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“Are you okay?” Sooyoung asked as she spun her head behind from the front seat, “You looked like you’ve seen a ghost.”   “N-Nah, I’m fine.” Seulgi cleared , trying not to think much about the woman whom her dad just brought home.   “If you say so,” Sooyoung shrugged before she introduced the male driver beside her, Sungjae, a senior from another school whom the girl is currently having a fling with. “So are we ready to party till the sun goes down?!”   “That sounds lame.”   “I know right.” Sungjae managed to chirp earning a punch at his arm, before he drove off the car towards the venue.   As they headed to the party place, Seulgi’s mind was consumed with the thoughts of the woman even though she tried hard not to think so. She wasn’t mad – No, she wasn’t. She was just a tad bit surprised. Maybe Seulgi still had the idea that her dad had still not completely move on from her mother, but turns out she was wrong. She received a text from her dad along the way. He was apologising for the scene and wanted to talk about it to her, but Seulgi brushes it off and told him that it was fine and they could talk about it tomorrow. She doesn’t want her dad to be anxious the whole night, not when Seulgi wasn’t even angry at the pair. They fetch Yeri along the way before they arrived at the elite area of Yeoui-do, with rows of mansion like houses passed by. Seulgi had not been in this area much, only twice when she visited Sooyoung’s house back then. She only realised that the further they went in, the larger the houses become – or maybe it was the different structures that made some houses looked bigger and looking like it came straight out of the houses that people in Beverly Hills lived at. “Looks like Seungyoon’s house is the furthest at the end,” Sungjae pointed out ahead. And based from the light itself, Seulgi knew that house has to be it. Every other house looked rather forbidding and unwelcoming, but the huge mansion like house at the end was the one emitting bright lights and looking rather hospitable compared to others. They pulled up in front of the gates where there were two guards in black suits guarding the parking area and instructing them to parked at certain spots. “Just how rich are these people?” Seulgi asked as she got off from the car, staring at the house which was already booming with music.   “Rich enough to own all of this!” Yeri waved her hands at the whole scenery.   “Follow me.” Joy led them through the opened backyard gate, leading them towards the pool area. “Jackson and Mark said that they’re already here.”   Seulgi took in the sight, a group of unfamiliar teenagers, spreading about; some in the pool swimming, playing beer pong or just generally dancing and having a good time. They met both Jackson and Mark, the latter already looking slightly light-headed while Jackson complimented her outfit.   “This is legit.” Seulgi uttered and all of them smiled in agreement before they grabbed the beers provided on the table and headed inside the house.   The people inside were as much as the people outside, spreading out with some already at the floor swaying their bodies side to side to the music, some on the couch having small talks and some talking with their lips instead. Get a room, Seulgi thought, as she saw a drunken looking couple already eating each other’s face. Jackson pointed out to a group of people at the corner of the room and ushered her there. Turns out they were the rival team who won for the dance competition back then. We talked for quite some time and Seulgi never missed one of the girl’s in team, Mijoo, eyeing her rather seductively in an obvious manner. The girl was getting a little bit bold with her ministrations from touching her hand slightly to clinging on her arms. Seulgi thought the alcohol was one of the reasons since the girl was taking quick gulps of the red cup every now and then. Jackson turned to look at her a fair few times, seeing her situation and he looked a bit distraught.     Like every other people in the house, Seulgi later ended up playing beer pong with the group. She denied at first, wanting to be completely sober once she set foot out from the party, but the group was cheering and persuading her with so much effort, she ended up joining. And boy, she . Seulgi should have never agreed to play the beer pong because the opponent team was too good and she and her partner ended up having to drink several 16oz of beer and she was already feeling like her world was spinning.   “Are you okay?”   Mijoo slithered beside her on the couch, as they were done with the game. Her arms thrown over her shoulder while Seulgi had her right elbow perched on the arm of the couch as she gently massaged her head, her eyes trying to focus on her surroundings.   “You look slightly out of it?” The girl giggled looking at her state.   “Yeah, I don’t really know about my alcohol tolerance,” Seulgi sheepishly smiled, “I guess now I do.”   “So is it going to stop you from playing another round later? I heard they’re gonna be at it again – but with money on the table.” Mijoo asked, before she leaned closer to her ear, “Or do you want to go somewhere more…secluded with me?”   Mijoo was already ghosting her lips on the shell of her ear so Seulgi made a slight feeble attempt to pull away from her, “I-I’m sorry… I have to find the washroom. I need to uh…pee.”   