Chapter 21

Happy Together

It was already seven in the morning when Kyuhyun woke up from his peaceful slumber. He slowly opens his eyes and found his self all alone inside the tent.


Kyuhyun yawns softly. He lazily gets up and sits on the sleeping bag. He rubs his right eye and yawns again before roaming his eyes inside the tent, looking for his ex-wife.

“Where is she? I thought she’s still sleeping beside me and I will be able to see her when I wake up. But she’s gone. She’s not even beside me”

Kyuhyun told his self. He really misses those days wherein he will see Sungmin sleeping beside him every time that he’s going to wake up in the morning. Kyuhyun miss that wonderful moment so much because he and Sungmin have been away from each other for twelve long years.

“I wonder where she goes”

Kyuhyun stares at his watch to check the time.

“It’s still early for her to wake-up”

Kyuhyun whispers. He went out of the tent and stretches his back, arms and legs before returning inside his mansion. He was about to go upstairs to check if Sungmin is sleeping inside her room or inside the twins’ room when the head maid greets him.

“Good morning Sir”

The head maid greets Kyuhyun happily before bowing at him.

“How’s your sleep?”

The head maid asks Kyuhyun.

“It was peaceful. But I woke up because Minnie is no longer beside me. Is she inside her room?”

Kyuhyun asks. The head maid shook her head.

“In our kids’ room?”

Kyuhyun asks.


The head answers. She maid smiles at Kyuhyun.

“She just finishes cooking breakfast. She’s inside the dining room now, preparing the breakfast for you and for the kids”

The head maid happily told Kyuhyun


Kyuhyun nods his head.

“Thanks ahjumma”

Kyuhyun smiles at the head maid and starts walking. He went at the dining room and found his beautiful and really lovely ex-wife preparing the delicious breakfast that she cooks for all of them.

“Knock knock. Can I disturb you babe?”

Sungmin stops what she’s doing when she hears her ex-husband’s voice. She raises her head and stares at Kyuhyun who is standing at the corner, smiling at her.

“Good morning Kyu”

Sungmin greets her ex-husband happily.

“Good morning baby”

Kyuhyun greets Sungmin with a bright smile on his lips. He walks towards his ex-wife and hugs her from behind, making her smile.

“You leave me alone. That was sad because I didn’t see my lovely wife beside me when I woke up”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin before giving her a sweet peck on her cheek. Sungmin slowly turns around to face her ex-husband. She smiles at Kyuhyun and wraps her arms around his neck. Kyuhyun wraps an arm around Sungmin’s waist, pulling her against him before giving her a sweet peck on her wonderful lips.

“I’m sorry Kyu”

Sungmin told her husband. She starts brushing her fingers on her ex-husband’s soft pinkish lips while staring at him with love.

“You were sleeping peacefully awhile ago when I woke up. It’s really wonderful to watch you sleeping like that and that’s why I didn’t wake you up. I want you to sleep some more because you need to have a lot of energy today because you promise our kids that we’re going out today and you will play with them and I also know that you’re tired yesterday, that’s why you need to have a lot of sleep”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun.

“And I’m going to cook our breakfast”

Sungmin added. Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s hand and softly kisses it.

“Do you really need to wake up early just to cook breakfast? Seriously Minnie, the chefs can do it”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin.

“But I want to take care of you and our kids, just like before. I miss cooking for you, so just let me do it ok”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. Kyuhyun nods his head and smiles at Sungmin.


Sungmin holds Kyuhyun’s hand and smiles at him.

“We need to go up and wake our babies, so we can already have our breakfast”

Sungmin happily told Kyuhyun. She went out of the dining room, dragging her ex-husband happily with her. They went upstairs to wake their kids. Kyuhyun opens the door of the twins’ shared bedroom. They enter the room carefully, avoiding making noises. They walk towards the bed and stars at their adorable kids who are still sleeping peacefully while hugging each other.

“Watching them sleeping peacefully like this is really priceless. They are so wonderful baby and I’m really happy seeing them like that”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife in a soft voice. Sungmin nods, agreeing to Kyuhyun.

“I’m happy that our kids are finally together now. I hope this moment will last forever. All I want is for us to be happy and complete again”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun as tears start forming in her eyes while watching her kids sleeping peacefully beside each other. Kyuhyun looks at his ex-wife and gently pinches her cheek, catching her attention. Sungmin looks at Kyuhyun with teary eyes.

“Don’t ruin the atmosphere ok. Such a crybaby”

Kyuhyun teases Sungmin, making her pout. Kyuhyun laughs softly. He holds his ex-wife’s hand and softly kisses it.

“We’re already complete right? We’re together now and our kids are also here for us. The only thing that we need to do is for us to get married soon, so stop being a best actress baby. It’s too early to rehearse for Oscars “

Kyuhyun told Sungmin, teasing her. Sungmin laughs softly and gently hits Kyuhyun’s arm.

“Just wake the kids ok”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun, smiling at him. Kyuhyun nods and sits on the bed.

"Key ahjusshi, it’s time to wake-up”

Kyuhyun whispers on Sandeul’s ear while gently patting his cheek.

“I’m still sleepy daddy and I am Deullie, not Key”

Sandeul told his father softly.

“Oh! Sorry about that honey. I thought you’re Key”

Kyuhyun told the younger Cho before patting his cheek gently. He looks at his other son who is sleeping peacefully.

“Key ahjusshi, open your eyes now. It’s time to wake up”

Kyuhyun told the older Cho while shaking his body gently. Kibum frowns and gets a pillow. He covers his face to avoid his father. Kyuhyun quickly grabs the pillow away from his son’s gorgeous face.

“Hey, I told you to wake up now ok”

Kyuhyun told Kibum.

“Mommy cooks a very delicious breakfast for all of us. That’s why both of you need to wake up now ok”

Kyuhyun told his kids, but they didn’t move.

“Ah, so you guys don’t want to wake up huh?”

Kyuhyun flashes an evil smile and starts tickling the twins.


The twins shout happily. Kyuhyun continues tickling his kids happily. Sungmin watches them happily. Kyuhyun and the twins are already playing with each other on the bed—they happily roll on the bed, tickle each other. The twins also try to wrestle their father, but they end up losing to Kyuhyun because he starts tickling them again. Sungmin watches her kids playing with their father. She’s happy seeing them like that and happy to hear their laughter. She can see that Kyuhyun is having fun being a father to the twins even though they are really playful and naughty, especially Kibum and she can see how much Kyuhyun love their kids.

“Kyu is right. We’re complete now. No matter what happen we’re still a family even though Kyu and I are already divorce”

Sungmin told herself while watching Kyuhyun jumping on bed like a kid with Kibum and Sandeul.

“Daddy, babies, please stop playing now. We need to go downstairs now to eat our breakfast”

Sungmin told them while clapping her hands, catching her ex-husband and kids’ attention. She sits on the bed while smiling at them. The twins stop jumping and quickly crawl towards Sungmin, hugging her.

“Mommy, we can’t beat daddy. It’s so unfair because he jumps higher than us. Of course he will be the winner because he’s taller than us”

Sandeul told her mother. Kyuhyun crawls towards them.

“I told you kids. You can never defeat me”

Kyuhyun told his kids. He laughs at them, teasing them happily.

“Mommy, daddy is laughing at us”

Kibum told Sungmin as he frowns at Kyuhyun.

“Aigoo! The ahjusshi is getting mad now. Why don’t you just accept that I defeat you and Baby Deullie? You guys can never defeat me”

Kyuhyun told his kids proudly before flicking their foreheads gently.

“Oh really?”

Sandeul asks as he pouts cutely. Kyuhyun nods happily before lying on the bed. He rests his head on Sungmin’s lap. Sandeul lay down beside his father. He also rests his head on Sungmin’s lap and hugs Kyuhyun who also hugs him while Kibum sits on Kyuhyun’s tummy.

“If Baby Deullie and I will combine our points, we’re going to defeat you for sure”


Kyuhyun shook his head while smiling.

“Even if you combine it together, my score is still high”

Kyuhyun told them.


Kibum snaps his fingers happily.

“I have a bright idea daddy”


Kyuhyun asks. Kibum smirks and crosses his arms on his chest.

“Let’s put it this way Cho Kyuhyun. I and Baby Deullie challenge you. Let’s play PS4 later. Baby Deullie and I are teammates and we’re going against you. Loser will be punished and the winner shall decide on what punishment to give to the loser. Deal?”

Kibum told his father. Kyuhyun also smirks at the older Cho.

“Are you sure about it honey? You and Baby Deullie can never defeat me”

Kyuhyun told them.

“I know that you’re the game master, but it’s a matter of strategy and luck. So don’t be too over confident Cho Kyuhyun. Baby Deullie and I will beat you”

Kibum told his father, flashing a confident smile because he already knows what to do in order for them to defeat Kyuhyun in the game. Sandeul nods his head because he’s also thinking what his twin brother is thinking.

“Ok. Deal”

Kyuhyun told them happily. Kibum and Sandeul look at each other and give each other a high five.

“Ok. A deal is a deal. Baby Deullie and I will surely defeat you later daddy and that’s for sure”

Kibum told his father while flashing a proud smile.

“We shall see my dear Key ahjusshi”

Kyuhyun told the older Cho, teasing him happily while ruffling his hair.

“Baby Deullie and I will go downstairs now. We still need to talk about our strategy for our duel later while waiting for you and mommy at the dining room”

Kibum told his father. But before he and Sandeul get off of the bed, Kyuhyun trapped them on his arms, hugging them tight.

“Both of you are forgetting something”

Kyuhyun told them. The twins stare at him with blank expression.

“You guys are not yet giving me and mommy a kiss. Why do you always forget about it huh?”

Kyuhyun told his kids, frowning at them.

“Oops! Sorry about that daddy”

Sandeul told Kyuhyun.

“I love you daddy”

Sandeul told his father before giving him a sweet peck on his lips.

“I love you too daddy”

Kibum told Kyuhyun and gives him a sweet peck on his lips. Kyuhyun smiles at his kids and ruffles their hairs happily.

“I love you too my adorable babies”

Kyuhyun told them as he showers his kids’ faces with light kisses, making them laugh. He gets up and sits on the bed and hugs his adorable kids for the last time before letting them go. The twins stand up and move towards their mother and hug her.

