We're Just Living Life


Where Wendy finds a reason to leave the warmth and safety of her bedsheets and Seulgi would rather be broke than bored on Tuesdays.


Each chapter will be tidbits of each girl's POV. I would also like to throw a mad shout out to FadedMomo for not only editing this, but coming up with the title and description for it too! 


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Chapter 1: This is so fluffy ^^
cjmoo_ #2
Chapter 1: I enjoyed reading this! Your description really makes me feel like I'm experiencing the cold weather. I can clearly visualise the setting and atmosphere from the way you wrote this.
Chapter 1: Aww, I like it (I do not care if I'm not important enough to take it into account). I think the writing and the details of the description are good; I hope to discover the plot soon. :^)