MY GHOST... JIMIN [Kookmin] 👻 👻 👻

School soon starts,the two roommates got to know more about each other alot. But having a roommate, Jungkook was so cautious every time he talks to Jimin, he can't let Hobi hyung found out about his ability especially when he found out how a scardy cat he is.He was literally scared of every little things & Jimin likes to mess up with him a lot.The ghost was having so much fun scaring him a little.

"Jiminie,let him live for once!"Jungkook was secretly having fun with Jimin's antics but he also felt so bad for the other who always freak out & his screaming were just so loud.

The ghost was laughing so hard & feels like 'dying' rolling on the floor clutching his stomach.

The two was preparing to leave for school that early morning,what Jimin did was to make an unused pan fell on the floor, scaring the hell out of Hoseok who was busy preparing for their food.Jungkook was at the shower at that time.

It takes quite a while to convinced his hyung it was nothing & keep scolding eyes to the playful ghost who gives a peace sign.

"I'm going to buy some supplies after school,would you like to go with me?" Asked Hoseok once they are ready to leave.

"Jungkook,I wanna go too!!" said the excited ghost who never gets to tour their new place.

"Of course Hobi hyung."

"Kookie,I wanna go too..." Jimin followed them until the door with pleading eyes & how could he say no to that.


"I'll look at the map you got & be there." Jimin assured happily.

"Jungkook, let's go."

Jimin waved goodbye, "Take care."

A Black sports car w two students as passengers was making its way to university.Both at senior year surprisingly.

"Park, I heard the south was throwing a big welcome party, first party of our last school year, we shouldn't miss it."

The one who's got called were busy eyeing outside the window,not really paying attention to the other.Its only the start of the school year & he already feel bored.

"Yeah,ur not listening,are you!" Said the whining guy that successfully get his attention now because of his loudness.

The guy eyed him. "What?"

"Ur not really listening!!I've been talking for 5 mins."

The guy just shrugged, "What are you talking about, Kim." he asked w no interest at all.

"So mean,you already this bored & school year's not starting yet."

"You said something about the south,what about it?"

"Now you asked,well, as I say they have a welcoming party, they have a new head you know, someone w the name Mark or something."

He can't help but smirk, "What would it change anyway,they will still be a loser."

"You can say that,so that's why I'm telling you,why not welcome him as well since you are so bored anyway, it could be fun."

The guy finally smiled,its one of the few reasons why he keep this guy as a right hand, he was useful in some ways, now, he provides him some entertainment.

"Welcome him indeed."

PHANTOM, a gang formed in the east & currently the most feared one,there are mainly 4 gangs consisting of high profile young people of universities.They have territories & once dare to cross it expect the worst. Its not always about the gang fights but it occurs frequently.Once there is someone above the others,people tend to get jealous & wanting to get rid of them & currently the east gang were reigning. Think twice before messing up with them for they never showed mercy but thankfully letting you lived.

PHANTOM was led by a very scary leader, he has no interest w the weakling & don't even bother with them, he was more interested w those who are brave enough to challenge him & as of now no one wins against him.

As the car arrived at the school's parking lot, alot of students were anticipating to see again the most feared duo of the school, the LEADER & his BEST MAN.

Although they have bad reputation,the school can't do anything but to let them cause they have connections w powerful people who can even shuts down even a very well known & prestigious university in an instant without even giving a reason.

The PHANTOM leader goes w the name Park Jimin & his right hand is Kim Taehyung.

As the two gets out of the car,girls were screaming as if they saw some celebrities. The two walks without giving them any attention, no one was blocking their way, no one would even dare anyway.

Hoseok & Jungkook were walking to university which is 10 mins away from the dorm, they reached the entrance & saw students were flocking at the parking lot, it must be because of that beautiful black sports car that just passed them awhile ago.

"Kookie,do we have like celebrities here in our school?"

"Well, we do but I don't think they were the ones that students were looking forward to see,have you heard of the PHANTOM, hyung?"

"No,what's that?"

"It's a gang."

"What? They allowing gangs here!"

"Not really allowing, but the school can't do anything about it because they know influencial people, so it must be the LEADER & BEST MAN those students were waiting."

"How can they allow such dangerous people in school,we must stay away from them, don't ever come near them,got it?"

"Don't worry hyung, they don't pay attention to the likes of us,they don't bully, & I've been here since freshman & never got to see them, I don't even know their real names."

"You don't have to bother to know their names., they were dangerous people."

As the two were looking at the crowd they only saw a glimpse of the back of the two people walking away, one a little tall w blonde hair while other w a dirty blonde one.Even just the back they can sense the dangerous aura the two were emitting hence why no one dared to block their way.

The start of the day was expectedly slow, more on introduction & lesson points, Jungkook got almost the same classes & schedules,but he was looking forward to his photography class most of the time,he loves taking pictures & planning to pursue a career with it.