“I love you mommy…so much”

Sandeul told his mother while gently brushing his nose on hers. He smiles sweetly at Sungmin before giving her a sweet peck.

“I love you too honey”

Sungmin told Sandeul while smiling at him. She hugs the younger Cho tightly, making the older Cho jealous.

“How about me? That was unfair because you’re forgetting about me”

Kibum told Sungmin while frowning.

“Of course not Key honey. Mommy can never forget about you. Come here baby and let me hug you too”

Sungmin told Kibum who flashes a smile and hugs his mother. Sungmin hugs her kids tightly before staring at them.

“I love you both because both of you are my babies”

Sungmin happily told her kids.

“Excuse me mommy Minnie. I am also your baby. Don’t forget about me”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife while waving his hand. Sungmin laughs softly and gently pinches Kyuhyun’s nose.

“Of course baby, you’re also my baby and I love you too”

Kyuhyun blushes a little upon hearing Sungmin’s ‘I love you’ to him. He feels happy hearing those three magic words straight from the girl he loves most. Kyuhyn giggles happily and hugs his wife and kids.

“I love you too mommy”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife before kissing her cheek.

“Daddy, go away. Key and I will go out now. We still need to plan for our duel later”

Sandeul told Kyuhyun because he was already squeezing them. Kyuhyun pulls his kids away from Sungmin and hugs them tightly.

“Mommy and I are very lucky to have cute and really adorable kids. How about a new baby?”

Kyuhyun told the twins.

“NO WAY!!! NEVER!!!”

The twins shout in unison.

“Aish! Such kill joy kids”

Kyuhyun told his sons. He kisses them before letting them go. The twins kiss Sungmin and Kyuhyun before jumping off of their bed.


The twins shout in unison as they make a heart shape above their heads. Kyuhyun and Sungmin smile at them.

“We’re going to wait for both of you at the dining room”

Kibum told his parents happily.

“You need to hurry because Key and I are already hungry”

Sandeul told his parents while rubbing his tummy cutely. The twins give their parents flying kisses before running happily outside. Sungmin rests her head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder.

“They are really adorable”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. Kyuhyun nods and looks at his ex-wife.

“And that’s why I will forever be thankful to you because you’re their mother. They wouldn’t become adorable and very wonderful kids if they don’t have a very loving and understanding mother like you”

Kyuhyun told his wife.

“That’s why…”

Sungmin raises her head and gently pinches Kyuhyun’s cheeks.

“Don’t ever cheat again ok”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun.

“Hey, I thought we should already forget the past then why are you bringing it up again?”

Kyuhyun asks while frowning. Sungmin shook her head. She gives Kyuhyun a sweet peck on his lips.

“I’m just telling you Kyu because I don’t want you to commit the same mistakes again”

Sungmin told her ex-husband as she slowly let go of his cheek. Kyuhyun nods his head and cups Sungmin’s beautiful face and gently caresses her cheek.

“I promise that I won’t hurt you again. I will make it right this time, so don’t be afraid anymore baby”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife. He holds Sungmin’s hands and softly kisses it.

“I love you. Let’s make this happiness last forever ok”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin who nods her head and smiles sweetly.

“Yes Kyu. I love you too and our kids will forever bind us together”

Sungmin told her ex-husband.

“Come on. Let’s go down now and join our kids at the dining room, so we can already have our breakfast. We still need to prepare for our date with our kids later. We’re do you plan to take them?”

Sungmin asks excitedly.

“Secret. It will be my date with you and our kids, so I won’t tell you. Let’s enjoy this day together and with our kids ok”


Kyuhyun smiles brightly and stand up.

“Come baby. Let’s go now before our little ahjusshi reprimand us for moving slow”

Kyuhyun told his wife, making her laugh softly. Sungmin stands up. Kyuhyun holds his ex-wife’s hand. They intertwine their fingers together and happily went out of the twins’ shared bedroom to follow their kids at the dining room and have breakfast with them.




Ryeowook happily crawls on top of Jongwoon. She smiles brightly while staring at his fiancé who is still sleeping very peacefully.

“I really love you my angel”

Ryeowook whispers as she sits happily on top of Jongwoon, watching him sleep.

“You’re making me fall in love with you even more. Why are you so gorgeous baby? You look like an angel you know…a gorgeous angel to be exact”

Ryeowook told her sleeping fiancé. She giggles happily and slowly bends forward. She stares at Jongwoon’s soft pinkish lips and starts brushing her fingers on it gently as she wakes her sleeping fiancé.

“Baby, it’s time to wake up. You need to get up now because I prepare something special for you”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon, but he didn’t move.

“Come on my gorgeous Captain, please wake up now”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon as she starts patting his cheek gently, trying to wake him up. Jongwoon pulls Ryeowook and wraps his arms around her, embracing her in his arms.

“It’s still early babe. Give me some more time to sleep. I really sleep late because of doing a lot of things in preparation for the construction of the new hangar in Busan”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook with sleepy voice. Ryeowook pouts and slowly raises her head. She stares at Jongwoon whose eyes are still closed.

“But I want you to get up now. I’m going to get mad at you if you will not wake up”

Ryeowook told his fiancé, but Jongwoon didn’t give any reaction. He just ignores Ryeowook and continue sleeping, making Ryeowook frown.

“Kim Jongwoon, I’m really serious ok! I cook a delicious breakfast for us, so wake up now”

Ryeowook demanded, but Jongwoon didn’t react. He didn’t even move. He just continues sleeping because he’s really tired and sleepy. He did a lot of things for the preparation of the construction of their new hangar in Busan and he’s not yet done doing everything. He goes to sleep at five in the morning.

“Babe, please…I still need to get up later and go to work at nine in the morning. I’m really sorry, but please just eat your breakfast alone…just for this day. I’ll just make it up to you later after work”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook. He really wants to have breakfast with Ryeowook and eat the delicious food that she cooks for him. But Jongwoon is too tired to get up and he’s really sleepy. He needs to wake up at seven thirty in the morning to take a bath and prepare his self for his work. He really don’t have work on that day because he’s still in vacation leave, but he needs to go at their airline company to give the students who are going to have OJT in South Korea Airways their first day orientation and he also needs to help some Aircraft Engineers to check some of their planes and also help them repair some aircrafts and he also need to attend an important meeting on that day.

“Fine. Just exchange me to your work Captain Kim”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon before getting off of him. She stares at Jongwoon while frowning before leaving his room. She went downstairs, feeling sad because she prepares a healthy and very delicious breakfast for Jongwoon because it’s his birthday, but Jongwoon just ignores her. Ryeowook go inside the dining room and stares sadly at the breakfast that she cooks for Jongwoon.

“My efforts are put to nothing. Why is he like that? I know that he’s busy. But he’s just going to eat breakfast with me. He just needs to spend a little time with me. That’s all”

Ryeowook told herself sadly. She sits on the chair and wipes her tears away.

“I hate you”

Ryeowook whispers as she eats her breakfast alone and sad.



Kyuhyun and Sungmin stop packing for their so-called ‘family day’ when they hear Kibum shouting at the top of his lungs. They quickly went out of their room and run downstairs.

“Oh my God!”

Sungmin quickly runs towards Sandeul who is crying really hard while sitting on the sofa. Kibum is hugging him, trying his best to stop his baby brother from crying. Kyuhyun also run towards the younger Cho. He and Sungmin kneel down in front of Sandeul.

“Honey what happen here?”

Sungmin asks Kibum.


Kibum let go of his twin brother and sit beside him. He stares at Sungmin and Kyuhyun sadly.

“Baby Deullie feels really sad. You see. He just finished talking to Baro over the phone. He told him that he will already stay here in Seoul with us and it only means that they wouldn’t see each other again because they are living far from each other now. Baby Deullie becomes sad because he will miss his best friend and that’s why he cries. I try to stop him from crying…”

Kibum’s tears start forming in his eyes.

“I and Magnus…”

Kibum points at his dog that is lying on the floor and looks so sad as well.

“We try to cheer Baby Deullie, but he won’t stop crying. I told him that Jonghyun can be his best friend too while Baro is away from him. But he doesn’t want to stop from crying. I don’t know what to do anymore”

Kibum told his parents as he too starts to cry.

“Aigoo! Why are you crying too?”

Kyuhyun asks Kibum.

“I feel so sad daddy because Baby Deullie is sad. We’re twins and I can feel his sadness too. I don’t want him to be sad”

Kibum told his father. He hugs his twin brother as they both cry like newborn babies.

“Oh my God! I feel like I’m going to cry too”

Sungmin told her ex-husband.

“Me too”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin because they don’t know what to do to stop their kids from crying.

“Seriously, they sound like choir”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife as they both start to panic when the twins cry even harder.

“Aigoo! Double trouble”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife as he holds his forehead.

“Babies, please stop crying or else mommy and daddy will also end up crying. We don’t want to see our babies crying”

Sungmin told her kids as she embraces them in her arms, hoping that the twins will stop from crying.

“Mommy, I want to see Baro for the last time. I won’t be able to see him for a long time because we’re going to live here in Seoul with daddy and Key”

Sandeul told his mother, staring at him sadly while crying. Sungmin stares at the younger Cho sadly. She holds Sandeul’s beautiful face between her hands and wipes his tears away.

“Stop crying baby. Mommy doesn’t want to see you sad. Of course you will still see Baro. We’re going in New York after the wedding to get our things and transfer it here. You spend time with him while we’re there and…”

Sungmin stop talking when Sandeul starts crying hard again.

“But I won’t be able to be with him just like before”

Sandeul told his mother as he shook his head.

“We’re no longer going to attend the same school and I don’t have a best friend anymore. Just tell daddy that we should move in New York and stay there than here”

Sandeul told Sungmin.

“I don’t want. If that happens how about me and Jonghyun? We’re going to be far from each other too. I don’t want that. We need to stay here. I don’t want to live in New York”

Kibum told Sandeul, protesting to his idea. Sungmin stares at her kids who are crying hard.


Sungmin was lost for words. She doesn’t know what to say to stop the twins from crying. She understand that Sandeul is having a hard time and really feeling sad because Sun Woo is his best friend and he’s the only person who can understand Sandeul whenever he’s feeling lonely because of growing up without a father by his side and he’s the only one who can make Sandeul smile whenever he’s feeling alone. She doesn’t want to separate Sandeul to his best friend, but they need to stay in Seoul with Kyuhyun and Kibum.

