Chapter 20

Rose Golden (Vkook)

The news of Yuna and Jungkook’s break up somehow circulated quickly around Taehyung’s school. It was scary how quickly everyone managed to find out. But Yuna was the longest girlfriend Jungkook had ever had, it was inevitable that the truth would be revealed eventually. Some people were surprised that they’d split apart, but others were happy. There were also the angry ones who thought Yuna was the reason why Jungkook was acting so differently.

Taehyung noticed it too. He seemed more distant, not as upfront. And he stopped going anywhere near him and Yuna. But Taehyung already understood, Yuna had told him why he’d broken up with her in the first place. Except knowing that he was now the reason Jungkook was acting so off made him feel horrible. But he didn’t know what to do, Jungkook wasn’t ready. Like Yuna said, he just had to give him his space.

But what would that mean? That they’d keep going on like this until they both eventually drifted apart?Jungkook would probably move on faster than him, then where would that leave Taehyung? He didn’t know if he could move on after what Yuna told him.

Taehyung really wanted to be with him, but he didn’t want to force him into anything he was uncomfortable with. He just had to trust that time would take it’s course somehow; because he’d wait for him no matter what.

“Would it be weird if I asked why Jungkook broke up with Yuna? They seemed really happy together.” Hoseok said then.

Taehyung didn’t really know what to say back, he didn’t feel like lying to him.

Yoongi sipped his coffee slowly. “Don’t ask him that.”

“Ugh, fine, sorry. I just keep hearing a lot of rumours so I’m only curious.” He muttered back.

“Most importantly,” Namjoon stood up from his desk and stretched. “Is Yuna feeling OK?”

Taehyung gave a small shrug, looking out the window towards the field. Even though it’d been a few days, he still didn’t like talking about all of this. Yuna had told him not to worry or feel guilty about what happened, but it was really hard not to. “She could be a lot better, but she’s strong. I think she can move passed this.”

Yoongi studied him carefully. “Are you OK too?”

He glanced back. “Why wouldn’t I be OK?”

“I don’t know, you’ve just changed a lot. Not that that’s a bad thing, but it happened so quickly.” He gestured at his still blonde hair.

Taehyung frowned. “I didn’t change, maybe it was you who changed. You never even hang with us anymore, it’s all about Jimin now.”

“OK, why are you getting so defensive? I was just asking a question because I’m worried about you.” He replied, sounding confused.

“Well you don’t need to worry, I’m fine.”

Yoongi gave him an annoyed look, but didn’t reply back.

“What is it with you and Jimin anyways? You’ve been spending a lot of time with him.” Hoseok grinned playfully. “Do you like him?”

“Depends on which context you’re referring to.” He sighed. “I don’t see why it’s such a big deal anyways, we just have a lot in common, more than I thought we would. So I just enjoy hanging out with him.”

“OK, whatever you say.” He smiled wider and Yoongi kicked him.

Namjoon gave them a flat look. “Don’t you guys have anywhere else to be fooling around but my classroom?”

Hoseok shook his head. “No way, you’re like the coolest teacher in this school so it’s the most fun to hang here.”

Taehyung stood up. “It’s OK, I was just leaving.”

He walked towards the door, the same sickening feeling sitting in the pit of his stomach again. Yoongi’s eyes followed him and then he stood slowly too.

“Taehyung, wait.” He called out but he refused to turn around.

“Hey!” Yoongi grabbed his arm. “What the hell is your problem?”

“God, I already told you nothing! Can you just leave me alone!” He snapped angrily, yanking his arm away.

“We both know that’s a lie! You’ve been acting so on edge these days and it looks like you’ve barely gotten any sleep, what is going on Taehyung? You need to talk to me!” He pressed.

Taehyung ignored him and continued towards his locker, pulling it open. Something fluttered down suddenly and landed by his feet. It was two photographs. His heart constricted as he bent down slowly to pick them up.

He held his breath. It was the rose golden sunset he’d captured that evening on the beach, the same day that they’d shared their first kiss. His hands shook as he looked at the other, it was of him standing in front of the beautiful sunflower painting in the gallery.

What was this?

Why was Jungkook giving these to him now?

Was that really like a final goodbye?

Tears stung his eyes.

“Hey, you forgot one.” Yoongi bent down and picked up another photograph, one that Taehyung missed. It was a picture Jungkook had taken without him noticing, he was smiling happily into the camera and Taehyung was in the background looking at more paintings.

He took it from him slowly, staring down at his beautiful smile. “T-Thanks.”