'Too bad ghost can't appear in photos.'He was cleaning his camera before the class starts, it was the last class of the day for him.

He tried it once, to capture Jimin in his photos but its useless,if there is one thing he likes the most it would be to capture the ghost for once, to have an evidence that he truly 'exists'.

But that is impossible so as an alternative he started drawing,he was still a beginner but he was starting to like it aswell..., he never let the ghost saw his sketches which most likely all about him,but he showed at least one & the not so convinced ghost didn't believes him.

"You sure that's how I look?You must be making fun of me,it must be one of ur anime characters..."

That's what he gets after showing him one of his sketch,Jimin has no clue how he looks like, the sketch was so him, that's how he truly looks in Jungkook's eyes.

Jimin has black hair that looks so soft, he have the most captivating eyes he ever saw that smiles as well, it makes the ghost look so innocent & pure, so surreal & beautiful. Undoubtedly, Jimin was a very beautiful ghost that he wanted to captured it in a film.

Jimin spend his time studying the map of the whole city, he familiarize himself w the names of each & every stablishment & the whole school grounds.

In about an hour,the two humans will go to the supermarket so Jimin decided to go out already,its been awhile since he roam around,clearly this whole new place were full of people, the city looks so lovely so he was taking his time looking at the scenery.

He came across a pretty big accident,people were snooping around a collision of a few cars that looks so terrible.
People were assuming the drivers were dead already.He looks closely & saw that there really is no survivor.He decided to leave when a very familiar face catch his attention, he can't be wrong.

'That's him!' He waste no time & go to where he was.

"Yoongi hyung!"

No response from the silver hair whose busy assisting the souls.

Jimin went beside him, "You are the KEEPER right?"

Finally,Yoongi sense his presence, "And u are?"

"I'm Jimin, Park Jimin!"

The Keeper thinks for awhile & finally remembered, "You are that Park Jimin,its almost a century ago, didn't expect to still see you here now."

"Well, you are not very specific when will I be able to find my special human!, it takes me this long to find him."

"Ohh,well my bad." Yoongi was done with the other ghost & now fully paying attention to this so 'old' ghost.

"You said that I need to find my human right, I found him already, see..." Jimin showed the necklace that now shines bright red, "but I'm still here, why is that?"

Yoongi thinks for awhile, "True, u should have ascend now because you finally found him, why indeed."

"So you don't know as well?" He helplessly asked.

"Given that ur unfinished business is you being a ghost, it must have something to do with that, I guess ur case is more complicated."

"What do you mean?"

"Park Jimin,you need to make your human fall for you,a one true love."

"What!?How is that even possible,I'm already dead." It sounds so ridiculous to him.

"Don't you believe me?You already found ur special human, most likely ur reincarnation is also in this time period, means you just got to search you on this time & meet ur human & make them fall in love."

After some time Jimin finally understand but still confused at some things.

"Am I like that cupid thing now?the one angel that make humans fall in love?"

"No,there's no such thing."

"So I need to find another human again, this time my own reincarnation but how am I to know it was the human me?"

"You will know when you saw it."

Soon,they part ways.Yoongi silently watch over the ghost drifting away.

"You sure your a KEEPER?You sure know how to lie u must not be an angel."

A familiar guy stand behind him, "GUARDIAN, what are you doing here?"

"The usual watching over my humans."

"The beautiful angel is right, did you just lie to that poor soul?" another one appeared that's not the likes of them, he was in between, the MESSENGER.

"Both of you has nothing to do with him so why are you even here?" His irritated with the sudden appearance of the two.

"Well, in my case I'm just intrigued with their story." The Guardian said.

"Seokjin hyung must be worried about them,aren't you?You are usually soft hearted to poor soul w tragic history." The Messenger mused.

The Guardian was a little off guard, it was somehow true.

"Namjoon, stop saying unnecessary things."

"Alright,but for me,I'm just waiting for the right time,they are most likely to commit sins & it has great consequences."

"Namjoon,you better not influenced them, let them do what they want." Warn Yoongi.

"Aww,its not every time I saw Keeper show concern, you must be worried aswell is that why you said that." Seokjin jokes.

"Shut up!"He just can't stand dealing with these two.

"You must not communicate with the human." Those where the last words that Yoongi said to Jimin.

No matter how much he thinks he can't understand why he has to say those.

"It's not like I tried to, to those who can't see me." he said to himself.

'Oh my God! was it because I'm making fun of the other human!'

He remembered his antics about Hoseok, was it considered communicating?

As promised, Jungkook was waiting for Hobi hyung in front of the supermarket, he just got a text that he was near.

"Where is that ghost anyway?"He asked to himself still not seeing Jimin around.

"He was so excited this morning."

"Who?" He was startled seeing Hobi hyung next to him.