“Babies, please stop crying ok. I don’t know what to do anymore. This day is supposed to be happy because we’re going out as a family, so please stop crying now”

Sungmin told her kids, begging them to stop crying. Kyuhyun stands up and sit down on the sofa.

“Babies, please move closer”

Kyuhyun told the twins. Kibum and Sandeul stand up and move closer to their father and sit on his lap. Kyuhyun wipes his kids’ tears away.

“Both of you are making mommy sad”

Kyuhyun told them. He holds Sandeul’s beautiful face between his hands and stares at him.

“Your best friend will not go away. He will remain your best friend even though you’re far from each other. You see. I also have a best friend and he’s far from me. We see each other occasionally and we also talk to each other over the phone very frequently because we’re both busy. But we never forget the fact that we’re best of friends because our friendship will never end even though we don’t usually see each other and talk to each other”

Kyuhyun told Sandeul.

“The value of friendship doesn’t decrease when you don’t see each other for long years. What matters most is that you maintain the friendship even though you’re far from each other and you keep on valuing each other even though you’re not seeing and talking to each other that much and communication is still there even though you don’t have the chance to see each other everyday”

Kyuhyun told his son as he wipes his tears away.

“Hae and I only talk to each other for like once to twice a year. Sometimes through mobile phone and sometimes through email. But it doesn’t matter how many times we talk to each other in a year. What matters most is we keep in touch and update each other about us. Things are still the same between us even though we’re far from each other. Nothing changes at all because we’re best of friends and that thing will never change even though we’re far from each other and we don’t usually see and talk to each other. That also goes with you and Baro”

Kyuhyun wipes the twins’ tears and hug them tight.

“Baro can always visit you here whenever he wants and maybe we can go in New York every summer or whenever we have chance, so you can still see your best friend. He will never go away because best friends never leave each other. You can meet a lot of friends here without forgetting Baro. Key and Jonghyun is there for you, so no need to be sad”

“I’m going to miss him”

“I understand. But don’t worry honey. We will go in New York every summer, so you and Baro can see each other. You can call each other every day if you want. You can chat with each other and see each other through the internet”

Kyuhyun cups his son’s beautiful face and stares at him.

“If you and mommy will live in New York, how about daddy and Key? Do you want to leave us?”

Kyuhyun asks sadly. Sandeul shook his head and hugs Kyuhyun.

“I don’t want. I want us to stay together because we’re family. I don’t want to live away from you and Key. I want to stay here with you and Key and mommy”

Sandeul told Kyuhyun, controlling his tears from falling again.

“Baro understand that and you should also understand that. Living here in Seoul doesn’t mean that your friendship with Baro will be over and it also doesn’t mean that you can never visit New York again and see him. I’m sure that Baro will choose you to stay here in Seoul and be away from him because he knows that you’re family is here and you’re going to be fine”

Kyuhyun told the younger Cho as he starts rubbing his back.

“So stop crying now ok. Don’t be sad because daddy promise that we will visit New York every summer. Maybe we can spend holidays there sometimes, so you will have the chance to spend it with Baro”

Kyuhyun told Sandeul, cheering him up.

“How about me?”

Kibum asks. Kyuhyun stares at him and gently flicks his forehead.

“Key, how many times do I need to tell you that you’re older than Deullie even though you guys are twins? There are times wherein you should give way for your baby brother. Do you want to see him sad?”

Kyuhyun asks. Kibum shook his head.

“Then you must cheer him up. Spending holidays and summer in New York is not bad”

Kyuhyun told the older Cho.

“Let’s put it this way. We’re going to spend holidays in New York and Seoul. This year we will spend it in New York and next year here in Seoul. We’re going to do it alternately. Every summer vacation, we’re going to spend one month in New York. Fair enough?”

Kyuhyun told his kids. The twins nod their heads.

“No more crying ok?”

Kyuhyun asks. The twins nod at him. Kyuhyun smiles at them and hugs them tight.

“Mommy and daddy don’t want to see you crying like that again. It makes us sad whenever we see our babies sad and crying”

Kyuhyun told them. He looks at them.

“Do you still want to go out with me and mommy or we’re just going to stay here and be sad all day?”

Kyuhyun asks the twins.

“No. Key and I want to have adventure”

“We’re not going to cry anymore”

The twins told their father. Kyuhyun smiles and nods his head.

“That’s why both of you need to go upstairs and take a bath while me and mommy continue packing the things that we need for our family day today”

Kyuhyun told his kids. The twins smile brightly.


The twins shout in unison. Kyuhyun kisses them before letting them go. The twins run towards their mother and hug her tight.

“Mommy is sad anymore right? Key and I are no longer crying”

Sandeul told his mother.

“Mommy, sorry if Baby Deullie and I make you sad and worry about us. We promise to be happy and enjoy this day with you and daddy”

Kibum told his mother. Sungmin stares at her kids and smiles at them. She gently caresses their cheeks.

“Mommy is not sad anymore. You go upstairs now and take a bath or do you want me to bathe you?”

Sungmin asks her kids. They smile at her.

“Is it ok?”

Kibum asks. Sungmin nods happily.


The twins shout happily.

“You need to go up now and wait for mommy inside your room ok”

Sungmin told her kids while smiling at them. The twins nod their heads happily. Sungmin kisses their cheeks before letting them go. Kibum and Sandeul hold each other’s hands and happily run upstairs. Sungmin stands up and stares at her husband. Kyuhyun pat the empty space beside him, asking his ex-wife to sit with him. Sungmin smiles and walks towards Kyuhyun. She sits on his lap and holds Kyuhyun’s gorgeous face between her hands and softly kisses his soft pinkish lips.

“Thank you. You’re the best dad in the world”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun, making him smile.

“Seriously baby, if they didn’t stop crying, I will also end up crying with them. Aigoo! It’s really a double trouble taking good care of twins. I wonder if we have twins again…like girl twins. I bet the house will be very noisy and it’s a quadruple trouble for us”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin who laughs softly while nodding her head.

“But it’s ok Minnie…”

Kyuhyun caresses his ex-wife’s cheek.

“As long as you’re the mother of my kids then it will be just fine. Having double headache and trouble in one day is not bad or maybe having quadruple headache and trouble in a day is still fine as long as we’re together”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife. Sungmin raises an eyebrow.

“And who told you that we’re going to have twins again?”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun.

“I’m just saying ok. It’s not bad to have twins again. Girls this time ok”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin happily.

“Seriously, you’re planning to kill me”

“Please baby. It will be great you know”

“We will see”

Sungmin smiles and gives Kyuhyun a sweet peck on his lips before getting off of him.

“You continue packing our things. I’ll go inside the kids’ room to bath them”

Sungmin told her ex-husband.

“You also need to bathe me ok”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin while flashing a naughty smile, teasing her. Sungmin shook her head.

“Better luck next time Doctor Cho”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun, making him pout.

“Minnie, why are you always unfair? I am your baby too. Why are you always ignoring me?”

Kyuhyun asks, working on his drama to make his ex-wife feel guilty.

“It’s always Key and Deullie. How about your baby Kyu? If our next twins arrive, I’m sure that baby Kyu can never have your attention and time anymore and he will be ignored even more”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin.

“Then poor baby Kyu. How sad”

Sungmin told her ex-husband, teasing him.


“Yes daddy?”

Sungmin asks while smiling.

“Please take care of me too ok. I also want your attention and time, so please don’t ignore me”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife while flashing his puppy eyes. Sungmin laughs and stuck her tongue out.

“Yeah right, you evil naughty bunny…”

Kyuhyun stands up and flashes an evil smile.

“If I were you I will run now before I catch you or else you will be punished later naughty evil bunny”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin naughtily. He starts walking towards Sungmin.

“Aigoo! Daddy, I’m just kidding ok. I…KYU!!!”

Sungmin shouts as she starts running upstairs because she knows that Kyuhyun will tickle her once he catches her.


Kyuhyun shouts happily as he starts running upstairs to chase Sungmin and play with her for awhile before she bathes their kids.


Ryeowook was sitting peacefully at the living room. She was busy scanning her ipad, deciding on what cake she should bake for Jongwoon’s birthday.

“Should I bake chocolate pistachio torte or strawberry cream cake?”

Ryeowook asks herself.

“Hmmm…strawberry cream cake is already common. Maybe we can try chocolate pistachio torte. Not bad right?”

Ryeowook asks herself. Jongwoon went down with his backpack and car key.

“Baby, I’m going now”

Jongwoon told his fiancée as he walks towards her. Ryeowook raises her head and stares at her fiancé with questioning glare.

“Where are you going?”

Ryeowook asks Jongwoon who is wearing his captain uniform. Jongwoon gives Ryeowook a sweet peck on her lips before answering.

“I told you awhile ago when you’re waking me that I’m going to work, right? I’m leaving now. I need to go because I’m already late”

Jongwoon told his fiancée who frowns at him.

“Work? Why do you need to go to work today? Aren’t we supposed to have our date today?”

Ryeowook asks.

“I told you yesterday not to go to work today and just move all your schedules on the next day. You promise that you will do it. But why are you leaving now?”

Ryeowook asks as she frowns at Jongwoon.


Jongwoon sighs, still feeling tired and sleepy.

“I really need to go to work today. I can’t move my schedules today on the next day. I’m sorry ok. As much as I wa—“

“Fine! You go now!”

Ryeowook told her fiancé while frowning hard, feeling really angry and upset because she’s preparing a simple surprise for Jongwoon since it’s his birthday on that day. But Jongwoon seems not to care and it seems that he doesn’t want to spend a little time with Ryeowook on that day. Ryeowook feels hurt because she’s thinking that her fiancé doesn’t want to spend his special day with her. But the truth is, Jongwoon is not aware that it’s his birthday on that day because of doing a lot of things and being busy. He’s thinking a lot of things and that’s why he already forgets that it’s already August 24 and it’s his birthday.

“You go now Captain Kim. Don’t worry because I’m not going to disturb you again. Just spend all your time working since it’s more important than your fiancée!”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon angrily. She stands up and was about to walk away, but Jongwoon holds her arm to stop her from leaving.

