Bad Girl Down


Neighborhood good girl, Bae Joohyun or Irene, depending on who you're talking to, just wanted to finish up her high school career at the top of her class with no issues and her best friend at her side. Simple right? However, things take a turn when transfer student, Son Wendy, comes crashing loudly into her homeroom class starting up trouble on her first day. Since then, Irene has swore that she will avoid the trouble-maker till graduation day, at all cost. This however, becomes a challenge for Irene as Wendy inputs herself into Irene's life forefully. Seeing her best friend's struggle, Kang Seulgi challenges Irene to make a difference in her last year of high school. 

Inspiration came from this post so check out the link below!




"Seul, you've got to be joking. I can't even stand her for three seconds!" refused Irene, as she and Seulgi walk toward the school's gate. 

"Hyun just think about it! She hangs around you sometimes." exclaimed Seulgi. 

"Ugh it's not like I want her to. She just comes by to bother me because she know I'm at the top and I guess it bothers her."

"Well whatever the reason is, you can take this opportunity and do some good for a change!" 

"Haven't I done enough good?" 

"Like what?" questioned Seulgi, stopping in front of her home's gate. Neither of the girls lived far from the school, so the walk wasn't that long.

"Letting you become my best friend." countered Irene.

"Hey!" cried Seulgi. Irene gave her a hug.

"I'm joking, but I'm still not doing it." 

"Come on pleaseeeee...I wanna see if a good girl can really change a bad boy, or in this case, girl." begged Seulgi as a last resort.

"Even if I do it, what will I get in return?" Irene asked. Seulgi paused for a moment to think. 

"Hmm...bragging rights?" offered Seulgi.

"That's it? Seul..."

"Wait wait! I have something but come on! I know you love a challenge!"

"But-" Irene was cut off once more.

"And this Son Wendy person is a challenge! And I also know you have your pride so bragging rights is something to you, and if it's not enough I will think something else!" 

Irene let out a sigh, "Fine."

Seulgi lets out a loud victorious yes, and hugged Irene before retreating into her home. Irene walks one more block down from Seulgi's house to reach hers. As she approached the door she lets out another sigh.

"What have I gotten myself into."


Unnie line are in the same grade. Irene is older by a couple months to Seulgi and Wendy. The makenae line will be introduced later on. Also I at updating frequently but please stick around because I've wanting to do a Wenrene fic for a long time now. Till next time! 


Hello everyone! Wow I haven’t touched this story the whole summer and I’m so SORRY T.T the whole summer has been hectic and thank you for understanding. My computer is RIP so I’ve been working a lot to get a new one. Hopefully I have something for y’all soon. Till then!


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Chapter 9: :(
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 9: Hello
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Favebolous 14 streak #4
Chapter 6: WOW WOW WOW
Favebolous 14 streak #5
Chapter 4: So?
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 3: Oh i see
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 1: I'm forget about this
cjmoo_ #8
Chapter 8: Will read this soon ;-;
cjmoo_ #9
Chapter 7: Ahahah, Seulgi still had time to text Joy xD I like how Wendy wanted to make a good impression for Irene ;) Lots of hand-holding huh, I like it :)) Thank you for this chapter~
Chapter 9: So cute, but really want to know Wendy’s past! What happened, hopefully she’ll let Irene into her thick skull, and not let her get hurt.

(Authornim please come back and update, but no rush, really love this story ;D)