One of These Nights

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Even after Kang Seulgi, the love of her life, leaves her for good, Joohyun is convinced that they'll meet of these nights.



Hey guys, I got inspired to write this angsty fic after listening to "One of These Nights" on repeat one night.


The song sounded so sad, and though you can interpret it as a break up song, I thought of it more of like a goodbye to a loved one...somehow. Don't worry, though, there's going to be a ~pleasant~ twist at the end of this - I feel like I gotta tell people that so they'll read it all the way to the end ahaha.


I'm planning on making this a ~20K oneshot, and I've been working on it for a LONG time but I haven't finished it quite yet. Since I'm on break, however, I'll be working on this until it's done (which should be by the time my break ends, hopefully) so please be on the lookout for this!



A giant shoutout to the amazing Jiaaera at Jelly Bubble Graphic Shop for the beautiful poster for this story, I'm absolutely in love with it and their work. Please go check them out and support their lovely shop!



HELLO! If you don't want to possibly get spoiled - don't read the comments section!!!


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58 streak #1
Chapter 1: This is a beautifully tragic prolgue and I love it. It sets a premise for the chapter with Joohyun looking for her lover, while the last words of Seulgi haunt her.
Chapter 3: I really thought it ends here, but it seems like it not yet finished. I would guess that Irene is probably the one who is in coma, or is having a nightmare and Seulgi is trying to wake her up.

I know this hasn't been updated in years but hoping that you would still continue this story :)
snentendo #3
Chapter 3: Hope for more chapters and for sure it's Irene who's in a coma haha
Chapter 1: Hope you will update this
xZeiki #5
Chapter 3: Found another amazing story. Wow. Praying this will get updated
Chapter 3: Author nim you make me cry so much... i hope there would be a update soon
thekangseulgi_ #7
Chapter 3: i have a feeling where this fic is heading to... but i can’t wait for the next update omg this has been a good ride so far
Chapter 3: Lol. I find myself funny for reacting so stupid, saying "that's it? That's the ending?" Then i remembered, right the story is not yet completed. It totally slips my mind while being fully emersed reading this story. Based on the hints, I feel like Joohyun's subconscious is programmed into thinking that Seulgi would die, that's why she's having these dreams. I bet she's the one in coma. And I do believe that brain has a miraculous power to bend things. Well, I would really love to see how this story ends. Fighting!!!
Chapter 3: ISTG I am now officially gay for your SeulRene stories~ *cries gay red velvet tears* The “I LOVE YOU” part made me feel everything. Damn these feels, I am such a masochist. Huehue~
Chapter 3: such a nice story plot ! can't wait for you to update soon :)