“Baby, look…all I want is for you to understand. I know th—“

Ryeowook raises her hand to stop Jongwoon from talking.

“You don’t need to explain ok. Just go because you’re already late”

“You know what?”

Jongwoon frowns at his fiancée and let go of her.

“I’m trying to explain. Do you really think that I want to work today? Do you really think that I want to break my promise to you yesterday? Of course not, but I don’t have any choice. I’m already tired, but you still insist to throw a fight with me. All I’m asking is for your understanding. You will never understand me because you don’t know what kind of responsibilities my dad is giving me and all his expectations for me”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook sadly. He feels sad because Ryeowook hates him and he doesn’t want them to fight. He wants his fiancée to understand him and not to get mad at him.

“You’re the one who doesn’t understand me Jongwoon. Just leave now ok”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon, feeling really irritated to her fiancé. Jongwoon sighs.

“See you later. I love you”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook. He was about to kiss Ryeowook, but she moves away from him. Jongwoon just sighs again and leave his mansion without saying anything to Ryeowook.

“I really hate you”

Ryeowook whispers as she controls her tears from falling.


Sungmin carefully and slowly go down the stairs while talking to her best friend over the phone.

“Happy Birthday Captain Jongwoonie!!!”

Sungmin greets Jongwoon happily.

“Birthday? It’s not my birthday Minnie”

Jongwoon told his best friend. Sungmin stops going down the stairs. She laughs softly.

“What are you talking about? You’re just thirty six years old for you to become forgetful like oldies”

Sungmin told her best friend, teasing him.

“Is it already August 24 today?”

Jongwoon asks. Sungmin nods her head.

“You don’t know or you’re just pretending because you don’t want to get old again?”

Sungmin told Jongwoon before laughing. She continues to go down the stairs slowly and carefully.

“Honestly, I really forget it. I actually don’t know the date anymore because I’m so busy doing a lot of things and thinking a lot of things. I forgot that it’s my birthday today”

Jongwoon told Sungmin as he drives his car.

“So, how’s the plan for your celebration? Are you going to have a date with Wookie?”

Sungmin asks happily. Jongwoon sighs sadly.

“We fought. She hates me”

Jongwoon told Sungmin, feeling really sad.

“But why?”

Sungmin asks curiously.

“It’s a long story Minnie and she doesn’t want me to go to work today”

“Why not spend this day with her since it’s your birthday and I thought that you’re still in vacation leave?”

Sungmin asks. Jongwoon nods his head. He stops his car when the traffic lights turn red.

“Yes. But I need to go to work today. It’s urgent and I have a lot of things to do. Daddy is giving me a lot of pressure and I don’t even have time to think about my proposal to Wookie. Seriously, my head is already aching. I feel so tired and really sleepy because of doing a lot of things and Wookie can’t even understand it”

Jongwoon told his best friend as he starts driving his car again when the traffic lights turn green.


The twins shout happily as they run towards their mother.

“Kids, have you already greet Uncle Jongwoon?”

Sungmin told them.

“Today is his birthday. Don’t forget that”

Sungmin told her kids, reminding them. She holds her mobile phone in front of her kids for them to be able to greet Jongwoon.


The twins shout happily before running outside. Sungmin smiles and presses her mobile phone back to her ear.

“They are so sweet, right?”

Sungmin told her best friend while smiling brightly. Jongwoon nods his head happily. Somehow, he feels better upon hearing the voices of Kibum and Sandeul, greeting him happily on his birthday.

“I suddenly miss the twins. Where is Kyu? Can you guys have dinner at home later? I’ll tell Wookie about it”

Jongwoon told Sungmin, inviting them to have dinner with him and Ryeowook to celebrate his birthday.

“Oh! I’m sorry Jongwoon. But we can’t come today because we’re going in Busan. Kyu promise the kids that we’re going to have our family day today. We’re about to leave now”

Sungmin told Jongwoon, apologizing to him. Jongwoon smiles and nods his head.

“It’s ok baby bunny. No need to apologize. Just have fun with your family”

“I’ll just see you soon. Just enjoy this day with your fiancée. Don’t fight anymore. You should say sorry later ok”


Sungmin smiles brightly. She went out of the mansion and walk towards her ex-husband who is loading some of their things at the back of his car.

“Kyu, Jongwoon is still on the line. It’s his birthday today. Greet him”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. Kyuhyun gets his ex-wife’s mobile phone from her hand to talk to Jongwoon.

“Happy Birthday Captain Kim. How young are you?”

Kyuhyun greets his friend happily. Jongwoon laughs softly.

“Shut up Doctor Cho. We have the same age ok. You take care of Minnie and the twins ok or else I’ll hire some assassin to kill you”

Jongwoon told Kyuhyun, joking around. Kyuhyun nods happily.

“Don’t worry Jongwoon. Minnie and the kids will always be safe as long as they are with me. Enjoy your birthday with Wookie. Sorry if we can’t come and celebrate it with you. I promise the kids that we’re going out today. We’re going to sleep in Busan and stay there for three days before I go back to work next week”

Kyuhyun told Jongwoon happily.

“That will be nice. You enjoy your little vacation with your family. Let’s just talk about the wedding when we see each other next week. Kibum will already arrive next week. Wookie and I will fetch her at the airport on Tuesday evening”

Jongwoon told Kyuhyun, informing him about the wedding designer. Kyuhyun nods his head.

“Ok. No problem. I’ll tell Minnie about it. See you and Wookie next week. You take care of cousin. Happy Birthday again Captain. Enjoy your day and take care”

Kyuhyun told Jongwoon before hanging up. He gives Sungmin’s mobile phone back to her before closing the trunk of his car.

“Let’s go baby?”

Kyuhyun asks. Sungmin nods her head happily. They went inside the car and buckle their seatbelt. Kyuhyun looks at the back and smiles at the twins who are happily sitting at the backseat with Magnus in between them.

“Ready to go now?”

Kyuhyun asks his kids. The twins flash a bright smile and nod their heads happily.

“Buckle your seatbelts because we’re going now”


The twins shout happily. Kyuhyun smiles at his kids and wears his sunglasses. He starts the engine of his car.

“Ok. Let’s go now”

Kyuhyun told them happily. He smiles at Sungmin who is also smiling at him before driving his car away.




After dropping their things and Magnus at Kyuhyun’s rest house in Busan, the Cho family went I at Cine de chef to have lunch. After having a peaceful lunch, Kyuhyun brings his family at the amusement park in Busan, fulfilling his promise to the twins that he will bring them at the amusement park and play with them when they are finally back in Korea.

“So, where are we going first?”

Kibum asks as he and Sandeul happily stare at the map that they are holding.

“Maybe we can ride the roller coaster or the Ferris wheel. What do you think?”

Sandeul asks. Kibum looks at him.

“Let’s just play some games”

Kibum told his twin brother. He gently pulls Sandeul closer to him and whispers something to him. The twins stare at each other and smile brightly.

“Kids, did you already decided where to go first? You see. We only have four hours to enjoy the amusement park. We need to go home soon because we still need to prepare for our camping in our rest house”

Kyuhyun told the twins. Kibum and Sandeul turn around to face their parents who are smiling at them while holding each other’s hands.

“We have a suggestion mommy and daddy”

Sandeul told his parents while smiling at them.

“What is it Key?”

Kyuhyun asks. The twins laugh because they think that their parents are having a hard time again in recognizing them.

“Well, we think that we should play games”

Kibum told his parents.

“What kind of game? Seriously honey, I really think that Key is influencing you that much. You don’t read books anymore just like what you used to do before. You’re just playing like Key”

Kyuhyun told Kibum.

“Sometimes having fun is not bad Cho Kyuhyun.

Kibum told his father. Sandeul claps his hands to catch their attention.

“Well anyway…”

Sandeul smirks just like how Kibum and Kyuhyun smirk.

“It’s like this ok. It’s Key and Baby Deullie versus mommy and daddy”

Sandeul told their parents, acting like Kibum, making Kyuhyun and Sungmin believe that he’s really Kibum and Kibum is really Sandeul. The twins really love teasing their parents when it comes to their identity.

“Losers will treat the winners at the ice cream parlor here ok”

Kibum told their parents. Kyuhyun nods his head, agreeing to his kids’ idea.

“Ok. I will never say no. I’m telling you kids. You can never defeat me and mommy. We’re surely going to win because I’m the game master Kyuhyun”

Kyuhyun told his kids while flashing a proud smile.

“Ha! Don’t be too over confident Cho Kyuhyun because even the game master lose sometimes”

Sandeul told Kyuhyun while smirking at him. Kyuhyun gently flicks his son’s forehead.

“Yeah right our little ahjusshi. Just tell us what the first game is. Mommy and I are ready to win against you and your baby brother”

Kyuhyun told Sandeul. The twins laugh softly as they stare at each other, enjoying teasing their parents about who is Kibum and who is Sandeul.

“Baby Deullie will tell you”

Sandeul told his father. Kyuhyun stares at Kibum who is smiling at him, looking innocent.

“Bump car”

Kibum told Kyuhyun.


The twins shout happily, feeling excited to ride the bump car and win against their parents. They start running happily while holding their map.

“Do we really need to compete against them?”

Sungmin asks her ex-husband. Kyuhyun nods happily.

“It will be fun baby. I’m sure that we’re going to win against them. Trust me ok”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife, feeling proud of his self.

“But don’t be harsh on them ok”

“Of course, but I won’t go easy on them”

Kyuhyun smiles and happily drags Sungmin with him as they follow their kids at the bump car area. They went inside with their kids. Kyuhyun and Sungmin sit together. Kyuhyun is the driver while Sungmin is the passenger while on twins’ side, Sandeul is the driver since Kibum is too lazy to drive. He just wants to sit and enjoy the ride. As the ride begins, Kyuhyun quickly drive the car towards the twins’ car and hit it.

“One point for us”

Kyuhyun told his kids while smiling brightly.

“Hey, that was so unfair. We’re just preparing ok!”

Kibum told his father as he and Sandeul frown at him. Kyuhyun just stuck his tongue out and drives away, giving his sons some time to drive their car. Sandeul starts driving the car happily.


