Chapter 96: First time

We got Babies
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Chapter 96:

When Jessica's Father decided to leave her and her Mother to be with his new family, Jessica made a promise to herself that she will never ever let him meet or even see her Kids. 

She knew how much her father wants to meet his grandchild since he used to talk about it to her when they were still a complete family and Nicole also told her that their Dad keeps Krystal's pictures that they posts on their SNS accounts so this is the perfect way of getting back to all the pain and sufferings her father had caused her and her mother.

Jessica badly wants to keep Krystal away from Mr. Jung but here she is, in the plane with Yuri and Krystal to visit her Dad who was rushed to the hospital last night due to chest pain.

Jessica took a deep breath and closed her eyes, She's not feeling good for about a few weeks now and hearing the news about her dad makes her feel even more stressed out. She wasn't able to sleep properly because she was talking to Nicole to get updates about their father. She also called her Mom about what happened, Ms. Lee was shock at the news and prayed for her father's quick recovery.

She couldn't help but admire Her Mother for letting go of the past and for choosing to forgive him and moved on. She wished that she has a forgiving heart just like her mother but she's unfortunately hardheaded, a trait that she got from her father.

"Mommy.. Mommy.." She snapped out of her thoughts as Krystal shake her arm. "Why Mommy's quiet?"

She look at her daughter and found chocolate smudge on her face, "huh? What is it, Princess?" she asked while wiping her face clean. "Drink more water after you eat, okay? may I see your teeth?"

Krystal smiled so wide to show her front teeth to her Mommy, "then ahhh!" She said opened wide. "Ddudeongie teeth gee gee?" She asked.

"Yeah, they are dirty and sad, You need to brush your teeth so they will be happy again." She told her and gave her water.

"Um, kay.." Krystal pouted.

"Can you brush your teeth on your own starting today?" She asked and Krystal nodded, "Really? You're gonna brush your teeth without Mommy or Daddy's help?"

"Yeah, but.. But Ddudeongie might swallow the toothbush.. And.. And it stuck in Ddudeongie's thoat!" She cutely said, "Ddudeongie eat and dwink no mowe." She said in a worried but cute tone.

"Mommy will watch you, don't worry.."

"Mommy's gonna help Ddudeongie?" She asked with her big round eyes, "if it stuck in the thoat?" she continued.

"Of course, Princess."

Krystal smiled and look for her father, "Daddy, Baby Amy?"

Yuri showed her the baby doll and pretended to cradle it to sleep, "She's perfect, Princess. She loves Her grandpa so much." he made an okay sign.

Jessica chuckles, watching Yuri and Krystal relieves her stress. "Mommy, Gwapa.. What it mean?" She asked, She always hear Yuri call himself grandpa but she doesn't really know what it means.

"Um, Grandpa.. It is uh.. Daddy's Appa or Mommy's Daddy.. It's also called Harabeoji. It's like Grandma and Halmeoni but Grandpa is a boy." She explained.

Krystal then furrowed her eyebrows, "Ddudeongie baby got Gwapa.. but Ddudeongie got no Gwapa and Habeoji. Why?" She asked again.

"You have Grandpa and Harabeoji.. One is in heaven now with Your Oppas and Unnie's Daddy.. while Your Grandpa.. You're going to meet him for the first time."

"Jinjja?" Jessica nodded with a tight lipped smile. "Who is Gwapa?" 

"He's Mommy's Daddy. His name is Daniel.. He's also Aunt Nicole's Daddy."


She fix her daughter's hair, "Be nice to Grandpa. He's a little sick so he needs to get lots of love from you to get well again."

"Why Gwapa's sick? Ddudeongie's gonna give Gwapa candy."

"Do you have candies?" She asked and Krystal bit her lower lip, her father gave her candies but it was their little secret since her Mommy won't let her eat too much sweets. "Did Daddy gave you candies? Don't lie to me."

She rub her hands together with a cute pout, "Not too many, Mommy.. Only enough." She said then look at her Mom with puppy eyes, "Ddudeongie should keep tummy happy.."

"Your tummy needs the candies Daddy gave you?" She asked and the little girl nodded, "Are you going to share it to Grandpa?"

"Ne.." She turned cheerful knowing that her Mommy won't scold her.

She kissed her forehead, "Good girl." She whispered to her. "What are you going to say when you see them?"