“I didn’t know,” Yoongi cleared his throat. “I didn’t know you and Jungkook were close like that.”

“Yeah,” He whispered and flipped over the picture of the sunset slowly as if he expected something to be there; his heart stopped. There was writing on the back.

He read carefully.

I remember our first kiss
I close my eyes whenever I can
and go to the farthest place

Just like letters on the sand
where waves were
I feel you’ll disappear
To a far off place
I always miss you miss you

All the words
In my heart
I can’t show them all to you
But, it’s that I love you

How can I be so lucky
to have met you, who is a blessing
If we’re together now
Ah how great it’d be

“Taehyung are you OK?” Yoongi asked.

They were the lyrics from one of Jungkook’s favourite songs by IU, he’d remembered being told that when they talked for what it felt like hours in his car that day. But reading them even more just sounded like a goodbye, like a cry for help.

Taehyung promised he would stay away, give Jungkook his time; but he couldn’t do this.

He didn’t want to say goodbye yet.

There had to be something he could do right?

There had to be a way he could make them both happy.

He looked at Yoongi. “I-I’m sorry, I’ll explain everything to you later, but there’s something that I really need to do.”

“O-OK,” Yoongi nodded, still looking conflicted.

He gave a small, reassuring smile and then went ahead to find Jungkook. But where would he be? Most likely with Jin and Jimin right? Taehyung spotted them then outside in the courtyard, talking with a few other students. But Jungkook wasn’t there. He walked out quickly and intervened, pulling Jin off to the side.

“Are you OK?” He asked carefully.

“Do you know where Jungkook is?”

“He left early, said he wasn’t feeling well.”

Taehyung’s stomach dropped. “OK thank you so much.”

“Hey, I’m glad you came to me by the way,” Jin spoke before he could leave. “I’ve been kind of worried about him, he’s been so off ever since he broke up with your sister. I really think they should talk things through to get on better terms, because this is really hurting him a lot.”

Taehyung clenched his teeth and nodded. But it wasn’t Yuna’s fault; it was his. He needed to fix things. Taehyung was the reason why he was grieving so much. You could run away from a problem, but that didn’t mean you could get rid of it. Jungkook was suffering alone, he was trying to deal with all of this pain by himself. And leaving Taehyung behind for his own good had only made it worse.

He’d always been the first one there for him to make sure he was OK, but behind all of that; no one was ever there for him. And Taehyung couldn’t see that. He thought just because he was rich and popular, he had everything he needed. But he didn’t. He had a brother that abused him and parents that were never there for him when he needed them the most.

Jungkook was more alone and hurting than he was.

And he was the only person in his life who could see that; because he understood him and his pain. The weight and pressure of trying to be someone perfect and strong because of the position you were forced into. When really on the inside you were just cracking and breaking.

Jungkook needed someone truly there for him, by his side; but he probably felt like he didn’t deserve that. He was probably too afraid to accept a saviour.

But Taehyung wasn’t going to give up on him.

“Don’t worry.” He said to Jin; it was all he needed to.

He turned away and raced towards his car, starting the engine quickly. Taehyung drove fast, deciding that he’d check Jungkook’s place first to see if he was there. But his car wasn’t outside; where could he be? Taehyung remembered the pictures then, the sunset. Was he up by his home in the country?

He continued driving. It made sense for Jungkook to be there, that’s where pretty much everything between them had started. And he probably felt the most at ease there, sitting with the fountain his grandfather had given him. They must have been close, maybe he didn’t feel so alone when he was by it. When he arrived, his heart lifted in his chest when he saw the car.

Taehyung parked and ran towards the house, feeling nervous for some reason. But he didn’t care, Jungkook was the only thing that was important right now. He rang the doorbell, except no one answered. When he rang again, the door swung open and he jumped.

Jungkook stood in the doorway, his eyes were bloodshot red like he’d just been crying and he looked so miserable.


He reached forward and hugged him tightly, Jungkook stumbled back a bit.

“It’s OK.” He whispered.

“T-Taehyung, stop. W-We can’t do this,” Jungkook croaked.

He pulled back slightly and looked him straight in the eye. “If you’re afraid Jungkook, I’ll protect you no matter OK? I won’t leave you alone again. I-I thought I was doing the right thing before by breaking things off between us and I was; but that was only because I was only thinking about myself, what I wanted. I didn’t look at anything through your eyes, how difficult this would be for you too. I know you’re scared, but I’ll fight for you OK? I’ll be by your side no matter what, through thick and thin. And I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Jungkook stared at him blankly.