Kibum shouts as he saw Kyuhyun driving happily towards them. Sandeul starts to panic.


The twins shout as they bump to the car in front of them. Kyuhyun takes the opportunity and bumps into the twins’ car, gaining another point.

“Two-zero. Mommy and daddy are on the lead”

Kyuhyun told his kids. He stuck his tongue out, teasing them before driving the car away. Kyuhyun was laughing, enjoying the game.

“Yah! I told you not to be harsh on our babies”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun while frowning at him.

“I’m not being harsh to them baby”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin while shaking his head happily. He is not looking at his wife because his attention is focused on driving and finding a good opportunity to bump into his kids’ car. Sandeul drives the car towards his parents’ car. Kyuhyun notices him and happily drives the car away from Sandeul.


Sandeul shouts. Kyuhyun just laughs.

“Why will I let them catch us huh? Of course we need to run away from them. They really think that I’m going to give them chance to win against us huh?”

Kyuhyun told his wife.

“Seriously Kyu, they are just kids. Just let them win”

Sungmin told her husband, convincing him to purposely lose the game. Kyuhyun shook his head.

“Baby, it’s a game. It won’t be challenging anymore if I lose the game because they are my sons and they are just kids. They need to learn how to fight for them to win ok and it’s fun”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin as he drives their car towards the twins’ car, bumping into them again.

“Three points for mommy and daddy. Zero for the twins”

Kyuhyun told his sons before driving away happily. Sungmin hits Kyuhyun’s arm.

“Ouch! Why are you hitting me huh?”

Kyuhyun asks his ex-wife. Sungmin pouts at him.

“What’s fun on bumping into your sons’ car? You’re going to hurt them ok”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun, making him laugh.

“I’m serious Cho Kyuhyun. Don’t laugh at me!”

Sungmin told her ex-husband as she frowns at him.

“Baby, stop being too overprotective with them. They are wearing their safety belt and do you think I’m going to agree with this game if I will end up hurting them? Of course not”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin as he happily bumps the twins’ car again. They keep on playing until the time ends. Kyuhyun and Sungmin got five points while the twins only got three points.

“Mommy and daddy win”

Kyuhyun happily told his kids who are frowning at them.

“It’s still early to rejoice daddy because it’s just the first game. Team twins will definitely win the second game. I’ll choose the next game. Follow me”

Kibum told them. He holds his twin brother’s hand as they happily run towards the shooting booth.

“They should bring Wookie here. She’s good on that game”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin.

“Jongwoon too”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun. They hold each other’s hands and happily follow their kids at the shooting booth.

“Kyu, you need to win ok. I want that one”

Sungmin told her ex-husband while happily pointing her finger on the cute chubby bunny plushie. She happily wraps her hands around her ex-husband’s arm.

“You need to win ok. Promise me that you will win that bunny plushie for me ok”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun while flashing her cute puppy eyes, acting cute in front of her ex-husband. Kyuhyun smiles at he stares at his cute ex-wife.

“I miss your cuteness so much. But you told me earlier not to be harsh on our kids, right? You even want me to lose the game on purpose”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin, teasing her. Sungmin shook her head cutely and pouts really cute.

“But not this time, I really want that cute chubby bunny plushie. Please Kyu, you win for me”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun in a very cute manner, convincing her ex-husband to win the game so she can have the cute chubby bunny plushie.

“Ok. Your wish is my command my Princess”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin, making her smile brightly. Kyuhyun smiles and gently pinches his ex-wife’s cheek. On the other hand, Kibum and Sandeul are happily staring at the bag full of snacks.

“We need to win Key and get that”

Sandeul told his twin brother as he happily points his finger on the bag full of snacks. Kibum nods his head happily because he also wants to win it.

“Seriously, I really think that we should bring Aunt Wookie with us. She’s good in this game”

Kibum told his twin brother. He’s not that confident that he will win against Kyuhyun because shooting game is not the kind of game that Kibum masters since he thinks that it’s a bit boring.

“Uncle Jongwoon is also good on it. We used to play shooting game when we’re in New York. He will play it for me whenever we’re going at the amusement park. We should have bring them with us”

Sandeul told Kibum who nods his head, agreeing to his twin brother.

“It’s ok”

Kibum takes a deep breath.

“We need to win this time or else daddy and mommy will get the victory and we can never win those snacks. We can do this Baby Deullie. Fighting!”

Kibum told his twin brother. Sandeul nods his head happily.

“I trust you Key. Fighting for us and let’s win for those delicious snacks. We can eat it later during our camping”


The twins smile at each other and giggle happily. Kyuhyun and Sungmin approach their kids.

“Kids, are you ready now?”

Sungmin asks the twins who nod happily at her.

“Yes mommy. We’re going to make sure that we will win this time”

Sandeul told Sungmin.

“We will beat daddy and win that…”

Kibum happily points his finger on the bag full of snacks.

“Ready to lose Cho Kyuhyun?”

Kibum asks his father.

“Why don’t we just start now honey and let’s see who will win between us?”

Kyuhyun asks his son as he flashes a proud smile.

“Ok. Let’s start now”

Kibum and Kyuhyun prepare their selves for the game. Sungmin and Sandeul happily stare at them. They count until three for the game to begin. Kyuhyun starts shooting his targets.


Sandeul shouts as he watches his father shoots his targets without even missing.

“Daddy and mommy will win. I’m confident about it. I’m going to get that cute chubby bunny plushie”

Sungmin happily told her son while clapping her hands like a kid. She’s feeling very excited to get that cute chubby bunny plushie. Sandeul stares at his mother and shook his head.

“No mommy. My twin brother will win ok”

Sandeul told his mother. Sungmin looks at him and shook her head happily.

“Not a chance Key. Daddy is still good than Baby Deullie. Look at him. He keeps on missing his target. He only shoots three then keeps on missing”

Sungmin told Sandeul happily. Sandeul looks at his twin brother and sighs sadly.

“Aigoo! This is bad”

Sandeul whispers as he touches his forehead. Sungmin is right. Kyuhyun is good than Kibum because he keeps on missing his target while Kyuhyun is very consistent and still not missing anything. Kyuhyun finished the game with a perfect score, defeating Kibum who only got five points out of twenty. Sungmin jumps happily when Kyuhyun wins. She runs towards his ex-husband and happily hug him.

“You’re so great daddy!”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun as she smiles brightly to him. She gives Kyuhyun a sweet peck on his lips before jumping happily like a kid when Kyuhyun finally give her their prize—the cute chubby bunny plushie that Sungmin wants.

“Thank you so much. This is really cute”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. She hugs the plushie and squeezes it happily. Kyuhyun stares at his ex-wife, watching her giggling happily while squeezing the cute plushie. Sungmin looks like a kid who is enjoying playing her new toy.

“I’m really happy seeing you like that. Such a baby”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin as he gently pinches her cheek. Sungmin smiles sweetly at her husband before looking around to show the cute chubby bunny plushie to her kids. But to her surprise, the twins are no longer standing there.

“Kyu, our kids are gone”

Sungmin told her ex-husband worriedly. Kyuhyun looks around and found the twins sitting sadly under the tree that is not far away from them.

“Our babies are sad”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. She looks at Kyuhyun sadly.

“Maybe we can just exchange this bunny to that bag of snacks that they want”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun.

“We can always go at the grocery store to buy them snacks”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife. Sungmin shook her head.

“But they want to win it and not buy it”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun.

“You stay here. I’ll call them”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin, but she stops him. Sungmin looks at Kyuhyun and shook her head.

“You stay here and I’ll call them”

Sungmin told her ex-husband.

“You hold my bunny for me”

Sungmin gives the plushie to Kyuhyun before running towards their kids. Sungmin sits in front of her kids. Kibum and Sandeul stare at her sadly.

“Daddy is worried. He wants both of you to play the game again”

Sungmin told the twins. They shook their heads.

“We’re not good enough to defeat daddy”

Kibum told his mother sadly. Sungmin shook her head and starts caressing her kids’ cheeks gently.

“Daddy won’t challenge you. He wants both of you to play the game and win it, so you can already get the prize that you want. Let’s try again ok”

Sungmin told her kids, cheering them up. Kibum and Sandeul smile and nod their heads. They stand up and hold their mother’s hand and happily walk towards Kyuhyun who is waiting for them happily while playing on the cute chubby bunny plushie that he got for winning the game against his sons.

“Daddy, our babies are here now”

Sungmin told her husband who is squeezing the plushie happily. He looks at his ex-wife who is holding Kibum and Sandeul’s hands.


Kyuhyun smiles at the twins.

“My babies will play the game and win that bag full of snacks”

Kyuhyun told them. The twins shook their heads.

“But daddy, we can’t defeat you. How are we going to win the game?”

Sandeul asks sadly. Kibum nods his head in agreement.

“I keep on missing my target and I only shoot five of my targets. I’m not even lucky”

Kibum told his father sadly. Kyuhyun walks towards them. He bends a little lower to have the same level with his sons. He smiles at them and happily ruffles their hair.

“Don’t worry because daddy will teach you while mommy is cheering for both of you. Is that ok twins? Don’t worry because I already talk to that Mr.”

Kyuhyun looks at the man who is facilitating the shooting game.

“He agrees that we will just combine your scores to win the prize that you want”

Kyuhyun told his sons, making them smile.

“So, let’s start now?”

Kyuhyun asks.


The twins shout happily. They prepare their selves for the shooting game. Kyuhyun gives the bunny plushie back to his ex-wife who is happily holding her small video cam, recording the twins’ special shooting lesson with Kyuhyun.

“Good luck on teaching our babies”

Sungmin happily told her ex-husband. Kyuhyun nods happily.

“Yes mommy”

He happily waves at the camera and gives Sungmin a flying kiss while looking at the camera.

“I love you mommy”

Kyuhyun winks and makes a heart shape with his hands, making Sungmin laughs softly. He stands behind the twins.

“You need to focus on your target. Always think that you can shoot them and you will never miss. Think positive and think of the prize that you want to win for you to be able to have a determination in winning the game and the prize that you want and think of a person that will give you inspiration”

Kyuhyun told his kids, giving them some sort of advice.

“Of course, enjoy playing the game. That’s the most important thing ok”

The twins nod as they focus on their targets.


Kyuhyun asks. The twins nod as their answer.

