Substitute Personality


Jiwoo discovers an all new side to her personality as soon as a new student arrives in class.



This is my submission for Week 1 of heclehog's Open Writing Club.
Pairing: Kim Jiwoo/Chuu from Loona and Kim Donghan from JBJ 

This is unnecessarily long by the way!


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Yoshinon #1
Chapter 1: I like the part where they were measuring heartbeats to confirm that Jiwoo had a crush on Donghan. Physical description of the characters would have been a nice addition to the writing. Overall you did a good job!
Chapter 1: There were a lot of cute and sweet details to this story like the watch and glasses that made it an overall adorable read. Yves was kind of my favorite part, and you wrote her in a really funny and compelling way. I do not know JBJ so I had no idea who Donghan or Kenta were throughout the story. More robust descriptions would have made the story easier to follow and ultimately more satisfying for the two leads to end up together. I enjoy when sentences are simple and concise but some of yours came across as empty action descriptors when I felt like more emotion could have been conveyed. The pacing was fine but the scenes did feel a little choppy, as if something was missing. It would have been nice to have seen what their study date looked like so we could see Donghan fall for her as well. It didn't feel enough to just have the park scene and then the finale with missing moments in between. I also feel like I could have known more about Donghan that made Jiwoo fall for him. Yves' character was more developed than his. Overall the story was really cute and you did a good job expressing a pure first love, especially when writing in such a short time!!
Chapter 1: I like how you wrote the story in a progressive manner. Most one-shot would've started off with the characters already liking each other, but yours started off with them not knowing one another. So, kudos!
I can't help but to squeal at the idea of a Pomeranian aww (qwq) I just love small fluffy puppies so much!

There are, of course, a few problems here and there with your grammar and a bit of your spelling, but I understood what you're writing so it's okay. Also, your sentences are kinda bland, they don't carry enough emotion in my opinion. I suggest adding a bit more reaction to your characters, like what they are thinking and such, it would add more life to the story.

I hope that you find this comment helpful! And I'm sorry if I sounded mean in any way, I really didn't mean to if I did. (>.<) It was a nice fanfiction though, me likey! <3

P/S: Rome is the capital of Italy, so Rome is actually in Italy...
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha I love the flow of this one, and Yves was like a proud mom defending Jiwoo against those other girls in the end! Nice?
11 streak #5
Chapter 1: Its not that long... Coz its so interesting. And a little funny, Yves is cute too. Like the story.
Chapter 1: This was really cute! I loved how Jiwoo checked if she had a crush using the watch (⌒ヮ⌒)b And When Donghan put her glasses back on her! The scene in the park with the dog was also sweet! I didn't know either of the idols you used before reading this but you made me like them. Good job!

The only thing I would suggest for your future stories is having the two main characters interact more, especially if they are supposed to be falling for each other. Readers want to see it. They will fall in love with the characters and get more invested in your story by watching them interact with each other. (^ヮ^)b
Chapter 1: (Pardon the lengthy comment >< I hope you find it helpful though.)

I like the effort in creating events that ultimately lead to the confession but I think the line-up of events could still be improved. Honestly, I can't speak from personal experience when it comes to romantic stuff lol but if I were to express my expectations I think it would've made your story a bit more realistic and engaging if you let us know more of how the two developed an attraction towards each other, enough for Donghan to ask Jiwoo to be his date/valentine. Like, maybe you could include a narration of the scene where they bonded over studying to show their chemistry and how they feel being with each other or something of that sort.

As for characterization, I honestly am not familiar with the groups they belong to so I have no idea if you based off their characterization on their idol images. Nonetheless, I crave to know more about Jiwoo's and Donghan's uniqueness. You know, besides being smart, kind and cute, I would have wanted to know if she has random quirks like liking the scent of mosquito sprays or something. Lol excuse that example

I wasn't that attentive to the writing technicalitites when I read your story but I did notice one spelling mistake. I think "faun" should be "fawn" instead?

On the other hand, kudos to you for being able to submit this week and early :)

I have to say the scene with the watch was so like a k-drama moment. It was cute hehe. And when Donghan told Jiwoo that watching her was pretty funny, it made me smile :)
27 streak #8
Chapter 1: Oh, No, its not long, I think it’s just perfect! This is cute. Great job!