
Tall, Short, Short, Tall
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If Hogwarts was tense whenever Quidditch was around the corner, everyone in Minah's high school was practically holding their breaths each day when baseball season was around the corner. Being sportsmen since young, the siblings knew that their school was famed for its sporting achievements, but its baseball team was another league altogether. Being the defending champion of the Korean National High School Baseball League for four consecutive years was no easy feat, especially since Seoul was filled with comparable rival schools. It was well-known that baseball team members in school were the most disciplined, even more so than the Taekwondo team. While subject teachers were willing to close one eye to dozing baseball team members (their trainings were supposedly hellish), their coach apparently he would bench players who neglected their studies. In another words, the baseball team were filled with all-rounded individuals, and anyone less than perfect would be demoted to waterboy. 


As Minah enjoyed her post-season freedom, it seemed that her free time were entirely spent without Jihoon. Wonwoo had told the siblings that given Jihoon was the key junior player on the team this year, he was naturally occupied by training. This was understandable, and Minah shrugged it off as something natural for an athlete. Not just any athlete. Jihoon was dedicated to everything he did. He did not allow for flaws in his craft, and Minah knew better than to distract him from his goals. She could not help but wonder though, if it was appropriate for her to support him in his endeavours. 


The three of them had always been there for one another during their respective competitions since middle school. Unless their games clashes, Mingyu's basketball matches would never be complete without Jihoon and Minah's "YA BOIIIII!!"; Minah's track events always came with pep talks from her brother and best friend; and each of Jihoon's winning pitches always ended with a proud grin in the siblings' direction. 


Should it be any different now that Jihoon had someone by his side? Should the two of them back off and refrain from their traditionally excessive supports? Minah had never pondered over this question before. She had never imagined the day they would be distanced from one another, where there would be a time they questioned if the other would be there when someone needed it. She never fathomed that dating would be something so close to them. 


So Minah decided to go with her instinct and listened to her heart, because that was what she was the best at. She thought about the nights Jihoon spent on training her for high school running, and the result of those days. Why should anything be different? Why was she letting her negligible emotions cloud her decisions, for doing what was right? She asked her brother one night, if she should go to watch Jihoon's trainings. 


"Why not?"


She stared blankly at her brother, who was lying on his bed with a book in his hand. Something Wonwoo had recommended he read. He gave her a few blinks, before his expression morphed into understanding. 


"I don't see why not. Minah, I'm pretty sure his girlfriend would welcome more support for him too. She's a sportsman too, after all." 


So Minah found herself alternating her afternoons between the bleachers or Joshua's cafe. 


Sometimes she would bring Jihoon his favourite isotonic drink, sometimes he would not have time to even notice her presence. She would text him comments sometimes, which he appreciated as feedback. But his replies were short and curt. A couple of times she wanted to walk home with him after trainings, but his girlfriend would have whisked him away straight after training, and Minah would retreat quietly. The baseball team was starting to recognise her, some even befriending her. On days when Lee Mina beat her to buying drinks for Jihoon, Minah would pass her gift to one of the boys on the team. A boy named Chan, the youngest of the whole team, had probably received it thrice. 


And it was through Chan that Minah first heard about the news. 


He said Jihoon was stressed. 


Anyone would have brushed it off, because who wouldn't be stressed during their own season? Yet Minah knew better. 


Jihoon was someone who never revealed his vulnerabilities. 


The first time he lost his major match, he told the siblings that he was fine, but went home and tore up some of his music scores. 


When he posted his first guitar cover on Youtube and malicious comments were left in the thread, he continued laughing during their meetups, but he shut down the channel and never posted anything ever again. 


If his younger teammate could tell he was stressed, then something was immensely wrong. 


Her worst fears were confirmed when Joshua, once again using his work hours to chat with her, asked her about Jihoon. 


"He looked like he was ready to snap the strings on the instrument during practice today, and he just stormed out of the room when I tried to talk to him about it. Is the upcoming guitar recital stressing him out? Or is it baseball? I've heard about your school team's reputation," Joshua said thoughtfully as he passed her another free biscuit, much to Jeonghan's disapproval. 


Minah knew then, that something had to be done. 


She got her chef of a brother to whip up a healthy meal, and made her way over to Jihoon's apartment one evening. (Her brother, of course, was consumed by homework because he had spent his afternoons at Wonwoo's trainings.) 


The wait was prominent after she knocked, thrice, on his apartment door. For a moment she considered turning on her heels and texting him about leaving the dinner at his doorstep, but then the door swung open and Seungcheol stood there, slightly surprised to see Minah at his doorstep. 


"Hi," she said sheepishly. She had completely forgotten about Jihoon's fellow tenant. 


"Hi," he said emotionlessly, his gaze looking slightly bored, "Jihoon and his aunt are not in. Can I help you?" 


Her fingers involuntarily gave the bag of food a tighter clutch as she chewed her lips nervously. 


"I'm just here to deliver food to Jihoon," she said, "I could just leave it with you and head off." 


She raised the lunchbox, signalling Seungcheol to take it. 


What she did not expect, were Seungcheol's softening expression and sigh as he grabbed the food readily before inviting her to come into the apartment. 


"At least someone is actually thinking about his health for once," he said, "you can pass it to him personally later. He should be back in an hour or two. Usually he comes back at 10." 


Minah looked at him, caught off guard by his welcoming gesture and volunteered information. 


"10? Everyday?"


Seungcheol looked at her with a slight look of suspicion, and then nodded. 


"You don't know? As his ex-girlfriend?" 


Minah would have blushed if her mind was swirling with questions now. What was Jihoon doing out so late each night? Did he even have time to rest? Do his homework? Was he actually eating properly? Was that why his form was deteriorating on the pitch?


She titled her head questioningly, eyes not moving away from Seungcheol. 


"Well, he has a new girlfriend." 


Minah thought she was crazy, because she was almost sure there was a trace of disgust in his voice. She simply nodded, letting him know that she was aware of Jihoon's new relationship. 


"I should rephrase. He has an obsessive girlfriend. A week into their new relationship she insisted on dropping by every other day. Not sure if you have met her but she acts like every has been her friend for a decade. I thought Jihoon was putting some kind of humourless prank at first when she introduced as Mina. I mean, dude, who jumps to a new relationship so fast a

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Chapter 18: Crying crying crying 😭 😭😭😭😭 you are so loved Minaaaahhhh
Chapter 13: I swear I just occasionally open AFF solely for your story. I’m glad you’re still writing! :) Catching up!!!
Chapter 17: And yes we will always be waiting for youuuuu 🥹🥹
Chapter 15: OMG GURL?! I’m still here! Randomly opened AFF and I’m so happy to see you’re here 🥹🥹🥹 Happy SVT comeback month indeed
8spades #5
Chapter 17: yes please keep updating !!
asdfghjkpop #6
Chapter 17: Hi! I noticed too that some left AFF. But I hope you will still continue this story. I’m not much but I’ll be waiting! I’ve been a silent reader and i’m sorry for that >.<
Woaaaahhh! You upateeeeddd
Research_I_Swear #9
Chapter 17: Haven’t logged into aff in a while and saw that you updated! can’t believe I can still remember it lol so good
I miss this storrrryyyyy. Huhuhu update?