“Ok. Start shooting your targets now. Remember to concentrate and stay focus ok”

Kyuhyun told them. The twins start shooting their first target, both of them miss.

“It’s ok. There are still lots of it. Just concentrate and don’t lose hope”

Kyuhyun told them, cheering for them. The twins take a deep breath and follow what their father told them. They concentrate and focus on their targets and try shooting them again.


Sungmin shouts happily when the twins finally hit their targets. They smile brightly and continue shooting their targets happily, enjoying the game. After few tries, the twins finally win the game and get the prize that they want.


The twins shout happily. They jump happily before hugging each other. Kibum and Sandeul give each other a high five before claiming their prize.

“Good job babies!”

Kyuhyun gives his sons a high five, feeling proud of his kids’ little achievement in playing the shooting game. The twins happily hug their father.

“Thanks daddy. We love you”

Kibum told his father. Kyuhyun smiles and bend down to have the same level with his kids.

“Where’s my kiss?”

Kyuhyun asks. The twins smile brightly at him and start showering their father’s gorgeous face with sweet and soft kisses. Sungmin laugh softly while recording that precious moment in her video camera.

“My three baby boys are so adorable”

Sungmin whispers happily.

“Yah! How about mommy? Are you not going to kiss me too? Only daddy?”

Sungmin asks, acting like she’s jealous. The twins let go of their father and run towards their mother. They hug her.

“Of course we love you too mommy”

Kibum told Sungmin. They gently pull her down and start kissing her beautiful face, making her smile brightly.

“I love you too babies”

Sungmin giggles happily and gives her sons sweet pecks on their lips. Kyuhyun moves towards them.

“So, shall we eat ice cream now at the ice cream parlor here? Let’s have a break first before we continue our adventure here in the amusement park”

Kyuhyun told them. The twins nod their heads.

“Ok. We’re going to treat you and mommy”

Sandeul told Kyuhyun who shook his head.

“No need babies. I’ll pay for it”

“But we lose”

“It’s a tie”

The twins stare at their father with a confused look. Kyuhyun smiles at them.

“You win the second round of the shooting game”

Kyuhyun told them. The twins shook their heads.

“But you didn’t challenge us”

Kibum told his father.

“I did and you win it”


The twins shout in unison.

“Because you keep on trying until you win the prize. It’s a secret challenge from me. If you didn’t win then you really lose to me and to mommy. But since you win the secret challenge then it’s a tie and beside…”

Kyuhyun kneels on the ground to have the same level with his sons.

“I’m the one who supposed to pay because I am the father ok. I love you Key and Deullie”

Kyuhyun told his kids. He hugs them first before standing up.

“After eating ice cream, we’re going to enjoy the rides ok”

Kyuhyun told his sons. The twins nod their heads happily.


They shout happily and start running while holding each other’s hands.

“They are so adorable”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun as she watches the twins running happily. Kyuhyun kisses her cheek.

“That’s because you’re their mother”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife. Sungmin looks at Kyuhyun.



“Let’s have a ride at the cable car later ok”

Sungmin told her ex-husband while smiling at him.

“You kiss me first”

Kyuhyun teases his ex-wife. Sungmin gently pinches Kyuhyun’s nose.


Sungmin winks. She holds Kyuhyun’s hand.

“Let’s go. I want to eat our favorite banana split. You feed me ok. Just the way you used to do before”

“Arasso naughty lost baby bunny”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin before giving her a sweet peck on her lips. They hold each other’s hand and start running together to chase their kids who are already far from them.




The employees of the South Korea Airlines greet Ryeowook happily and bow their heads to her. Ryeowook smiles at them.


Ryeowook calls her fiancé’s secretary upon seeing her went out of Jongwoon’s office. Yoona looks at Ryeowook and smiles at her.

“Hi there Ma’am”

Yoona greets Ryeowook. She bows at her.

“What are you doing here? Let me help you with that”

Yoona told Ryeowook who is carrying a big basket on her right hand and a small box of cake on her left hand.

“You supposed to ask someone to help you”

Yoona told the fiancée of her boss as she helps Ryeowook to carry the big basket. They went inside Jongwoon’s office.

“Where is Jongwoon?”

Ryeowook asks as she carefully puts down the small box of cake that she’s holding on top of Jongwoon’s desk. Yoona puts down the big basket on Jongwoon’s chair.

“Captain is at the hangar. He’s helping the Engineers in fixing some aircrafts and checking the condition the three airplanes before its flight next week going to Germany, New York and Japan. Do you want me to go there and tell him that you’re here?”

Yoona asks. Ryeowook shook her head.

“It’s ok. I want to surprise him”

Ryeowook told Yoona.

“Ok. Do you still need anything?”

Yoona asks. Ryeowook shook her head.

“Just give me a call when you need something. I’ll go ahead now Ma’am”

Yoona told Ryeowook. She bows at Ryeowook before going out of Jongwoon’s office. Ryeowook stares at Jongwoon’s pilot uniform that was on top of his chair.

“He must be very busy”

Ryeowook told herself. She gets her fiancé’s uniform and went inside the bathroom. Ryeowook opens a door inside the bathroom and went inside the walk-in closet. She opens one cabinet and gets a hanger and neatly hangs Jongwoon’s uniform before going back inside her fiancé’s office. Ryeowook opens the box of cake and carefully gets the chocolate pistachio torte cake that she bakes for Jongwoon and puts it down on the desk. Ryeowook puts three candles on the cake and gets a blanket inside the big basket. She moves the center table at the corner before spreading the blanket on the carpeted floor. She gets the big basket and puts it down on the blanket.

“Now, it’s time to look for him”

Ryeowook whispers. She puts down her Louis Vuitton backpack on top of the sofa. She opens it and gets a small cloth inside. Ryeowook closes her bag and leaves the office. She went at the hangar. The employees bow at her and greet her happily. Ryeowook saw Engineer Hwang. She happily walks towards him and approaches him.

“Hi there beautiful”

Engineer Hwang smiles at Ryeowook who bows at him.

“Hi Engineer Hwang, have you seen Jongwoon?”

Ryeowook asks. Engineer Hwang nods his head and points his finger on an airplane.

“I think he’s still inside that plane, checking it very carefully”

Engineer Hwang told Ryeowook.

“Thank you”

Ryeowook bows at Engineer Hwang before walking towards the airplane that Engineer Hwang point with his finger.

“Can I go inside?”

Ryeowook asks one of the assistants of Jongwoon who is busy checking the machine of the airplane. He nods at Ryeowook.

“Captain is inside”

He told Ryeowook.


Ryeowook smiles at him and went inside the plane. Ryeowook starts walking inside, looking for Jongwoon. She found him at the first class section of the plane.

“Too bad I didn’t bring my mobile phone with me”

Ryeowook whispers softly while staring at Jongwoon who is sitting in one of the seats in the first class section while sleeping peacefully. He was really tired of working that he already falls asleep.

“Baby is really gorgeous and he really sleeps like an angel”

Ryeowook whispers as she watches her fiancé on his sleep. After fifteen minutes, Jongwoon finally woke up from his sleep. He slowly opens his eyes and was shock to see Ryeowook staring at him while smiling brightly.

“Baby, what are you doing here?”

Jongwoon asks with confused expression. Ryeowook walks towards Jongwoon and sits on his lap.

“Did you have a nice sleep?”

Ryeowook asks. Jongwoon puts his hands on the sides of Ryeowook’s waist and shook his head.

“I’m so tired. I want to go home now, but I still need to do a lot of things and I still have an important meeting. I’m not yet eating my lunch”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook, still feeling sleepy and tired.

“Do you have time? Can I disturb you?”

Ryeowook asks. Jongwoon nods as he softly yawns. He hugs Ryeowook before kissing her softly.

“Why are you here?”

Jongwoon asks.


Ryeowook told Jongwoon while smiling at him. She gets off of Jongwoon.

“I’m going to show you something, that’s why I’m here. Is it ok if you spend your time with me just for an hour or maybe thirty minutes?”

Ryeowook asks. Jongwoon nods his head. He stands up and starts stretching his body.

“One hour and thirty minutes. Is that ok with you?”

Jongwoon asks, making his fiancée smile. They hold each other’s hands and went out of the airplane. They went inside South Korea Airlines. Ryeowook stop when they finally reach Jongwoon’s office.

“Before we go inside, let me put this to you first”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon as she puts blindfold on him using the small cloth that she gets inside her bag.

“Why do I need to wear blindfold?”

Jongwoon asks.

“Because it’s a surprise”

Ryeowook answers while smile.

“Let’s go inside now”

Ryeowook holds Jongwoon’s hands as she went inside Jongwoon’s office with him, guiding his way. Ryeowook stop walking.

“Just stay here ok. I just need to get something baby. Don’t remove your blindfold unless I told you to do so”


“No cheating”

“Yes babe”

Ryeowook smiles and quickly walks towards the sofa. She opens her bag and gets a box of match inside. Ryeowook happily walks towards her fiancé’s desk and light the three candles. She carries the cake carefully as she walks towards Jongwoon who is still in blindfold. She stands in front of Jongwoon.

“You can now take off your blindfold baby”

Ryeowook told her fiancé. Jongwoon takes off his blindfold and was shock to see his fiancée holding a cake in front of him while singing happily.


Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da

Sarang ha neun my baby Jongwoon

Saeng il chuk ha ham ni da


Ryeowook happily sings happy birthday to Jongwoon.

“I thought you forget about it because you hate me”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook with teary eyes, feeling happy for his fiancée’s surprise to him. Ryeowook shook her head.

“How can I forget about this day? I know it’s special for you. I cooked breakfast for you because it’s your birthday, but too bad because you just ignore me. I really plan to give you surprise and that’s why I told you not to go to work today. Unfortunately, you need to go to work and that’s why I just decided to go here and celebrate your birthday with you”

Ryeowook explains.

“You blow the candles now. But before that, you need to make a wish first”


Jongwoon smiles and closes his eyes. He wishes for Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s happiness and his and Ryeowook’s happiness and thank God for another year of living. Jongwoon slowly opens his eyes and blows the candles.

“Happy 36th birthday baby. I love you”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon before kissing his lips softly.

“Thanks babe. I love you too”

Jongwoon gives Ryeowook a sweet peck on her lips.

