taehyun spoke.”
““Yeah we won!” Sooyoung said as they all raised the trophy.”
““Come on group picture!” the teacher said...”

See? Everything here starts off with what the characters are saying first. Of course it’s fine if this happens but better writing would have a variety. Don’t get me wrong. Writing in that sense always makes me uncomfortable reading but I think you really pulled it off quite well. When people write in that sense, it’s a majority of the time just stuff like “She said.” and “He said.” and on and on. It gets repetitive. What I am saying is (examples given)...

“Give me back my pen.” She said.
“No.” He said.
“I want my pen back.” She said.
“Why?” He asked.
“Because it’s mine.” She said.

Okay, maybe that was stretching it but you get the point.

By more variety, I mean as for some dialogue, it’ll be better for a character’s actions to come before what they’re saying. For example, instead of having a character say something right away and then telling what they are doing, maybe say what they planned on doing or are doing and then have them say it. That way, it gives your writing variety and makes it more serious writing.

Just some random tips now, when you are writing an academic essay or story, you don’t want to use actual numerical numbers! Always write out the word (but just use the numerical version if the number is really long or if it’s part of a person or place, I hope you can understand what I mean. Haha...ha. Regardless,) instead of saying “47 feet”, a better version would be “Fourty seven feet”.

I also noticed that you had some uncapitalized letters when they should be capitalized. Yes, this is AFF but just always proofread your writing for any little last mistakes. Also, you tend to have a lack of comma usage where they should be. (But honestly, I’m doing this in a sort of rush so maybe I should shut up about proofreading haha. I also have been told I used to love using commas but I’ve always been a pretty good grammar checker for my classmates so that should be fine.)

Finally, I loved this story! The system of how everyone is ranked snagged my attention so quickly I couldn’t even process myself. I look forward for more from you and I will definitely be checking out your other work!
11 streak #6
Chapter 1: Interesting story... Will they be chapter 2??
Chapter 1: Long but you did it right. Love the flow and last italicized words hit right in the feels. Nice update.