“I-If you’re still not ready, I completely understand that. But I know how much this is affecting you, I know how much pain you’re in.” Taehyung spoke firmly. “Would you rather be alone suffering? Or fighting with me by your side? If you really do love me, like the words you wrote on that photo, like what Yuna told me; can you trust me Jungkook?”

Tears rolled down his cheeks and Taehyung pulled out the pictures he’d taken. “These, were some of the best memories in my life; and they were because I was with you. I-I want to make more memories Jungkook, even better ones. Sure we’ll hurt each other along the way and things will get tough, but that’s just what happens. It’s not going to make me feel any different about you.”

Jungkook shook his head, crying harder. “N-No, I can’t do this. I-I can’t.”

“Jungkook, look at me.” Taehyung said seriously. “You love me right? So why can’t you trust me? What you did with Yuna was so, so brave, I-I want to be that brave too. That’s why I’m trying so hard right now with you, because I want to face things together. You’re strong Jungkook, I know it because you’ve put up with this bull for so long. Y-You just need someone to help you get through, and I want to be that person.”

He hung his head, sobbing.

“Please,” Taehyung whispered. “Let me save you.”

“Hnng,” Jungkook choked on his tears and Taehyung held onto him. They slumped down to the floor together and he buried his face in his neck. Wet tears stained his clothes and he trembled uncontrollably in his arms, but Taehyung didn’t let go of him.

He felt like he was holding onto himself. The same small child that sat alone in his dark room, waiting for someone to come save him; but they never did. Except Jungkook did, on the night that they shared their first kiss. He was there for him when he really needed it; now it was Taehyung’s turn. Jungkook had saved his life, gave him another chance. This was the only thing that he could truly give in return.

His father told him to do something that would make him the happiest person on this Earth.

Being with Jungkook, saving him from his demons; he couldn’t be happier in that moment. He was giving his love to someone that needed it, that alone made him feel so good.

Taehyung held on tighter and they sat like for a long time.

“Jungkook?” He whispered after a while, filling the calm silence.



“I-I love you.”


Jungkook lifted his head and they locked eyes. He smiled softly through tears.


“I love you too Taehyung.”

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This is the last chapter of the story, thanks so much for reading and commenting throughout :D


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kimgraxia08 #1
Chapter 25: this made me cry, i really love it, thank you very much for writing such a wonderful story
Stefany9795 #2
Hello, do you have permission to translate your robots into Russian?
Chinnuz-Minnuz123 #3
Chapter 24: This was my first vkook story.This is really beautiful.Thank you for writing such a wonderful vkook story❤❤❤
Bubbaboo #4
Chapter 24: like how in the world did i missed this fic?! ヾ(´A`)ノ゚
as drama goes on it it unexpectedly heartwarming think i'm lacking a bit of pieces here and there for me to comprehend everything that just happened but hey, love happens when it happens so, thank for sharing this work!(´,,•ω•,,)♡

and btw what yoongi and kookie said just makes me laugh~ tho it makes me feel crazy but thank you for making me cry and laugh at the same legit xD
Bubbaboo #5
Chapter 20: 。゚ヽ(゚´Д`)ノ゚。 mi hearteu
Bubbaboo #6
Chapter 19: my baby girl is an angel இдஇ
Thatta #7
Chapter 24: This is so Good.
Thanks for the story :)
Chapter 24: This was so beautiful ❤️ it just made my heart so soft... Ahhhh just so so freaking beautiful
Chapter 24: I finally got around to reading the last chapter, and I have so many feelings. Mostly fluffy feelings in my chest, but some achy ones too. I'm not sure how I feel about the pace of this chapter compared to the rest of the fic...but I think I like it. It's kinda fast and skips in ways that are maybe a little weird, but as a whole, I think it strangely works with the fic. It ends it with a certain mood that I think is really appropriate. All that as a roundabout way of saying I like the way you ended it. I think you made some artistic choices (whether you meant them artistically or not) and they work. idek what I'm saying I haven't been up this late in ages my brain is dying-
Aaaah I wanted to give you a helpful feedback comment but I just, I'm mashed potatoes ;;
Anyway I'm happy the characters are happy at the end, there's a wedding, their kid melted my heart, and I'm all butterflies over Jimin and Yoongi, I don't know what to say ;;
Thanks for sharing this story, I really enjoyed it the whole way through! <3
Ari2918 #10
Chapter 24: Such a beautiful story <3 The boys had such a tragic love story, but they waited and found their way back to each other. Truly meant to be ^^