“Come. Let’s eat our lunch now. I cooked delicious food for you”

“That was great. I’m already hungry…very hungry”

Jongwoon carries the cake that Ryeowook was holding. They sit on the blanket. Jongwoon puts down the cake on the blanket before getting the big basket on top of the center table. He and Ryeowook prepare the food and the utensils.

“Let’s eat now”

Ryeowook told her fiancé happily. They start eating their lunch peacefully.

“Was it delicious?”

Ryeowook asks. Jongwoon nods happily while chewing his food carefully.

“I call Kyu oppa and Minnie unnie awhile ago before I go here. I invite them for dinner at home, but they told me that they can’t come because they are in Busan and they will have three days vacation there at oppa’s rest house with the twins”

Ryeowook told her fiancé before eating. Jongwoon nods his head. He drinks his wine before speaking.

“Minnie told me awhile ago. She calls me and greets me”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook.

“It’s good that she and oppa are in good terms now and they are having fun with their kids. I’m really happy for them and of course for the twins. I’m sure that they are very happy because their mom and dad are finally together now and they are getting married soon as well together with us”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon happily.

“Did you already tell Minnie unnie that Bummie will arrive next week? I forgot to tell them awhile ago when I call them”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon before continuing eating her lunch. Jongwoon nods his head.

“I told Kyu about it, so don’t worry”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook. He puts down his plate on the blanket and wipes his lips with his table napkin. Jongwoon takes a sip on his wine before staring at Ryeowook.

“Are you still mad at me?”

Jongwoon asks. Ryeowook shook her head.

“Do you think I’ll cook for you and bake you a cake, go here and sing you a happy birthday song if I’m still mad at you?”

Ryeowook asks. Jongwoon shook his head happily.

“I’m sorry baby. I really want to stay home with you. It’s just that—“

Ryeowook presses a finger on Jongwoon’s lips to stop him from talking.


Ryeowook puts down her plate on the blanket.

“I understand. I’m the one who supposed to say sorry for not understanding you earlier and for throwing a fight with you. I thought you just don’t want to celebrate your birthday with me and that’s why you choose to work”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon.

“Of course I want to spend this special day with the girl I love and it’s you babe. Honestly, I totally forgot that today is already August 24 and it’s my birthday. I already don’t know the day and date because of being busy. If Minnie didn’t greet me earlier then I wouldn’t have an idea that it’s my birthday today”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook.

“Poor baby. Let me hug you”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon and gives him a sweet hug.

“Thanks for this simple celebration baby. I love it and I love you so much. This is the best birthday because it’s my first time celebrating my birthday with the girl I love and I’m really happy about it. This is really wonderful and thank you so much”

Jongwoon told his fiancée. He looks at Ryeowook and kisses her softly.

“Don’t tire yourself that much ok. I’m going to cook a delicious dinner for you later and give you a massage, so you won’t feel tired anymore”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon as she smiles brightly at him.

“I don’t feel tired when I’m with you because you’re my strength and that’s the truth”

Jongwoon told Ryeowook, making her blush a little. Ryeowook smiles at her fiancé and put an icing on Jongwoon’s nose.

“You’re being too mushy my gorgeous Captain Kim”

Ryeowook teases her fiancé.

“Just continue eating ok, so you’ll have a lot of energy later when you go back to work”

Ryeowook told Jongwoon. She gives Jongwoon a sweet peck on his lips before continuing eating her lunch.


Jongwoon calls his fiancée. Ryeowook raises her head and looks at him.


Ryeowook asks. Jongwoon smiles at her.

“I love you”

Jongwoon told his fiancée. He winks at her, making her blush. Jongwoon smiles and continues eating his lunch happily with the girl he loves.




Kyuhyun went inside the twins’ shared bedroom after taking a warm shower. The twins are happily playing cards while sitting on their bed.

“Can I disturb my babies?”

Kyuhyun asks. The twins stop playing cards and stare at their father.

“What is it daddy?”

Sandeul asks. Kyuhyun smiles at them. He sits on the bed, joining his kids. The twins quickly crawl towards Kyuhyun.

“I just want to tell something to both of you. I need your permission. You see. I already tell this to Jongwoon and Wookie awhile ago before I take a bath. Now, I need your permission”

Kyuhyun told his kids.

“Permission about?”

Kibum asks as he and Sandeul gives their father a curious glare.


Kyuhyun gets something in inside his pocket. He smiles at the twins and slowly opens the small box that he’s holding, showing the twins the very beautiful and expensive diamond ring.

“What’s the ring for?”

Kibum asks while staring at the beautiful ring.

“Can I propose to mommy now?”

Kyuhyun asks his sons. The twins stare at their father with wide eyes open.


The twins shout. Kyuhyun quickly closes the box and puts it back in his pocket. He holds the twins’ lips.

“Shhhh…don’t be too noisy. Mommy might hear it. It’s a surprise ok”

Kyuhyun told his kids who nod happily at him.

“So, what is your plan?”

Sandeul asks. Kyuhyun smiles at his kids who are waiting for him to speak.

“I’ll just bring her at the beach later and propose to her. I just want to make it simple, but very meaningful to her. What do you think?”

Kyuhyun asks his kids. The twins smile brightly at him. They nod their heads, agreeing to Kyuhyun.

“It’s up to you daddy. I’m sure that mommy will feel very happy about it and it will be very special and meaningful to her because it’s you”

Sandeul told his father.

“Are you going to bring us later with you and mommy when you propose to her at the beach?”

Kibum asks. Kyuhyun nods happily.

“Of course babies. Both of you need to be there, so it will be meaningful and happy for both of us”

Kyuhyun told his kids, feeling excited to propose to Sungmin.

“So, are you already allowing me to propose to mommy and marry her soon?”

Kyuhyun asks the twins.

“Yes daddy. But please don’t hurt mommy again because I don’t want to see her sad and crying again because of you”

Sandeul told Kyuhyun.

“You need to take care of her and love her more everyday”

Kibum told his father. Kyuhyun nods at them.

“Yes Key and Baby Deullie. I will never hurt mommy again just like what I did before. I will love her more each and every day of my life and I will cherish every moments with her. That’s a promise”

Kyuhyun told the twins. Kibum and Sandeul smile brightly, feeling very happy because their parents will finally marry each other soon and be together soon. It only means that their family will be complete soon and they are very happy about it. The twins stand up and hug their father.

“We’re happy for you and mommy. Finally, you’re going to be together again. Thank you daddy”

“We’re finally going to be complete again soon. Deullie and I will already have the chance to grow in a complete and happy family. Thank you daddy”

The twins’ thank their father and kisses his cheek. They stare at the door when someone knocks. Sungmin went inside while smiling. She joins them on the bed. The twins crawl towards her. They kiss her cheek and hug her tight.


The twins shout in unison.

“Is dinner ready?”

Kibum asks. Sungmin nods her head.

“I’m here to call all of you. I’m done preparing our dinner”

Sungmin told them happily.

“Baby Deullie and I will go down now. You and daddy must follow ok”

Kibum told his mother. He and Sandeul hug their parents before getting off of their bed and leaves their room happily.

“What’s up with them? Why are they so happy?”

Sungmin asks his ex-wife. Kyuhyun moves closer to her. He holds Sungmin’s hand and softly kisses it. He stands up, still holding Sungmin’s hand.

“I told them that we’re going at the beach later after dinner”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife.

“Beach? What for? The water is already cold at night. The twins can’t swim or they will catch cold”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. Kyuhyun shook his head.

“Who told you that we’re going to swim there?”

Kyuhyun asks. Sungmin stares at him curiously.

“Then what are we going to do there?”

Sungmin asks. Kyuhyun smiles at her.

“We’re just going to walk while enjoying the beach at night”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin, smiling at her.

“Come baby. I’m already hungry. Let’s go down now and eat our dinner because we still need to enjoy the rest of the night together and with our kids”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife. Sungmin smiles and nods her head. She stands up and intertwines her fingers on Kyuhyun’s as they leave the twins’ shared bedroom.


Joo-hyun opens the door when she heard someone ringing the doorbell. She didn’t bother looking at the intercom because she knows that it was Taeyeon. Her best friend will visit her in her condo and eat dinner with her. Joo-hyun’s smile suddenly vanished from her lips upon seeing her visitor—it’s not Taeyeon, but her ex-boyfriend.

“Jinwoon? What are you doing here? I didn’t remember inviting you here”

Joo-hyun told her ex-boyfriend. Her heart starts beating fast because of nervousness.

“Are you not going to let me in? Is this the way you treat the man you love?”

Jinwoon asks while smiling at his ex-girlfriend. Joo-hyun frowns and let him in. Joo-hyun closes the door. Jinwoon quickly grabs Joo-hyun and pushes her on the wall, pinning her there. He kisses Joo-hyun’s lips by force. Joo-hyun slaps him hard.

“What the ing hell are you doing? You leave me alone! I told you that I don—“

Jinwoon kisses Joo-hyun’s lips again to stop her from talking. He holds Joo-hyun’s chin tightly, making her squirm because of pain.

“Let me go!”

Joo-hyun told her ex-boyfriend.

“Listen to me Joo-hyun!!!”

Jinwoon stares at Joo-hyun seriously.

“You can never escape from me. I’ve heard that you and your fiancé are already over. He already calls off the wedding, so it only means that you’re min now, isn’t?”

Jinwoon told Joo-hyun, smiling at her. Joo-hyun pushes him away from her and slaps him again.

“No! Kyu loves me and I’m sure that he will come back to me soon and if that happens, I’ll make sure that our wedding will finally happen!”

Joo-hyun told Jinwoon, making him laugh.

“You’re such a pathetic !”

Jinwoon told Joo-hyun, feeling jealous.

“What is he finds out that you only want to marry him because of his money? Seriously Joo-hyun, I’m also rich. I can always pay your debts and your parents’ debts. Why not marry me?”

Jinwoon asks. Joo-hyun smirks.

“Your wealth is nothing compare to Kyu’s wealth and beside…”

Joo-hyun shook her head.

“I don’t love you anymore and you know that”

Joo-hyun told Jinwoon while smiling at him. Jinwoon nods.

“Do you think I’m going easy on you?”

Jinwoon asks.