"Ahh, no one."

"Okay,let's go."

He glance around one more time to see if Jimin was around but his not.

'Where is he?'

He waa feeling anxious for some reason.

The night was young,people were crowding the club,it was holding a private party for the welcoming of the new head of the south gang, ROOK.

Uninvited, but Jimin & Taehyung easily passed the guards.Upon seeing them, the crowds get a little weary.

Most of them were members of ROOK but they can't help but admire the duo of PHANTOM especially the girls.

"Dont worry about us,we had a pretty good relationship, aren't we,you won't mind us celebrating with you right?" Said the BEST MAN.He was known to have a killer visuals, one that resemble to a Greek God but he cant be taken lightly,he sure knows how to fight like a wolf.

" Mark right?The new head of ROOK,it's a pleasure to meet you,I'm Jimin of the PHANTOM. "

THE LEADER,the head of east gang, many was deceived by his appearance.Who would have thought that someone with a face resembles an angel could be a devil.He looks so timid,so fragile like a crystal ball that should be taken care of.Many rumors have spread how he doesn't need to used force to make his enemies withdraw, just one look & you will be done for.

"You guys were welcome of course." the head of the south stated.

"Do you like to race? the former leader, JB & I used to race a lot, it will stronger our bond."

"I'm down with that, so how much?"

"50 bucks, you okay with that?"


Many spectators went to the racing area,a highway road that might be full of motorists.There's nothing more fun than to do an illegal race.

Taehyung watches As Jimin put his hand gloves, "No scratch not even a tiny one on my new baby, understand?" he was talking about his car, he knows his friend was a reckless driver.

"I'll return ur baby just the same."

"I'm more worried when u say that, the last time you do,you got my bike a big hump on the rare."

"I did pay for its maintenance, Tae."

Jimin was all set, when the signal is given both drivers steps on their gas, both wanting to have a head start, this road was often used for illegal racing because of its curves & narrowing roads,its also have a uturn area that leads you back to the entrance of the way, who ever gets back first wins.

"His not bad." Jimin admits, he was leading but the other one is catching up, never lets him get away, he likes it when his opponent is willful, the more he wants to crush them.

The adrenaline rush his having when driving recklessly is what Jimin was looking for,that at any moment an unexpected thing might happened risking ur life.

The south leader finds an opportunity to push behinds Jimin's car,Jimin speeds up more,he promised to return the car unscratch anyway.

Mark manage to tie w him once they were nearing the narrow roads, he smirk & purposely hit the other car.

Jimin concentrated & calculated his moves,he waits for the right timing & when he finally have the opportunity he push his car to the other causing it to lose balance & crash at the pavement.

Jimin easily wins,the other guy bruised on his arms & face.

"That was a nice race." Jimin praised.

The crowds cheer.

He let's Taehyung deals with the rest and just wait in the car.

"You got some guts to pull that stunts huh." Taehyung from being witty turns frightening, no smiles & eyes that stares down to ur soul.He gets the money & walk closely to the south leader who somehow felt so threatened & steps back a little.

"Do that again & u won't get off easily." Tae whispered right across the other's ear dripping with venom at every words but his face shows otherwise & keeps smiling.

He was all smiley as if not threatening the other.

"Tae, hurry up!" Jimin shouts,impatient.

"Yes!,remember what I said." He leaves the frightened leader & went inside the driver's seat.

"What takes you so long." Jimin ask so irritated.

"Just things, I got ur prize but I guess u won't be having them cause my baby got some pretty marks on her now." He starts the engine & drives away.

"Yeah,take it." Jimin brushed his hair & leaned at the backrest while closing his eyes.

Tae silently watch him,at times like this he knows better than to be quite.

JIMIN got so engrossed with the new informations he got.

'Oh ! I forgot!' Once he realized his been out for a while he takes a look around him trying to figure out where he is.

"Jungkook must be worried." There's a lot of people around,its a busy street.

His not aware he was in the middle of the streets,he was blinded by a bright light coming from a speeding car,he was not supposed to be alarmed,his already a ghost & it would just passed him by.But he soon realized that the car was honking continuously as if alarming him,he covered his face when the lights gets so blinding & the car was about to hit him.At the very last minute,the car changed direction as if avoiding him.

He was a little taken a back for while as he saw the car hit the gutter surprising the people around.

'What did just happened!?' He wanna check out the passenger of the car,he quickly touches the tainted mirror but as he does he felt a strong force,something like hitting him directly,causes him to be disoriented & fainted.


JUNGKOOK was feeling so restless he can't explain why,its as if he can tell that something was wrong,he was so bothered especially when there's no Jimin showing up until now.Its been quite awhile when they started getting supplies.

"Jungkook,what's wrong?You seemed preoccupied." Hoseok asked concerned w the quite younger.

He just shake his head, "Nothing hyung."