"You're gonna say your name and bow like what Daddy and Mommy always show you, okay? And don't tell him those naughty things you hear from your Uncles, okay?"


Jessica took a deep breath. Krystal asks so many questions everyday, if she sees or hears something that made her confused, she will quickly ask about it that sometimes they are having a hard time explaining. 

"because sometimes when Uncles are being playful with each other they say things that they don't really mean.. Sometimes they say stuff to be funny but not all things they say are nice especially for a little girl like you."

Krystal look at her with a cheeky smile, "Like kick you and s..stupid?" She asked.

She creased her eyebrows, "Princess, don't say that again, it's not nice."

Krystal put her hand to and giggles, "Oops.. My bad!" She said.

Jessica was surprised at her tone, "Where did you learn that?"

"Unnie!" She happily said.

Jessica chuckles, she leaned down and kiss her daughter, Her father must be really lucky. He already did terrible things to them but still got rewarded with a smart and adorable grandchild.


"Are you okay?" Jessica was startled as she felt a hand on her thigh. "Baby.. Are you okay?"

She smiled at her husband, "Yeah" She said.

They are now on their way to her father's home and she's nervous to meet her Dad for the first time after so many years.

"Are you sure?" Yuri interlock their fingers together. "You don't look okay, are you still feeling sick?" He worriedly asked.

"I'm alright, Babe." She assured him.

They finally arrived to her father's home, Yuri carried their sleeping daughter and hold his Wife's hand.

Nicole welcomed them warmly and walk Yuri to the guest room so Krystal can sleep properly while Jessica was left in the living room.

She look around, this is the first time she visited her father's family home and it looks better than she imagined. Her Dad likes displaying family pictures in the living room so she wasn't surprised to see a gallery wall with his family's photos. She look closely and saw some of her baby photos, her wedding pictures and Krystal's photos.

"You must be really happy with your life with Nicole and her Mom.." She mumbled while staring at her father's picture. She took a deep breath, seeing the family picture of her Dad hurts her, it still hurts. "You left us to be with them. You told me that I'll be your only Princess but you chose Nicole over me." a tear escaped from her eyes and she quickly wiped it away as she heard footsteps coming over to where she is.


She smiled and turned around seeing Nicole and Yuri, "How's Dad? We'll just wait for Krystal to wake up then we'll go visit him."

"Dad felt better again and he requested to just stay at home." Nicole told her.

She furrowed her eyebrows, "What.. but I thought the Doctor wants to do more tests on him?"

"Yeah, but he's really hardheaded, Unnie. He'd rather be gone than having treatment.." Nicole shake her head as she recall what her father said, "He said that it's his punishment for being a horrible man especially to you and your Mom."

Jessica wanted to roll her eyes at what she said, Her father used to be really concerned of his health since he wanted to live longer and be with them so hearing it makes her somehow mad.

"Why don't you and your Mom convince Dad?"

"She tried, Unnie, We tried to convince him but he's so stubborn." Nicole sighed, "They will be home soon.. Take a seat first, I'll prepare some snack for you." She added then went to the kitchen.

Yuri hold her hand then smiled at her, "You okay?" He asked and hug her, Jessica lean on his chest and hug him tight. Her father has no idea that they will visit him today so He will surely be surprised to see them there. "You want to rest first?"

She smiled as Yuri sway their bodies as if they are having a slow dance. "I wanna cuddle with you." She said.

Yuri smiled, "Me too but what about Nicole?"

"Well, I guess we have to stay in the living room."

They settled in the couch and waited for Nicole, Yuri  was carressing his wife's back as Jessica hug him sideways.

"You smell so good, Love." She said as she nuzzle his neck that made Yuri's heart beats fast.

"I'm irresistible. I know, Baby but let's not be this clingy here." he chuckles as his wife groaned.

The Younger woman went back with the snacks and the couple quickly break apart and just talked to her.

"Are you going home today?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah, Yuri is busy at work so he really can't stay here for too long."

"Yeah, I have a business trip in Singapore tomorrow."

"Oh I see."

"What about Hyo? Is he coming here?" Yuri asked.

"Yeah, he will come here tomorrow and will stay for a couple of days."

While the three were busy in the living room, the little girl in the guestroom just woke up.

Krystal blink her eyes and look around the unfamiliar room. She quickly sat up when she realize that her parents are not around.