“I wonder what will happen if that doctor finds out that you’re a cheater. You cheated on him because we have a secret affair behind his back. What if I told him that his fiancée is ing other man?”

Jinwoon asks Joo-hyun, making her feel nervous.

“You wouldn’t do that because you love me, right?”

Joo-hyun told her ex-boyfriend. Jinwoon nods his head.

“Of course baby. But you can never escape from me because you don’t know what will happen if you betray me. We’re not yet over Seo Joo-hyun. You’re mine and will be mine forever”

Jinwoon told Joo-hyun. He kisses her lips before leaving Joo-hyun’s condominium.

“What am I supposed to do now? Damn it!”

Joo-hyun whispers as she clenches his fist because of anger.




Kyuhyun and Sungmin are sitting on the blanket that they spread on the sand. Their kids are with them.

They are lying on the blanket while resting their heads on their parents’ lap. They are happily staring at the sky while watching the stars.

“Mommy, what makes you fall in love with daddy?”

Kibum asks curiously as he stares at his mother. Sungmin smiles and starts Kibum’s hair gently.

“Your daddy is such a playboy”

Sungmin told her son.

“Then why did you love him and choose him as your boyfriend if he’s a playboy?”

Kibum asks. Sandeul looks at Sungmin. He also wants to know the answer as to why his mother falls in love with his father knowing that Kyuhyun is a playboy. Sungmin smiles at her kids. She holds Kyuhyun’s hand and smiles at him before focusing her eyes back on her kids.

“Daddy never courts me and you already know that right?”

The twins nod their heads.

“We never become an official couple. I choose to love him even though I am aware that he’s already taken and he chooses to love me even though he already has a fiancée. We both take the risk”

Sungmin told her kids.

“Why did you make love to him out of wedlock and knowing that he has a fiancée?”

Kibum asks.

“That’s because I love him and I am sure of that. Call me stupid, but I just want to give my whole self to him because I know that he will do everything for us to be together. I never regret my decision, especially when I find out that I’m carrying his child. See? I didn’t went wrong with my decision because he really did everything for us to be together and for us to be a family”

Sungmin told the twins.

“He faces mom and dad with all his heart and tells them everything. Dad gets mad at him and told him that he wouldn’t attend the wedding. But daddy never gives up. He talks to your grandpa and prove him that he really loves me”

Sungmin told the twins proudly.

“But grandpa is mad at daddy”

Sandeul told his mother sadly before staring at his father.

“Are you going to fight for us?”

Sandeul asks. Kyuhyun nods his head and starts brushing his fingers gently on his son’s beautiful face.

“Of course honey. I will fight for you and Key and of course for mommy, just like what I did before. I will fight for us to be together again. I know that your grandpa hates me. That’s normal for a dad who loves his daughter so much. Mommy is your grandpa’s princess and of course he doesn’t want to see mommy cry and sad. I made mommy cry and hurt her and that’s why grandpa is mad at daddy. But I will do everything to prove my love for mommy once again, so you don’t need to worry about it. Daddy can do it because you and Key are here with me and of course mommy”

Kyuhyun told the younger Cho, making him smile. Sandeul nods his head.

“I trust you daddy. I know that you and mommy love each other so much”

Sandeul told Kyuhyun happily.


“Yes Key?”

Sungmin asks her son. Kibum points his finger on the stars.

“Did daddy ever propose to you?”

Kibum asks. Sungmin shook her head as she stares at the sky, watching the stars.

“What will you do if he propose to you and give you that star?”

Kibum asks.

“What star?”

Sungmin asks as she stares at the stars. Kyuhyun quickly gets the engagement ring that he bought for his ex-wife and raises it up on the air.


The twins shout as they point their fingers on the beautiful and really expensive engagement ring that Kyuhyun was holding up on the air. Sungmin looks on it.

“Are you going to accept it?”

Sandeul asks.

“It’s the most precious star in the whole universe mommy and daddy is the only man who can give it to you. Will you marry him?”

Kibum told his mother. Sungmin frowns at her husband.

“Yah! How can you let our kids propose to me and not you?”

Sungmin asks. Kyuhyun laughs softly.

“They just help me with the introduction ok”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife, flashing a shy smile. He scratches his head, feeling shy in front of his ex-wife.


Kyuhyun blushes a little.

“I know that I never court you before and I never propose to you before. But I’m doing it right now. You know that you’re the only girl that I love and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want us to grow old together. I want us to love each other more each day. I want us to watch our kids as they grow and finally found their other halves and have their own family. I want us to take care of each other and I want us to take care of our future grandchildren and be with each other all the time”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin whose tears are already forming in her eyes. She never knows that seeing the man you love most proposing marriage in front of you is such a wonderful experience since Kyuhyun didn’t propose to her before. They just marry each other without even courtship and wedding proposal.

“I made a stupid mistake twelve years ago and I really regret everything that I did, especially for hurting you and breaking our happy family. Minnie, I won’t promise anything this time. But one thing is for sure, I’m going to love you with all my heart until the day that I die. I don’t want to wake up again in the morning feeling so empty. I don’t want to sleep anymore at night, feeling so incomplete. I don’t want to spend my everyday life again without you. I long for you for twelve years and I promise myself that if ever we meet again, I will never let you go again and I will make it right this time”

Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s hand and stares at her full of love.

“Lee Sungmin, will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me? Will you be my wife again?”

Kyuhyun asks, proposing marriage to her. Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes.

“Why are you crying? You don’t want? Am I rejected?”

Kyuhyun asks worriedly. The twins also feel worried about it.


Sungmin gently pinches her ex-husband’s cheek.

“Of course I still want to be your wife. Do you think I’m going here in Seoul with you if I don’t want to marry you and become your wife again?”

Sungmin told her ex-husband.

“So, it means yes?”

Kyuhyun asks. He and the twins stare at Sungmin, waiting for her answer. Sungmin nods her head.

“Yes. I want to marry you Kyu”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. The twins giggle happily and hug each other, feeling very happy upon hearing their mother’s answer.


The twins shout happily. Kyuhyun wipes his ex-wife’s tears away.

“Don’t cry baby. You supposed to be happy ok”

“I am happy. Its tears of joy you stupid doctor!”

Sungmin told Kyuhyun, teasing him. She wipes her tears away. Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s left hand and happily puts the engagement ring on Sungmin’s left finger.

“I love you baby”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin while staring at her eyes full of love. He feels so happy that he and Sungmin are already officially engaged and it only means that the double wedding will really happen. Sungmin smiles at Kyuhyun and stares at him full of love.

“I love you too Kyu”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. They were about to kiss each other when the twins shout.


Kibum and Sandeul shout in unison. Kyuhyun frowns at his kids.

“Aish! This two are always disturbing us”

Kyuhyun whispers. Sungmin laughs and leans her face closer to him.

“You can have me later ok”

Sungmin whispers softly before giving Kyuhyun a sweet peck on his lips, making him smile.

“I won’t say no”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin as he winks at him.

“Yah Lee Sungmin and Cho Kyuhyun! I’m warning both of you. No baby sibling for me and Baby Deullie, arasso?”

Kibum told his parents.

“Aish! This little ahjusshi is really weird”

Kyuhyun told Kibum as he happily ruffles Kibum’s hair. They stay at the beach for a couple of hour while watching the stars at night. The twins are enjoying listening to their parents as they tell more about their love story to them. Kyuhyun and Sungmin stop talking when they notice that their kids already fall asleep.

“Our babies are already sleeping”

Sungmin told her ex-husband.

“Such naughty kids. We should go home now”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife.

“But how are we supposed to carry them?”

Sungmin asks.

“I’ll carry them”

“Can you?”

Sungmin asks. Kyuhyun nods and smiles at her.

“Yes baby. Trust me. I’m still strong even though I’m already thirty six years old”

Kyuhyun told his wife, smiling proudly.

“Whatever Doctor Cho”

Sungmin smiles at her ex-husband. Kyuhyun wakes the twins.

“You stand up first babies”

Kyuhyun told the twins who lazily stand up. Kyuhyun stand up and stretches his body. He slowly sits on his heels.

“Hold on to daddy tightly ok”

The twins nod lazily, feeling sleepy. Kyuhyun wraps his arms around the twins and carries them. Kibum on the right and Sandeul on the left. The twins rest their heads on their father’s shoulders as they continue to sleep.

“Are you ok? I can carry Deullie”

Sungmin told her ex-husband. Kyuhyun shook his head.

“I’m fine. They are heavy, but I can manage. Deullie is heavy for you. I don’t want you to have a hard time”

Kyuhyun told his ex-wife. Sungmin quickly stand up and fold the blanket.

“Just walk beside me. I can’t hold your hands because I’m carrying our babies”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin who nods her head.

“Let’s go now, so our babies can sleep properly now and we still have a business to finish, right?”

Sungmin told her ex-husband, winking seductively at him. Kyuhyun laughs softly.

“Naughty bunny”

Kyuhyun told Sungmin.

“I love you”

Kyuhyun whispers to Sungmin’s ear, making her smile.

“I love you too”

Sungmin gives her ex-husband a sweet peck on his lips. She smiles at their kids and kisses their forehead. Kyuhyun and Sungmin start walking together, feeling very happy that they are finally together and their family is soon to be complete again. But little do they know that there are still problems to come that will test their love for each other again.

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lindatan #1
Chapter 28: Finally getting married !!! Welcoming the third baby soon , hopefully a bb girl lol . Sad tat YeWook gg to live far apart from them , pls do remain best friends forever . A dream come true for Jongwoon & Wookie , stay loving always . Thank you authornim for updating this story “muacks”
lindatan #2
Chapter 27: Is the story gg to be continue authornim ?
Chapter 27: I miss this story my last read of this story was 2015 thank you so much authornim miss you and your stories
lindatan #4
Chapter 27: Pls update soon authornim thank u
lindatan #5
Chapter 27: Pls update soon authornim thank u
Finally happy ending your stories are the best i cant stop rereading them hope you continue your other stories Good Job and thank you ?
Chapter 27: Finally a happy ending ..... thank you for updating Kristine :*
Lichoiyin #8
Chapter 27: Thank you for the update. Hope you are well.
Chapter 27: I really want to cry right now cuz how beautiful things ended up! I'm so happy for everyone!