"Jungkook..." He felt a shiver down his spine,he looks around,he was sure he heard Jimin.

"Hyung,can I go first,I'm not feeling well." He wanted to go home,he wanted to know why Jimin didn't show up.

The other was already concerned, "We can go now if you wanted?"

"No hyung,just continue w groceries,I just need to lay down,I guessed."

"Oh okay,I'll be quick,I will get you medicines on my way."

"Thanks hyung,bye." Jungkook immediately dash out.All he wanted was to get home & get rid of the bothersome feeling he got.

"Jimin!" He was panting when he opened the door of their room only to be greeted by darkness & silence.

"Jimin,where are you!?"He was struck with sudden fear,he could tell the ghost was not there.

'Where is he!?Where did he go?' Before he knew it he was getting out of the dorm again looking everywhere.

'He must be lost somewhere,he was not out for so long & this is a new place...'He was trying to calm himself out.

First,Jimin was a ghost,there be no accident that can happened to him,second, he must be wandering around & got lost unintentionally.

No matter where he looked,he just can't see a glimpse of him & its driving him insane,the fear keeps coming back.

"What if his gone?" He paused right in front of their dorm,where he found himself once again,an hour must have passed.He look for the possible places Jimin could have been but his not there.

He must stop now,there no used to search for a ghost anyway.For all he know,Jimin must be having fun somewhere.

"Jungkook?Jungkook!" His eyes met the worried face of Hoseok who have an umbrella & pulled him under it.

"My goodness!what are you doing under the rain,you might get sick.What happened to you,I rush home & your not there, someone told me you run off just as soon as you get there."

He can't process everything he heard,he wasn't even aware it was raining at all.


"What's wrong,Jungkook?God,your scaring me.Lets get you home first,okay." Hoseok didn't know what happened but his sure w the state of the younger now,there's no use talking.He was guiding him inside the dorm,he was really out of it.He gets him inside the bathroom & asked him to take a shower while he gets him a new set of clothes.

Soon, the younger went out,hair still soaking wet.

'Aish,this kid.'

He gets another towel & takes charge to dry his hair.

Jungkook was sitting at the edge of the bed while Hoseok dried his hair.

"Jungkook,I don't know what happened,what's wrong?" Hoseok was really worried with the kid more off when his body starts to tremble means he was crying.

"H-he,his gone,I c-can't find him..."

He can only made out those words because Jungkook was sobbing so hard,he was curious who he was talking about. He hug the younger & pat his back to comfort him.

"Who is it,Jungkook?"

"J-jimin hyung..."

He have no idea who is that,but his sure its someone who is very dear to Jungkook.

He didn't asked more & just let the younger cry,he can ask once Jungkook was stable.

"AH,for sake, Tae!" Jimin was groaning while holding his hurting head,he was waken up due to a strong impact only to found out they crashed to the pavement.

"Hehe, I thought I run to someone."Tae immediately check outside the car & the road, not minding the questioned look of the people around.

He saw no one but his sure as hell,someone was right in the middle of the streets but there's none.

"If we don't go this very moment, police will surely come & arrest us,now I don't wanna spend my night on the cell so you better get us out now."

"Roger, boss." Taehyung saluting,don't wanna agitate Jimin more.

They soon reached Jimin's house which is somehow located at the almost deserted part of the city.It was a little pension house near the forest wood,its right off near the top of the mountain given it a beautiful scenery of both the forest & the city.It was Jimin's personal property & not much know about it.Taehyung always went there to fetch Jimin every day.

Sometimes,he wondered why Jimin prefer to live here alone than on the mansion they have on the city.Jimin was like those kids that didn't grow up around his parents,he was alone with only a step brother.He don't like it when people was asking him personal things so Taehyung avoid doing that.

He placed Jimin on his bed, "You sure you want me to leave you now?"


"Alright." Tae takes out some clothes for the elder, "Change first before going to sleep."

"Yeah,yeah just go.."

Well,what can he do more if the host don't want him in the house anymore.


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I'm thanking once again for those who give time for this story.... (ಥ﹏ಥ)... Please be patient with it.... The chapters are getting LONGER.... & SLOWER.... I'm really impatient with myself as well.. Like when will Jungkook ever met the Human Jimin? Seriously... So... ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ


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squeakyMinYoungie #1
Chapter 8: Hehe i can imagine how cute jimin was for being upset by taehyung's teases
squeakyMinYoungie #2
What a good story! I never shipped jimin and jungkook but I started to like them now, they're so cute~I want to know more,so keep updating author-nim ^^
Arisaak #3
Chapter 4: Omggg yas
The story goes as I write it.... what comes to mind first then that's what I write....
Chapter 3: The story line seems interesting, I want to know more ?
Chapter 2: Will there be a next chapter soon?
Chapter 1: Awww. Jungkookie met jiminie so cute~~