"Mommy." She mumbled as she try not to get scared at the strange place but the thought of her parents leaving her alone scares her a lot that she started whimpering. "Daddy.." She called a little louder but no one's answering her that made her cry hard, "Mommy!" She yell loudly while crying. "Waaahhh!"

Not long after, her parents and Aunt came in with worried looks on their faces, "What happened, Princess?" Yuri asked and picked her up from the bed.

"Mommy, Daddy left Ddudeongie alone." She cries and hug her father's neck.

Jessica hug them, "I'm sorry, Sweetheart."

"Don't cry, Princess. We're here."

"Mommy and Daddy bad.. Yoongie Oppa wuv Ddudeongie only."

Yuri chuckles, Every time something happens to her and her parents are not around she will tell them that they are bad and that only Yoong loves her.

"My baby is being dramatic." Jessica said, "Mommy's here.. Daddy's here. Don't be sad anymore.. Mommy and Daddy are sorry for coming in late."

Krystal looks at her Mom, "Give Ddudeongie ppoppo.." She said that made Nicole laugh.

"She's always like this." Jessica said then the couple kiss Krystal's cheeks. "Are we okay now?"

"Unnie, I'll leave you guys alone, I'll just call you for lunch or if Dad's home." Nicole said and excused herself.

The family went to the bed and laid down with Krystal sitting on Yuri's tummy. Jessica moved closer to her husband and hug him. "I'm sleepy."

"You're always sleepy.. Always tired, don't tire yourself out, Baby."

"I'm not really doing anything but I still feel really tired.." She yawned and rub his chest, "I'm just glad that I have a husband who understands me."

Yuri sighed, it's getting harder for her wife to get up in the morning. Her body always feels tired so he decided not to bother her to prepare everything for him and he just lets her rest.

"Give Mommy a kiss so she can sleep happily."

Krystal pouted her lips and leaned down, "Ddudeongie and Daddy won't leave Mommy alone."

"Thank you, Baby. I love you!" Jessica smiled and hug Yuri tight as she was slowly drifting to sleep.


"Dad, careful." Nicole helped her father climb the bed.

It's already afternoon and her parents just got home from the hospital, Mr. Jung still has no idea that his other daughter and her family is there to visit them so Nicole is excited to see their father's reaction once he sees them.

"It's much better here than the hospital."

"I know." She said.

Her Mother went in with the tray of snacks for him, "Honey, have some of these." She put the tray on the bed.

"Dad, I'll just go get something." Nicole hurriedly went out to call her sister.

Jessica who is already waiting in the living room alone was massaging her temples, Yuri and Krystal went out to buy something leaving Jessica with her father's new family. "Unnie, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah.. just a little headache." She look at her sister with a smile.

"Alright, let's go."

The older woman nodded and get on her feet, She's quite nervous to see her Dad after more than almost four years.

They went upstairs with Nicole who opened the door, "Dad, someone came here to see you." She excitedly said and opened the door wide.

Jessica greeted the couple with a bow, "H-How are you, Dad?" She asked.

Mr. Jung wasn't able to respond as he was staring at his Daughter, He didn't expect her to visit him after everything that he has done to her and her mother.

"Honey, your daughter is here." His Wife whispered to him.

He blink his eyes couple of times then took a deep breath, "Jessica.. Princess, uh, Thank you for coming here. I was surprised to see you here."

"Yeah, surprise.." Jessica shortly said and take the seat beside the bed.

Nicole and her mother decided to leave them alone and Jessica felt even more awkward, she's hoping that Yuri and Krystal will go back soon since Yuri knows how to break the awkwardness around them.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, looking at her father she can tell that he has got

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I'll make a chapter for Taeny for those who are curious about them! Thanks!


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Badetsky #1
I love the story please.updated these kind of story
Chapter 101: Re-read again I’m still waiting for update
Sone_Jihyo #3
Chapter 101: I have red your stories author-nim and i am so inlove with all of them. I hope you will finish this story also. Will be waiting for their happy ending. ❤️ Fighting author!
Hahahihipoqpoq #4
Chapter 101: I'm still waiting for this one to get finished 😭
Chapter 101: 👈👀
Chapter 7: 👀👌
yuridunaa #7
Chapter 101: 1 chapter left and im hoping again...
Chapter 101: Reread again..i thought u hve 1 chapter left?
917 streak #9
Chapter 1: rereading this again and this chapter still hurts
Osekop12 #10
Congrats on the feature!!