And with that, Seulgi stood up – rather wobbly at that – and moved her way among the crowd, trying to find to find the bathroom. The first door she opened was unlocked but there were two guys making out inside and she almost stumbled in shock – also because she was a tad bit drunk – before she silently apologised and shut the door. She opened another door, thinking it was the washroom or something when a dark hallway was revealed. There were a couple more doors and a corner turn. And Seulgi had to agree that the house was really huge and she started to felt a bit uneasy, maybe because no one was occupied in this area and she was alone but she really had to find a room and relieved herself. The corner led to a bathroom and she was able to do her business. Seulgi managed to checked herself in the mirror and even though her vision was not focused clearly, she already knew she looked a tad bit like a mess at the moment. She reached out for her phone in her jeans pocket, wanting to text Sooyoung on her whereabouts since they went separate ways earlier, but her phone was missing. Crap, she must have left it on the couch earlier. Seulgi was a bit tipsy to even recall. Just then, the door opened and Mark came stumbling in, the strong smell of alcohol lingering under his breath. “I’m still using the bathroom, Mark.” Seulgi alerted, looking at Mark through the mirror.   “I know,” The corner of his right lips tugged upwards, eluding a mischief looking smirk. “I was actually searching for you.”   “Why?”   Mark took out something from his denim jacket and placed it on top of the sink, a camera and – her eyes immediately went wide when she saw it was the same pictures that Irene received from the person who blackmailed her. Also there were also suggestive-like pictures of her, secretly taken somewhere at school after her dance practice session.   “Surprise?” Mark tilted his head.   He slowly took a step closer to her. And just like a prey being hunted by the predator, Seulgi took a step back each time Mark draw closer till her back hit the wall.   “I know of your little escapades with Miss Bae, Seulgi…” Mark stated while his eyes were roaming her up and down. “Imagine if the whole school found out the two of you…are in that kind of a relationship. A teacher and a student. Wow.”   “Also the both of you are girls,” Mark continued, his lips curving slightly but the revulsion was evident in his eyes, “How scandalous.”   “W-What do you want?” Seulgi asked, trying to be sober as possible and also hoping for someone, Sooyoung, Jackson or even Irene to come find her.   “You.”   “What?”   “I want you, Seulgi.” He placed his right hand beside her head, while the other tilting her chin. “Everyone lusts and chase for Miss Bae, but not me. I want you, Seulgi.”   Her legs went slightly weak when Mark leaned closer to her lips although she turned her head away, “I can’t – I don’t l-like you in that way Mark.”   “Refuse me and these pictures will spread out,” Mark threatened as he tugged her chin to face him once more. “Miss Bae will be kicked out from her job and your graduation day will be a total humiliation.”   “Mark, please…” Seulgi started to beg, “Please don’t do this to us…”   “So let me have you then, easy.” Mark answered, before he pinned both of her hands at the wall.   Seulgi was helpless by now. With the alcohol in her system, she tried to push him away but it was a weak attempt when the latter was stronger and sober than her. She screamed, hoping for her voice to be heard but was soon drowned when Mark forcefully kissed her. This is it, Seulgi thought to herself, as tears streamed down from her face.                                                        ***     Irene hurriedly got out from her car and eyed the mansion in front of her. It was huge and she wondered how she was supposed to locate Seulgi in time before the blackmailer did anything to her. She rushed inside the mansion, walking past a group of teens in the verge to puke and no – they definitely don’t look like the students from her school. She scanned the poolside and saw not one familiar faces at all before she went inside the house where the bass music was so loud, they were filling her from head to toe. She heard small chatters and laughter ringing amidst the music and she examined the faces she met one by one. None was Seulgi – or her friends. Calling the girl was useless as she had tried several attempts to do so and Seulgi didn’t picked up any. Irene went further in, and spotted a few beer pong tables and empty red cups on the floor. She spotted a familiar looking side view that just walked out from the kitchen, holding a glass of water. “Jackson?”   The boy in a fitting black shirt turned his back, surprised written all over his face when he looked at her. “Miss Bae? What are you doing here?”   “Where’s Seulgi?”   “Seulgi?” His eyes turned somewhere ahead, “She was over there earlier. She played beer pong and -”   Irene did not let the boy finished his sentence as he went forward to where Jackson was eyeing at but only to get disappointed to see there was no sight of Seulgi. Only a couple of teens and a bored looking girl going through her phone –   “Excuse me? Isn’t that Seulgi’s phone?” Irene asked the girl
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Chapter 8: 💙💙💙
Chapter 4: oh, hi happy anniversary to bad boy, it's been 6 years?!😳
Chapter 8: 💗💛
Luvylynn #4
This is so endearing and so cute. Thanks author-nim for this light hearted story. Though this is an story but you really good on making this story flow smoothly and no reader will left feeling awkward reading it. Can’t wait to read your other story pieces.
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #5
Chapter 8: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #6
Chapter 8: I'm back again 😭🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 3: Re-reading to mend my longingness to SeulRene's Subunit comeback 🥺🐻🐰
Chapter 8: ackkkkkkk <333
Chapter 6: oh nooo
Chapter 4: rereading cause this was sooo adorable